《The Forest Emperor》Chapter twenty two: We could make a floating bed


I’ve been looking over previous recordings in the boon, it’s enormous at this point, especially all the odd information that isn’t just me thinking.

There is a thermostat, some kind of location tracker and numerous odd symbols that I simply have no idea what is.

Ah, the point is, it is horrible to try and sift through this for what I was looking for, but I found it.

I remember trying to reverse the way energy shield worked, so it wouldn’t pour out energy and form a shield around me but gather it.

I’m planning some experiments with energy, if I can create a spherical shape around me, albeit an unstable and unruly one, I could perhaps create something else.

I just wanted to make sure to check what the side effects were.

I’m going over the functions of every ability at the moment, the list has grown a bit longer but it is mostly passive things, and not really directly offensive.

I never really went over this, as I didn’t really understand how things worked at the time, but abilities work together with energy.

I supply certain areas with energy and boom abilities sprout out. Now this has been the case so far.

But recently I’ve started feeling like I had more control and less like I’m being guided. How do I put this into words?

It’s like breathing. I just breathe and we don’t consciously decide to breathe right? Right.

Now I’ve started actively regulating my breathing to optimize the oxygen I’m getting, so to speak. In this case, oxygen is energy. I think that sums it up to an extent.

I’m currently sitting alone in my own personal house in the Naturai tree. I’m trying to control my energy to flow into my hand.

It’s similar to how I use some of the auxiliary skills like empower: hand. The energy is flowing properly.

I’m having trouble manifesting it in a similar fashion as the energy shield. I can see it seeping out like fumes and scattering.

I retain some sense of control over a small amount, it is currently in the shape of a fingernail sized ball, slowly rotating,

if I stop rotating it, it will lose its shape but I’ll still have control over it. This has been very taxing on the mind, and I’m losing my concentration.


After a short break and some visits to the fairer part of the population I feel ready to resume my exercise, I’m calling it shape forming exercise.

The small ball is slowly forming, I’m losing the majority of the energy, watching it float away peacefully.

I don’t really want to make something spherical so I’m trying to condense it as far as I can, because the denser it is, the more likely it will hold its shape, right?

That’s the idea anyway. It’s clearly working, the ball is shrinking, I think. It’s already pretty small but I’m pretty sure it’s getting smaller and no energy is dispersing from it.

Not going to lie, this is exhausting. I don’t feel this way when I casually use abilities, I’ve even had them active for who knows how long.

But this, this is something different. I am getting better, there is a little trick in adding more energy.

it is hard to properly control how much energy I want to use at any given time but I am already pouring out less and less, making the whole process efficient.

Strangely enough, when I take breaks and start imbuing the carved feather spear, I feel much more relaxed.

Maybe because when I am imbuing I am not trying to hold onto the energy I throw into whatever item I’m working with. This feels right.


Notes, got to take notes. I need to get books, easier to keep track of any minor improvements and thoughts.

The boon recording is too cluttered, although Son seems to have an easy time sifting through it, I struggle with it.

Alright, we’re getting somewhere, it’s been what? Seven days? Ten? I’ll be honest, I don’t really keep track.

I am getting nowhere with the spear, it feels like it’s an empty chasm, constantly devouring anything I throw at it, hopefully that’s a good thing.

My energy shaping exercise has been making small improvements, I finally managed to change the shape from a sphere to a tiny spike.

The idea is of course to get it into a spear form and eventually throw it. This would be amazingly fun if it wasn’t such a mind-numbingly slow process.

Oh! Right, I got informed that we have an aspiring blacksmith, he managed to get some metals from old ruins.

I’m not sure what he’s doing but more crafters can only be a good thing. I´ve also gently forced a few people to take up woodworking.

I hope to make numerous gliders in the future, imagine it. A large group soaring about, strapped with various materials, going straight towards Sanctuary to sell.

A beautiful thought. Sadly, it only works with my feathers and I left the vast majority of them in the middle-layer. Let’s call that tree, Feather. No? Well, I like it.

My beloved meditation chamber is now properly filled with soft dirt, running water, feathers and of course it goes without saying that the tree is the very place I sit down on.

There is a clear difference in meditating whilst surrounded by the numerous affinities I already familiarized myself with.

Not sure if it’s because water is easy to work with but I can now make minute ripples in the water.

I’m pretty sure I am far more in tune with the surrounding trees but I still haven’t been able to interact with it in a similar way.

I can of course easily listen to the trees pulse at a moment’s notice, but that has no obvious benefits. Well, neither does making water move slightly but still. Imagine throwing water around.

The first pack of people have started moving towards Sanctuary, Sleepy and Baldy decided out of their completely free will to join them.

They are mostly going to capture more animals, as per my suggestion. There are plenty of non-hostile beasts roaming about in Abraser.t

They are less for transportation and more as a source of food and various materials, albeit shoddy materials.

I’ve been trying to figure out what fibrous materials are, I mean these are feathers. I expected something else, not sure what but something else was definitely on my mind.

I’m going to scout out the middle-layers second tree once the first round of people come back from Sanctuary.

Until then, I’m going to focus on crafting feather spears, I really want them to be superior to my wooden spears, I don’t know when but at some point I started falling in love with them.

Aii, a magnificent being such as myself, lowering myself to love an inanimate object, the world is truly unfair.

The days right now are dull and dry but I’m surviving them, for my precious spear and my extremely comfortable meditation area.

I’ve been trying to think of things to meditate with, I think it might be a faster process than just constantly improving on what I already have. This hasn’t been proved, but I already feel like a collector, I want more affinities.


My spear is finally done. It’s strange to say the least. It is even lighter than my previous spear but with something extra added on.

It floats slowly to the ground when I let it drop. But once it is a few inches above the ground it stops and just floats there.

I pushed it to the ground, felt a little resistance then let it go again. The spear bounced up, almost a meter into the air before slowly falling back down.

Other than that, it doesn’t seem to be much of a difference. I have no idea if this makes it better or worse.

I did find a big plus concerning the light feather spears though. Their range is incredible compared to anything heavier.

I’ve been throwing it a few times, the close targets I hit with excellent accuracy but the farther away I tried the less accuracy I had.

It’s accuracy at long range is still miles better than my other spears. This is because it didn’t drop at all, it’s so light it doesn’t get pulled down due to gravity.

At least not at the ranges I’ve been throwing them. Mind you, this is without using rapid hand movement, so the speed is a lot lower.

The overall power is still a little bit lower than my heavier wooden spears but it is negligible.

I want to see how much they would buy one of these for down in Sanctuary, but that’ll have to wait, I’m going to continue meditating for some time and make a few more spears before scouting out another Naturai tree.

The first merchant group has returned after who knows how long, I haven’t actually spoken to any for a while now.

I’ve made three extra carved feather spears and lost some skill points, so something must have leveled.

The only reason I know is because some poor soul was forced to climb up my tree, which I didn’t really like. I need to create some sort of communication device.

Baldy and Sleepy carried all the gold and silver they got, they bought all the books they could from the library as well.

Only one was of some worth, it was about making a liquid out of very fine sand, mainly found near the ocean.

Not sure what to do with it but I want to send some people to get sand and try to make something in the blacksmithing building.

But the greatest part is of course the amount of gold. We are talking close to two hundred and fifty kilograms of pure unadulterated gold but the silver is only around sixty kilograms after they converted everything they could into gold.

Now, we have a small stockpile of the same skill-books and gold, so I’m planning on making that Akelia building and some random crafting stuff I can find.

My dearest goddess, it’s amazing. There are a few rows of books and incredible equipment for various exercises to train the body.

The building is far bigger than what I expected, the biggest I’ve made so far by far.

Seven trees have been used as a support and the time it took to finish building was a few minutes but that is already a massive increase compared to anything else I’ve conjured.

The books are pretty thin and focus on one part of the body most of the time, some vaguely cover it in its entirety.

I’ve been reading a few alongside some of the people that thought it was interesting, the majority are familiarizing themselves with the various tools that came with the building.

There is very little about energy but some have mentioned it helps to develop a better container for energy. Meaning the better body, the more energy you can handle.

That’s the easy to understand version though. The books seem poorly written or intentionally complex and roundabout in their explanations, some even just feel like they’re wrong.

This is great overall though. Like everything in this world, the books give you a slight headache, they sometimes morph out of shape if you lose focus. Still have no idea why that is.

The most interesting book is the one that talks about the theory of energy flow in the body. It’s the only one that goes into more depth concerning energy.

There are no instructions and appear to be the thoughts of a wise man. It somewhat coincides with my own energy shaping exercises but I’ve been taking a more hands on approach.

In the end it doesn’t give me much to work on but it feels like conformation that I’m going in the right direction.

I’ve been slacking in the energy shape exercises as of late, focusing on crafting and meditating.

This new building should help people get stronger faster. I’ll talk to some of the scholarly people I can find and ask them to study the books further then ask them to guide the hunters.

I now have seventeen skill-books, mostly empower this empower that, sadly no empower hearing like I expected, which is sad but its fine.

Akelia building cost me eleven skill-books, which is understandable considering its size and contents.

I can create three crafting buildings, one costing three skill-books, another costing me five and the last one seven.

The gold is still holding strong, and will be about a hundred something after I make them. I was planning on putting them around the large platform.

In the end I think I’ll put them closer to Akelia, it's pretty much next to the platform anyway.

After that we’ll set some houses on the outer side of the crafting buildings, designate the buildings to crafters. The houses will have to be a bit nicer to entice these lazy people to do some work.

The first building is called Flowing plants, it’s also the cheapest one, it’s of course about potion making concoctions, potions and things.

Not too interested in it, as I simply have no idea how to go about making them but I’ll check them out at some point. I still have that book about herbs.

The second building is about either leatherworking or working with cloth, I’m not entirely sure as they're both tagged with clothing and crafting. We’ll see.

Now the final building, which I’m most excited about, is called Enchanted fairy. It has to be about imbuing items right? Has to be.

The buildings are surprisingly big, I thought my theory about the sizes of buildings being indicated in the construction menu was alright but turns out I have no idea how big things can get.

They are still smaller than Akelia by a large margin but they are in the top five. I ignored the potion making one and clothing one and went straight to the Enchanting fairy.

Hoho! There are books, finally something to go on. Two books, one thick and the other very thin, just a few pages.

I cannot teach you, you’ll have to find what you need

This can’t be good, the small book is already discoursing me. The book goes on about the feeling of how to imbue things, well it says enchanting but it’s the same thing.

It's similar to the crafting books I’ve read in the past, all about how they feel about this and that but no instructions.

The thick book is a list of materials beneficial to enchanting, too many things, way too many things. It even lists the Naturai trees leaves and wood as a material.

There is a theme, you can for example embed shiny stones or coat whatever it is your working with in special liquids.

Some of the liquid comes from crushed things then melted or combined with water or something equivalent.

It even mentions carving forms into the items. Although it does also say that carving is generally not a stable method to improve items and is very limited.

This is an eye opener to say the least. I already have some bags of gold and silver, I should try and melt them down and pour them into the carving, or something in the direction.

Huhuhu, this is amazing. I need to go find the only aspiring blacksmith and work with him on this.

“Heya! I’m the awe inducing, the majestic and ever benevolent lord of heavenly items, also known as the Green angel, the jade son and the Goddesses ambassador. You must be the blacksmithing guy. I need your help, how do you melt stuff?”

Hoh, this guy is huge, a bit taller than me, but three times the width. I wasn’t expecting to see someone so, so round. I see he fixed up the entrance to the smithing facilities.


What? The mortals are rebelling.

What? What is happening? Why is he sighing?

“I can’t help you without the metals, I’m afraid they are in very short supply, I only managed to salvage some iron and steel from old buildings.”

“Oh! That’s no problem, I got some gold and silver with me here, I need to be able to put them into the carvings of my spear.”

“Eh!? Show me, quick.”

Right this old man played with my gold and silver for a good time before waking from his reverie.

“What you want to do is called foundry. I’m afraid these spears won’t be able to hold up to the heat of the metals when we pour them in.”

But eventually we decided to at least try it. Turns out the wooden ones did indeed get ruined quickly but my feather spear held up.So now we’re trying to perfect the art.

Hopefully in a few days we’ll have our first finished spear. It’s mostly him doing all the work so I went back to trying to carve more intricate forms into the spear.

I’m also going to try and hollow out a bit of the spear to pour gold into it. It takes very little materials to do this so I’m not wasting too much.

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