《World Jumper》Training 2 Part 3


Jet got face-planted into the floor as he got caught robbing Rick's room. "Jet looks like you'll be spending an hour in the cells again."

"Do you got to be so rough every time?" Jet complained as they cuffed him yet again.

"Master Rick said to be as rough as is needed." The guard said, dragging him out of the castle and throwing him in front of Rick.

"I see you got caught again. Thank you, guys. I'll take it from here." Rick thanked the guards and sent them back to their duties.

"This isn't really that fair. They know I'm trying to get that item out of your room." Jet complained as Rick took off the cuffs.

"It's not so much the item that I care about you stealing, although I still expect you to. It would help if you learned how to blend in with them. Make it look like you belong. Just because they know you are trying does not mean you can't fool them." Rick tried to explain.

"Why are you trying to teach me to be a thief?" Jet asked quizzically.

"Not this again. It's not about the theft. Look, sometimes being able not to be seen is important, and sometimes it is important to be seen. You're sneaking around and get caught, and you get killed or imprisoned. However, if you can fool them into thinking you belong, you need not worry about getting caught sneaking. Although you can get caught anyways, sometimes it's easier just to walk in, trust me. You just need to find some resources to help." Rick explained.

"Alright, I'll figure something out. So what's next?" Jet asked, not wanting a longer lecture.

Rick pulled a sword out of nowhere and tossed it to Jet. "You need to practice enhancing your weapon before the tournament. Tired of you breaking all the weapons you use."

"Oh, yeah, I did break the first weapons you bought me." Jet scratched his head, remembering the sword and bow. It was a shame he had liked those weapons. No weapon he had used since has felt right, not even the bows.

"Yes, the weapons I bought you." Rick scratched his cheek.

"Before we start, do I get my hour off every day?" Jet had meant it. He needed some time for himself.

"Yes, you can have a couple of hours a day. I can't just let you have no social life. Also, you will get one day off a week, so your body doesn't can get some rest, and again you need a social life." Rick repeated.

Jet just sighed. "I don't see Ileana that way or any of the girls here." Rick had been trying to get Jet to talk with the princess.

"Ileana is a great girl once you get through the pranks. Ok, I can see why you don't like her, considering how often she pranks you. She might actually like you how often she picks on you." Rick gave a grin and a wink.

"Rick, it will never work. My heart belongs to another, and she will always have it." Jet owed everything to Amanda and wouldn't cheat on her even if they're not officially a couple. To him, there was no one else.


Rick looked off to his side, but it was apparent he wasn't there at that moment. "I know what you mean. Anyways, dodge." Rick said and swung a sword at Jet.

Before Jet did anything, he noticed the sword was blunt. So he didn't need to worry about hurting Rick. Without another thought, he flicked his wrist, parrying the other sword. He stepped forward and sliced at Rick's side. As usual, Rick was steps ahead of him. With ease, Rick spun on his heel and cut at Jet instead. To his surprise, he sliced through the air. Rick had actually lost sight of Jet. Then Rick felt the tip of a blade poke him on his back.

"Hah, been waiting for you to use that move again. I only waited three days. I've noticed you do that little trick once a week." Jet smirked at Rick.

Rick let out a wide grin. "So you finally noticed the one pattern I've been using. It only took you several months."

Jet just clicked his tongue. "I figured, that's why I waited. So I could get a hit on you."

"How did you just disappear like that?"

"Oh that, I just spun with you and stayed directly behind you. That was not very easy, by the way. I spent time practicing to get it just right." Jet figured he had wasted his time, but it had paid off.

"You were just supposed to catch on that I was using a pattern." Rick shook his head.

"A certain person told me once. When a person has a style to fighting, use it against them." Jet was confident that was nowhere close to what Rick had said.

"I'll let you have this win then. You got a lot of losses under your belt. Now let's get to work." Rick said as he readied to fight more.

After Jet got done getting his ass kicked, he ate with the royal family then went out for his two hours of fun. Ok, it was not fun. He still had the hour in the cells before going to bed. So he just walked up and down the streets thinking of ways to get into Rick's room. He was deep in thought until someone punched him on the arm.

"Hey, Jet." The voice yelled in his ear. When Jet turned, he saw that it was Relo that punched him.

"Relo, what are you doing?" Jet rubbed at his arm. The girl could punch. Then a thought struck him, and he smiled. "Relo, I owe you a favor. How do you feel about helping me break into Rick's room."

Relo just stared at Jet like he was crazy. "I don't think you know what a favor is."

Jet helped Relo with her shopping and explained what Rick wanted him to do. Basically, Rick told Jet to break into his room and still a specific item. Jet would know what it was when he saw it. The problem was the guards. They knew he was trying to rob the room. Also, the fact he has no real business going into Rick's room.

So now Jet was sitting on his bed looking at Relo. Who looked like she had just eaten something rotten. "You want my help to rob Master Rick?"


"Yes." Jet thought she summed it up nicely.

"As a favor you owe me?" Relo questioned.


Relo just sat opening and closing her mouth. She did not understand Jet at all. "How is this a favor for me?"

"Simple, you look bored. So I'm adding some excitement to your life." Jet grinned at her.

"So you want me to go in Rick's room and find this item?" Relo just stared at Jet.

"What, no. Please, Rick would suspect that. Also, I'm sure this item I'm supposed to grab won't be that noticeable. He tends only to go all out, so I bet he has more than one item."

"Or Master Rick just wants to trick you into thinking that." Relo interrupted Jet's rant about Rick.

"See, that's the point. He wouldn't make it that easy. The guy plays mind games. Rick probably knows that I'm discussing this with you." Jet laid back on the bed, groaning.

"Now, this sounds like fun."

Jet sat up immediately and looked towards the door. Ileana was standing there with a massive grin on her face. "How long you been there?"

Relo answered for Ileana. "She has been there for a few minutes now."

"And I want in on this scene. I've been dying to pull a prank on uncle Rick." Ileana had an even wider grin on her face now.

"I'm not doing this to prank Rick." Jet said in a deadpan voice.

Ileana sat next to Jet on the bed and patted his shoulder. "Don't worry. We can get your item or whatever. But I can't get into Uncle Rick's room. So we can break in together." Jet started to say something when Ileana said. "I won't prank you for a week."

"Done, no take-backs." Jet then looked over to Relo, and so did Ileana.

"You two don't need my help." Relo just sat there watching as both of their eyebrows went up. "Do I have a choice?"

"Of course." Jet said.

"Nope," Ileana said at the same time.

Relo's shoulders slumped as she gave in. "Ok, so do we have a plan?"

"That is a work in progress. We will need to plan." Jet frowned as he thought no matter what he did, it wouldn't be enough.

"How do we plan for breaking into that room? We also can't plan here. All the guards will be in on this." Ileana kicked her feet as she pointed that out.

"We could find a place to meet. But Master Rick would find out with time. He probably already knows we're talking." Relo put even more doubts in the soon-to-be plans.

"Well, we will figure something out." Ileana smiled and stretched.

"Alright, I'll be off then." Relo let herself out.

Jet looked over to Ileana, who smiled as she watched Relo go. "Why are you so happy?"

Ileana turned, jumped off the bed, and looked at Jet. "Relo is so happy since you showed up. I don't care how this plan goes, as long as it's fun." She started towards the door then looked back before leaving. "By the way, Uncle Rick said not to forget about your hour of cell time."

Jet sat chained to a wall, that's right, chained to a wall. Rick decided a bed for an hour would be too comfortable. Now he just had to worry Rick would choose to train him in torture. Just he would be the one being tortured. After that thought, Jet crossed his legs and concentrated on what to do next. He needed a way to get into that room.

After sitting in the cell for almost an hour, a thought struck Jet. 'How can I not use any magic in here?' Looking around the cell, he couldn't see why. Relaxing his body, he reached for his magic. It was there but didn't leave his body, and he even tried to cast a spell. Testing a few more things, he found that body enhancement worked. Too bad he still couldn't break the cuffs or chains.

The guard came to the cell and looked at Jet. "Alright, your hour is up."

"Come back later, Eldin."

Eldin, the guard, just starred at Jet quizzically. "You want me to come back later?"

Jet finally looked up and gave a half-grin. "Yes."

Eldin just shook his head and walked off, saying. "See you in the morning."

As for Jet, he just ignored Eldin. Later in the night, he may regret his decision. But for now, He just sat there looking around the room. After a few minutes, he got to his feet and started looking over the cuffs. It was utterly pointless this time of day. There wasn't enough light to see anything. "If only I could cast fire for some light." He complained aloud.

Sitting back down, another thought crossed his mind. 'What if I use magic in my eyes. Maybe I can make them see in the dark better.' Concentrating on his flow of magic, he slowly moved it towards his eyes. This was a painstakingly long process. The magic moved so slow. Not knowing how long he sat there working on this, he finally sighed. 'Maybe I'm going about this wrong. Let's try enhancing my eyes like I do my body.'

Jet didn't know why this was so difficult, but it didn't stop him. After spending what felt like several hours again, he wasn't sure. He had done it. His eyes had magic coursing through them. Having had his eyes closed this whole time, he opened them after getting acquainted with running magic throughout them. What happened when he had opened them wasn't quite what he had expected. Some weird mist was swirling around the air. It took him a few minutes, but he had finally come to a realization. "I can see the magic in the air."

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