《Hero? Again? No Way》Chapter 4


Chapter 4


Just when I had found a clue….


Oh come on! I already had enough of this bad day……Transported into this unknown world without any leads is already frustrating enough! Don’t add anymore problem for me little lady!

“Hey wake up dragon girl! Heyyyy!”

I slap at her face a few times to see if there is any reaction from her. And there’s none. She’s still breathing so it’s fine right now.

“What the hell, multiple corpses scattered around and here I am standing at the center of it with a girl lying down in front of me. No matter how I see it, I’m the bad guy here.”

And…ugh..does a dragon’s urine smell this strong? This dragon girl needs to take a bath after she wakes up.


“What should I do now? Just when I found a lead….”

Just when I began lamenting, a small light start to shine in front of me.


Damn it! Just when I had finally got a sliver part of my freedom! I pull the girl and throw her to the back while taking a step back from the small light. The small light began to shine brighter and brighter creating a figure of a man.



Even though the light had causes the whole figure of the man to be blurred, there’s no way that I’ll not recognize this guy.

“You know what this means right?”

Of course I know. You guys had just lost one of your boy band member, obviously you’re going to take an action for me. But this is rather quick.

“Hah…What? You want to capture me and present it to that sick woman?”

“Well…almost right. But only the “capture” part. We’re not going to send you to Amare, it will just cause more trouble for us.”


“Eh seriously? That’s a relief.”

That’s quite a relief….Now I don’t have to think of how to escape from her.

“And…the one who has picked up this case is, Iustitia. So it’s better if you don’t show any resistance.”

“Huh…So I’ll be brought to the Judgement Hall? Well it is certainly better than bringing me to that woman.”

I already gotten a precious artifact to avoid that woman detection, it will be hard to escape from her again if she take it from me.

“Yeah, so let’s cooperate and end this peacefully shall we?”



“Is what I want to say, but under the circumstance that I have right now? Not happening.”

“…….I see. Well it will be weird if you agreed easily, that’s not a befitting title for a problem child like you.”

“Eh….I don’t even want to cause any problem, the one who forced me is you guys.”

“Not like I can relate that. But you know, we have “rules”. And what kind of purpose does this term have? It’s too ob-”

“It’s to break them of course!”


Uwah, even from here I can feel his threatening aura around his body. As expected from a Sovereign’s dog. Even if it just a dog, they can still bark loudly.

“Whatever. I’ve already predict this going to happen, summon, .”

A small light began to appear around me and below them appear a 5-layer magical circle which constructing a body of human. or we can call them “Eternal Servant”, created by using a soul of living creature which will be made into an emotionless slave. Disgusting right? That’s why the lot up there, all of them is a sick person. I can’t stand that they’re controlling everything. But of course, not me, teehee.


“Eh? I thought you’re going to fight me fair and square?”

“You….you’re a different. With the news that you had already defeated one of the Sovereign, it will be weird if I have the guts to fight you one-on-one.”

Sheesh this guy, always calculating like this. You need to let out some steam off sometimes you know.

“Not like you had ever win with me on one-on-one battle, anyway. .”


From my right hand, a plain-blue particle starts to pop out around my right hand and formed into a sleek piece of sword. It is a simple, thin and plain sword. But it is my companion, it is the first that I got from the start of my new life here.

“And what do you mean by “defeat”? I “kill” him.”


I instantly move towards the nearest summoning circle and crush it by using my leg. Of course it’s not a normal kick, I use a 2-layer magical circle as a support on my leg to crush the summoning circle before it become complete. Things will be harder if this robot pop out.


And of course this guy not going to let me do that huh…it will not be easy to crush the summoning circles with this guy chasing me. So it’s time to use magic!

“ Fireball!”

I raise my hand in front of him and fired the classic beginner magic, Fireball! And….he disperses it with a slash immediately.


He is using a low-tier in a rapier form and slashed the fireball that I fired. A classic noble weapon, well it does relate on his background.

“Hahaha! Come on now, Philip, isn’t quite a sight to see a high and mighty like you to lose his composure!?”


Hahaha, of course I’ve just used the elementary-magic to tease him. It’s always fun to see his expression.

“O nature, I ask for you to heed my voice and stop the enemy in front of me! !”

A small green light start to shine around my hand fully supported by the nature’s mana, and I smash it to the ground instantly. I disregard Philip while start to crush the other summoning circle.

The ground trembles and slowly multiple thick roots emerged from it and coiled around Philip.

“HEROSSS! You dare to use Lady Natura’s power to bind me!!!??”

“Two.” “Three.” “Four.”

I crushed the summoning one by one and come to the last one. But…it seems this one is a little bit different?

“Don’t you dare to IGNORE ME! RAAAH!”

Uwah, he burst out of the roots by only using his muscle force. Creepy.

“But what the heck is this? What’re you trying to summon here?”

I nudge the summoning circle with my and it produces a small spatial effect around it. A dimensional rift?

“This….oi oi…are you kidding me? ............!”

Everything here is planned huh…this summoning circle and this unpopulated world. After collecting all of the events that happen to me here, everything is clear now.

All of them….are just sickening. This makes me feels repulsive.

Disregarding the summoning circle I’m facing right now, I turn my face towards Philip who charging through me.

“So you’re not going to present me? Instead you’re going to give an instant delivery huh? And with a whole world as the shipping’s price? You guys…..”

I glare at him with my whole body steaming off the hatred inside of me. Each every one of them….


After seeing his reaction I totally get it now. Well…it’s massacre time

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