《The Golem Mancer》Not Chapter 7 | 40%
Neal Here. Seriously I do not know why this is 40%, but it's written here.
(A/N There will be an Adventure of the Death bringing Golems chapter after this one……Yes from now on I am making stupid titles just for the fun of it. Enjoy. Also I WILL PM the people who gave character ideas.)
Chapter Seven – Klos the Reincarnated Demon Salesman
The experiments turned out…well? I guess. Most the new cores didn’t work with any Golem but I did create some hybrids with the Golems like I turned the remained Black Stone Lizards into [Two headed Stone Lizards] I did this by first putting a green core in one lizard, a white core in another then combine them both by using a purple core or a white/black core. The results were amazing but…they always bicker amongst themselves onto which way to go…
Status [Triple Core] Two-Headed LizardLevel 12Owner: KlostinRaceBlack Stone Lizard (Twin type) | Rank A+ GolemHealth: 400Mana Core Strength: 300Stamina: 1/0StatsSTR: 80(80)VIT: 80DEX: 30AGI: 20END: 85DEF: 75INT: 35(45)LUK: 15...Locked StatsSkillsSkill: Twin Movement| Rank One | Value: A+ |Passive skill. Activated when bodily functions are split. Each half of the main body gains control of their respective sides, allowing for movement in many directions.Upgraded from a Black stone lizard and merged with another.
No matter what core I used they all turned out the same…there is also no more cores left for me to test anymore. Also it is the next day’s morning by the time I finished.
-One Year later-
It has been a long time since I first meet Bella and started my new life in a better area than that shabby house we called home. My life has been very simple on the outside, but hectic on the inside. My daily schedule is wake-up, eat a mineral block (Of varying flavors! There’s even a pineapple flavor!), go to work with Bella’s parents by tending to the hundreds of monsters that are kept behind their house on a huge plot of land, help Bella with her chore; repair what she broke, fights some random kids, heal em with Wispy, create Golems if I can, make cores/bombs, and come home to sleep. Nothing has changed so far.
It’s not that tough of a schedule, but I now have a sub class and like I said it’s [Monster Invoker] when I got this class about a month ago the system gave me an announcement.
*User has gained a sub-class [Monster Invoker] | User can only have two sub-classes | Support Class |
A [Monster Invoker] is a branch off a [Beast Tamer] and a [Support Mage]. People of this class are able to grant buffs to monsters; that have been tamed. There are restrictions on the amount of monster you are able to tame; this is not the case with a regular tamer. Once this class is accepted you cannot buff people not considered Monsters by the system. Yes | No*
*Variant Sub-Class
Due to having the [Golem Mancer] as the main class, Golems will gain 10% more in buff duration.
User has created his own [Monster Invoker] sub class by instead of using his Mana directly to buff a monster, a core will be created and bonded with a monster giving it a longer buff duration and strength, but only one core is allowed per monster. The core is placed on a monster, if the external core is destroyed the buff ceases. Core strength is determined by the bonding strength between User and Monster
Since User uses a God Granted ability to create cores, no backlash will be felt when using [Monster Invoker] skill with the cores*
*New Skill –Monster Invoker- set
Invoke Stat. Core Mana Power cost: 25 points: Grants a 10% Increase in any stat for 1 Day.
Next Rank Grants 15% Increase
Power is multiplied by 1.5 on Golems*
I am going to consider this my main class in this world as I do not want to expose I am the Golem Mancer…for now. When I told Bella that I got my class she laughed at me…she already had her Summoner class three months ago…she was just waiting for me to get mine so she could rub it in my face that she has a HUGE head start on me… also next week is the start of Academy selection for the current generation of Demons and Demi-humans, so they will get to see their statuses today…
Also this is where my job as a monster breeder has kicked in. Since people will be getting into their respective academies Bella’s mom decided to set up a tent sale by the place they are holding the status reading thingy. So for now I have been placed in charge of keeping Bella away so she doesn’t break the cart we are going to use…she broke the last one. In the end I distracted Bella by saying that there was group of random kids saying she was weak and they will defeat her…there actually was one…
After healing the group once Bella was done letting off her anger on them (Might have been mainly caused by me) we went back to Bella’s home. Her mom had finished loading the cart and sealed it with some magic (for what reason I do not know why).
The ceremony is only a 10min cart ride; guess what is pulling our cart…cats. Literal felines. It was a grey tiger that was able to be hitched up and pull the carts. I have seen tigers at a zoo; these ones look slightly bigger and grey with a darker shade as the stripes.
Well…cool. I walk up to the big cat and try to stroke it like any other person would a tiger. Latching onto my arm the tiger tries to get the taste of demon blood…yah that won’t work with my insane amount of DEF. I smile at the cat trying its best; trying is the first part of success! After brushing away all the notification about damage being negated I hug the cat and feel its soft fur….or get me head stuck in its maw. Awe~, cute.
Bella mom got my head out once she disciplined her cat; I was still in its mouth when this happened. I’ll just call this event a cause of my blessing. After cleaning up my face from cat saliva, I bring the final item needed for the sale, and that is a book on monster types. Bella’s mom had given this to me to learn…at the cost of my pay for two months; plus I had to work overtime. Those times were hard.
Anyways the book is just a plain old leather bound book with ink writing and drawings of monster; there are no details of monsters besides physical features. With the cart packed up and nothing broken from Bella, we all set out to the ceremony.
The ceremony was a grand event in the village as we came up to the village main square, where many families stood around the five pedestals in the middle; situated in the middle in the shape of a dice five. The older generations lined up to the pedestals where a demon with a crystal staff touched their chest then a shiny grey plate. Afterwards the plate is shown to the people in the crowd and given to the child. The child either walks away happy or deeply saddened.
Bella hits me out of watching the ceremony and tell me to get to work…we set up the small tent in one of the vacant lots that said Bella’s mom name, which I found out was Orna though I will just call her Bella’s mom because it seems more fitting.
With the tent set up and eggs showcased I have Wispy draw in attention of the crowds by saying some catchy slogans.
“Come get the most powerful familiars in the Old World!” (Klos)
“Look at this amazing Gaia Wisp I got right here!” (Klos)
It was after an hour of shouting I died from embarrassment.
…..is a very valuable stat and since it was pretty high I guess that allowed me to withstand the mental battle…
There were a lot of sales because many of the children got accepted into Academies and they wanted to have a familiar to join them, or someone had a Class that worked well with a monster. There were some altercations with some people saying we rigged the random eggs to always give a bad monster. So I had to do some drastic measures (because all the problems were directed to me since I look weak….).
“Sir please calm down, I’m sure your son will enjoy the [Mud Newt] he got; I think it looks cool!” (Klos)
“IT’S A FRECKING MUD NEWT! How the hell is it ‘cool’ I demand you compensate me right NOW!” (Man)
“I am sorry I can’t do that” (Klos) I smile my golden smile as I see his face contort into anger, he was a birdman so I can’t tell anyways.
“Then How about you contract one of these crap eggs I give you and you tell me if their ‘Cool’ If you get a good monster then I will leave, but if you get a monster like my son, YOU will owe me.” (Man)
He picks up a random egg and gives it too me. I know that you can only contract two familiars unless you have a class that allows you to contract more like a Summoner. Contracted monsters can destroy your soul if they’re treated badly (Killing themselves too) and there is no way of changing the familiar you contract unless through a VERY expensive process.
I didn’t really mind getting another familiar as I only have Wispy.
“Sir I cannot just contract that egg, it must be purchased first. It also can’t be me as that will tarnish my reputation of using my connections with the shop to get the best Familiar out of a random box; so you must purchases it if you want me to contract it.” (Klos)
“Sure I’ll fetch the bill, but remember if this egg sucks then you owe me.” (Man)
I swear he is using this situation just to get money out of me or the shop since I am ‘weak’. The man tosses the correct amount of silver, which was 20 coins onto the counter where Bella’s mom was nonchalantly talking with another customer and continued to do so after the silver was tossed; except her hands moved fast to collect all the silver. Bella’s mom activates the seal on it and hands it to the man.
“Contract it.” (Man)
I did the same as before with Wispy and the shop was filled with another burst of light. The egg was a plain brown colour like a chicken egg except way larger. Once the light stopped in my hands formed a baby chick. The chick was small and had a dirty brown fur to it except its face was completely white. It kind of reminded me of a barn Owl. Except for the fact that some of its feathers on the top of it head was pointed upwards it looked like a regular Owl.
“Hahaha, now you owe me kid.” (Man)
I take out my book and try to find what monster it is. The Owl is just sleeping in my left hands just shifts around to get comfortable; I hope my solid hands are comfortable… Flipping through the book I try looking for the owl, passing by lookalikes but never the one in my hand. Finally giving up I pass by the man and talk to Bella’s mom about the new familiar I got. Since last time she told me I got a Gaia Wisp it was only then I got the status notification.
“Hey Orna, What is this monster?” (Klos)
“…what….luck…..How did you get a [Crown Owl]? Those birds are very uncommon…I was watching that egg and it doesn’t even belong to the species!” (Orna)
“Ah…I guess you could thank that Man…he did pick it out” (Klos) My blessing is so good. Cheers to random events! Oh’ the notification came in!
Status Crown OwlLevel 1Owner: KlostinRaceCrown Owl | Rank C+ BirdHealth: 50Mana: 60Stamina: 1/8StatsSTR: 3VIT: 10DEX: 3AGI: 2END: 5DEF: 10INT: 85LUK: 48...Locked StatsSkillsSkill: NoneA Crown Owl is a majestic bird species that can grow up to human proportions, they guard and collect high quality trees in which they try to make their prominent ‘crown’ in between the feathers sticking up from their heads.
Since the Man followed me when I passed by him and looked shocked that he had given me a good familiar. While he was still in his daze the Owl turned into particles and disappeared like my Wisp. This is going to hurt to bring him out again…
“Thank you for your patronage! For the purchases of two eggs I sincerely show you my gratitude.” (Klos)
Both Bella’s mom and the Man imagine my new familiar and wonder why I got way too lucky. In order not to make this into a big deal I reimbursed the man with the money I was saving since I was working. He got back 50% of the silver as I said I was too poor to give him the full amount…he believed me sadly…The man walked away with his son who complained why did his father is buy him the random egg instead of a normal known egg since two random ones equal on normal.
Afterwards we were bombarded with so many people that I missed the ceremony and the skies turned orange. Well at least the day is over. Too bad I could not see more of the ceremony…ah.
Wait…if they check my status when I go up there…
Klostin Level 48 Age: 1Y/10M Race: Rock Demon
Title(s): The One Who Laughed Through Pain, The Heavily Underestimated.
Class(s): Golem Mancer SUB: Monster Invoker Demon Horn Variant: Life Crystal
Health: 3,000(3,850) Mana 300 Stamina: 150
STR: 1 VIT: 600 DEX: 20
AGI: 20 END:450 DEF: 600
INT: 100 LUK: -- (10) ...Locked Stats
Summon Corrupt Golem Transfer Fatal Damage Core Creator
Zombies Regeneration Throw
Bomb crafter Monster Invoke
Good Linen Clothes.
Wooden Arm Shield X 2 Golems: Rocky + 19 BSL | Dicey | Alpha, Beta | Delta, Echo, Fay, Gale, Hardy, Indiana. + 6 GMSW | Rexy, Romeo, RoyRoy | Sin | Sammy, Zenny, Wendy, Lenny, Tammy + 15 ES | Wispy | Crown Owl(Soul Bound)
*Question can be answer due to User being reincarnated | Yes. As the Gods have decided that having the people of the world knowing the statuses of the reincarnated can be detrimental, they have decided that the User may choose to change his status for what others see. Action can only be used once and User will have his faked status grow at the pace they decide. This cannot be reversed once used.*
Phew….dodged a bullet there. Talking about my status it has changed a lot. I am able to summon a boat load of Golems all at the same time. There are also two new summonses I created; they are the [Basalt Earth Snakes] which are giant underground snakes that treat earth like water. They are the same as the earth snakes I had before but I reset them when I went into the forest and found a column of Basalt.
I didn’t know what rock type it was, but it looked cool so I used it on the Snakes…It turned out for the best so I guess it worked out. They basically swim in the earth and don’t leave a trail. The system abbreviated them to the letters (ES) .I did add another core to the snakes and granted them a name: Sammy, Wendy, Lenny, Tammy, are all the same type of Earth snake, they all have the same stats and are all assassin type earth snakes. You cannot sense the snakes are they are Golems; perfect assassins. The Earth Snakes though are giant 5m snakes with massive mouths…
Status [Basalt] SammyLevel 30Owner: KlostinRaceEarth Snake (Assassin type) | Rank A GolemHealth: 200Mana Core Strength: 500Stamina: 1/0StatsSTR: 80VIT: 40DEX: 150AGI: 170END: 45DEF: 50INT: 75LUK: 80...Locked StatsSkillsSkill: Earth Trap| Rank Three | Value: A |Active skill. Activated only when unseen, Sacrifice 400 Mana Core Strength points | The User becomes stationary and can create an undetectable to the normal eye trap. Once the trap is sprung the User can root the individual and preform a 200% STR attack.Upgraded from a Black stone lizard
Then there is Zenny. He doesn’t have any skills like the previous Earth Snakes, but he makes up for it in a big way. Zenny is the coolest by far! He has the same hexagonal formation that Basalt forms when it hardens; on his head, while at the same time looked like an armored snake.
Status [Basalt] ZennyLevel 10Owner: KlostinRaceEarth Snake (Assassin type) | Rank A GolemHealth: 1000Mana Core Strength: 200Stamina: 1/0StatsSTR: 10VIT: 200DEX: 5AGI: 20END: 25DEF: 30INT: 75LUK: 85...Locked StatsSkillsSkill: None AvailableUpgraded form of a Black Stone Lizard
It is not his massive health pool that makes him special. He is just…big…Instead of the 5m the other snakes are Zenny is a 10m monster…he is going to be my new ‘tamed beast’ as I could pretend I tamed him when he was small for my ‘class’. Since Bella had a head start and Zenny is pretty weak he makes the perfect scare partner. Imagine a battle at the Academy where the other person is a Summoner and this person summons a Demon Cat and then you have me who summons a super weak GIANT SNAKE! The cat would so piss themselves once they see him. I also found out I could summon them straight into the ground first; since they are earth snakes.
I think they would forfeit right away, once they see him; that is if they don’t realize he’s super weak. Also when I first made him I was in the forest…….so I made a new clearing in the forest due to his size…ANYWAYS just a little more than a year and I would be the one on the stands looking at my status. I better practice my fake class!
“Hey Klos are you done daydreaming?” (Bella)
“Huh?....ummm No? Now let me continue” (Klos)
“…” (Bella)
“…Okay I am done…no need for you to clench your fists…Bella Noo~!” (Klos)
I lost my day’s pay to repair some demons roof after I crashed through it…I didn’t think she’ll uppercut me.
-Klos –Age 2 Years / 11 month-
Tomorrow is the day I get to see my status. Tomorrow is also the day I get to see Bella’s status. In preparation for tomorrow in which we have to make a one hour walk to the square like the last time…except WE are walking. My dad and I hunted some monster to sell (I of course did nothing) since my dad eats only minerals like me we can sell everything we catch.
My status stopped rising at level 50 since nothing in the forest really surpasses that level. This makes me thing that you have to keep on facing stronger and stronger monster/people in order to get stronger because of this I Keep most of my Golems in my inventory as not to upset the locals (My dad) by killing all the animals or monsters in the forest
Bella’s family is bringing with them a set of monster eggs to sell to people after they see what familiar their child might need. Bella’s mother also made two of her familiars protect their house and ours as we all became good neighbors. Her Familiars are fricking Wyverns! And TWO OF THEM!!!
They look like your usual Wyvern one greenish brown and the other a blue; they are not too big maybe about as big as a one story house. I see now why no one dares yell at Bella’s family when she destroys something I think was valuable.
Well time to wait for tomorrow.
-Next Day-
I put on a set of Clothes that I bought previously, it basically is a nice black pants and fancy vest…my arms ripped the sleeves out….My family (my dad and I) meet up with Bella’s and Bella…looks like a stereotypical girl…wearing a DRESS and having her short hair actually neatly done! This was the first time I had ever seen her wear a dress…what has this person done with the Bella I know.
“Hey Klos.” (Bella)
“…who are you and what have you done to the Bella I know?” (Klos)
“…See mom even Klos thinks this dress is no good!” (Bella)
“I wore that dress when I was your age and went to see my full status. Now you MUST wear it, won’t you DEAR?” (Demon Mother)
Sadly her mom has the right to have a Wyvern as a familiar as she gave her daughter a glare that could make a god level dragon submit. Bella sulked as she was forced to wear it. This was also the times I got to laugh at Bella and not be thrown across the room…instead I was kicked across it. Memories.
The walk was not eventful as every other boy and girl were stressing over their potential status while walking beside us. Bella and I chat about what school you want to go to? What you think your total status would look like? And about the familiars she will tell me about after her status reading. I wonder why she is keeping them a secret. It also turns out that Bella could only see a few stats and Strength being one of them was the reason why she knew how much she had when she hit me through the window when I was injured.
We reach a large town square with many people gathered; I just realized it’s not going to be a church the status reading would be held in; we are demons you know. There is not that big of a crowd which is surprising considering the size of our village. I guess about 100+ Kids. On one side of the square there are a bunch of pedestals with a demon directing the kids to the stands. Where a High class looking demon preform the ritual thingy.
The demons taps his staff against another kid making his staff glow and then touch a metal plate stacked high beside him. Afterwards he gives the boy the plate and they walk to a sector to choose an academy if possible. Slightly different from last year, but this looks to be pretty simple.
Me and Bella go into the same line and I get some stares as Wispy is flying behind me…forgot about him…They look at me as they look at an insect…[The Underestimated] got upgraded to [The Heavily Underestimated] which makes this situation worse for me… Good thing Bella threatens them to death; at least she doesn’t treat me the same [insert smiley face here].
My new Owl Familiar is….well….an owl…
I summoned him the next day when I go him; while in a forest. After a long time screaming in agony I met with the Owl chick who showed no care towards my screams and tried to get comfortable under the sun light...ANYWAYS he is now the size of a real owl and loves to fly high in the sky, which I of course allow him. He won’t allow me to Golemnize him either…so he’s a pet.
There are about 20 people ahead of us, which are proceeding relatively fast. I could guess which of the people in the Academy sector behind the demon administrator represent the best schools; they wear the most expensive clothes. From what I can see none of the Demon people wearing expensive clothes are accepting students…must be for the rich.
Finally after listening to the crying of many kids it is Bella’s turn to go up.
“Child step forward” (Demon Administrator)
“Okay” (Bella)
He does the same process to creates the status pate. The Crystal then glowed and inscribed something onto the plate that was waiting in the Demons hand. After he looked at the plate he gave it to Bella who was very excited about her status, but had a small twitch of anger on her face.
Bella walked over to where the Academies are scouting for students. The people in the somewhat expensive clothes began to ask Bella to join their Academy. Bella right away asked the Vexeth Academy Scouter that she would be joining them. The Scouter was a tall young man dressed like a noble (I thought only Humans did this). They of course said yes and Bella was given back her status plate. From what I could see The Vexeth Academy is not that expensive of an academy and looks to be more of an average one.
“Yo Klos Beat This!” (Bella)
Bella shoves her status plate into my face trying to make me jealous; which it does. She has more than 200 times the amount of strength I have why wouldn’t I be jealous.
Bella Level 25 Age: 2Y/11M Race: Nightmare Demon
Title(s): Unrestricted Strength, The One who Can’t Hold Back, Destroyer
Class(s): High Summoner Demon Horn: Blood Rock
Health: 200 Mana 90 Stamina: 20
STR: 242 VIT: 40 DEX: 60
AGI: 100 END:30 DEF: 20
INT: 40 LUK: 55 ...Locked Stats
Summon Sprit Devastating Punch Summon Familiar
Armor Breaker Consecutive Punches
Fancy Dress
Spiked Steel Gauntlets, Hidden Knives.
(A/N if Klos and Bella fought at the same Level without weapons/attack skills he would make it a draw in the end, but at night he might have a chance due to Zombies Regeneration and his almost infinite stamina.)
…she has more stats than I had at the same level. I remember that her horn type was a onetime increase of Strength. High tier horns I think. Well after congratulating Bella for having an awesome class and Stats I walked up to get my status. As I walked Bella hit my back as a Good luck action, since I wasn’t prepare I was sent straight into the pedestal beside the Demon administrator. Bella continued to give a thumbs up as the Demon and people behind him was shock as they had saw how strong she was by her stats and now they see a fail as sh*t kid get smacked head first into the pedestal. They expected a mess to clean up, but I just get up naturally like nothing happened and asked the Demon if I can still go get my status even though I broke a pretty expensive pedestal.
He was dazed, but recovered after sometime; so did the people behind him. I did the exact same thing as Bella, but this time I asked the system to show them an acceptable status as Bella; just realistic. The Demon looked over the status plate and let out an accepting sigh, the system must have made my DEF high enough to block Bella’s move just now. He gave me the plate and I went to the people behind him and…nothing? WHAT! No one offering me to go to their school!?!? After a few moments one of the People asked me a question.
“Child, what is a [Monster Invoker]?” (Man)
Ah, they most likely don’t know about it… I give them an explanation and they accept me as a [Beast Trainer] class, but just a little above that in terms of value. They nod and check my status. Which I forgot to look at in the moment.
Klos Level 21 Age: 2Y/10M Race: Rock Demon
Title(s): The Durable One, The Person who Stopped the Destroyer
Class(s): Monster Invoker Demon Horn: Clear Crystal
Health: 400 Mana 90 Stamina: 30
STR: 10 VIT: 80 DEX: 20
AGI: 15 END:100 DEF: 300
INT: 40 LUK: 30 ...Locked Stats
Invoke Power Regeneration Permanent Familiar
Throw Monster Tamer
Good Vest, Pants
Arm Shield
Gaia Wisp, Crown Owl, Twin Shields.
I didn’t know my status was that bad…I looked at the Vexeth Scouter and he swayed his head in declination…well there goes my chance to stay with Bella…or I can fight for it!
“Exc-“ (Klos)
“Hey, Vexeth Guy. Accept him.” (Bella)
“…” (Klos) I didn’t even get to express my thoughts.
“…I am sorry Child, but he doesn’t meet the expectations of our school. We value intelligence and Strength not Defense. Also he looks…weak.” (Man)
“How about he faces once of the people you have already accepted and if he wins; he gets in?” (Bella)
“…I’m Sor-“ (Man)
“Nigel Stop. Girl. I accept your bet!” (???)
“What?! I don’t want to- never mind I actually wanted to fight…” (Klos)
“Boy come here, you are going to face one of my students. You beat em you get in. Deal?” (Dean)
“He Accepts!...You can do it Klos!”(Bella)
Is this what they call ‘throwing you under the bus’ well whatever I am already a high level it’s not like this other person can beat me…
I walk with the Dean and Bella in tow. We arrive at another arena that I was not familiar with. There was also a bunch of boys and girls my age standing around in an area marked [Vexeth Academy potential Students] in demon language. The Dean introduces Bella to the crowd and asks if anyone wants to fight and get a good grade in their first year by fighting me, but if they lose they get kicked out…a lot of people raised their hands…it’s better that I am underestimated right?...Why do I feel so sad right now…
The dean chooses one person and sent us both to stand in a small ring. The boy I was facing looked to be a noble and one that was spoiled all his life…O’ this is going to be FUN! I ask Wispy if he wants to make the other kid super depressed by the end of this match. Wispy agrees; I think he got that personality from my Golems. I also look up and thumbs up my Owl then point to the opponent.
“Battle Start” (Dean)
Once the battle was sounded the boy launched Magic attacks one after the other. I take out my wooden shield to block it (no one said I couldn’t do this). I took my stance and blocked the Giant fire balls he was throwing at me. Dust was stirred up, but the kid on the other side keep on casting and with a very cheap power to make the fire balls chase me if I ran I intercepted them all.
After about 20 fireballs he stopped and took a breather. I bet everyone was thinking ‘Klos is done for’ if they did know my name. I can hear Bella chuckling in the crowd. Well time for the surprise. I use my left hand shield to blow the dust away revealing my uninjured self with two intact wooden shields.
“WHAT! HOW! Even if you blocked my attacks you shield should have been destroyed!” (Boy)
“You don’t reali-“ (Klos)
“-Hahaha Yo, Kid you’re so stupid. Those shields have taken my punches for over a year now!” (Bella)
I glare at Bella as I was going to tell him the same thing, but more to crush his spirit. I kept on walking forward towards the boy, who got startled and started to cast more powerful fire magic. I was way too slow to catch up to him even if I ran, so I let him cast whatever he wanted. This time it was a fire storm spell…I watched as the tornado of fire formed. The boy sneered as he thought it was his win. Even the crowd expected me to lose to this…I turn to see Bella with the same sneer on her face and sigh.
“Hey Owly Distract him” (Klos)…so I named him Owly….he is an Owl what else could I have called him?
By the time Owly was swooping in I walk right into the tornado…again everyone was shocked… Somehow my DEF and END negated the attack. I was expecting some form of damage; it was a magical attack I have to ask the system after this. I walked right through the fire tornado. Luckily I used the material I got from my Golems to make a fire retardant vest and pants; it’s water-proof too!
Once I reached the even more exhausted opponent who was defending from having an Owl scratch your face off,I pushed his over and he fell onto his stomach…then I sat on him…………..WHAT ELSE COULD I HAVE DONE, I HAVE NO WAY OF ATTACKING WITHOUT REVEALING MY SKILLS/ABLITIES!!! Plus I weigh like 150kg so I think that is his ribcage that is being crushed.
The Dean had to tell me to stop as the person I was sitting on didn’t even have a breathe to say ‘I give up’. He just foamed up by the mouth and…passed out….I’m not fat I tell you!
“I’m not fa- *Cough* Does this mean I am in?” (Klos)
“Yeah…damn that kid was supposed to win…” (Dean)
“I’m sorry Dean~ did you want me lose~” (Klos)
“N-no! this was a very fair match.” (Dean)
“O’ it was wasn’t it. How much were his two highest stats points?” (Klos)
“…350 Intelligence and 40 Dexterity…” (Dean)
“That sounds so fair…” (Klos)
“…Since we began having battle, why not start a Tournament? Boy How about you start it off and face the 30 others I have with me?” (Dean)
‘He really wants to see me lose’ (Klos)
“Sure” (Klos)
And so begins the day 4 more students know as their most embarrassing moment. To lose against someone who just sat on you…or threatened too…I was not sexist… and most definitely not fat…
Now was the last battle I was going to have since I don’t want to seem I was all that powerful. Sadly the person I was going to ‘lose’ against was Bella…sh*t…what to do…
“Hahaha, Klos I have seen your status I think I can beat you now. I am going to use my Familiars too!” (Bella)
That’s right I have never seen here familiars I wonder what they are. I wait excitedly when seven glowing bodies start to form in front of Bella…A River Wyrm Giant, Gem Snake, A Banshee, Colossus Chimera, Gorgon, Harpy and a fricking Bear….wearing armor….
“Klos this is going to be my win, PREPARE YOURSEL-“ (Bella)
“-I give up.” (Klos)
“…waaaahhhhhh! Klos face me!” (Bella)
“Nope…just nope….I won’t…..”(Klos)
“Klos 4 Wins, next!”
Bella’s mom told me that most people could only have two summons and a Summoner usually has 5 by the middle of their career….Bella has 7 and she just started to become a Summoner… she is a high Summoner though…
By the end of the day Bella had 8 Wins and placed 1st while I got 4th place. Not too bad. Most people lost after their first win because the others found out a strategy to beat them. This didn’t work with me because they thought they could be me without planning…sad…even when I win people still underestimate me….I wonder why Bella doesn’t?
Bella almost lost as the last person she faced was an elf who also had familiars but hers were giant trees… Bella realized close to the end of the fight that her Chimera can breathe fire…yah things didn’t end so well afterwards…all the students had to find people who could use water magic or use some other way to put out a 5 Alarm Blaze.
(A/N that means a big fire)
All in all it was a good day
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