《Assassin God》Chapter 8


“I finally made it” a boy said as he passed through the gates into the city.

‘Now time to find the Assassin guild but where is it’ Vel thought after realizing he lost.

“Excuse me miss but could you tell me what all the guilds are in the capital” Vel walk over to vendor selling flowers and hypnotized her.

“There are Adventure guild, Merchant guild, and dark guild” She smiled at Vel when she answered.

“Could you tell me the description of them and what about assassination missions?” Vel asks straightforward.

“Adventure guild does quest like bounty hunting, killing monsters, and odd jobs, the merchant guild is to catch corrupted merchants, and the dark guild is where thieves, assassins, and other criminals take missions” She said.

“Do you know where the dark guild is located at?” Vel asks.

“In the basement of the bar called ‘Happy Times’” She says before Vel unhypnotized her.

“Thanks for the information” Vel says when he leaves.

“What information” the flower girl said confused thinking what a weird boy.

After Vel found the bar after searching for few hours he saw people entering and exiting with either hoods or masks.

‘I should get a mask and maybe a coat’ Vel thought finding a nearby store.

“How much for these” Vel asks the store clerk pointing at black coat with a hood that currently oversized for him and a plain white mask that will cover his entire face.

“For those thirty silvers for the coat and three silvers for the mask” He says not expecting Vel to be able to afford anything.

“Here you go” Vel tossed him thirty-three silver coins and walk out.

Vel walked into the side alley and changed into his outfit and walked right into the dark guild. Inside the guild was a stage with a dancer and board with missions.


“can I sign up for the dark guild” Vel asks the man behind the counter after changing his voice to sound deeper.

“Fill in the code name and occupation” the man said looking away toward the dancer on stage.

“Codename: Assassin God, Job: Assassin” the man laughs when he reads this when Vel handed it back.

“Are you sure you want to test out the name” Vel said in cold voice causing him to put on a face full of fear.

“Nope, so do you know the rules” the man asks.

“I know there is a fee if I quit job halfway through” Vel said.

“That one but there a ranking system starting from E to S ranks that brand new since most new guys take request above their abilities and end up dead or arrested” the man said with a sigh.

“If they get arrested why haven’t the king shut you down” Vel couldn’t help but asks.

“The king and the guild master have an agreement that state we can operate and he looks the other way” the man says.

“So what are some mission I can take” Vel asks.

“Let me check” he says leaving for few minutes before coming back with three sheets.

“There currently three missions which are killing a kid who next in line for baron’s house, kill the gang leader of forty members, or killing a small-time guard who killed a child in front of their parents for stepping on his shoes” He places the paper in front of Vel.

“I will take the gang leader and the guard” Vel says picking up the information and leaving.

“The guild will send someone to check after you submit evidence upon completion” he shouts seeing Vel leave.

When Vel left the guild he headed towards the slums as its perfect place for him to blend in currently. Vel quickly found a place where he can rest and enter the training ground.


“Mission 3: Go to the capital and join the assassin guild, Completed. Reward: Forty experience point. Host has ranked up to Apprentice Assassin giving reward for rank up ‘Silence Boots’”

“Silence Boots what are they” Vel asks Leigh while holding blacks boots

“They are relic which is bound to you like your hidden blades and they cancel out 90% sound in your steps” Leigh explained while Vel trying them on.

“These sounds overpowered” Vel said surprised.

“Not really as they only work when you put Ki into them and at your giving time you have about ten minutes max before you run out of Ki” Leigh said throwing cold water over Vel ideas.

“Show Status”

Name: Vel

Assassin Title: Assassin God

Rank: Apprentice Assassin

Experience: 30/200

“Huh, the total amount experience doubled” Vel said.

“It going to double every rank up. This is the reason most assassins are apprentice assassin or old men who can barely be counted as assassins” Leigh said with a sigh at these low-level assassins who think they’re the best.

“Well, now its time for information gathering” Vel said leaving the training ground.

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