《Guns in another world》Declaration


The man looked like a beggar with bloodshot eyes, all in all, he resembled a zombie who just crawled out of his tomb.

The manager looks at the man with tears of joy in his eyes and said "father, help me, this guy just keeps drinking poison."

The man looked at the manager with disappointment and said "You truly are good for nothing."

Suddenly, the observant man of the crowd came and dragged the dishevelled man aside and said "Old Cow, It's your lucky day."

" I dare you call me by that name again." Hollered the dishevelled man, while glaring at the other party with his bloodshot eyes.

"Sorry, Mr Glenn, that came on the spur of the moment" Said the observant man laughingly, while clasping his hands in apology.

"Well, that's not the problem right now, that guy might be a Poison Master, don't you desire to consult one for such a long time?" Continued the observant man, while pointing towards Fionn.

" Really!!" asked Glenn with an agitated look on his face.

" Most probably" replied the observant man.

Calming his emotions Glenn said ''Then let me test him.''

Then Glenn walked to the counter and inquired with an authoritative tone, "What's going on here?"

The manager answered, while gesturing towards Fionn" he wants poisons that are lethal enough to kill practitioners, but he doesn't have a permit."

Fionn nodded as if to confirm the statement made by the manager.

"How could this guy be so shameless"

Thought everyone, while the corner of their mouths twitched.

Glenn nodded, after listening to the manager and commanded him

"I'll handle this situation, you go and help the rest of the customers."

After the manager left, Glenn said to Fionn"Come with me, sir."


Fionn followed behind Glenn while thinking "So, he's the owner of this place.''

Glenn took Fionn to a room behind the store, it looked like a storeroom, Various vials, jars and tubes were stored inside the room, a myriad of scents drifted through the air, making one feel dizzy.

As if familiar with the position of each object, Glenn picked up some tubes off the shelves and handed one to Fionn, while saying " this is the venom of the Undying Scorpion, a rank 0 beast, try it"

" Oh!, Thanks."Said Fionn smiling when getting the tube.

Glenn has a comical look on his face, while thinking" This is the First time I heard someone thank the one who gave him poison."

Fionn as before drank it all in a GLUP.

Glenn stared at Fionn with rapt attention, all of a sudden, he saw a flash of green light on the surface of Fionn's body, "What was that?" He thought.

"This would be pretty lethal, it could kill a rank zero practitioner within an hour, if not treated properly." Remarked Fionn.

"You are right." Said Glenn with an exciting glimmer in his eyes.

He then passed him another tube and said" this poison is made from a Corpse Eating Mushroom, It is extremely toxic, think thrice before consuming it."

Nodded Fionn with acknowledgement, as he took the tube.

"Will you be alright?" Probed Glenn, a bit sceptical.

"I'll be Fine", Don't worry said Fionn.

The situation has repeated itself, nothing happened to Fionn.

" This poison can kill a rank 0 practitioner in about 15 min and the death would not be pleasant, the poisoned person would suffer a lot of torment before dying." Reviewed Fionn in a very serious way.

Listening to Fionn's comments, Glenn's body trembled with excitement, having calmed down, he said respectfully. " As you have already examined the deadliest poisons in this room, I am in awe of your capabilities."


" It's nothing, what about the other poisons in your hands?" Replied Fionn a bit embarrassed.

"Oh! , they're a lot less impressive than previous ones. " Answered Glenn.

"I'll try anyway, shall I?" Asked Fionn.

"If you come tomorrow to try out my masterpiece, you can have 'em for free." Answered Glenn, smiling.

After giving it some thought, Fionn said "deal"

After about 15 min.

Fionn enters the store again through the back door and noticing people's glances at him, an idea struck him.

Fionn, then declared loudly" if any of you can find a poison that can please me, I will give him/her 1,000 mana crystals, remember, this deal will be open until tomorrow, I'll be here tomorrow at 10am."

After saying his piece, Fionn zoomed away with a flash of lightning

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