《Omega System》Chapter 4 - The Infirmary



Damon uttered that single word as realization dawned on him. It must have been because of their meeting at their front gate that had caused all this to happen.

Was it because of what I said?

He pondered on that thought for a minute, and it seemed like the only logical reason behind the series of unfortunate events that had occured. Damon lay on the ground like that for a few more minutes while thinking about what to do.

I want to go to Rachel and ask for an explanation right this second, but those guys from before might come ba---

A boy about the same age as Damon had interrupted him. He looked to be about 5 foot 7, and had ash brown coloured hair. He had a expression on his face that was full of concern..

“Are you ok? Those guys sure beat you up hard, huh.”

The boy held out his hand, the kind gesture calmed Damon down. Damon took the other boy’s hand and he helped him up. Damon patted off the dust on his clothes, and tried to wipe his blood off on his clothes. He tried to at least, it was futile, there was just too much blood.

“Why’d you help me? I can clearly see that you’re the only one that offered,” said Damon, not caring about the condition his body was in.

His suspicion of the person in front of him rose, but the boy quickly interrupted him.

“You’re hurt, first, we got to get you to the infirmary. I’ll tell you more about myself when you’re all patched up.”



Damon had limped all the way here. One of his arms had been around the other boy’s neck as they had slowly moved towards the infirmary. Damon felt like he owed the boy for helping him out this much, so he made a mental note to not forget to pay back the favour. The moment he entered the infirmary, he was shocked at how decorated and vibrant it was. Damon thought the infirmary to be a boring space, full of white painted furniture and walls, with the occasional potted plant. Contrary to Damon’s expectations, the room was anything but that.


When you entered, there was a friendly receptionist that greeted you with a smile, there were colourful paintings hanging on the wall, and the walls were painted orange, which gave off a warm feeling that soothed your heart. There were more than a few potted plants, the room seemed like a jungle! There were plants and flowers in every corner, as if the decorator had tried to squeeze as many pots of plants as he could into this one room. The infirmary was about the size of a cafeteria, it was pretty gigantic compared to other infirmaries.

Well, it is the best Academy in England after all.

There were many soft, leather couches spread across the room, against the walls, which was 10 times better than the usual plastic chairs. There were even magazines and books resting on small tables, spread out evenly throughout the infirmary. Towards the back, there was a hallway, probably that led to the areas where students were treated for their injuries.

“Hi, how can I hel--- Why are you in such bad shape?! Doctor! Get over here, there’s a student that needs urgent care!” the receptionist yelled.

As Damon and the brown haired boy waited, Damon heard the person beside him say something.

“Leon, call me Leon. My full name is Leon Rojas, call me by my name, so it won’t be as awkward.”

“Sure thing Leon, thanks for the help, I will make sure to pay you back.”

Leon’s face lit up with a smile in response to Damon’s words. He seemed glad that they had become friends without problems.

Then, the doctor arrived in front of them. He was a middle aged man, with black hair and brown eyes. He was about 5 foot 7, around the same height as Leon. The man looked like a typical doctor, a white coat along with a stereoscope around his neck.


He motioned his hand in a follow me gesture.

“Come this way, I’ll patch you up, and heal your wounds.”

The doctor proceeded to walk towards the hallway at the back of the infirmary that contained the patient rooms.

When they entered, Damon instantly went and lay on the bed, seemingly very tired and in pain. The doctor motioned for Leon to exit the room, so he could focus on the healing.

Throughout the world, magic had developed tremendously. People could control magic better, therefore they found many more ways to utilize it, including healing. Doctors around the world made many technological discoveries with the help of magic. Diseases and illnesses that couldn’t have previously been cured, now had cures, such as cancer. The Royal Academy’s Infirmary helped students using healing magic. It was now the standard of the medicinal world to have the ability to treat injuries and other things that could potentially harm humans.

After Leon left, the doctor started the healing process. He brought out his hands from his pockets and hovered them over Damon’s body. He chanted some unrecognizable words, and suddenly, green light spewed forth from his hands.

“This might hurt a bit,” said the doctor in an attempt to comfort him,

Then, the green light connected from the healer’s hands and connected to Damon, enveloping him in the same light. Damon felt a warm feeling as his wounds started to close. The feeling was like taking a hot bath after a long day of hard work. It felt like bliss to Damon, who had just experienced healing magic for the first time. His bones knit themselves back together, his mind calmed down, and all the tension in his body was released. After approximately a minute, the doctor finally stopped.

“You should be fine now,”

The doctor helped Damon up and showed him a mirror. His reflection was clean, and rid of all the injuries inflicted on him from before.

Healing magic sure works wonders!

Damon continued examining himself until he was satisfied that he was completely back to his old self. Then, he walked back towards the waiting room.

Damon was greeted by Leon, who had a relieved expression on his face.

“Do you feel better?”

“If you mean not having to suffer from broken ribs, then yeah, I guess,” remarked Damon, sarcastically.

After thanking the doctor, the two boys headed out of the infirmary. Leon asked about how Damon had ended up in that state, and Damon explained. They headed towards the Training Hall once again, to finish the Class Placement Exam.

They walked in through the door, everything was the same as before, people hustling about, minding their own business.

Damon looked around the room for Rachel, wanting an explanation, but he stumbled upon an unexpected person. They were staring straight at Damon.

Damon’s eyes widened in surprise as his gaze met with the person in front of him.

What?! Why is THAT person here?!

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