《The Forest Emperor》Chapter twenty three: Slice mundane babbling


As it turns out, Little Bear, our one and only blacksmith, isn’t that much of a blacksmith as much as he is an aspiring blacksmith.

Luckily he knows this and that about metals and how to melt them down but that is about as much as he knows or remembers from his previous life on Avarth.

Luckily, we aren’t about to let that beat us down. Since we are currently just trying to pour molten gold into the small carvings it hasn’t really slowed us down.

But we’ve been talking and we both came to the conclusion that we have a lot of metals in the future for this and that.

We have dreams, great dreams, dreams of creating things and stuff. Glorious things, magnificent stuff. I saw a non-existent tear fall from his eye when I told him that no one was interested in becoming a miner.

What we need is a system to record what everyone’s job is. I’ll talk to some of the pseudo leaders we got at the moment, can’t have people getting a free ride in my green utopia, the goddess wouldn’t allow it.

I checked up on the whole electricity situation earlier, everything seems fine for now but I made another water wheel generator because we’ve been gobbling up power with the furnace.

Not exactly sure how much power we have but I don’t know if we are actually storing any of it or if it is just being used on demand.

’m constantly making more houses for people, we’re up to around four hundred thousand, and we’ve got around two hundred and sixty thousand people roaming around Abraser.

That’s the count of people that currently have a respawn point here and they keep multiplying. I honestly have no way to make sure they are all doing things, most likely around one third is doing something just because there is literally nothing they have to do.

The green houses grow food so fast that they just have to go and grab something to eat every once in a while. If they want meat, they’ll have to hunt for it.

Someone dies every day from hunting or falling from the trees, the people that fall from trees, I really have no words. Don’t fall? There is no saving these kinds of people.

Sometimes people disappear, we are getting more frequent soulless people wandering about. If it weren’t for their mechanical behavior whenever someone talks to them I doubt we’d even know. I’m waiting patiently for their rebellion.

It got boring to watch over little bear work and I’ve carved twenty four feather spears and managed to slowly hollow out one.

The main reason I wanted to hollow one out is to add extra weight to it. I feel like I might be overly concerned about the weight of the spear, I still haven’t given it a try in the middle-layer and to be honest I think it’s about time.

I’ll go meditate for a stretch and check on the little bear’s progress with the foundry work.

Oh, might be worth mentioning that people have often forgotten their names so they either pick new names or get a nickname for some reason that a huge blob of a person has the nickname little bear.

Makes no sense.

Since I have it, I´ve been meditating with gold a lot. Could do it with silver as well but gold feels more valuable, mainly because it is.

It’s already very pure and in the form of either bars or bags of gold dust. I left the dust in the bags and am currently handling gold bars.


When I took them all out I really felt a sense of how little I have. I’ll try them out for a period of time and see if I get anywhere closer to sensing them in the same way as I have other affinities.

Finally the first spear has been made. Little bear had to polish it out quite a bit before I deemed it worthy of being imbued, which is what I am doing right at the moment.

There is a clear difference in how much I can channel into at once. It’s even faster than the typical unaltered wooden spear.

It’s taking a lot of time, this is already the third day but I’m feeling optimistic. At this point, imbuing is becoming a second nature, in the way that I almost lose myself in the way that I go into a trance.

It’s like I’m no longer inside of my body and no longer have any of my senses. Complete darkness, no sound or smell. Strangely I am completely conscious. The bad part about this is, I know time isn’t whirling by, relatively speaking it actually feels slower.

Ohhoho, I’m liking this. The spear finally stopped soaking in my homemade energy. It’s extremely light, but there is something extraordinary about it.

If I push it slightly forward it just floats at the same speed slowly until it hits an obstacle. If I stabilize it, it will just sit there in the middle of the air.

I´ve been experimenting with it a bit and thankfully I didn’t throw it into the air because it would probably just keep going forever.

It is still affected by external forces like wind but gravity seems to have lost all power over it. Whether this is a good or a bad thing, I have no idea. But seeing as it’s done I’m going to head towards the middle-layer and see if I can see what I’m going be up against.

If it’s more birds I think I’ll manage. Worst case scenario, I’ll just slowly make more feather spears and try and shoot them down from far away, in safety. Best case, no actually that would probably be the best case.

I almost hope it’s more birds.

After I talked to Sera, Herros and two other people I have no idea who they were but I was assured they had some sort of control over people.

Ye, I asked them to get some sort of registration going and too compile a list of things we may need now or in the future.

So now I’m heading towards the conquered Naturai tree, I need to see if the bird dropped anything of value. Do things despawn? I feel like I went over that question some time ago, can’t really remember. Pretty sure it doesn’t.

I´ve been thinking. Shouldn’t I start collecting herbs? I need to re-read that cyclopedia about the various flora that exist.

I can’t say all of them grow in Abraser but don’t herbs and the like generally grow in green regions? I am really wasting an important resource here.

I know I´ve repeatedly mentioned this but I really lack proper information about this world in general. I've been having recurring dreams about a glowing light talking to me.

Nothing out of the ordinary, my dreams have always been filled with fleeting figures talking to me but usually they don’t appear this frequently.

While I’m making my way to the bird’s nest Naturai tree I’m trying to circulate energy in various places of my body, it has become a lot easier but moving it to untrained places still feels rigid, something like pushing a finger through a small hole.


I need energy lubrication. I’m mainly focusing on my legs at the moment, I'm constantly discovering small openings everywhere on my body, I’ve already lost count on just my left leg. I think they might just be sweat pours.

Nonetheless it is strangely satisfying pushing a small amount of energy out even if it’s extremely draining both mentally and energy wise. I still don’t understand why I get so exceedingly weak when I lose large quantities of energy.

It might because I’m used to being constantly filled to the brim with the power of energy.

I tried throwing the small ball of compressed energy, I wanted to see if it actually holds its form long enough to hit something, so far it makes it about ten meters before dissipating rapidly.

I can’t say for sure but eventually I might be able to use it as a projectile in emergencies, it takes far too much energy to use and it is extremely slow when compared to just throwing spears so I don’t have high expectations that it’ll come in handy in the foreseeable future.

Huah! I just leapt through the fog-screen of the middle-layer. The pressure is still here but it’s drastically reduced compared to before, it’s more like strong wind that wading in water.

It might be even easier to move when I regain my lost energy. Oh damn it, I forgot my glider, ah I’ll make more, there are plenty of feathers on top of the tree, actually there might be some from the huge bastard down below it.

Hm, I didn’t mention this, did I? There was a book about stone masonry, whatever that is for, but overall it was the mumblings of how to work with stones, I see no future in it.

Who makes things out of stone? The world is a true wonder of who’s who. There was also a book about gardening, in the very truest sense, just gardening.

I read through it, because generally I think it might be remotely helpful if I ever do get into concocting potions or herbal nutrient rich drinks.

With a few greenhouses dedicated to it, it shouldn’t be too bad. Just need some recipes for the things and we’ll be drowning in them. Right?

I´m paying extra attention to the various plants and flowers growing below on the ground and even some are on the tree.

There are surprisingly few but at the same time I’m somewhat astounded by how many there are, you really don’t notice things until you start looking for them. I’m getting real close to the tree, it’s pretty easy to see where that beast landed.

There is a giant black figure lying a bit away from the Naturai tree. I didn’t appreciate how large this specific specimen was before.

If it could stand, I have no doubt it would match the tree's heights. The closer I get the clearer it becomes, it is leaning on a few trees, on its back with its giant wings spread out.

I’m guessing it didn’t get eaten because of the Naturai tree, in general nothing strong comes too close to them.

I’m sure some of the small critters might have gotten curious but nothing aching to those odd triad of wolves. At least I didn't destroy too many feathers, because they look majestic, I could really make something good out of them.

Actually the wood carpenter books did have some mention of materials that weren’t wood but could be worked in a similar fashion as some spectacular wood.

There was a mention of an apparatus called a bow in there, I’d like to see if that is something worth making.

I've actually started to gather information about many different weapons, although the spear is the one true way in life there needs to be some support characters for it, letting it shine even brighter than before.

I’m finally here, watching over this huge beast in one of the nearby trees. It really is enormous. How can something so big soar through the air?

I hope it didn’t land on whatever dropped, because it would be a pain to move it, no, I doubt I’d even be able to without slowly cutting it into pieces.

That sounds like a gruesome task, not fitting for a person of my exquisite caliber. Let’s start by exploring the surroundings, maybe we’ll get lucky and find something.

Possibility of item drops:


Times allowed to kill:


Respawn time:



Abraser Sub-tier boss


Kelas – 7,5%


Minor Increases in difficulty of subsequent zones forces

Energy pathways that improve either body or mind

Bundles of feathers, talons and meat

Compression in energy – shockwave of energy as an offensive or defense mechanism

Awkward clothing or armor made from feather like objects

Weapons made from talons – Melee, incredibly heavy or remarkable hard and tough

Wow. What? I just channeled some energy into the giant beast as a test and bam, a window notification popped up in my peripheral vision.

But, I’ve channeled energy into beasts before, I tried it a few times whilst hunting early on, this is strange.

And what is the use knowing this after the fact it is dead? Respawn? Never. Hm, there is a clear upside, even if I don’t find that shockwave, which I assume is a skill-book, I can still try and learn it by myself.

The hardest part has been trying to learn things without knowing if they are even in the realm of possibility.

After some flustered and desperate searching I found bundles of feathers and a thin cloth filled with large talons.

There is also a surprisingly large talon with a handle. I wouldn’t call this a weapon as much as a talon on stick. It is way too heavy, so heavy that I’m having a hard time swinging it and keeping my body steady.

I see no future in this monstrosity, maybe it will sell for a nice amount.

You know what? I feel that there isn't enough incentive to gather wealth to a certain point.

If it wasn’t for me wanting to build everything I can I doubt I’d even think twice about Sanctuary ever again.

Still haven’t found any meat, which I’m fairly certain drops every time. So much meat has gone to waste so far.

Which means it’s either somewhere in the trees or under the gigantic behemoth. I’m not sure what to do now, I don’t feel like dismembering this thing for hours.

I could create a pulley system to heave it up, but I’d need an incredibly long vine to sling over some trusty branch tens of meters above in the Naturai tree and even if I do that, it would probably get stuck or the nearby trees as it gets dragged towards the Naturai tree.

It’s time to give up and consider maybe, possibly come back in the unforeseeable future. And then it’ll be the future me doing the work, ai, don’t blame me for this. You’d do the same thing.

I went up the Naturai tree and now I’m going to construct a new glider. A larger one, a greater one, one able to carry the rest of these feathers, hopefully. That’s the dream.

Everything is already incredibly light so I doubt it’ll be a problem.

The main factor right now is space to build it, the wing span has to be large but the tree, although very spacious doesn’t allow for something that size to be easily moved about so I’m having to make it a little bit smaller than I wanted it to be.

I wanted to block out the sun, it would have been glorious. We can still block off a portion of the sun though. So there is that.

Operations block out a portion of the sun version two. Version one had it’s faults, mainly I strapped the extra cargo in the wrong portion making it unable to stabilize.

I didn’t jump off the platform. I just lifted it up, which I am barely able to do with some blood, sweat and tears of energy.

This time, it actually looks good so I’m going to fly towards town, I can’t be carrying all this with me to the next Naturai tree.

Operation block out a portion of the sun was a giant success and surprisingly flew even further than my prototype.

Flew so far in fact I had to circle around town before gracefully landing, severely maiming my newest creation. A sad day for everyone involved.

I dumped all my stuff off and started moving towards the next Naturai tree, which I still haven’t caught a sight of, since the fog-screen is circular in a way it blocked a proper view.

Okay, I´ve seen it’s silhouette but that doesn’t count.

This time I’m soaring towards the middle-layer in a lithe fashion with my smaller glider, the speed isn’t really faster than me just rushing above the canopy but it’s far more comfortable, this time I’m focusing majority of my energy in my hands, even though I don’t feel my weight to be considerably bothersome in any way or form.

I’ve been thinking about that shockwave ability, and I’m trying to throw something out of my hands but nothing comes out and I’m starting to feel a bit stupid. It doesn’t help I’m having to hold onto the glider, so I’m just channeling energy throughout my hands.

I’m going to sit down and take a break before I enter the middle-layer and contemplate some things before I forget them.

It also mentioned something about pathways. I think pathways are a specific way to channel energy between these holes I’ve been discovering lately.

Though I did know of them for a while now, ever since I got energy shield at the very least. Empower skills didn’t really go through any of them, so I’m not sure what the difference is in using these holes and not.

If I had to venture a guess, it would be that one is external while the other is internal. So presumably, I should be able to strengthen myself by concentrating energy in a specific way around my limbs.

And if I want to do something magical like use my energy shield, I’d need to use these holes to pour out energy and by some means control it to take a specific form.

Can’t say I’m very confident at the moment but I’m certainly becoming stronger and stronger.

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