《When Paths Converge: A MHA Fanfic》39. Friends?
“They really said it’s okay? I won’t be bothering them?”
Yui grinned as she ruffled Izuku’s curls, leading him toward Gym Gamma, “Green bean, Hado and Togata have been asking after you for days. We’ll show you our stuff, and you can take notes and give us suggestions. Amajiki is a little shy, but he’s nice. Don’t be scared if he calls you a potato.”
“A potato?” The green bean’s voice questioned, a giggle escaping as he looked up at her.
“It’s just something Togata taught him to try to get over his stage fright.”
Izuku couldn’t help but quirk an eyebrow before his shoulders raised in a shrug, “Okay? Does it work?”
“Eh…kinda.” She waved her hand in a so-so motion, “Dad or Pops might show up later when our time gets close, just so you know.”
“Okay, so don’t refer to them as our dads, right? It’s secret?” He grinned, “Can I pretend I don’t know them? Fanboy over them? What are my limitations?”
Yui snorted softly, “Hey, go nuts. I’ll record it if I can.” She pointed to his ID card when they stood outside the changing rooms. “You can go in the boys. I asked Dad to leave a gym outfit for you in a locker. The ID card will open the locker if you tap it. Yours is number fifty-one, kay?”
“I get to wear a UA gym uniform?! Really?!” He exclaimed, his body almost looked like it was vibrating as he refrained from bouncing on his heels. Yui couldn’t help but think that he resembled a bunny hooked on caffeine.
“Yes really. Just hang it up in the same locker when we’re done. We can’t get away with you taking it home. I’ll meet you back out here, okay?”
He nodded, “Yes, nee-chan!” He booked it into the locker room. Yui let herself chuckle softly as she went to the girl’s side to change. Once she was done, she met Izuku out in the hallway, her backpack hooked over her shoulder. Izuku was bouncing on his heels, wearing the primarily dark blue uniform with the white and red accents, hugging his bulky yellow backpack to his chest. Yui couldn’t help but chuckle as she pointed out the Present Mic and Eraserhead charms on the zipper.
“Think they’ll notice?”
“If they do, I’ll just tell them I’m a super fan!” He grinned at her, “And then I can really go all out with the fanboying.”
“Give me a signal so I know when to start recording. I hope Eraser shows up, and you get him to blush.”
“Oooh, he’d be so pis- mad.” He corrected himself, clearing his throat. “Come on! Let’s go! I can’t wait to see your friends!”
Yui blinked, staring at him for a moment before she snapped out of it, “R-right. Friends…yeah.” She led the way into the gym, still stuck on the realization that the three weren’t just her classmates, but her friends. It wasn’t something she’d ever really had before. Even when she first met Izuku, there’d been something inside her that wanted to protect him, he felt more like family than anyone else ever had. Then Dabi and Himi, and they’d started out as people she wanted to help and then they’d become family. Eraser and Tsuki had started out as people trying to stop them but had become more, and Mic had practically adopted them on the spot. With them came an aunt and a granny…was Nedzu like a strange uncle...who you were a little concerned about? She liked him but they weren’t really friends, they were student and teacher…
I really hope I don’t end up adopting these three too…dad would be pissed. It wouldn’t be like bringing home a cat. She shook her head to clear the jumble of thoughts as they walked into the gym.
“Yui! You’re finally here! Hi Izuku!” Hado’s voice called out before she was bouncing in front of them, “Hey, hey! Are you wearing an UA tracksuit, Izuku?”
“Looking good, Yamazawa!” Togata grinned as he walked over to them, his blonde hair no longer in a ponytail since he’d gotten it cut, the top styled in a cowlick. Amajiki was hiding in his shadow behind him, “You fit right in here.”
“Thanks! Yui-nee asked one of your teacher’s if I could borrow one while I’m here. Hopefully it’ll be official in a few years.” The green bean grinned up at them.
“Aww you want to get into UA too? What course? Oh! I bet you want to be a hero like Yui, right?” Hado asked, rocking back and forth on her heels as she leaned toward him, barely stopping herself from getting in his bubble.
“Yep! Or the support course, if I can’t pass the entrance exam.” He rummaged around in his bag before he pulled out the black notebook. “I hope you don’t mind, but can I take notes as you guys train? I’d love to see your Quirks in action!”
“Of course you can! What should we start off with first?” Togata grinned, flexing his arm.
“Did you guys stretch before we got here? We don’t want to pull anything and be sore for class tomorrow. Aizawa-sensei would be annoyed.” Yui asked as she put her bag against the wall before she started to stretch, Izuku copying her.
“Yep! We’re all limber.” Hado chirped, swinging her arms from side to side as if to demonstrate.
Yui nodded before she looked at Togata and Amajiki, “So, we can start off by observing Amajiki and Rapunzel sparring. If that’s okay?” She couldn’t really help the nickname for the blonde after she saw the picture of his hair grown out down to the floor after he went to the salon. He was a good sport about it though.
“Sure thing! Ready Tamaki? We gotta go all out and show our stuff!”
The navy-haired teen was facing the wall, his shoulders trembling a bit. “…he’s going to judge me…I can’t take it.”
Izuku blinked, “I’m not going to judge you, Amajiki-senpai. Um, why don’t we start off with something easier? We can just sit down and you can tell me about your Quirks? I have my notes from nee-chan but I’d love to hear more about it from you personally!”
“Too bright…” He mumbled, swaying a bit when Togata patted his shoulder.
“The best way for him to learn about our Quirks is to see them in action! You can do it, Tamaki, he’s a nice kid.”
“Come on, Tamaki! Just show him what we did last time. He’s not scary like sensei, and you fight in front of him.” Hado giggled, poking his cheek.
“You’re really strong, Amajiki, I know you can do this.” Yui smiled softly, trying to keep her voice gentle. When she was instructing Izu and Himi, they’d never been shy, always jumping into things with enthusiasm and energy. Amajiki reminded her of a skittish kitten when he was nervous, but once he got into the right headspace, he was getting more and more like a lion. You know, once you could get him there.
He gave a sigh, “All right…” He shuffled away from the wall, going a little ways from them with Togata marching at his side. Yui blinked before she remembered Togata’s Quirk.
“Hey, that’s one of the gym uniforms that Power Loader got for you, right? You’re not gonna flash us all, are you?” She called out, ignoring the slight heat that rose to her face. She really didn’t need to see that again, and she really didn’t want Izuku to be subjected to it.
“Yep! I’m gonna miss the shock factor though. Everyone’s faces when my clothes fall away is priceless!” He let out a loud laugh, “Maybe I should switch up my gym uniforms to keep things fresh?”
“…make sure Power Loader makes you some underwear if you’re gonna do that. Sensei wouldn’t be happy with you scarring Shimizu again.”
“She almost fainted when you did that Miri! And she wasn’t even the one fighting you.“ Hado rambled, a giggle in her voice as she turned to Izuku, “Did you know that Mirio’s Quirk makes him permeable? His clothes just fall right off! When he was sparring against Yui, he was right on top of-“
“Okay, I don’t want to remember that, thank you.” Yui groaned, rubbing her temple, “I’ve been trying to forget. You know that scene in Mulan? ‘I never want to see a naked man again’ Yeah, that’s me.”
“Aw come on, I’m not that bad!” Togata grinned, sending her a wink,
“Amajiki, I hope you wipe the floor with his face.” Yui kept her voice deadpan as she sat down to stretch.
“Too much pressure…” He mumbled, before he got into position.
“Oh, oh! Can I call it?” Hado turned to Yui, her eyes lighting up when the other girl nodded. “Ready! Fight!”
Izuku’s eyes were focused on the two as they sparred, eyes tracking movements as his pen flew across the page to jot down notes. He glanced up at Yui, “So, Togata-senpai’s Quirk makes things go through him?”
“Yep. Attacks will be like hitting air.”
“Hmmm…Amajiki-senpai, aim for his feet!” He called out. Mirio’s eyes widened as he turned to stare at Izuku before Amajiki was aiming his tentacles for his feet. The blonde teen grunted as he hit the pavement, the navy haired teen looking just as surprised that it worked. Izuku grinned as he wrote down his notes, muttering a mile a minute so you only caught some words.
“Huh, good idea, Izu.” Yui ruffled his curls as the two walked over to them.
“How’d you know that would work?” Togata asked, sitting down beside him as he looked at the notebook.
“I didn’t, I guessed. If your Quirk was active on your whole body, you’d go into the ground, right? So, if you’re standing on the concrete, you must be using your quirk everywhere else but your feet. Can you stay permeable for as long as you want? Or is there a time limit? Does it have drawbacks?” He rambled off, his eyes shining as he looked up at him.
Togata blinked before he beamed at him, “That’s right! I can use Permeation as long as I need to, I can give myself headaches if I focus too hard though, depending on how long I fight since I have to be careful on what parts of my body I’m using. And it has a pretty big drawback…like you said, if I was using it on my whole body, I’d just fall into the earth. But…I also can’t see, or hear or even breathe.”
The siblings both blinked, staring at him. “So when you’re using your Quirk…how do you fight?” Yui asked, her head tilting, she was sure she saw his eyes move when he was fighting, and he heard Izu’s yell.
“I have to be careful which parts of me I have my Quirk active on. Like watching where people are going to hit and focus my Quirk there. Like when you aimed that kick at me when we were sparring? Your leg went through my chest and head, so I had to make those parts permeable. So I couldn’t pull in air, I couldn’t see or hear. But remember the other day, when I was sparring with Naganuma and he got a hit on my chest? I wasn’t fast enough to activate my Quirk because we’d been fighting for a while.” Togata smiled as he gestured with his hands, “My Quirk is pretty tricky to use, no one thought I could be a hero with it.”
“Well, they’re stupid. You’re here, aren’t you? A Quirk is just a tool, after all. You don’t need one to be a hero.” Yui huffed as she leaned back on her hands.
“Haha, says the person with a great Quirk. Being able to control people is pretty useful.” He poked her shoulder.
“Yeah! Why don’t you use your Quirk more, Yui? It was kinda trippy when you used it on me!” Hado leaned against her side, her light blue eyes glinting with curiosity.
“She used her Quirk on you?” Izuku piped up, grinning up at his sister. He knew how much she avoided using her Quirk, with avoiding it because they were vigilantes and then especially after the ‘Trigger incident’. “That’s great, Yui-nee!”
The teen crinkled her nose as she looked away from them. “I don’t like depending on it…and it’s…it’s not practical. I can control people, but only up to eight minutes.” She didn’t want to mention that with her…neglect of her Quirk, controlling people had gotten harder. Electronics hadn’t changed, but people…it was more of a mental strain that made her have to stop and focus on controlling them. Before, she could walk around, move and speak while she was controlling someone. Now, she was a sitting duck when she used it. She hadn’t even told Izu that.
“You should use it more! The only way to improve your Quirk is to keep using it and push your limits!” Togata grinned, “Feel free to use it on me.”
“Oh, me too! I couldn’t remember anything when you controlled me, it was like I was asleep. I was a little loopy when I got out of it but I felt refreshed, like I just woke up from a nap.” Hado grinned, “Tama, you should try it, I wonder if you can just control someone to sleep? Like, if they couldn’t sleep? And then you’re just like bzzt! Get eight hours of restful sleep!” The girl rambled, tugging on Yui’s sleeve absentmindedly. Yui was starting to think the periwinkle-haired girl didn’t realize how clingy she could be. It didn’t really bother her, it almost reminded her of Himi and her love nibbles.
“You should try that on dad. He needs more sleep.” Izu suggested, writing down a note, maybe to remind himself of it.
“Or sensei! He’s always in that bright yellow sleeping bag, he looks like a caterpillar, don’t you think?” Hado giggled. The siblings glanced at each other, their lips quirking up.
“Which teacher is that?” Izuku asked, his voice as innocent as he could muster as he blinked his emerald doe eyes at her.
“Aizawa-sensei! His hero name is Eraserhead, and he’s kinda grumpy, but I think he secretly cares, you know? Everyone complains he’s too hard on his students, but that’s his job. How else is he going to make us into heroes?” Togata smiled as he pointed out the charms on his backpack, “I see you already know about him.”
“You guys get taught by the Eraserhead?! That’s amazing! He’s such an inspiration to me. Nee-chan, why didn’t you tell me?!” Yui had to bite the inside of her cheek to stop herself from laughing at the betrayed look the green bean sent her way.
“Because you’d act like this. Anyway, we should keep going. How about you and me, Hado?” Yui asked as she stood up, reaching up to take out her hearing aid and hand it to her brother.
“What’s that? Were you listening to music?” The other girl inquired as she got to her feet, dusting herself off.
“It’s a hearing aid, Nejire…” Amajiki’s voice made the teal-eyed teen turn to him, watching as his shoulders hunched as he looked away from her. “S-sorry…I noticed it the first day.” He mumbled as he worried at his lip.
“You don’t have to apologize. It’s not really a secret. I’ve lost some hearing in this ear, so I wear that to make up for it. The other one hears just fine. I just don’t know what Hado’s energy waves do to electronics and I didn’t want it to get fried when I get hit. I haven’t made my backup yet.” She shrugged, stretching her arms above her head. “If it gets fried while it’s in, I might lose the rest of my hearing in that ear. So it’s just a precaution.”
Hado blinked, tilting her head as she put a finger on her chin. “Is that why you used your Quirk on me first when we sparred?”
“Yeah, a lot of my gear is electronic and I didn’t want to risk it getting fried on the first day. I have back ups for some of it now.” They made their way to the middle of the gym, stepping away from each other. “Izu, wanna call it?”
“Sure!” He smiled wide, pen already poised on the paper, “Are you ready?” Both girls nodded, Hado grinning as she bounced on the balls of her feet. “Okay. Go!” He called out.
Yui grunted as she rolled away from the spirals of energy Hado shot out from her palms, the girl keeping her away with her Quirk. Every time she’d go for an opening, more spirals were heading her way, and while they moved somewhat slowly due to their spiral shape, it didn’t help her when she’d have to get in close to Hado to take her down.
She huffed out a breath as she stared the girl down, ten minutes had already passed and she wasn’t any closer from just avoiding the attacks. Hado’s Quirk is reliant on her stamina…she’ll probably outlast me if I have to keep running around like this. Yui took in a deep breath before squaring her shoulders and bullrushing Hado; really, how bad could Hado’s Quirk hurt?
Hado let out a little squeak at the frontal attack, raising her hands and blasting Yui back with a large surge of her Quirk. Yui raised her arms in a defensive position, uplifted from the ground from the force. Panting as she skidded to a stop, flexing her fingers. Thank Kami she hadn’t broken anything doing that, she didn’t need an earful from granny just from a sparring session. She couldn’t help the grin that curled her lips, At least it’s not an electric based attack, it’s like a shockwave. Pure force.
Hado was jogging over to her, a hand raised as she reached out to her, pale blue eyes shining with worry. “Are you okay Yui? I think I went too hard with that surge-“ She put a hand on her shoulder, looking up into her eyes.
Yui blinked, stiffening at the contact before she gave her a nod. “Yeah, I’m fine. I was honestly going to ask you to blast me at some point so I could feel it.” She admitted, rubbing the back of her neck, she blinked when the sleeves from the tracksuit hung from her arms. “Huh…well, those got shredded…I guess your Quirk can tear cloth at close enough range.”
“Are you okay, Yui-nee? Nothing got fractured, did it?” Izuku appeared at her side, his hand gentle as he pushed the cloth up to look at her arms. Her pale skin was already bruising from the force.
“Nah, green bean. Just bruises. Nothing to worry about. Good thing sensei didn’t see me do that-“ She chuckled before a deep voice spoke up.
“See you just rush into an attack that could have seriously injured if you hadn’t gotten lucky?”
The teens all turned to stare at Aizawa walking over to them, his arms folded across his chest as he glared at them. Yui winced a bit at the look he zeroed in on her particularly. “I gave you the pass to practice your Quirks here on the premise you’d all be responsible and not fool around.”
“I’m really okay, just some bruises from the force.” She waved her arms around, “See? Full motion-ooww!” She hissed when his capture scarf flashed out to wrap around her wrist, “Of course that hurts, you’re right on a bruise!”
“You’re going to Recovery Girl to make sure you didn’t fracture anything with that stunt. No sparring without a teacher around from now on. You can find other ways to improve your Quirks-“ Aizawa started to lecture, a tick starting under his eye as he glared down at them.
“Oh my Kami! You’re the Eraserhead! You have no idea how big a fan I am!” Izuku bounced between the students and their teacher, his eyes wide and shining as he looked up at the man, “You’re amazing! I know you’re an Underground Hero and you don’t like the public knowing much about you, but I follow the Hero forums and found threads about you with some video and you’re like a ninja how you fight! What’s your scarf made from? Are your goggles useful beside hiding your eyes? You should really do something with your hair, it’s an obvious tell when you’re using your Quirk. Do you- mph!” Eraser’s capture weapon wrapped around his mouth, cutting off the torrent of questions as the man blinked down at the energetic teen still looking up at him with stars in his eyes.
“Who is this child?” Yui bit down on the inside of her cheek when she saw his lips twitch upwards before he controlled his face to look emotionlessly tired again.
“Sorry, sensei. This is my little brother, Izuku Yamazawa. I got permission from Principal Nedzu for him to come visit. He attends the support classes I have after school. He’s a huge fan of yours.” Yui grinned at him.
The man grunted as he released the green bean. Izuku gasped as he turned to his sister, “Yui-nee, he used his capture weapon on me!” He whisper-shouted in excitement, bouncing on the heels of his feet. Yui glanced up at Togata’s snort, he and Hado covering their mouths as their shoulders shook, even Amajiki’s lips were wobbling into a small smile at Izuku’s antics. “Can I please have your autograph, Eraserhead, sir? Pretty please?” He fixed the man with his best puppy dog look, eyes glistening as if he was going to cry, lower lip in a pout.
Eraser narrowed his eyes at them, fixing the three teens beside Yui with a look that could wither a potted plant until they were all looking away from them. “I’ll give you an autograph if you help me get your sister to the nurse. You can bother Recovery Girl with all your questions.”
“I get to meet Recovery Girl?! She’s so cool! She’s helped so many people-“ He continued to ramble as he ran over to get their bags.
“Little guy sure loves heroes, huh?” Togata grinned, chuckling a bit under his breath.
“Well, Eraserhead is one of his favorites. So it’s a huge dream come true for him to meet him. Well, I’ll see you guys tomorrow, I have to go get lectured.” Yui sighed as she took her hearing aid back from Izuku, putting it in as she took her bag.
“I’m really sorry, Yui. I should have held back more since we were just sparring…” Yui blinked at Hado’s melancholy tone, so used to hearing her infinitely chipper voice. She reached out to put her hand on the other girl’s shoulder, squeezing gently until Hado raised her eyes to meet hers.
“Hey, don’t feel bad, we’re training to be heroes. This isn’t even the first time we’ve gotten hurt. I broke Tomono’s nose the first time we sparred and tasered Naganuma! I promise it barely hurts, and I’ll be fine once Recovery Girl looks me over. And I’d rather you came at me with everything you got, Hado.” Yui grinned at her, a competitive spark in her eyes, “I won’t get better if you go easy on me.”
She blinked before she smiled wide, nodding as she wrapped her up in a hug, “Okay! I’ll come at you with everything I have!”
“Come on, problem child. Let’s get to Recovery Girl before you break any bones.” Aizawa droned out as he started to leave, Hado letting Yui go to wave as she and Izuku followed after him. Once they were clear Izuku burst into giggles. “That was a little thick, Izuku.” The pro grumbled, his face ducked into his capture weapon.
“But it’s all true!” The teen chirped, grinning up at the man and they both saw the tips of his ears tint pink.
“Don’t think this will distract me from that stunt, Yui.”
“Aw come on, I’m already going to get lectured by granny. We all know I’ve had worse than bruises and even if I did fracture anything, it’ll heal.” She couldn’t help but groan, she could handle some bruises. She didn’t really want to bother Chiyo with something so minor. But there’s no way she was getting out of it, not with Aizawa shooting her the Dad™ look, it’s not like she could just dive out the window without the grapple brace after all.
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