《Guns in another world》Poison Connoisseur


In a secluded alley.

With a bright red Fash, a giant black wolf appeared.

"How are you, buddy?" Asked Fionn, while rubbing Ethers fur.

Ether hasn't changed much since becoming Fionn's summoning beast, but there is an extra red gloss to his fur

Growled ether and started licking Fionn.

"Stay inside for a couple of days more, I can't summon you inside the city, once we leave the city, you can roam around until your heart's content." said Fionn apologetically.

Growled ether, as if understanding what Fionn said.

Since Ether has become Fionn's summoning beast, they understand each other's thoughts and feelings through telepathy because of the link they share.

Ether does not have to eat food now because the blood energy inside the crystal can provide him a lot more benefits than any type of food.

The crystal can generate blood energy in two ways, first is by absorbing it directly from Fionn's slain enemies, and the other is by absorbing the mana of nature.

The second method is naturally slower than the former.

After playing with Ether for some time, Fionn recalled him, and then began to walk out of the alley.

Looking at the sky Fionn determined the time to be around 6pm.

"I should find a lodging for the night." thought Fionn.

He then asked a passer-by to recommend an overnight hotel.

"You should try Pearl Lodge, it is known for its classy accommodation and excellent food, but it is rather

Expensive. " Suggested the passer-by.

"I'm not short of money, I'll look at it. "

Fionn replied and thanked the passer-by.

Following the directions given by the man, Fionn found himself facing a magnificent building.

The building was built of pure white marble on 5 acres of land and was 4 floors tall, as its name suggests, it really looked like a pearl of this city.


Looking at the hotel in Satisfaction, Fionn decided to stay here.

Like that guy suggested, the food and accommodation was really good,

even with the standards of earth.

Next day, after having his breakfast, Fionn was wandering about the city, suddenly, a store called Rowling's Apothecory attracted his attention.

Remembering something, Fionn walked inside the store with a wide grin on his face.

Being a light bulb, just after entering the store Fionn attracted quite a few gazes.

The manager behind the counter, noticing Fionn's clothes, rushed towards him and asked "esteemed customer, how could I help you?."

"Get me some poisons." Replied Fionn calmly.

Silent gasps and murmurs can be heard around, after Fionn responded.

Stunned by his reply, with a hesitant look, the manager said" wait a minute, sir." And started rummaging through the cabinets.

After about a minute, the manager took out a few glass tubes and said "These are all the poisons available at the moment."

While the manager was about to start explaining the type and usage of poisons.

Fionn eagerly picked up the first tube that contained a strangely coloured liquid and drank it.

Cries of alarm sounded around him, as the people begins to shout "Is this guy trying to commit suicide inside the store, boss, call the city guard, otherwise the blame will fall on you."

As the hustle and bustle intensified.

Fionn threw the tube, which landed in that dumpster back there, and said with dissatisfaction "What is this garbage poison, it can hardly give a practitioner diarrhoea."

Picking up his remark the bustling crowd went silent, then gasps of amazement rang out as the crowd witnessed the next scene

Fionn dissatisfied, proceed and picked up the next tube, which contains a slimy green liquid and drank it in one gulp.


The crowd gulped along side Fionn,

while looking at him in horror.

Fionn after drinking the second poison tube said with annoyance, while pointing the poison tubes, "Don't you have a poison that can kill a practitioner, these can barely kill a normal person."

As the surrounding crowd again started erupting with commotion, an observant man said "I think this guy is a poison master, these individuals are highly immune to poisons."

Like reaching the epiphany, everyone's got an understanding look on their face.

The store manager who was already shell-shocked, upon hearing Fionn's work said" Sir, if you do not have the permit of the kingdom authorities, I can't sell you the more lethal poisons."

Suddenly, with a CREAK, a dishevelled man entered the store through the back door and shouted. " What's all this ruckus about?"

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