《The Golem Mancer》Not Chapter 6 | 80%
Neal Here. This is what Rory wrote. I have changed nothing.
(A/N So…I seriously don’t know what to say in this Authors note thing…but I have always done it so…I guess I will talk about…nothing…I am kidding. I want to say the chapter for this fiction will be now coming out every two weeks or so because of school becoming harder ever since I started writing this fiction…so enjoy the very late chapters)
P.S I will change the luck thing later…way to tired doing other things to get to it.
Chapter Six – Normal Days
After the events of yesterday I decided that I have to get out of poverty with my dad. He’s been admiring my new clothes and new Familiar…it’s sad to look at him. Try imagining a gargoyle cry, it is more scary than sad; his voice was more like an evil growl, but I understood the meaning behind it. I came up with a plan to do someone a ‘favor’ and they gave me money in return. By doing it this way my dad won’t get too suspicious and more than likely accept the money.
Also ever since I’ve kept Wispy always summoned I now have a night light in the night, not that I’m scared of the dark; I can see in it fully. Wispy just looks cool. I realized that Wispy does not gain experience points from the Golems hunts, but will gain a little bit of experience for healing stuff. I don’t have to command Wispy to heal thing, he does it on his own most of the time. I think he’s crazy too as one time he tried healing a tree…and I think it worked…
I did my daily chores, which were basically dust the dirt floors and rock beds. Over the night I asked my Great Wolves to find a house in the Commoners district that was for sale and ‘haunt’ the people who owned it…so I don’t have to bargain much; they also had to be relatively close to Bella’s. Basically the wolves softly howled on the other side of the house near the bedroom wall were a couple that lived there slept. I know as they sent me the video of this happening and it doesn’t look like anybody else notices them doing this.
I did this to make them fear the house so they would sell it in the distant future for cheaper and foreclose faster too! I’m not evil; I am doing this for my family…and Bella.
I waited until my dad came home in the afternoon and presented him with the 50 silver coins. He was startled that I held so much money in my small hands that he went into a daze. While looking at my dad he suddenly slapped me across the face. I was not expecting this. I thought it would be like ‘Hey Klos thanks for the money, but where did you get the money’ not…
“KLOSTIN! How could you steal so much money! Return it at once.” (Dad)
“…dad…I earned the money by healing people with Wispy…*Sniff* *Sniff* I thought I was doing something right…kuu…*Cries*” (Klos)
OMG! Learning how to fake cry is the best as a child! You can get so much value out of this. My dad looked to understand his fault and not my lie. I could see the ‘Ah, Sh*t’ moment surface on that stony face of his. He hugs me and apologizes for hitting me (Not that I felt it anyways END reduces pain felt). Our family while in poverty had enough to survive on 20 silver coins a YEAR; not even one gold coin! So I guess me handing my dad few years’ worth of money was kind of much…
If you do think about it we only survived on so little because we live off extremely worn out clothes and eat the cheapest food for a rock demon. I head that rock demon commoners have at least 10 different kinds of minerals to eat…and I only had two kinds ever since I was born; the ‘chicken’ basic mineral block and the ‘Gourmet Chicken’ High Quality mineral block…I feel like a cow... the stuff that the rock demons in poverty eat does not boost the stats on them…I had to work for my Sta- never mind I got mine by doing nothing…My dad hasn’t told me of my mom as yet too, I think he will tell me when I get older.
I asked my dad if we can move to a better district and he fully agreed, though at this point I was still crying in his arms so he could not say no, but he did say tomorrow; more time to scare the couple.
Very early in the morning the next day I told my dad while healing people I saw a house that was very cheap to buy in the commoner area. Yes I did choose this one as it was the closest to Bella’s house.
We take the one hour walk to the house, the sky outside is still pretty dark with an orange tinge on the horizon. We arrive at the house and knock on the door. We know it was this house as it was the only one that had a sale sign stabbed into the ground in front of it. Once the knock was sounded we heard the frantic footsteps coming towards the door. I’ll let my dad speak to them. The door opened fast revealing a pale man and women.
“Good evening Good Sir and Madam, My son noticed you had your house up for sale an-” (Dad)
I think my wolves did a very good job at scaring them! Before the house price was 40 silver coins. For them to take off 10 silver from the cheap price they already had…wow. They only showed me the video of them howling…did they do something more? Just howling does not just make someone that pale.
“Deal…,but why are you so…distressed?” (Dad)
“NO-NO- NO. Not distressed W-WHY would I be distressed! I’m JUST HAPPY! Someone bought our marvelous house!” (Man)
My dad was skeptical of why they sold it so fast at such a cheap price, but I won’t tell him. The man and the women cried as the hurriedly pack their stuff in front of us. We helped them as we had nothing to do. They were so fast they had packed most the valuables within two hours on cart. They handed my dad the deed to the house while constantly thanking him and ushered their horses away…I wonder where will they go now? This wasn’t a regular deed as they performed a magical contract by putting a blood print on the two boxes on the bottom and said some words like ‘I agree to pass on the ownership of this property’ stuff like that.
“Klos this is own new home now.” (Dad)
“Yeah…that was fast.” (Klos)
“…yeah.” (Dad)
Even I didn’t expect to get the house today. I should ask my wolves how they did it. My dad told me get comfortable with our new house while he went to check something out in town. I basically looked over the house just in case the couple forgot something valuable.
Nope. They cleaned it all out. I went through our home checking every nook and cranny, but found nothing worth mentioning. Our new home now is a full wooden cabin with DOORS! Dad and I now can have our own rooms! The couple had left a bed in each room, but when I went to try and sleep on one it creaked disgustingly as I put my weight on it…I’m not fat…*Sniff* *Sniff*
While in my distress about my weight Dad came back with his creepy smile plastered on his face.
“Klos I got back my job as a Hunter! We can now be together longer! I don’t have to work all day in the mines now! Though I am surprise about getting the job back, I wonder why they had a hunter shortage.” (Dad)
Yeah!—Ah, no that’s bad. Now I have less time to actually do stuff. I internally cry and congratulating my dad; I tell Golems not to kill him, but to protect him…since he’s my dad. After moving our stuff (which wasn’t much) into the new house I wear my new clothes that Lyle bought and go over to Bella’s. She had told me where she lived which was right beside Lyle’s house; where I got treated. I still see a lot of kids my age (Most likely) playing around, but once I reached the street closest to Bella’s there are no kids around; understandable.
I knock on her door and the person who opened the door was the clerk who sold me the Wisp.
“Hello, Is Bella there?” (Klos)
“You’re still alive and asking for my daughter? Such…luck. Let me call her. BELLA! The kid you fought with yesterday is here!” (Bella’s Mother)
My luck isn’t that high….it’s only 10 still. Then again the [Methodical Randomness Blessing] looks to be putting Luck in my favor. In the background I can hear a ‘really!’ and then doors being slammed…then the sounds of splinters falling. She runs down the stairs of their house in tom-boyish clothes that really suits her whole look.
“Heya Klos. Mom I am going outside with Klos!” (Bella)
“Don’t be late for dinner. Wait did you finish the job I gave you?” (Bella’s Mom)
Again like the previous times I meet with her see grabs my arm and drags me along for an ‘adventure’
“Sorry Mom can’t keep Klos waiting~ Hurry Klos…why are you so slow! RUN!” (Bella)
After Bella ran for a short while then she suddenly stopped and the momentum loosened me from her grasp and I flew again…memories…I think END stat has to match her STR stat so I can ‘endure’ the strength she puts out…
SO, after saying sorry to a home owner for destroying their fence we went along and did things that people do as friends. Shop, Beat up some kids, got lunch, Beat up some kids, Went into the forest to beat up some monsters (Ones that remained), beat up the same set of kids in the morning, and a lot of using Wispy to heal the kids that were beat up. All in all I think we’re best friends!
Bella has been doing a lot of destructive thing like breaking people’s bones. I think she might get in trouble one of these days, but that’s where I will come in! Imagine a bunch of bullies trying to hurt my Bella then I show up and……block punches and……SAVE THE DAY!
“So Bella what do you do with your parent.” (Klos) I say while sitting on one of wooden boxes left outside, not paying attention to the dangerous creaks it’s making. I watch Bella beat up the challengers for the third time today.
“My Moms a Summoner *Smack* and she going to teach me the ropes *Smack* I always wanted to join the family business! *Smack* Phew, So when I see my status and if I am a Summoner I will do just that!“ (Bella)
It only took three hits to repel the older demons that threatened Bella because she beat up their brothers. Their faces turned black and blue from the hits…their faces where darkly coloured so I could have only guess. I don’t know why Demons are so…spiteful of others strength. Just admit Bella is better than you. Then again by them getting beat up I can train Wispy’s Skills while my other Golems hunt in the Forest because Wispy cannot get the same experience that the Golems get; he is a Familiar that has been Golemnized not a Golem ‘made’ by the Golem Mancer class. Also I do not think those demons were too much older than me and Bella, they don’t even have any skills from what I can see.
“You know you status already, How? I remember you said your strength was 154 last time. “ (Klos)
“You haven’t looked at your basic status? You just go to any Adventures guild and they will show you your highest stat on a shiny rock. That is how I know mine. It costs a little though.” (Bella)
“Then what about the 3 years we wait to look at our status?” (Klos)
“That is to look at your full Status; you get to know everything about yourself at that time!” (Bella)
“Wait…now that I think about it, you the person with an insane amount of strength wants to be a Summoner?” (Klos)
I say as I tell Wispy to heal the people who had their bodies mutilated. I only heal ten percent of their Health. Oh, the rank of [Heal] leveled up and Wispy leveled up! Better check that out later.
“Well Yah! My Dad is a Summoner too he is a teacher at the Vexeth Academy which is the best school to go to for Summoner’s!” (Bella)
“Well I think you’re already the best at brawling…you just took on 3 older guys in a handicap match…” (Klos)
“Hahaha that’s right! But I still haven’t beaten you, you want to fight?” (Bella)
“You won’t let me say no anyways…” (Klos) too bad I don’t have my phone I can’t keep track of all the times I was sent flying already.
-After the Fight-
“Hah….Klos…another draw…” (Bella)
“Hey don’t worry I think you were closer this time.” (Klos)
“Ha-ha…Klos stop lying to me; you haven’t even lost your breath.” (Bella)
“Well I never can attack you, so I didn’t really move. You’re way too fast for me to try to attacking too.” (Klos)
I sit down beside her. She was already way to exhausted trying to defeat me. All I did was take stances to block her tackles, punches, kick …and neck breakers. I only lost 30% of my stamina in the whole fight. From the way Bella looks she much only have about 10-15% left.
We both sat in silence enjoying the wind the flowed through the arena. We look at all the other warriors, mages or other classes practice against someone else. I had an idea to talk to Bella about at this moment.
“Hey Bella, you said your family is all Summoner’s right?” (Klos)
“Yes?” (Bella)
“So you guys breed monster to get monster eggs to be contracted?” (Klos)
“That’s how we get most the monsters, so?” (Bella)
“You said you wanted to be a Summoner, so how do you even become one?” (Klos)
“You don’t know? Didn’t your parent teach you anything?” (Bella)
“Naw. It’s just me and my dad and he’s usually at work” (Klos)
“Oh“ (Bella)
“Hey Smile! It is okay, I never known what it is like to have a mother. So I don’t really feel anything. I guess I can say it feels nostalgic.” (Klos)
Sh*t, I think I made her depressed.
‘Your new lives will somewhat reflect your previous one’ I think that’s what the goddess said. She wasn’t lying, I could never remember my mom in my previous life. It wasn’t some cheesy thing like she left for someone else or died during an accident/child birth; she put me up for adoption once I was four. Like this life we were poor, she made the right choice now that I reflect on the past, I remember asking the hospital when I was a teen for any records of my parent and they gave me an Adoption report stating that ‘cause of release was Financial problems’. Instead of my parent giving me the worst life in poverty I was sent to have a better one! So in the end I got adopted by someone else and the rest is history!
“So… can you tell me about the Class thing?” (Klos)
“Umm…My father told me that you have to train when you are young and you will get the gods message when you are entitled to have a class. Something like that.” (Bella)
Interesting…I was given a class right from the start and the class tab looks like [Class(es)] does this mean I can gain another class like everyone?
*Question can be answered due to user learning about the world. The Current class the User has been granted through a Blessing and so was not a Class gained through experience, resulting in the User being able to gain another class.*
Cool! There was always one class I was so interested in!
“Onto what I was saying in the beginning: now I know what I want to be and it all starts with a Job working for your parents.” (Klos)
“Working with my parents, how?” (Bella)
“Have you ever heard of a class called a [Monster Invoker]?” (Klos)
I needed a class to pretend to be because if I say I am a Golem Mancer then if they figure out that my Golems which they think are tainted monsters are actually Golems. I most likely would be their first suspect…IN the end a monster invoker sounded like a good idea. Plus it gives me the cover to pretend as a monster tamer!
I have seen this class in one of the older RPG games I played in my previous life. The class basically is a support class and perfect to be with Bella as she wants to be a Summoner (Definitely not an excuse to be with her.). What they do is boost a Monster/Familiar in a specific way. Since I have Monster cores I can just boost a monster by creating an external core organ just like our Demon Horns except add the fact that I would make the cores temporary so people don’t think I am a cheat; though I actually am. I give Bella the Basics and see what she thinks.
Also the class sounds very weak. Laying low until the time is right and then break all logic! That shall be my new Motto.
“Sounds perfect for you, Your like my Sidekick! When I become a Summoner you would be making them even stronger than they already will be, but this is the first time I am hearing about the class. How are you going to train to become one?” (Bella)
“Like I said, it all starts with a Job with your parents.” (Klos)
After we relaxed for a little bit more and got some more food for Bella and some minerals for me, we went back to Bella’s house; again I paid because I am a gentleman and I don’t know what to do with all my money.
Her mom was surprises that I was still living, did Bella actually kill someone? Cool. After speaking to her mom about getting a job; I was now a monster breeder (Self pro-claimed in actuality I was a chore boy). Her mom had said ‘YES!’ as she needed some more help and with Bella who was way too strong to handle the eggs or take care of any monster; I was a God sent.
I also get paid 2 bronze coins for every egg I help make a sale on (The cost like 40silver each), This was easy as every time Bella would go and beat up some kids I would tell them of her mom’s Familiar shop and how they have powerful monsters to contract, I say while pointing to Wispy.
My pay looks to be 20 Bronze per day…wow Bella’s family must be rich…then again to house so many monsters behind your house and feed them a boat load of food it must be expensive to be a monster breeder.
Now my days were like wake up, eat minerals, Check the Golems information transmission, go over to Bella’s, Help Bella with chores, Work, go and watch Bella fight, train Wispy, Summon Golems if I can, Make a monster core if I have enough Mana, and lastly make a bomb core in the end.
I think this will be a good childhood!
It has been a while since the last time something interesting happened…about a month. So far I have a full out friendship with Bella and my golems have an average level of 38. Not Wispy thought he/she (realistically how do you tell?) is about level 10 and a half. I have been saving up on cores though.
So far I have learned this about my Core coloration:
Yellow Core: Made at dawn and dusk, created an Alpha Stone Lizard. I have 11 right now
Blue Core: Made by a patch of odd Flowers, created an Unstable Lizard. I have 2 right now
Red Core: Made under a full moon at night, Made Beta’s upgrade. I have 1 more. I am going to save this one since I know it is more than likely the best one I have.
Bronze Core: Made when a lightning storm was brewing, Made Alpha’s upgrade. I have none anymore
Green Core: Made when my Golems took me to a dense forest, Going to find out. I have 7 right now
Brown Core: Made because when I was casting Sin tripped me into mud…I really want to stuff this core into him. I have 10 of them…yah he won’t stop good thing I was wearing my bad clothes when I go into the forest.
Swirling Black in White: Made when I went to a waterfall in the forest, going to find out. I have 1
Purple: Made when I was commanding my golems and activating the ability at the same time, again going to find out now. I have 1. This one gave me headache to make.
So I guess it is now or…later to use the cores. Right now I have all my Golems in my inventory to make the process easier to place a core in them one at a time. First I call up 5 Black Stone Lizards. I have been meaning to get these guys improved as they are versatile and can be easily camouflaged into the material of dirt and lose their presence.
Since I want to experiment with my cores to I decided to place it in them differently. Usually when I place a core into a Golem my right or left hand turns into some astral projection and I am able to place the core inside my Golems; they transform after I take my hand out. What I want to try now is to move the core already in the Golem to a new spot like the heavily armored head instead of the chest. Then place the core into them! Since I have a lot of Black stone Lizards I will use the Brown Cores on them…I don’t hate them okay! They are just…the weakest of the lot…
I call up one of the Golems in front of me and begin the experiment. With a delicate hand I stab my hand into the Golem; in astral form. I grasp the core in its chest and try to pull the core into the Lizards head. I don’t know if it is because I have 1 STR, but it is really hard. The lizard is slashing around, but I finally managed to pull his core into the head. Using my other hand I bring the Brown Core into the head of the lizard.
Then the magic happens. The Black Stone lizard doesn’t turn into the nightmare slime like when I put in a new core, but glows a heavenly yellow; quite the contrast in transformations. The Lizard begins to turn into a yellow white slime and gets bigger…much bigger. I watch as the small Golem that used to be only up to my ankles now expands to my knees in slime fluids. Soon enough the slime elongated…ewwwww… and finalized its form. The new Golem ‘Standing’ in front of me was…a snake…a 5m snake. Stats were the same but the new body seemed to have taken in all the earth surrounding it making it WAY heavier…like Dicey, but an ugly coloration of cracked brownish black dirt.
Well experiment one complete: it does matter where the core is [Mental Note: if you move the core to the head of a BSL and place a Brown core in them you get a Black stone/Dirt Snake]
Okay! I think I will make a few more of these snakes.
-3 hours later-
Phew…all done. Though it was only moving the core and merging it with another it took me a while. I look at the 10 Dirt snakes I have…They are very heavy…if I want to upgrade them it’s going to take a lot of material…since I can just upgrade one and the rest upgrades I think I will need like 100Kg of more material…
The next experiment was the main one…What if I disconnect a golem…will I get to keep the material left? So far only Hazard died and I buried his body somewhere in the forest…I forgot where…Anyways this is because now all my un-upgraded Wolven Golems are made of {Magic Steel} so all I need to do is disconnect one and I will get the body right? I take out one of my new wolves; this one is only level one. After looking him over I cut the link between us. His body burst into light and disappears…. Wait, if the link is cut why can’t I keep the body???
*Question can be answered due to the User preforming an Experiment. The first sets of Golems are made of the material the ability is first casted on. Meaning the first Golems made by each of the ability ranks are real copies while when the ability is used to create another set the new Golems are replicas made of Mana. When a Link is cut to the original Golems they are left physically, if done to a replica they will turn into Mana. If all originals die then the ability is fully reset back to a new ability rank; all replicas will be left. *
Well I can’t abuse the system anymore... time for the other experiments. I am going to use the 27 other cores and place them into the Golems I do not care about; I don’t want to ruin any of my better ones…this is going to be a long experiment.
Thanks for reading Guys, I will post the results of the character thing as a new thread and you guys could discuss if the choses are good or not…I ran out of things to say…
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