《Assassin God》Prologue


In the ruins of an old church, a boy around eight could be seen. The boy looks to not have eaten or bathed in a week. But he sat there praying toward the old statue of Zoren the creation god.

“Please give me something to slay all those bad men” the boy said in immature voice praying as hard as he could. As a week before he lived in a small village with his parents. His father was the blacksmith and was training him in the basic while his mother would watch over the children of the village teaching them the basic to read and write.

But that change when a group of knights rolled through claiming to be the servants of the light god. When the village refused to follow them in religion they began to massacring them and burning down their house not even sparing women and children.

As luck would have it the boy father sent him on delivery to a nearby village when this happen thus, making him the last survivor from his village.

When he returned to the village he discovered corpses litter the streets and the building was in ruins. When the boy saw this, he ran to his home and discovered his parents were there but his father has yet to pass on waiting for him to arrive.

“Vel you must live without regret” and after saying this his eye turns dim as he took his last breath.

Vel cried and cried until his tears ran out making his way to the outskirt of the village to the old church that had holes and looked like it would fall apart at any moment.

The days past and Vel didn’t leave the church as he felt totally alone in the world with no one left. He would sit there remembering the time he had with his parents and his friends or about the stories his father told about how there once was a man who made deal with God to gain immense strength but the price he paid makes him unable to die causing him to walk the world forever.


“Please give me anything to kill those bad men” Vel prayed and prayed hoping to make a deal like in those stories no matter the price.

“Are you sure because once this deal is made it can’t be undone” a voice sounded in Vel head.

“Yes” Vel said without the slightest hesitation.

“Very well” the voice said before a blinding light encased the old church.

“Assassin System installed”

“Assassin system what that” Vel thought as he collapses on the ground.

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