《Assassin God》Chapter 12


“Watch up my little pet”

When Vel open his eyes, he was in a locked room with the Liz but when Vel tried to move but noticed his legs and arm were bound to the chair.

“Why did you kidnap me” he asks in monotone voice.

“Because you’re my new toy commoner and no one going to miss a kid from the slums” she began laughing in an evil laugh.

“So you kidnap me because your last toy died” Vel said looking at all the blood around the room.

“Exactly he could handle the pain and died” she put on a smile as she remembers the fun they had.

“What do your parents think about this” Vel ask while attempting to untie himself.

“They always go on about how commoner is there for noble’s entertainment but when the new king came to power and removed all the corrupted nobles we started taking people from the slum to vent our anger” She still has the smile.

“Then why did you target me” Vel asks as he began to loosen his legs without her noticing.

“I seen you on the streets and instantly took a liken to you and had your background check but you disappeared for few days but imagine how surprised to see you reading in the library” she said running her hand over him.

“So there not even a chance for you to let me go before you regret this” Vel ask getting ready to escape.

“How are you going to make me regret this when you're bound to the chair” she laughed as went to the corner and pick up a whip.

“You know I had this whip special made with Firestone so all wounds are burned instantly upon contact” Liz said whipping the wall as a demonstration leaving scorch marks along the way.


“I think it time for me to go” Vel said launching up from the chair and charging her as he was going to kill her to get rid of future problems.

“looks like you have some training” she said attacking with her whip.

Vel takes a step to the side barely missing the whip and barely bring her into his attack range.

“Oh you dodge pretty well but how long can you keep it up” Liz said as she continued launching her whip causing Vel to use his techniques to the limit.

‘I have to get closer but dodging from this distance is already difficult” Vel thought as he inches forward slowly.

“Let’s see how well you do with two whips” Liz bring out another whip from who knows where.

“Now my chance” Vel launches forward when he spots her weakness from using two whips.

Vel grabs he arm and send his hidden blade through it causing her to scream in pain and drop the whip.

“YOU COMMONER HOW DARE YOU HURT ME” she screams as she kicks out.

“Told you would regret this” Vel said as he kicks her leg causing her to fall and send his blade through her head.

“Now it time to escape but where the exit” Vel wonders as he peeks out the door.

“Seem I underground and only on guard to keep watch” Vel sneaks behind him and quickly stabs his neck dragging the body into the room.

‘It a good thing I learn the how to change my size’ Vel thought as he changes into the guard.

When Vel reached the surface he realized that he inside a mansion in the middle of nowhere.

‘How far did they bring me’ Vel thought as he looked toward a mountain which he knew wasn’t near the capital.


“Did they drug me to keep me from waking up” Vel mumbled as he made his way to the gates saying he running to town for new supplies that the miss ordered.

After getting out of sight Vel entered the forest and change back into himself well he tried to figure how far from the capital is.

‘Judging from the mountain it should be on around week journey from the capital’ Vel thought as he remembers looking at a map from surround area.

“Maybe I should have learned what noble family she was from before killing her” Vel thought as he ran through the forest soon arriving at a nearby town.

“Can you tell me where I’m at I’m lost” Vel walked up to the guard with ‘Help me’ face.

“You’re at Keystone Town but where are your parents at” the guard asks.

“I don’t know we were walking but a bear showed up and they told me to run but I lost and wandered around the forest” Vel began to add fake tears.

“Where your village located at” the guard asks.

“Our village was destroyed by bad men and we manage to escape heading to the capital to live with my aunt” Vel said with tears still running.

“The capital about a week away and there a merchant who heading that way I go asks to see if he can give you a ride” the guard said and found another to watch him while he goes asks.

Soon the guard comes back with a man who looks to be around forty and bit overweight.

“So, you’re the kid who heading to the capital can you do anything in return if I give you a ride” the merchant asks.

“I could help maintain the horse and help load and unload the wagon” Vel said.

“Very well but I’m only going to pay you few copper coins in return” the man said.

“Deal” Vel agreed since he found a way back to the capital and added Liz family to his hit list.

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