《Emperor Of The End of Times》Chapter 2: The D-entity (The dormant organism)


After carefully planning everything Ju long finally left his house, he needs to quickly implement each action swiftly, no way five days are too short, it’s not like the story in a novel, things will not gradually deteriorate, everything will happen in instant and people will be taken by surprise, it’s just that the surprise is not a good one, or should we say that it’s a bloody one.

“first the Chinese medicine shop”

Ju long didn’t wait, he grabbed a taxi on the street and departed.

The driver was a chatty middle-aged man, an overly enthusiastic one, from the moment Ju long boarded the car he didn’t stop talking, at first, he ignored him but then he was beaten by his excited mood and exchanged some words.

“Young man I’m not bragging but I have 20 years of experience in being a driver of taxi, I have almost seen all kinds of people, but I must admit that from all the youngsters that boarded my old partner you are the most unreadable”

Ju long eyes fluctuated a bit in surprise.

“is that so? and why is it?”

“your expression, your behaviour even your words, it’s not like a young man in his twenties, your temperament is too different, should I say that you are not an ordinary person?”


Ju Long brows wrinkled and he thought inside but he quickly regained himself and smiled indifferently.

“you are partly right”


“hahaha at least my judgment is right! …oh, young man we are already here”

Without noticing the Chinese medicine shop was already in front of Ju Long, paying the fair and preparing to leave the car Ju long thought of something then turned again to the middle-aged man.

“old man, I appreciate you so I will give you some advice , as for your choice to believe it or not it doesn’t matter to me , four days from now don’t leave your house and reinforce some of the windows and the doors , buy some food at least for a few months of feeding , get some sharp weapons for security , the world will change and sadly its not in our advantage , it’s all I can say , everything depends on you , goodbye “

Ju long left without looking back, he did what he could he is not a saviour nor a hero, he just thought that this old man was interesting and could find a way to live in the future, nothing else.

The old man frowned and thought seriously before taking a last deep look at the mysterious young man before leaving.

Fate is a strange thing, Ju long didn’t know that his words led to some future situations where he needed the help of the old man but these things are in the future.

Ju long raised his head and looked at the name of the shop, (Lin family medicine shop), the name was not something original but this was the most popular Chinese medicine shop in the city because it belonged to the Lin family, a powerful family of doctors and military.


Ju long shook his head, things like families and background will not matter anymore, it just fragile bubbles.

Entering the shop, it was spacious and clean, definitely not like some little shops, behind the counter was a beautiful young woman and there was also an old man with an old tunic white hair and white long beard quite refined and literal revealing the aura of ancients.

“excuse me I need to purchase some herbs”

Ju long looked at the beautiful woman and said indifferently, the young woman also looked at Ju long and was somewhat surprised, majority of the clients that came at least spent some seconds looking at her before speaking , its not to boast be she is really a beautiful woman , her skin was white and flawless , her hair was meticulously arranged and her features were nearly perfect , but mostly was her temperament she was exuding purity and elegance, but all of this didn’t affect Ju long in the slightest which momentarily surprised her.

“excuse me?”

“ah sorry what do you want sir?”

“I said I want some herbs, I have a small list here “

Ju long withdrew a small paper and gave it to the young woman, taking the paper she immediately professionally nodded and walked to the back of the shop.

Ju long wasn’t uninterested in women but he simply wasn’t the young man of the past who marvelled at the sight of beauties , the horrible experiences he had made him cold and unwavering , in the apocalypse the most important trait of character wasn’t kindness , intelligence or courage but calmness , calmness was fundamentally a crucial trait to stay alive so in twenty years Ju long had long been tempered and abnormally maintained a calm attitude to all things happening around him.

When the young woman reappeared, she had many kinds of small packages filled with herbs, it didn’t matter what was the herbs, they weren’t rare or anything what mattered was their combination and processing and for now the only person who knew their use was Ju Long, the advantage of rebirth!

When Ju long payed the woman and prepared to live suddenly the old man who didn’t talk all this time suddenly spoke.

“young man, can I look at the list of herbs you have?”

Ju long looked at the old man and nodded, he didn’t worry about the old man knowing the use of the prescription, it’s impossible, it is too complex.

The old man seriously looked at the herbs and his brows furrowed seemingly trying to understand some things.

“young man what are you doing with these herbs? if it’s not inconvenient to say”

“nothing, it’s not important my grandfather is a fervent admirer of Chinese medicine so he wants some herbs to experiment”

Ju long fabricated some story quickly, not to say that he had no grandfather even his father was not seen.

The old man gazed at Ju long for a moment before nodding and then he resumed what he was doing indifferently, Ju long took his herbs and left without expression not bothered by this small episode.


A few minutes after he left, the two people in the shop were discussing.

“grandfather is that prescription special?”

“I don’t know, the herbs are common herbs but some of their combination are interesting, I feel that their arrangement may have some sort of effect on human body”

“but he said that his grandfather…”

“do you really believe him? say what do you think of him?”

The old man cut in and didn’t let the young woman complete her sentence, if Ju long was here, he wold be surprised, the old man didn’t know what the prescription is for but he already concluded a little about its use which revealed the extraordinary ability he had.

“oh, I think he is too indifferent and too calm, like everything around him was controlled, he is too steady and his character is incompatible with his age”

“haha! that’s my beautiful granddaughter, indeed this young man is not ordinary I felt some murderous breath on him leaking, and although a big beauty was in front of him, he never flinched even the rhythm of his heart didn’t fluctuate in the slightest, so his story is mostly a lie”


“haha, but seriously this young man is too strange, I feel that we will meet again in the future”

The young woman looked at the door where Ju long left and her beautiful eyes had a strange light.

No one would have thought that the young woman and the old man were the only granddaughter and the patriarch of the powerful Lin family.

But these things didn’t matter for Ju long who bought rations along the way and returned home, he can’t wait to strengthen his body, every minute is precious now.

Ju long bought 30 kilos of rice and 30 litres of mineral water, many things rich in calories and protein like chocolate eggs and smoked meat that can be preserved.

After completing this task, he finally was prepared to concoct the precious strengthening liquid, the process was delicate and meticulous because the weight of each processed herb has to be identic and without a marge of error.

So, after three whole hours of tiring work the liquid was finally ready, a vial containing a mix of greenish and yellowish liquid was placed in front of Ju long.

“finally, haha! with this I can at least say that I can have a certain sense of security in first days of the apocalypse”

Ju long was ecstatic, he didn’t need to test, he knows that the liquid was successfully made because in his memory if the subtill yellow colour appears with the green colour of the herbs juice then it’s a 100% genuine strengthening liquid.

Without waiting he directly drank it in one go and sat cross-legged on his bed like a meditating monk, many warriors in the apocalypse later noticed that meditation can further maximize the effect of the liquid.

Ju long knows that his body needs at least one to two hours to really finalize the proceeding of reinforcing his metabolism.

The moment he ingested the liquid a hot sensation coursed through all of his body, then a subtle pain was little by little felt, the pain gradually increased but Ju long clenched his teeth and tried to meditate.

After 30 minutes of intense pain it finally passed, Ju long breathed a sight of relief then felt excited he knows the first step was a success, now what is just left is the continuous fortifying of the cells.

In the meantime, Ju long was deeply thinking about what will happen next, first of all about the cause of the great apocalypse, it wasn’t unknown, that wasn’t some mad scientist experience or aliens coming to earth or anything like that in fact it was quite simple.

Everything began first when the largest lake under the thick ice of Antarctica was discovered, the Lake Vostok, discovered by British scientists in 1993 with the help of an airborne ice-penetrating radar.

So far there was no problem and scientists performed many surveys that confirmed that fresh water was isolated under the ice and that for a long, long time!

But everything began to deteriorate when Russian scientists perfored the ice sheet and wanted to extract the fresh water hoping to find ancient kind of organisms that maybe are still living and intact.

So they all along the years continued to extract cores of fresh water , the first extracted core of fresh water was obtained on 10 January 2013 , it was extracted at a depth of 3,406 m (11,175 ft), then a second sample in 2015, there was nothing to worry about , scientists indeed found many new types of entities and organisms that made them go mad and elated, it was an important discovery because these organisms are from millions of years ago and some are still living it was a miracle of nature but everything transformed into hell when the third and last sample was obtained on 15 January 2019 , this was the beginning of the never ending nightmare, a new organism was found in the 003 sample and was named the D-entity.

This D entity was a kind of living organism but scientist noticed it was nothing like the previous organisms they know, its constitution was simply incomprehensible, nothing like a virus or a cell, a completely new form of life.

16 January 2019 was the first day of the apocalypse calendar, this D-entity so far dormant suddenly awakened in a laboratory of Russia in Moscow, and then …

Then the pandora box was opened.

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