《Emperor Of The End of Times》Chapter 3: Acquaintances


The D entity was in an inactive state but at 10 a.m. the only test tube containing it suddenly burst , no one knows how it burst some says that this particular organism emits a type of high frequency , the oscillations then making the fragile glass crack , some says that it multiplied so quickly that the test tube could not stand the pressure but one thing was clear when it got outside and first contacted the air , that was the advent of new era and sadly the beginning of the biggest nightmare the billions of humans peopling the earth ever experienced.

Continuing to recall his long and arduous experience Ju long felt bitter, everything was so clear, the struggles the fights, the injuries, scars of the body and mind, it was unforgettable.

During those twenty years he suffered so much but it reshaped him into a strong human being, and now the same man with the iron heart and body returned to the eve of the end, this is a big chance.

Ju long remembered what will happen four days from now , the D entity was a special organism , it didn’t fear anything , be it heat , coldness , water or even fire , it rapidly propagated and absorbed everything it could absorb to multiply in the span of a single hour , it had already filled 100% of the ambient air all around the planet, every single living thing couldn’t escape inhaling and absorbing some of it.

Plants, animals, insects and humans changed radically.

And then horrible things came to light, plants were the only things that didn’t change too much at least in behaviour, the forests became more lush, new species came to life and some deserted zones almost instantly recovered.

But other things completely transformed, animals and insects were the least affected, 20 % failed to assimilate the organism completely and changed into abhorrent and monstrous things, the other 80% evolved and changed drastically, from new species to sizes and features everything was not the same.

Lastly humans, the humans were the most harmfully affected , more that 25% of the population meaning approximatively 2 billion failed the assimilation , what happened then was a calvary , they changed into non-human creatures that attacked every living thing they could see in front of them , they behaved like zombies but they were not exactly zombies , their cellular tissues didn’t deteriorate , their heart and brain were intact , they became a new type of life , a sort of degenerate life.

Scientists in the future named them sub humans, a completely detached new species of humans, with time these sub humans didn’t only act on instinct, first what was noticed was that part of the brain was momentarily shut down, some thought that the affected subjects could return to normal, but what was incomprehensible was that in fact they were no different from dead.

For example, lets name a normal human, subject A, subject A before being affected was a normal human being, being contaminated by the D entity and failing to assimilate it meaning having a weak immunity, subject A became an infected subject, in that same moment everything that constituted subject A was erased meaning he was literally dead, then subject A now became another form of life (subject B).

A new form of consciousness emerged and controlled the body that was still functioning , what was the most terrible was that in the infant phase, the sub humans were no different from zombies, blindly attacking people without thinking like starving beasts, but gradually, they became more and more aware, more intelligent, by the fifth year of the apocalypse they developed their brain completely and were almost at the same level as humans , what was even more dreadful was that they have the ability to breed and therefore multiplying, the only thing reassuring is that the evolved animals were powerful and were in constant conflict with sub humans decreasing their level of danger , quite ironic isn’t it, the same animals that were pushed to extinction by us are now similar to an ally.


A sub-human trait is a different colour of skin and a totally hairless body (example alopecia Universalis for further understanding), variating from yellow to purple, these colours also symbolized their level of evolution and power, in the infant phase all of them had pale grey skin.

The earth then became a paradise of new dangerous species but still humans didn’t loose all hope because humans found after two years of studies and research that they could also evolve.

Indeed, animals successfully assimilating the D entity evolved into more powerful creatures, there was no reason for humans to not evolve seeing that more than 75% didn’t directly die and survived when the D entity first swept the world.

So, it was found that a certain substance found in sub humans and evolved creatures could make humans break their limits, this substance was named “Barrisium”, the substance was named after the scientist who first discovered its existence, doctor Morris Barr.

This substance turns out to have an effect on the cells of the body at a genetical level transforming the body making more agile, stronger and more durable.

Everything from reaction to perception and even intelligence, almost all are optimized and further raised, super humans were not just a dream anymore but even evolution isn’t invulnerable, everything is fair from creation, to become an evolver wasn’t a problem from people but even evolution was classified into five numbers and six letters.

0 order humans are people who didn’t evolve yet, then there is respectively.

First order evolver, Second order evolver, Third order evolver, Fourth order and fifth order evolvers.

From one to five everything related to physical ability is raised to astonishing levels that humans could not even fathom being able to arrive at.

Then more horrible are the evolvers classified by letters, from the letter E to S.

The watershed between numbers and letters is a qualitative leap, if numbers are related to physical ability then letters are a completely different kind of existence, from then on, the evolvers will condense Barrisium inside their body and thanks to that their powers will become unfathomable, evolvers able to condense Barrisium inside their body can emit energy out of their body and thus transcending physical strength.

Things like fire, water, earth, wind, electricity and other peculiar abilities will begin to appear.

But not all people are capable of breaking through the watershed, majority of evolvers will stay at the fifth order all their life.

Only a few are capable of breaking into this

In the last year before his death Ju long heard rumours from some high-ranking people, he heard that there is another level after the S class evolver that is the X class but unfortunately an X class evolver never appeared in his memory before his death.

“well 2 hours passed, the strengthening liquid was successfully absorbed!”

After 2 hours of painstaking mediation Ju long finally woke up, clenching his fist full of strength, a satisfied smile hangs on his face, then lowering his head he noticed that he was drenched in sweat, the smell made him uncomfortable so he immediately entered the bathroom to take a shower.

“so, refreshing I never thought that I could feel this again and what is even more amazing is that it is before the disaster huh “

Ju long left the bathroom, water droplets were still escaping from his hair, his upper body was bare, if some women could see Ju long, they would pounce on him like hyenas, his body now was not the same compared to a few hours ago.

The strengthening liquid helped him excrete the impurities in the form of sweat and tempered his muscles, making him more stream lined, every piece of muscle on his body emitted pure strength and beauty, Ju Long was still thin, he was 1,80 m tall and weighted more than 80 kg, but his body appeared perfectly coordinated and balanced.


“now I can infer that my fist can even ko people like Tyson? tomorrow I will go test my strength in the gym and by the way buy the weapons I need”

Ju long smirked and then decided to train a little to better adapt to his body before going to bed to rest.


And like that one day already passed, Ju long was now leaving from the gym leaving a few people with an incredulous expression, this morning he went directly to the gym, he knew this particular popular gym that have some facilities for testing strength agility and endurance.

First his fist strength reached an astonishing number of 800 hundred kilograms of strength ,200 kilos more than the champion Tyson.

His kicking strength reached more than 1400 kilograms of power almost the double of his fist strength but Ju long knows this is the limit of a normal human being he can’t go further but even so he was excited because at least for the first phase of the apocalypse he has more confidence to protect himself.

Testing his speed and endurance he could run 17 meters per second for five minutes wish is never heard of, everyone knows that Usain bolt the fastest man can only run about 12 meters per second but he can’t maintain that speed for five complete minutes, so what Ju long has done in this gym is breaking every physical record existing as of now.

People are still had their mouth open till the back of Ju long disappeared seemingly not believing what happened.

Leaving the gym , Ju long headed to the angel and demon bar , this bar Ju long had never gone to , from his search on the black forums on the internet he found that , this bar was a cover , in fact the boss was renowned weapons seller , his name was old iron , this was a middle aged man that seemed inconspicuous but in fact he was a celebrity in the underground , everyone knows that beside the white business and black business there is also another area that is neutral , the grey area and this old iron was one of the most known in the grey business, he didn’t care who bought his weapons too , he only had one principle , “the weapons living my shop are not my weapons anymore”

Entering the bar, Ju long felt uncomfortable, the noisy atmosphere and the depravity was not to his liking, he was a loner in the apocalypse, he was accustomed to silence and calmness, this was what the end of the world forged his character into.

Looking around and scanning the surrounding he spotted a small entrance guarded by two burly thugs, then he directly walked toward them.

“where are you going this is not where you should wander!”

One of two burly thugs fiercely exclaimed.

“I’m the one who placed an order”

Ju long calmly spoke.

The two thugs exchanged looks then one of them nodded and disappeared inside, but at the same moment a familiar voice resounded behind him.

“hey isn’t that my bro Long ge what are you doing here”

Turning around, Ju long saw six people walking toward him, two of them were extremely familiar one was his ex-fiancée Su wei and the other was his so-called best buddy and brother Xu Fei, the remaining four were some of his classmates in college but he can’t recall clearly after all it was far in the past.

Xu fei was holding Su wei intimately by the waist and smirking at him.

Su wei looked at Ju long and felt embarrassed, after all what happened inside the restaurant was still vivid in her mind so she was dodging his eyes but she didn’t leave from Xu fei hands.

Ju long wasn’t affected by them he just felt ridiculous at what they were playing at.

“why aren’t you greeting your brother?”

“oh brother? are you sure you are worthy?”

The handsome face of Xu fei twitched a little but he didn’t stop smiling.

“are you blaming me for taking your girlfriend brother?”

Hearing his words Ju long gaze became cold, not because of his satirizing words but because this clown was wasting his time.

“okay stop your pathetic act, an ugly hypocrite and a snobbish woman, you are made for each other I sincerely congratulate you but now I have no time for your shitty play so get out of my sight”

Sweeping these people with his eyes slowly Ju long said.

Xu fei was surprised , in the past Ju long wasn’t like this , he was the sort of person who was always shy and spoke lightly but now he was like another person , his eyes radiated coldness and his posture was upright and stalwart, but after the surprise he became enraged , who is he , he is the son of a powerful man and a rich second generation , in the past he played the brother of Ju long but behind his back he was despising him.

“Ju long if you kneel down and apologise to me and Su wei I will let you go otherwise I will let you feel painful for a while”

Xu fei evilly said glaring at Julong.

“oh, just with you? I repeat get out of my sight this is the last time I say this “

“who the fuck do you think you are, you are just a weakling, a fucking pussy!”

Swearing Xu fei clenched his fist and raised his hand and wanted to punch, but his fist just reached the face of Ju long but it stopped abruptly, a thin and white slender hand was pinching the throat of Xu fei, after that his body left the ground and was heavily pressed on the wall of the bar.”

“cough …you!”

Xu fei eyes were wide open and he had difficulty breathing, his back was hurting from the impact of the wall.

Su wei and the others were stunned, in the span of a few seconds they just saw Ju long lightly pinch the throat of Xu fei and raising him like a chicken before pressing him on the wall, the actions were simple and without difficulty just like doing something normal.

Especially Su wei she was dumbfounded, she never knew that Ju long was so strong.

“I said disappear why don’t you kindly get the shit out of here, you are just a bug, do you think I’m sad or I’m miserable because of the two of you? what can two ants like you do? ridiculous …”

A murderous breath instantly emanated from the body of Ju long and shrouded Xu fei, at this moment Xu fei felt like he was facing a bloodthirsty monster from hell.

A stench was smelled and Ju long frowned then he released Xu fei letting him sliding along the wall like a frightened dog, he just peed in his pants from fear.

“hey the boss is waiting for you…is there a problem?”

The thug that was inside returned and was surprised by the sight.

“no lead the way”

Without even looking at Xu fei and the others he disappeared in the narrow corridor.

Looking at his back Su wei regained herself.


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