《Assassin God》Chapter 19


It has been a week since the palace blew up and news of the king’s death has spread to the nobles causing them to wage war against each other for the throne.

“Vel let me go I need to let them know I alive” Zelly said as she struggled to try to get out of the chair.

“Why all they are going to do is send assassins after you so they can grab the throne and why would I go through the trouble of digging you out just for you to die” Vel said sitting in the window sill with black hair and red eyes.

“But you’re the one that caused it” she shouted.

“It counts as half a heroic deed then” Vel said with pride and joking manner.

“…” she just stared at him.

“Say something at least” Vel said looking out the window looking for his next target.

“Why did you even dig me out just to tie me to a chair” Zelly said after a while.

“Because I wanted to see if the curse was still active on you” Vel said as he wasn’t really sure why he did either.

“Well you can see it not” Zelly said with a hint of anger.

What they both didn’t know at that time was that the curse was still active but lost most of its effect.

A few hours went by as Vel waited for his target to arrive and lead him to their hideout.

“There you are Bishop Selon” Vel said in a cold voice as his target came into view.

“Don’t move” Vel said to Zelly before hopping out the window to follow.

“Like I can” Zelly shouted after him still struggling to move.

After following for twenty-minute Vel watched as the bishop walk into the alleyway and stop in front of the brick wall. He knocks on the wall in a specified order causing the door to move aside leading into the secret hallway.


“Fancy” Vel thought as he waited few minutes before he opened the door and entered.

The hallway went on which seem like forever as it looked the same with light coming out of shine stone and marble flooring with shining white material for the wall.

Soon Vel came to a door and put his ear up to it to listen but what he heard shocked him.

“Soon we will have enough sacrifices and follows for the pope to ascended into godhood leading the religion forever” a hoarse voice said.

“What the current total of sacrifices at and a total of followers” another voice said but sounded much younger possible in his twenties.

“489,786 sacrifices and 498,801 followers“ a woman voice sounded.

“Before we continue our conversation how about we invite our guest in” the hoarse voice said as the door swing open showing Vel on the other side.

“Um… Can you direct me to the bathroom I think I’m lost” Vel said with dry laughter.

“Boy I think you should learn to lie better” the hoarse voice sound but when Vel looked at him all he saw was a wrinkly old man who looked to be in his nineties which was impressive since most hardly make it to fifty.

“What do you want” the woman came into view shocked Vel because he had one thought and that was ‘Fat’. The woman was so fat that every step she took causing the ground to shake and wave to appear on her body.

“You to go on a diet” Vel said causing her to turn red with anger and stomp the ground causing everyone around her to stumble.

“I’m GOING TO KILL YOU” she yelled as she tried walking over to him.

“Nah I pass on that. I’m here to kill you all” Vel said pulling out his knife with a skull on it.


“Boy, you think you can kill this old man you are few hundred years too early” the old man said taking off his robe showing off his chiseled muscle.

‘That impressive’ Vel thought as he looked at the old man ignoring the fat women charging him.

“I want to join” the young man said but he could hardly stand as he looks as if he going to die at any moment.

“4 on one seem fun do I join to” Selon said coming out of his corner.

“Let get this freak show over with” Vel said as he watches the group charging him.

Vel ran forward using ghost steps to counter the shaking and echo technique as he jabs out stabbing through the woman neck as couldn’t match his speed.

“Mother” the young man shouts causing his eyes to turn red and grew taller and buffer.

The young man strength tripled along with his speed causing him to move faster then the eyes can see.

“Too Slow” Vel said stabbing him in the heart and the neck before he notices he already dead.

‘Two left’ Vel thought as he seen the old man began to move causing Vel to receive a shock as the old man was quicker than the speed of sound.

“Your fast but you’re not as fast as me” the old man said smashing his cane down toward Vel head.

“Your quick but are you as fast as the speed of light” Vel said as he dodges to the left and beheading the old man.

“Your turn” Vel turned toward Selon causing him to shake with fear.

“I give you anything if you promise you won’t kill me” he offered when he realized he won’t be able to win.

“That not happening but do you remember the Fang village you destroyed almost eight years ago” Vel said.

“We destroyed lots of village and town that year” the man said.

“Then do you remember the Zero the blacksmith” Vel said with his growing anger.

“He didn’t want to join us so we wipe his village out of anger” he said.


“You’re his son which the oracle told us about” the man face paled.

“Tell me where the leader is” Vel said as he at his limit of patience.

“He is located at…” the man said before he was beheaded.

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