《World Jumper》Chapter 6


Jet wandered in and out for days. The pain was his world once again. He had come to earlier, and someone told him. "You have been poisoned. It is feeding off your magic." an older man told him. He had a kind voice that said everything would be alright. His eyes were brown and looked like they had seen too much. His hair is silver and cut short.

Jet awoke abruptly, sitting up so fast it made him dizzy. As soon as it passed, he looked around. He was in a bed with bandages around his shoulder. Lifting his arm, he was glad it still worked. Feeling around the area, he had been shot. There wasn't much pain.

He looked around the room, wood floors and walls of stone. It had a balcony too. A breeze was coming from it. The bed he is on stretched out as big as his room from back home. The mattress is so soft, and the quilts and blanket were quite smooth.

"Where are my clothes?" Jet said. He was darting his head back and forth.

The door flew open. "Young Master, you're awake. That is good. I will let the healer know. However, it may be best to clean you up first." The young-looking servant said. Her hair was blonde and went halfway down her body. Her grey eyes were sparkling, with a smile on her face.

She walked over to a table, put some water in a large bowl. She then went to a cabinet and grabbed a bar of soap and a sponge.

"What are you doing?" Jet asked, freaking out now.

"I am going to wash you," she said.

The servant grabbed the bowl and walked over to Jet. She set it down on the table near the bed. Then she reached down and grabbed the blanket. Jet quickly put his hand down to stop her.

Jet was freaking out even more now. The girl was not giving up. She just kept trying to remove the blanket. He had to admit she is pretty. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad to be washed by her. No, he thought he had a girlfriend, and Amanda would kill him.

"That is ok. I am feeling fine. I can wash myself. Just give me five minutes alone." Jet said frantically.

"It's quite alright young master. I don't mind washing you. The healer said you need to take it easy." She said, smiling at him.

She grabbed his hand, twisted a finger. Pain shot through his arm. 'Take it easy. She almost just broke one of my fingers. What is wrong with this girl.' She reached down again. He was about to grab her hand again. She just looked at him and raised an eyebrow. The look on her face sent chills down his spine. Jet gave up and backed off. This was not a fight he would win. So he just closed his eyes and waited.


The girl broke out laughing. "You should see your face right now." She said in between breaths.

Jet just watched as she laughed. She was laughing so hard her face was bright red. Her hands were on her stomach. She was laughing so hard she couldn't breathe. After a few minutes, she finally calmed down enough to breathe.

"Glad you are getting so much amusement from me." Jet said. He had his hands crossed now, glaring at her.

"I'm sorry. All done now." She walked over to a dresser and opened the drawer. "Here are some clothes for you. I will go tell the healer you are awake." She said.

The servant composed herself. Put a neutral look on her face. She then straightened her back. "Young master, is there anything I can do before I go?"

"No, that's ok." Jet said.

She was just standing there. There was no way he was going to get dressed in front of her. They just stared at each other. What was she waiting for? Then Jet had a thought.

"Your dismissed?" Jet asked more than said.

She did a curtsy then headed towards the door. It felt like she was taking her time now. She opened the door slowly. She turned around and bowed her head. She walked out, grabbed the door to close it.

"I have seen under your covers. Trust me. You got nothing to be ashamed about." She winked at him with a grin on her face, then closed the door.

His heart was beating a mile a minute at the moment, and he could feel the blush on his face. He had to admit that girl looked beautiful, Then slapped himself.

"I got a girlfriend. What am I thinking, and here I am talking to myself." He said.

Jet washed up and started to dress. Will he ever go home? He stopped and leaned on a wall. It had finally hit him. What if he never saw Amanda again. That strange girl that got him through so much. Even when he thought he was dying, she stayed by him, and now he may never see her again.

Jet felt weak now. There is a mirror over the desk. The last time he looked in one was the hospital. He wondered what he looked like now. Lifting his hands and looking at them. They had calluses now. His arms had muscles, and he wasn't skinny anymore. Looking towards the mirror, he walked over to it.

"What the." That is all Jet could say after looking in the mirror.

He reached up, grabbing his hair. It used to be brown. Now it looked darker red and orange. His eyes were sky blue now and not brown. They had a slight glow to them too. What had happen to him? He didn't even look like his old self. Well, his face is the same. However, while he looked in the mirror, he reached for his magic. He made a fireball in one hand and used wind in the other. It was easier to do magic now for some reason. He looked at his eyes again. The glow in them is brighter now.


"I could make this work. Just need a haircut and a comb." Said Jet feeling a bit better.


Rick is sitting in an armchair in a lounge area of the castle. They made it to Hope finally. 'That kid is taking years off my life.' He may have only known Jetsford a short time, but he was like a son to him, and he was close to dying. 'The boy is so aggravating.' Why had Jet risked so much? Then again, he did save the daughter of house Thiry.

Rick thought back to what he saw that day. He was fighting off five people at once. Then he got a look at Jet fighting. He knew Jet was going to die when he saw the two men fighting him. Then He watched as Jet changed. The boy didn't even know what he did. Rick watched as Jet's magic wall broke. His hair and eyes changed, his body moved with such speed and grace.

He watched as Jet killed the two men, then pulled his bow and blew a man's head off. The stupid kid was burning through his magic at an excessive rate. Rick had to hurry up with these five. The problem was three of them used water magic. Then dodging earth spikes also wasn't helping. He finally got his hand on an earth mage, shoving a fireball down his throat. Now just four more. That's when Rick saw the arrow hit Jet.

"No," Rick yelled. Rage filled him now. He could feel his blood boil. He was turning back to the four, letting anger take him.

Rick dodged three water blades while slicing off one of their heads. He had a spell ready now. He poured enough of his magic into the flames to cook them alive. He turned to the archer. He had an arrow ready to fire at Jet. Who was staggering to the girl?

Rick didn't have time to think. He threw his sword at the man. The blade slammed into his bow knocking it out of his hands. Then Rick got to him and hit him across the face.

"You will all pay for what you have done," Rick growled out. He leaned down, grabbed the man by the hair, and pulled him up to eye level. He pulled him close and whispered. "Enjoy your flight. The landing will be rough." Rick put his palm to the man's stomach and used a fireball that shot the man through the air.

Rick turned, and Jet was gone. He ran over and looked for him. There was crying coming from a large tree. He ran over to the tree to find Jet and the girl. What he saw horrified him. There was so much blood, and the girl was crying, holding his shirt over the wounds.

"The bleeding won't stop." The girl said between sobs.

Rick leaned down, taking the bloody shirt from the girl he recognized as Rasen of house Thiry.

"Rasen, could you turn around?" Rasen, not sure if she could trust him, just kept watching.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to help him, but it will be nasty to watch," Rick said, patting Rasen on the shoulder.

As soon as she turned, he took off the shirt. It looked like the arrow had been poisoned. Rick pulled the arrow shaft out of his arm, then used his fire magic to cauterize the wound. The kid looked pale with almost no pulse left. He heard someone coming, so he prepared. Coal ran around the tree. His eyes went wide when he saw Rasen.

"Rasen is fine. It's not her blood. Is the situation here under control?" Rick asked.

"Yes, just finishing off the stragglers. Rick, I'm sorry, but we can't help Jet. We don't have a healer." Coal said.

"I know. I have to go to the castle. You will have to handle things here." Rick said, picking up Jet and taking off.

Rick leaned back in the armchair. He had magic backlash right now, The price he paid for saving Jet. Unlike Jet, he couldn't naturally use body strengthening magic without the backlash. He wished he could break the magic wall like Jet or his brother, for that matter.

He stood up, listening to his bones popping. Rick always liked this room. The fireplace is a work of art. It had a sculpture on both sides of it, a creature that used to protect this land. The designs were the same on the table.

Giggling sounded from the hallway. So Rick decided to see what was going on. As he walked over to the door, he saw a servant pass by. No, that was not a servant.

"Ileana, get in here," Rick said, knowing this wasn't going to be good.

Rick heard her stop in the hallway. He just knew the look on her face. He had caught her doing something. That girl never changes.

"Uncle Rick. How are you doing?" Ileana asked.

"Why are you in servant's clothing?" He asked.

"Oh, this. I just spilled some water on my dress, and this was the closest thing around." Ileana explained.

Rick just stood there and looked at Ileana. This girl could not lie to save her life. Her neck was turning red, she wasn't making eye contact, and she was fiddling with her hand and tapping her foot.

"Jetsford is up. You should go check on him." She said, turning around to walk out the door.

Rick grabbed her shoulder then turned her around. "You will start from the beginning and tell me everything."

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