《A D&D Gamer in Garweeze Wurld》Chapter Nine: Mines of Chaos - Gnolls Part 1
Tarn’tera 26
Four days. Four very long, slow, days. I know, it’s much better than two months to heal, but it’s still boring. I’m quite eager to see what’s in the next cave.
Some good came of this. I took the time to finally read the posting board. Forgot about it for three weeks or so. Anyway, several of the postings were from individuals looking to form a party. I was thinking about that MVP bonus and I know this is trying to game the system, but I wanted to find some sidekick that I could easily overshadow and get that bonus again.
Well, two days ago, I found one. His name is a bit of a mouthful; Kenneth Lionel Ulfric Tudor-Zanderbilt the III, Champion of the Seven Hills, Defender of South Acton, His Blazing Radiance, Master of the Unceasing Storm. He claimed to be looking for companions to conquer the frontier. Something about great victories and vast riches too.
I posted a note, suggesting we meet. Given the name, I was expecting a noble’s son who was full of himself. Well...
Tarn’tera 24
Duromar sat with the usual lunchtime crowd, eating corn dodgers. Turned out they were a bit like cornbread, so it was good he liked cornbread. While not paying too much attention to the traffic in and out, he did notice it when a relatively young human walked in wearing a sword. It was hard not to notice, really, as the lad smacked three people with the scabbard just walking across the room. He headed directly to the barkeeper and asked something. Jarl nodded and pointed directly at Duromar.
The lad straightened up, spun around, and took one step forward before stumbling as he tripped over the leg of the barstool next to him. Impressively, he maintained some dignity as he continued to Duromar’s table and sat down. His ears were turning quite red, though.
“Good day. I am Kenneth Lionel Ulfric Tudor-Zanderbilt the third of his name, Defender of the Seven Hills, Champion of South Acton…” he trailed off, looking puzzled. “Er, hang on.” He started searching in his pockets for something. After checking each pocket at least twice, he seemed to give up. “Yes, well, nevermind all that.”
Duromar drained his ale to hide the grin he was having trouble controlling. The young man, who clearly was never a noble and was probably a farmer’s son, had to be a first-level fighter-type in his opinion. He leveled his most intimidating stare at the boy. “So, tell me, Kenneth-it’s not Sir Kenneth is it?-where and what is South Acton?”
There was a long pause, then a sigh. “My home… village.”
Ah. “I see. And the Seven Hills?”
He squirmed. “The road goes over seven hills.”
“Right. Makes sense, makes sense.” Duromar rubbed his chin with one hand, trying desperately to hide the smile. “Blazing Radiance?”
Kenneth wilted. “The sun was really hot.”
“Wait, don’t tell me. Then it rained for days, Master of the Unceasing Storm?”
He nodded miserably.
“Is that even your name?”
This just got a shrug, and a murmured, “Keven.”
“Keven. Well, Keven, I must say, against all expectations, you’re exactly who I’m looking for. I’m heading out in two days, as soon as the gates open. You’re welcome to join me.”
He sat up taller. “Wait, really? Yes, yes I’ll be there!”
With that, Duromar gave him a manly nod and left the bar. Had anyone later complained of howls of laughter coming from above the armorer, he would have denied everything.
Tarn’tera 26
...I have a soft spot for cliches, I guess. I’m sure he’ll be fine in a fight, and at least this way I can be sure no one will take advantage of the poor kid.
Dediur had my armor finished last night. Amazing work, really.
Duromar stood before the closed gate, arms crossed, alone. He idly listened to the guards calling out to the ones above, checking to make sure no army of orcs was standing outside ready to attack. As the portcullis raised, and the drawbridge began creaking down, there was a clatter of running footsteps behind him, a yelp of pain, and the sound of someone falling down at his feet.
He impassively ignored it.
The groaning figure stood up, dusted himself off, and coughed nervously. “Am I late?”
He spared a glance at Keven. “You cut it close, but no.”
They waited for the cavalry to go first, then headed out. “So, what are we hunting? Orcs?”
“Possibly Orcs. Maybe Hobs or Gnolls. Not sure which we’ll find.”
They arrived at the mines a couple of hours later, but still before midday. “There were goblins on the left, an ogre next to them, and an owlbear in the center. Bugbears were above the goblins. Haven’t checked the rest yet.”
Duromar led the way up to the next cave entrance past the bugbears. The first widening was mostly empty with the only interesting thing in it was a plank of wood with words painted on it. Whatever language it was, neither could read it.
The next room was squared out and had a loud argument going on. There were two trolls, one of which only had one arm, both yelling and stomping and waving hand(s) at each other from opposite sides. Strangely, there was a wide chalk line going down the middle of the room.
The bigger one, with only one arm, said something to them. Unfortunately, neither adventurer spoke gnoll. After a moment, the trolls decided no response was coming and attacked. Luckily, Duromar had lightning-quick reflexes and swung first. He aimed for the one-armed one, hitting [-39] very well, figuring that taking the injured one down first was smart. He tried for that one a second time, and [Fumble!] felt a horrible wrenching pain in his back as he hyperextended his back. Wincing in pain, he defended successfully against the one-armed troll, but the other attacked the-definitely-should-not-have-been-standing-next-to-him Keven, clawing and biting at him to cries of pain. Keven swung his sword, missed everything, and advanced backward. Under pressure to keep Keven alive, Duromar hit [-41] well, taking down the one that attacked Keven, then hit [-26] his own as well, putting it down.
But these were trolls, and without fire, no amount of damage was permanent. They were already getting back up again. Duromar chopped at each of them once, [Crit! Severity 16, Shoulder, -80, +1 honor] causing horrific damage on one and [-38] impressive damage on the other. The trolls fell down and stayed down. Duromar casually dug through his pack, pulling out the metal flasks labeled ‘Greek Fire’, and poured one on each troll. The smell of burning troll was indescribable. [+2352 E.P., +2 honor]
Keven, meanwhile, was leaning against the cave wall, panting in agony. Duromar limped over to him, the pain in his back spiking with movement. “Exciting start, huh?” A soft whimper was the only response. “Yeah. Hang on, I know first aid.” He helped Keven sit down, and bound up the three wounds. He then pulled out his only healing potion and handed it over. “Drink this.”
Keven drank, and in moments, looked much better. “Thanks.”
“Sure. I’ll have to pick up a few more of those. Didn’t ever expect to use them for myself.”
“Uh. What now, do we keep going?”
Duromar carefully stretched his back. The twinges were already fading away, and he silently thanked his forethought for spending so many building points on his Constitution.
“Yeah, but you stay behind me. Let them attack me, you just guard my back.”
Back in the troll lair, Keven kicked at the piles of bedding, scattering thousands of copper pieces across the floor. Nowhere in either pile was even the faintest hint of silver, let alone gold. He scowled and left it there.
Beyond the trolls was a hallway. In one direction, there were stairs going down. He headed the other direction first. Soon enough there was a door. Stepping through, he found a barracks full of sleeping gnolls. But the one nearest the door was blinking awake even as he stepped in. Duromar rushed through and tried to finish him before he could shout a warning. He struck [-21], and only then noticed the gnoll on his other side was also waking up. He struck at his other side [-27], but neither gnoll was finished. They were nearly dead, but still made enough noise that two more were getting up. Desperate to avoid letting them get behind him, he attacked and cut down both injured gnolls [-42] and all the through one of the next two. Pressing the attack, he cut down the fourth [-22] as well, then paused to see if more awoke. He stepped back as four more rolled to their feet Standing in the door, only three could get at him.
“Stand ready, they’ll try to push past me.”
Three rushed forward; one stopped to wake up the more deeply sleeping guards. The first to reach him didn’t even get a chance to attack [-27], cut down. The next two did, one taking a blow [-21] for the trouble, as they both missed. A third stepped up, but the doorway made it too hard for any to hit him. Keven helped as well, attacking in the narrow space beside him as a deterrent. He took advantage and cut down [-26] two more [-31] with ease. By now, the entire room was roused, but hardly any were left. More stepped into the gaps left, and [-25] another went down, then he [Crit!, Severity 21, Thigh, -67, +1 honor] took out two at once, severing a leg and sending it flying, then buried his sword in the final gnoll behind the two he’d just cut down. That final one took an ineffectual swing, and Duromar finished [-30] him. [+601 E.P.]
He dragged Keven into the room and closed the door. “Okay. Search for coins while I cut off ears.” Soon they had found an astonishing pile of coins, with most of a hundred platinum coins and assorted smaller coinage. The difference between what the bugbears had, and what the gnolls had was remarkable.
Outside the barracks was another passage, one that was more naturally shaped and not man-made. It led to a large cavern that was mostly empty. There was only a single bed near the entrance for furniture, but it was the pack of growling hyenas that really caught his attention. Standing near the back was an elderly looking gnoll, who barked out a commanding sounding word, and the hyenas charged.
“Back to back! Fight defensively!” Duromar barked out his own commands and braced to attack.
The hyenas swarmed around him, most attacking him, but a few snapped at Keven also. He struck the lead twice, but neither [-19] blow [-14] fazed it. Keven swung at one, but it dodged the blow. As half-expected, even with Keven guarding his flank one nearly snuck in a bite, but his reflexive twist let him stab it [-20] and push it back. It sounded like Keven got hit as well. He struck the lead down [-14] but took two bites [-4 dam] of minor [-4 dam] damage. Keven yelped in pain as well as Duromar struck [-15] the next.
Realizing he was on the verge of losing his sidekick, he turned around and attacked the two biting at Keven, ignoring the two now behind him. Spreading his attacks out, he hit the two attacking Keven [-18] once each [-19], trying to draw the attacks. It worked, but one of the hyenas now behind him [-4 dam] got through. Keven finally hit though, taking down one of the two he’d just hit. Duromar felt a bit of relief when his next attack [-18] finished two of the injured, leaving just three. But one was still behind him and he was bit again [-6 dam]. Keven was earning his keep this time, hitting again. Duromar used his second attack on the same one [-18] to keep it off Keven’s back. One more [-15] finished it, leaving his flanks safe for the first time as he turned around again. Keven unwisely stepped up to attack again, so Duromar took it out [-24] before it went wrong. The last, badly injured, kept attacking despite having lost the pack. He took it out [-21] but right on its heels was the gnoll, yelling something in a language neither knew. Surprised, Duromar cut hit him down [-27] all too easily. [+437 E.P., +1 honor]
Keven was in rough shape, nearly as bad he’d been before the healing potion. He bound the wounds again. “Ok, we’re done. We’d have to go down the stairs to continue and I’m sure it’ll get worse down there.” He grinned. “Still sure you want to be an adventurer?”
They cautiously made their way out, then headed back to the Keep. “First, you need better armor. Second, you need to pick up some healing potions.”
“I can’t afford that.”
Duromar shook his head. “Of course you can. We split the treasure 50-50. That’s at least 800 gold in value. Alright, I said potions, plural, and really just a single one could be pricey. Actually, I have no idea how much they cost…” He trailed off, puzzled. “Anyhow, I’m willing to buy some too. Having you along will certainly help me as much as it helps you.”
Back at the keep, they made a quick stop at the paymaster, then headed to the temple to see what healing was available. It wasn’t encouraging.
“Ah, yes, we may have some healing that can be granted to followers of Benyar.”
“Great. How many potions do you have to sell?”
The acolyte smiled. “All we ask is a generous donation to the church.”
“Uh. Okay, how much are they then?”
“How can you put a price on your love for Benyar?”
“What about just getting some healing spells then?”
“We may have some healing that can be granted to followers of Benyar.”
“Yes, perfect. Keven here needs some curing.”
“All we ask is a generous donation to the church.”
This continued for some time.
Duromar got frustrated with the circling answers rapidly. It wasn’t his gold they wanted, it was his faith and prayers. And his gold. He didn’t really want to tell them that if he was going to pray to a deity, it was going to be one he knew. Who would pass up a chance to worship Thor?
Healing slowly sucks. Keven will be recovering for at least a week, maybe two. I need someone who can keep up with me. I’m fairly sure Keven is first level still, and with studded leather armor, assaulting a gnoll stronghold isn’t a goo idea. Er, good idea. Actually, it might be a goo idea, because that’s what they’ll turn him into.
Armor damage was minor, so I used the last of my repair kit to fix it this time.
P.S. [Damage: 840 E.P.] & [MVP: 1313 E.P.] My clever plan worked. Sort of. Also, this. [Converting 4 honor to 1 Honor].
Name: Duromar
E.P.(+5%): 35227
Next Level: 48001
Name: Keven
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Level: 1
Next Level: 2001 E.P.
Sex: Male
Alignment: NG
E.P.(+10%): 978
Str: 16/05
Dex: 7/08
Con: 14/01
Int: 8/100
Wis: 10/60
Cha: 10/46
Com: 11/04
Hon: 12
Fame: 1
Studded Leather
HP: 27
Move: 12”
Reaction: -1
ToP: 13
FF: 7
Fatigue Check: 12
Warder Sword
RoF: 2
Flaws: Accident Prone (Fumble on 1 or 2), Uncoordinated (Unable to use a shield)
STP: WP Warder Sword, WP Longbow, WP Quarterstaff, WP Dagger, Agriculture 14%, Armor Maintenance, Farming 25%, Feign Toughness 19%, Fire-Building 16%, Fishing 21%, Grooming, Looting (Basic) 23%, Map Sense 13%, Muster Resolve 31%, Pugilism 18%, Weapon Maintenance, Weather Sense 18%
Equipment: Warder Sword, Studded Leather, Dagger, Backpack, Rations (7 days), 395 gp, 3sp, 5cp
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