《Re:BoredBlood》Chapter 1: 'Out of the womb and into the fire'


hi this is the first chapter and it's kind of short but that's how most of them will be and others might be a bit longer. Hope you enjoy!


------Would you like a new start?-------

Every day is the same for me. Wake up, go to class, listen to the professor’s lecture, take some notes and repeat. I don’t really have any friends at school. The only friends I have are over the internet. So I’m a shut-in that has to go to college. I want to start a new life. To choose to change my destiny. But it has yet to happen and I have to keep reminding myself to hope but not hope at the same time, know what I mean? Sort of like, ‘Beggars can be choosers, they can choose to beg,’ Well I’m not sure if that fits or not anyways.

I’ve always read books, light novels, manga and my favorite by far are the reincarnation ones.

Just because it’s a new start in a new world. Who wouldn’t love that? Usually the books start out with the protagonist with his memories intact and waking up as a baby. Rather than have my memory sealed because that would suck. It’s the difference between 21st century and 2nd century medicine. Which would you rather have? Dying from tetanus? No thanks for sealed memories.

Well, today when I got back to my apartment I started writing a novel about something like this. Opening my laptop I went to typing whatever came to my mind. Until the keyboard stopped working. No matter what I pressed the letters on the screen wouldn’t appear.

However some did start appearing on their own which automatically made me wipe my eyes and slap my cheeks to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating.

[It seems you want to be reborn, do you not?]


Well yes of course I do, that would be awesome! Why do you think I’m writing a story about something like this in the first place? As if the computer knew what I was thinking it continued.

[Very well then, what do you wish to be reborn as? Here are your options, choose wisely]









-Random (neither of the above, good luck if that’s what you want hehehe)

This is interesting. Human definitely no, since I already am and it’s quite boring. Also human’s usually end up being weak and as far as politics and laws that restrict all the fun in life it’s going to be a big NO.

Demon might be a good choice, but I have no idea if they could be a hated race and a minority that gets hunted down. Kind of like the Salem Witch Trials of some sort.

Elf would be beneficial since they have long lives and in my opinion always the coolest infrastructure being tree houses.

Merman sounds ridiculous, plus I have always feared the ocean due to traumatic events. My parents died in a cruise liner accident while I was with my grandparents at the time.

Anyways centaur would be annoying because they are known to be big on ‘honor’ which is also ridiculous. Don’t get me wrong, I won’t discard honor or chivalry, rather I would not want to die for it for useless reasons (example: if a woman is getting violated in front of my eyes I would definitely stop the assholes no doubt about it. Ex-nay on the rape). But if I want to kill someone who wants to harm me, I’m not going to initiate a duel! I’m going to kill him, not dance with guy under rules with shiny dulled swords.


Faerie just sounds like a weak race so that’s a no-go. Most likely I will be in a small body too. That’s also why I’m not picking dwarf. Well the other reason is because most of the time you can’t tell the male dwarfs from the females…

Random sounds exciting, dangerous and mysterious. And I always love leaving things up to chance.

Random’s my choice.

[Interesting, then ‘random’ it will be. Enjoy – yours truly, Destiny]

Then the room fills with blinding light and I’m sucked into the screen and I leave Earth behind.


Ugh, it takes a while to adjust to the change of light and look at my scenery. And there isn’t much to look at in the first place. Right, I forgot that I’m either in an egg or someone’s womb.

*Poke* Yep it’s definitely a womb…

Ugh, the person didn’t like it apparently because she slapped her stomach. Why would you do that?! Unless said person has a strong body. In that case will I be strong too? Well I don’t get the chance because I’m getting pulled out of my new comfortable squishy home.

Argh! They’re pulling me like when you have a really long sock and you’re trying to get your foot out. It’s the only thing I can think of to relate in this situation, because it’s all happening too fast.

Suddenly I hear a lot of moaning and the awaited words from every LN,

“Puuushh!!! You can do it your majesty!” (???)

Hm, that lady’s tone sounds like she wants to get this over with…rather ‘your majesty’??? Yes! Hella awesome, I’m going to be a prince! *cough* erm, this I know because I already checked my gender...

“Ah! It’s a boy congratulations!” (???)

Why does she sound more like she’s relieved and scared at the moment rather than happy? Am I supposed to be a girl instead? Sorry but I like to keep my body parts the same. What's frightening her?

“Good, Lisa you can go back to the dining room and get set up for your daily contribution. My wife and I will take care of the rest. Leave now.” (Dad?)

“Y-yes your majesty” (Scared Lisa)

That sounds ominous. Well let’s see first before I jump to conclusions. Damn, it’s bright but that’s not the problem. No the problem is what I see when I open my eyes. Scary. Understatement.

My father has red hair and red eyes with tattoos and grinning like he found a new toy to add to his collection. And the worst part is he has fangs!

{author note: here is a photo. Just imagine he is grinning lol http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/8/80479/3237184-vampire.jpg

Apparently the ‘daily contribution’ is being a personal blood bank! Ugh, can I crawl back into the womb? Unfortunately the iron grip on my body won’t let me though.

“You are going to scare him if you look at him like that dear. Remember even though child blood tastes the best, he is still our son geez.” (Mother the savior)

“kekeke of course honey, I just wanted to see what face he would make. Our prince can’t soil himself after giving him the signature vampire grin!” (Crazy Father)


Mom can pack a serious punch. He almost dropped me and my new life might have come to a satisfying end. Either grab me from him or stuff me back in there mother! Also I almost did soil myself…

Thankfully mother grabs me from the clutches of the villain, inducing the famous nap-time much needed.


Hey if you have any idea's to make this better then comment please hehe

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