《The Forest Emperor》Chapter ten: It just won’t get any easier


It’s easy to forget how beautiful this forest is. The disturbing and constant ambience, along with the low roars of various beasts fending off their territories, cast a long shadow over the otherwise serenity inducing jade green forest.

I say that, while watching a larger beast ravaging a smaller one that wandered into its domain. Readying a hastily made spear, I take aim and throw with practiced ease.

What is the point of all this? Is it truly just to quench the fire of adventure?

No, boredom is like being forced to listen to the same person repeat the same story and hoping the plot would suddenly change.

I ́d rather lose my mind slowly with every death.

Raising my head I see the fourth tree standing there tall taunting me. I can’t help but think about the feeling of helplessness. The feeling of losing control over my body the last time I entangled with the guardian.

Death plays with those that wait.

Time to take on this beast of wood and bark. When I start climbing the wall the sun peeking through the thick canopy above.

Before long I can feel the shade enveloping me and the stifling heat settle into a nice cool breeze.

Taking the first step on the wooden platform, it is almost identical to the other trees. A thought occurred to me just now, how can the tree be like this?

How can it grow so flat? It still has its slight curve making so water won’t pool but it is hardly noticeable.

Has this world been planned? Worked on and molded into a ruthless playground? I neglected to ask the people I’ve met so far where they came from.

Are they from this world or mine? I remember seeing my neighbors dragged and mauled by the horde of overgrown beasts ravaging my peaceful little village.

I can’t remember a lot now. But I remember bits and pieces of my life in that village. Shush. Focus, no time for this.

Should I be happy or disappointed? I am watching an enormous snake lying silently on a large branch.

These branches are the sizes of multiple trees. Watching its body entwined with the branch for a time before I slowly get closer, ready to throw my spear at any time.

I am close enough to throw a spear with all the power I have and hit without any shadow of a doubt. My breath is steady as I ready for a burst of energy about to erupt from my right hand.

In the fastest speed I can muster, the energy flows into my hand from all over my body. My hand in mid swing before empower: hand activates alongside rapid hand movement.

I can feel the heat leaving my hand with my spear, the energy would rapidly start leaving the spear as soon as I throw but I am too close to impact it.

As fast as it started it ended, the snake never moved, the spear went through its skull and vanished into the forest below.

Items spawn in the middle of the air, something small, a book and of course a large quantity of leather and food wrapped in large green and brown foliage.

Why mid air though? I rush to the edge of the tree and look down to see the items getting pulled a bit by the wind, especially the book.

I try to keep an eye on the book, seeing as it is the only thing getting pulled into a direction that would be harder to search.

Before long the skill-book disappears into the canopy. This really isn’t ideal. Should I try and remove this snake? Oh my quest-log is blinking


The forest

You have found and conquered three safe zones with close relation to each other, you will now always respawn in one of the three safe zones.

This is true until one spawn point is destroyed or you take over an unrelated safe zone.

Currently in control of three safe zones.

These safe zones are located in the Abraser forest.

With each consecutive zone that is captured, you increase your overall skill progression speed by 1,1%.

When all zones are under control, you gain an extra ten point two percent increase.

Drop rate has increased by ten percent.

Overall body physique is increased by a total of 10%.

Further rewards will not be disclosed until all zones have been captured.

So three out of how many again?

This fight was far easier than expected. From the quest description, I should have a three point three percent increase in skill proficiency.

That’s great and all but doesn’t feel impressive does it? The real reward is the drops from these guardians.

I’ll have to climb down to get it but I have to go down either way. Ai, I wanted to relax, maybe if I got lucky I'll find that skill-book.

Taking who knows how long to climb back down I search around the area, pick up the leather and throw it to the base of the tree.

I’ve been thinking, what is the maximum amount of leather clothing can I wear? Better quality means I can do better enhancements and less of a risk of getting bitten in half.

Took me what feels like half a day to find the tiny earring that fell to the ground.

I don’t have piercings and I heal too fast anyway, so I decided the most logical solution would be to stab myself in the earlobe with the earring.

I have no idea if this accessory did anything but I couldn’t enhance it so it must have had some energy in it beforehand. That makes sense, right?

I stayed at the base of the tree for three days looking for this book before finding it entangled in the canopy of a tree.

It’s one of those thick books. Going to be literal torture to go through like the others but I can’t help but feel excited. I flip through it quickly before heading to the tree.

I won’t climb the tree again because I plan on travelling deeper into the forest a few times, see how far I can get, maybe catch a glimpse of what’s hidden behind that thick fog.

I hate to admit it as a proud recluse but I miss talking to someone other than myself, sure they are mostly depraved liars and opportunists that relish in the anguish of their fellow humans.

But there is that feeling of knowing you can’t talk to anyone, which is what haunts me.

Once I rule this forest I’ll have people waiting at all times in the rare case I feel the need to converse with something.

I just woke up from reading this skill-book, turns out I started hemorrhaging blood out of all orifices when I started reading it and blacked out.

I am not sure how to feel about this. Can you die from reading? Granted it seems to force knowledge down your throat with each word.

The only word I can think of to describe this near sentient book is tyrannical. Nature affinity and energy shield books were more like amateur sadists in comparison.

I don’t think I’ll be able to read this book for the moment, I mean I could, I perfectly healed whilst unconscious but it would take months to get through it at this pace, how long was I even out?


Standing up, watching my bloodied attire I want to complain but there is no one here. Except me, which is of course is the best company one could ask for.

Strolling without a care in the sphere of influence the tree has, I walk to a small stream and clean up my beautiful leather outfit.

I am not going to lie, it gets a bit sweaty running through the forest, climbing sky high trees under the blazing sun then nearly dying from reading a book. Such is life in Abraser and I’ve learned to live with it.

Taking the shortest way possible, I hastily make my way deeper into Abraser forest. I ran past a few shadows below undetected.

When I reach the fog, which hasn’t diminished in the least I reach out and touch it. I almost feel like water has reached into it.

I can feel a knot in my stomach as I walk through it. The fog-screen behind me vanishes, another one appears in my sight deeper in the forest.

However from my point of view I can see it bend at its edges, presumably in an enormous circle.

The ambience picked up a bit, even though I am still hidden mingling with the canopy. Does this mean my hidden presence is less effective here? Or are the creatures just stronger? Or both?

There are savage roars echoing in the surroundings, everything else is serene aside from the underlying ambiance.

Straining my eyes I can spot what looks like a small flying bird. It is circling then swooping down before suddenly shooting back up and continuing to calmly soar above the forest.

Despite looking tiny from a distance that is only an optical illusion and its real size must tower well above my head.

This is the first time I’ve seen a flying mutant beast, doesn’t seem staying above the canopy is as safe anymore.

Let’s go through the scenario real quick. The ambient noise rose when I entered this area even if I stayed hidden and hid my presence.

So we can assume that I can be detected and need to increase my vigilance. Since they can detect me, they must be a certain degree more powerful than what I thought was the middle layer.

That zone needs to be renamed to the outer layer now. And this the middle layer.

For now let’s test a few things out, I want to see if anything will follow me to the outer perimeter but that requires me to attract attention and I’ll only do that if I’ll be discovered, going along with the assumption that I am able to.

Slowly sticking just below the tree tops I travel from tree to tree. The air here seems richer and the pulse or breath of the foliage feels more powerful.

There are less beasts here from what I can tell. The edge of fog was filled with wildlife.

I am watching a small creature, it could probably reach to my shoulders. Which is small compared to most of the stronger beasts so far.

What intrigues me is how it goes from shadow to shadow. After a few moments it suddenly stops and almost vanishes into the shade of a tree.

I continue to observe the small, uhm rodent? It has a long tail that curls up slightly never touching the ground, sharp claws on its front paws and hind legs.

A long protruding snout with short hairs comes off either side. Its fur is completely black. The black creature has been holding its position for quite some time now.

I am plotting on shooting it down. I reach for my spear. Before I gather energy I hear some quiet rustling, a figure casually strolls in the direction of the black creature.

There is a vigilant and almost intelligent look on its otherwise ferocious face. Red and black fusion of fur covers its entire body.

This beast reminds me of a tiger, if it wasn’t for its long ears and the absence of a tail. It is easily twice the size of our little stranger in the dark.

I hold my spear ready but stay my hand to see if there will be an exchange.

As the terrifying feline beast makes its way forward in a slow calm manor, the black rodent stays still as the trees, occasionally its fur lets off an illusory hue before melding back into the shadows.

When the feline walks past it, a blur suddenly shoots at it, there is only a soft sound of the air being disturbed before the red and black creature stops moving and leans into a resting position.

If I didn’t know better, I’d assume the beast was going to sleep. I watch as the Shadow rodent starts to take bites of the fallen feline.

I can feel an itchy feeling all over my body when I finally come to terms with what I just saw. A silent assassin decimating a beast twice its size with relative ease.

Let’s see if the hunter will become the hunted, I release my focused energy in an instant, mid swing I activate rapid hand movement.

I focus more on accuracy than power seeing as the target is small and the distance is more than what I would like.

The spear leaves my hand, unexpectedly the, let’s call it shadow mouse turns my way and it’s pupils widen to cover its entire eye, making the eye pitchblack.

Before it can react though, the spear impales it, hitting through its midsection, the spear continues into the ground taking the creature with it and disabling it.

A terrifying screeching sound makes me almost lose my balance. I quickly reach for another spear leap down from the tree and start sprinting, I pierce it through the head with overwhelming power.

Picking up the dropped page I quickly make my way up a tree and try to calm my furiously beating heart.

This place is too dangerous. I start making my way cautiously through the thick foliage. After a good amount of time I take a peek through the canopy.

Another tree, and not only another tree, this one is quite a bit larger. There are even some flying creatures extremely high up in the air going to or from the tree.

This was unexpected, actually, I wasn’t sure what to expect from this place. But this isn’t even the last line of trees I have to capture, there is still the deepest part of Abraser.

How the hell am I supposed to even climb that tree with flying sentries?!

This whole endeavor turned out to be a success in more ways than one, I gauged the strength of these new beasts, found out there are even more dangerous trees.

Fantastic right? Not at all disparaging. I did find a page with jumbled up words, the only clear word I can read is the number five that changes from one font to another.

I can’t handle this much longer, I think it’s time to shed my hermit skin momentarily and seek out someone or something to talk to.

In fact, I might go to a sanctuary and go into some serious meditation, I have a feeling I need it. There are also some unanswered questions I’d like to get to the bottom of.

Getting access to higher levels in the library might be very valuable. Perhaps they also sell crafting materials or better items.

I can feel the area lose its vigor as soon as I step outside the fog-screen and I can’t help but feel relieved that I wasn’t assassinated without even knowing what happened.

My little journey led me even further away from the fourth tree than I expected. It could be said I was somewhere in the middle of the fourth and fifth tree.

I need to at least draw a rudimentary map of the forest. First I’ll head to the outer rims of the forest and see if there is anything to see from there.

Watching over the vast land from the outermost edge of Abraser, I can spot two smokes coming from two areas far into the distance.

They are coming from two different sides of a sizable lake. Where there is smoke, there must be people, so that is my destination.

A river runs from Abraser into the lake so it should be an easy enough journey. On the way there are only a few trivial beasts.

Once I got close enough I see that the lake was actually a gulf, there are some higher hills that hide the sea but there is a vast opening into the great blue ocean.

From a hill I can see into the distant villages. The area has two mountains on either side of the villages and forest resting at the foot of the mountains.

One village appears to have been entirely built out of wood while the other has some modern buildings made from cement and processed wood.

The obvious decision is to make my way towards the more modern looking village.

I step on the grassy plane and head towards one of the villages, there are some roaming beasts in nearby areas grazing, they have been encased in a wooden fence that spans a great distance.

The wooden fence has clear signs of having been repaired as the woods quality isn’t consistent.

This is the first village with actual guards watching the entrance to their hastily raised walls.

“Stop! Who are you? One of those Haruli scum?”

Haruli? Is that a race?

“I am afraid I don’t associate with anyone of the Haruli species, neither have I heard of them. You have however piqued my interest, what exactly is an Haruli?”

This world has been lacking in their humanoid variety, my crafting books have hinted at different races but nothing has been confirmed

“What are you talking about? Haruli is the village across the gulf, those bastards have been a thorn in our side for months now, stealing our livestock and killing people.”

Oh! How interesting, seems there is some sort of village rivalry going on.

“Oh, disappointing, was hoping for some elves or something. Anyway, I’d very much like to meet the leader of your little village. You can inform them that his majesty. No, his eminence, the lord of Abraser has arrived. Also, I don’t suppose you guys have a brothel? Maybe a nice tavern where a man of my appetite could grab something easy on the eyes.”

What is wrong with people? Always the same persistent look of indifference or shallow rage. Can’t they just feel my overwhelming aura and worship me. I can’t let him continue to pester me here so let’s try this.

“Alright before you continue, let’s get this over with real quick.”

I found a useful way to make them stop being so unbearably arrogant or simply annoying.

I reach for a spear and aim for a nearby rock and throw the spear with practiced ease. The spear of course pierces into the rock and only the shaft is left visible.

“Shows’ over peasants, I can’t be dealing with the common-wealth, if you would please lead me to your leader or lead him to me that would be great.”

The guards rushed to the stone and inspect it before whispering something. One of them runs off into the village while the other asks me to wait. This is how it should be.

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