《The Forest Emperor》Chapter eleven: Worldly pleasures


Sitting down on the rock I made into a display of power I see a group of five walk over with unhurried steps.

The leader appears to be a woman and is actually wearing a phenomenal dress, haven’t seen an intact one on a woman aside from the sanctuary.

That’s a bit of a twist, wasn’t expecting a woman being in charge. After all they are usually in the roles of being bullied.

The people behind her are all trying to look intimidating. I can see they have energy coming off their hands and feet and even eyes.

The woman however has a white-hue of energy covering the entirety of her body. I can’t jump to conclusions but I assume she found a meditation skill-book like me.

The woman stares at me up and down, I think she is trying to assess me. I think I was able to see the energy within peoples’ bodies when I acquired my nature affinity, she might have a similar skill.

The problem with that is that my energy has now been compressed. This only confirms that guardians drop different tier of skill-books.

“Who are you? Who sent you?”

Oh this isn’t good, seems she assumed I have no abilities and thinks she can act this arrogant in front me.

“Ai, it truly makes me feel pity when a common person such as yourself addresses me with such blatant disrespect. However I, the son of the ever-loving tree, the humble servant of naturai will forgive you this once. And to address your second question, I am sent by no one as only myself or the all-knowing tree-mother has the power to make me move.”

I can’t be too rude, I was planning to find some knowledge on this trip but killing leaders, although effective to get information from her followers, might leave me without answers.

If knowledge is water then I am but a dehydrated desert wanderer. Let’s give her a way out.

“From what I can see, you have the ability to see the energy that dwells in people that have learned from skill-books. I would like to inform you that I do as well and also a skill that hides my energy. I would also like to point out that I stuck this here wooden spear, can’t stress the wooden part enough. Into the rock.”

This should be clear enough right?

“I was hoping you’d have a chat with me, perhaps in a more private place.”

Finally she appears to have puzzled together her thoughts and put them into words.

“Alright… What exactly should I call you? don’t you feel our titles a bit too long?”

“You can just call me Abraser for now. Lead the way please.”

She has an amiable smile now, she really isn’t all that scary once she smiles. We walk in silence until we reach the largest house relative to the surrounding buildings.

Inside there are a few handsome looking men dressed in loose clothing. Oh, wait? hahaha! She has her own little collection of pretty boys.

I can honestly say this surprised me, I can’t very well let this go, can I?

“Hahaha, by the tree. What was your name again? Never mind, this is the best thing I’ve seen in this post-apocalyptic world! I can’t believe you have your own little group of consorts. I really must pay my respects here. How strong are you exactly to have this kind of power over people? Actually I’ve got another question, what is up the village on the other side of the gulf?”


Ai, she doesn’t look pleased, she would half scare me to death with that frown if I wasn’t for me dealing with very literal monsters in their natural habitat on a near daily basis.

“I would appreciate if you weren’t so disrespectful in front of my men. Follow me into the room, we’ll get some privacy, everyone please leave.”

After three lazy looking but handsome men leisurely make their way out of the room I sit down opposite of the queen of depravity.

This is great, a matriarchy. So much better than my old pal Jar.

“You are the first person aside from my sister that has known about the aura people give off after they read the books of power, or skill-books as you called them. You can call me Sera”

She calmly stared at me with a smile. Wait sister?

“Sister. Where is this sister then? Is she as beautiful as yourself? And it’s not really surprising that you haven’t ran into more people with your specific skill. In fact, I believe you are exceedingly lucky to have found it in the first place. If I could venture a guess, it dropped from the most ferocious monster that lived in this village. Could you let me flip over your skill-books real quick, if you have something I need I could trade either skill-books or some valuable information.”

“Information? What kind of information, and I can’t let you look at my books without any kind of collateral. And yes one of the books I have did come from the beast that made this place its territory.”

I’m pretty sure I saw some excitement on her face, if she didn’t have a whole squad pleasing her I wouldn’t mind taking her for my own.

But that doesn’t mean I would say no to a little taste. Lost in my thoughts she continues on.

“And my sister, that ungrateful bitch, ran off with one of my toys and some displeased people. They created the village across the gulf, I didn’t really mind at first but then they started stealing our livestock. We retaliated to punish them. After that they have been attacking us and even killing.”

“Hahahahahaha… Are you telling me there is another village over there led by your sister? I've really been out of touch, the world really is changing. I don’t suppose she also learned to meditate. I assume you learned a meditative skill. So she ran off with one of your toys, are you sure you weren’t hogging all the good looking men? I saw that meat buffet earlier. Actually, do you have a brothel here?”

Actually, this makes me wonder. I didn’t think meditation was this strong, doesn’t this mean I could have easily dealt with normal people after I got it? I never really got into a situation where I had to fight in close quarters. I need to find something heavy and try to lift it.

“Tell you what, since you are so interesting, I’ll tell you something that could very well help you. I have a way to see the names and the use of all my powers. If you give me something I deem worth that information, I’ll share it with you. I also have a way to teach you some abilities, although they aren’t as fast as reading a skill-book they should be easy for you.”

“No, we don’t have a whorehouse or a brothel. But I can probably sway some women to your cause. How about that? If the information turns out to be right, I’ll let you read my books of power. What do you say Mr. Abraser?”


“Sounds like a deal, how about you join me as well? You seem to have an enormous appetite, and I would love having someone so experienced lead the way.”

Her smile wanes a little bit but nods shortly with Decisiveness.

“I’ll go get something fun to play with then, you wait here.”

This turned out to be very fast, easy and smooth. I think I need to take time and reflect on this. I get the feeling I ́ve changed a lot during my time in seclusion.

Actually losing select parts of your memory might be the biggest factor. It gets harder and harder to remember how I am supposed to act around people.

Actually, who decided how we, how I am supposed to behave. I can feel a bundle of what I can only believe is anxiety growing within me.

What I do know is, I want to enjoy the company of women. Turns out a woman is a commodity I can easily get.

It wouldn’t be hard to kill anyone that would oppose me at this point, but somehow I feel as if that wouldn’t be any fun.

I don’t need a place to settle down with terrified subjects to control. At least not for now.

After finishing a warm drink, I sit down to meditate to pass the time. An unknown time later I get woken up by the female leader of the village, Sera.

Huddled up together are three women looking down at the ground. These must be the sacrificial lambs. Sera whispers softly in my ear.

“Abraser, I found some adventurous girls who are looking to play.”

These three women are even more beautiful than Sera, one with red-brown hair and freckles. Slightly tanned skin and a very shy demeanor.

Another has blonde hair and pale skin, also that innocent look the other two have.

Last one has pitch black hair and tanned skin. Sera waves them over and whispers something in the air of the freckled one's ears, she shivers a little before nodding and moving towards me.

A hand reaches out and lands on my crotch and moves gently to grab a soft hold on my gentleman’s spear.

I can feel her shaking as I grab her waist and pull her closer to smell her neck.

The weather here is persistently hot and the ocean winds leave her with the fresh scent of the sea. My hand is reaching higher and fondles her breasts over the thin cloth.

Before I notice the dark haired beauty has arrived at the other side, her hands calmly undoing the vine-laces on my leather jacket.

After my upper body is revealed the blond haired woman gasps when she sees the scar left behind on my back. Turns out, It didn’t get fixed, I’ll figure that out later.

Sera moves in front of me and slowly removes my pants, I am of course always commando. My cock is now throbbing with anticipation.

Sera looks at the freckled girl who then reaches from my dick and starts stroking it up and down. This reaches height far beyond what any sorts of masturbation could achieve.

Feeling multiple hands caress me I can’t help but close my eyes. Suddenly I feel a new sensation.

A head starts bobbing up and down, engulfing my erect penis. This is what I’ve been missing out on.

Clearly I must establish a kingdom of women. I can’t believe I’ve been wasting my time sweating in a forest alone.

I feel like I’m losing my trail of thought when I violently spurt into the unsuspecting girl's mouth, I grabbed her head and thrust her against it, some primal instinct to make sure she feels it slip down her throat.

She coughs and spits the white liquid that is leaking out of her mouth with tears in her eyes. But I am not done, I feel my body screaming for more.

I reach out for the blond girl behind me and pull her over my head. She is wearing a dress that almost rips open.

She shrieks at the surprising turn of events but I pay it no head and start licking the slit between her legs.

I can hear the occasional moan, at the same time, someone has started to suck my dick again but can’t see who.

As I almost reach my end I can feel the girl shake and convulse. Clear liquid is almost gushing out of her before she loses the strength to hold herself up.

I reach out for the black haired girl and lay her over the table, she is already sopping wet after watching the scenes unfold.

I thrust into her. She shakes and lets out a muffled cry. I can feel a tinge of pain when I enter her but the pleasure overwhelms it.

Slowly I start moving back and forth. She looks back at me with fear or complex confusion. There are tears in her eyes. I guess she wasn’t all too experienced. Could have fooled me.

When I feel the urge flow over me I grab the silent observer Sera, push her head down, take out my cock and release into her mouth. She pulls back with an angry look on her face.

This escalated beyond this, I lost track of time and eventually it was just me and Sera that stayed conscious. The rest of the girls lie spread around the room.

“I fulfilled my end, how about you fulfill yours?”

The naked woman was in the middle of wiping her body when she got straight down to business, not sure what I was hoping for from a woman that keeps a steady supply of men on hand. At least I enjoyed myself.

“Of course, I am a man of my word. First try concentrating on the words “skill, information and table. Menu also works if you have the image in your head.”

“Skill, information, table, menu”

There is an adorable look of concentration on her face as she recites the words over and over again.

“It isn't enough to speak them out loud, you need to mentally picture a screen of information about the skills you have. I’d tell you how I came about figuring this out but I’ll let you focus on the task.”

There are some frowns on her forehead as she continues to fight the good fight. Moments later her shine with satisfaction. Apparently she managed to get it working.

“So, what is your meditation skill called?”

“Energy affinity, it says I can now absorb a small amount of energy. I think it’s making fun of me. What is with this condescending description? It also says it makes my body stronger, which explains why I can easily beat any man in the village.”

“Ye, the system is an asshole, I won’t even give you a proper explanation about anything, and if we’re lucky we’ll get a slight hint. Actually I haven’t checked my descriptions in a long time.”

| Nature affinity |

| Rapid hand movement |

| Gentle hands |

| Hide presence |

| Energy regeneration |

| Energy shield |

| Empower: Eye |

| Empower: Hand |

| Empower: Feet |

| Empower: Leap|

| Strength and dexterity increase |

| Body enhancing|

| Energy compression|

Alright, so every description changed a bit but not in a useful way, it’s just either mocking me or trying to be mysterious. The only one with qualitative change is nature affinity.

Nature affinity

Through relentless persistence you have made improvements to your absorption rate, you can now absorb a not so small amount of nature energy.

You now strengthen your body at a faster rate.

Blessed be the nature boy

There has to be some bored deity writing this, right? And nature boy? That’s a compliment! I won’t take it any other way. Fuck you. Ah whatever.

I plan on staying here for some time, they have an easy way to get food and it doesn’t look like Sera is in a hurry to kick me out.

During the next few days I mostly meditated with some breaks to play with some girls, they are surprisingly proactive as well.

Even going so far as to interrupt my meditation sessions. Sadly, Sera has been avoiding me. I think so anyway. Maybe she’s with her harem.

I involuntarily got some information. When someone dies with a wound that hasn't been healed, they respawn with a perfectly fine body. However if that wound has healed naturally, it will stay.

It’s clear to me now, that I am not the only one trying to figure out answers about how the world works.

Everyone in this village also came from my world or Varth. There are some people that don’t remember where they come from but the ones that do all come from Varth.

I got a hold of Sera’s books but I’ve already read every one of them. Her meditation book was exactly the same as mine but mine underwent some kind of deviation.

Sera has recently been joining me in meditation and not so subtly trying to add me to her collection. So she wasn’t avoiding me in the end.

Can’t say I hate the idea but I am a free soul, a warrior of the wind, the ever growing vine.

I can’t be bound to one place when the whole world is mine for the taking, or at least Abraser is. I just have to get stronger to deal with the middle layer first.

I've also been thinking about stealing, I mean borrowing some women to stay with me in Abraser but exploring and finding new people is fun in its own way.

Anything for entertainment. My new favorite hobby, aside from the obvious, is watching women dance.

I went over to the other village and met up with Sera’s sister. There appears to have been a misunderstanding between them, which caused them to attack each other.

Well she did start a rebellion over a man. But from the way Sera spoke of it, she didn’t seem to care too much.

Kara, Sera’s sister had fallen in love with a handsome looking man and didn't want to share.

This is also why the village is just across the gulf, she didn't really want to leave her only family member. I’m actually impressed they managed to stick together.

A few weeks later, the siblings made peace. Can’t really say what happened after I informed them of their misunderstanding because I was almost always in deep meditation or with a beautiful girl.

I also climbed a few of the higher mountains Sera told me about. I really have taken a liking to her and I don't want her to die and respawn somewhere else.

So I plan on helping her take over another village to establish a respawn point. Shouldn’t take long and I doubt anything is as scary as the fucking wizard snake on tree Patience. Just have to make sure she gets the kill.

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