《Guns in another world》Recount l


Keith nodded, then with an influx of mana, his body shot up toward the sky.

After reaching his intended altitude, Keith stopped, while his hair was dancing in the wind, his eyes began to glow silver in colour.

With the accumulation of mana, Keith's body also started emitting silver radiance, after charging enough mana, Keith tapped his foot and said with a solemn tone "STAR DOMAIN."

Even before Keith's word went out, everything within a radius of a mile, with Keith as the centre, stopped as if time is frozen.

" What's happening, grandpa " asked Fionn astonished.

"That's Keith's innate spell, STAR DOMAIN." answered Oliver, calmly.

"What can it do?" Asked Fionn, curiously.

"Keith can control all mana, that comes under this spell's coverage, like the fingers of his hands." Replied Oliver.

After Keith casted his spell, all the astronomical phenomenon stopped and the chaotic mana in the surrounding, due to gins awaking also calm down.

While Oliver saw all that, he sighed in relief.

As the light around gin culminated in intensity, Fionn started to feel the cold, even within the barrier.

The frost in the ground is now more than a foot deep.

Seeing Fionn's state Oliver said "bear with it just a while more, it's about to end."

After about a minute, Fionn could see the light surrounding gin started to dim.

As the light died out fionn could see gin's silhouette seated cross legged, gin's appearance has changed drastically his short white hair is now reaching his waist, his shoulder are now broader and muscles more pronounced.

Gin then rose, his height is now over six feet, with his upper body naked due to the sudden increase in body mass, gin seems pretty daunting.

Abruptly gin opened his eyes, which now looks like feline eyes and let out a deafening roar.


With gin's roar an image of a white lion appeared behind him that roared along with him.

Then gin began to laugh and rubbed his head against that of the lion, lovingly.

"Hey bro, could you do something about this frost." Shouted Fionn, exasperated.

"Oh!, sorry about that, I'll do it now" replied gin, a bit embarrassed.

After saying that, gin extended his hands, then all the frost in the vicinity came rushing towards gin's extended palm and disappeared.

Gin then retracted his avatar and walked towards Fionn and Oliver

As gin walked toward them, Oliver looked at him and said emotionally." "You are a grown man, now"

Hearing Oliver's words gin laughed embarrassedly.

While Oliver was checking gin's condition, keith landed beside him with a TAP and said "We don't have time for this, you should hurry."

Hearing keith's words Oliver sighed, then nodded and said while looking at fionn & gin " you two come inside with me, I have something to confess."

While gin was wondering, Fionn has a premonition of what's going to happen.

As they entered the drawing room, Oliver took his seat on the sofa and motioned them to sit opposite him.

After taking his seat Fionn beckoned ether, who was trembling in the corner due to experiencing the immense suppression from gin.

Gin sighed with helplessness because of his recent awakening, he could not control his bloodline aura, so to the creatures with lower bloodline he is like a raging bull on a frenzy.

Keith just leaned on the door frame at the entrance, as if in a hurry.

Then Oliver took a deep breath and started to narrate.

"I was born into a declining Noble family in the capital, our family declined as a result of the thinning of our bloodline across generations."


" our family was not in imminent danger, due to my father, a rank 3 practitioner holding the fort, But neither was it safe, because of our family being old aristocrats, we had a number of enemies waiting for us to reach our lowest."

" I was born without our hereditary bloodline, but my innate spirit power was at the level of a genius, so my father didn't lose hope in me."

After reaching that point Oliver tone took a sharp dive and became immensely cold.

"on the day of my awakening, they did it, my whole family was massacred because of my avatar.''

"My awakening just like yours caused quite a bit of stir, which alerted our enemies, who then came only to witness a rank 4 Avatar choosing me as it's partner."

"Which prompted them to come at us with a joint effort."

Reaching out to the pendant at his neck Oliver continued.

" My uncle teleported me away using our ancestral relic, telling me to live on and keeping the lineage alive."

"Teleportation took me to a village near the black stag kingdom, I was at my lowest, depressed, that's when I met your father" said Oliver, while looking at gin.

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