《Plan Failed Succesfully》Chapter 9: Massacare


"Is she the sister of Adonias ?"

With just one sentence along with proof placed right in front of them, all those noisy nobles became quieter than rookie on their first day.

"Adonias? don't tell me Adonias Whiteroad ?"

"Yes, that tyrant who didn't hesitate to destroy the planet and go against the Galactic government."

Then, I observed those people who just praising Douglas, slowly began to leave his side silently one by one until he left alone. Well, no surprise since currently no one in this orbital station who can go against a tyrant emperor like Adonias, who governs an entire planet.

"So what kind of reaction will my brother show for your mockery against the imperial family and himself. "

"P-please, I wa---"

With a smile, the little girl immediately sent a private message to his brother without even hearing his plea.

Well, there is one less problem for me.

"Well, let's take a seat the match is about to begin."

"Sorry for the inconvenience, major general Ronald."

"It is okay, miss..?"

"Sir, it is Bernice."

Oh, as expected real noble, she already got aura and etiquette of nobility.

Just like that leaving behind one unlucky Douglas kneeling on the floor, we took a seat in front of the screen in three groups first is me and miss Bernice along with her bodyguard, second is a group of nobles from Dominaria, the third one group is made of unknown scientist and high ranked army characters.

"Sir, Ronald."


"How much augmentation captain Wera got ?"

"I don't know but at least I know she underwent augmentation enough to kill even high human many times over."

After a short conversation, a match is begun. On the left side, I saw the prince's private platoon armed with a mix of ballistic and energy weapons along with light support weapons and one TAA. All of them dressed in state of art combat suits that far better than our ordinary uniforms.


Seems like this TAA is the reason behind the smiles of those nobles.

Then at the right side stood a lone figure dressed in ordinary army combat uniform armed with a sub-machine gun and large-caliber handgun along with few smart grenades.

Maybe just my imagination but I saw captain Wera smiled for a moment there but seems like it's not.

In the beginning, the two sides spent almost an hour moving around the battlefield. Then first who made move was captain Wera.

"Oh, she began to move towards them."

Without any stop, Wera increased her running speed in the insane rate.


"But how did she know which direction they are ?"

"Sir, Ronald do you know the reason why she seems like know their direction ?"

Don't ask me?

If I remember correctly it is something related to her skin augmentation.

"I think it is something called Bio shock skin ?"

"Sir Ronald it is Bioelectric skin, a special augmentation that allows host sense every kind of organic being around its surrounding depending on its mental capability. But the procedure has a 35% chance to fail and give permanent skin cancer."

The girl's bodyguard gave her a more clear explanation.

Going back to the screen I saw Wera easily jumping over a two or three-story building with ease and stopping beside a wall that few meters away from the prince's platoon.

I never saw or remember muscle augmentation giving this much strength do they give her another thing?

At that moment we observed Wera placing the point of her handgun on the wall that the first person from the five-man recon team about to pass.


Followed by a loud gun sound head of the first soldier passing the wall is completely disappeared. Immediately followed by Wera breaking through the wall like it didn't exist in the first place and piercing the second person's chest rising in front of her self with her right hand while mand still twitching and alive.



"Is she really a human ?"

Then I saw using a person's body as shied Wera gunning down the other three people as if she shooting targets on the gallery. Well as professional they immediately dispersed and got cover but the bullet she using was an HV bullet that has an insane amount of penetration power so those kinds of a brick wall are no use as cover.

But, this kind of bullet supposes to be used on large weapons like infantry support weapon or mounted weapons cause the insane recoil will fuck up the user's body. While she used on smg and with one hand.

What kind of strength and bone did she have?

"Looks she going after another 10!"

Yeah, the other 10 soldiers from the platoon immediately prepared for combat, and two support weapons are placed on two placed creating crossfire.

But I saw she didn't even slow down when facing loaded guns aiming straight at her.

If she doesn't do anything she will turn into a pincushion.

Then I saw her throwing her two smart hands grenade towards a group. It is a good idea but.

"Those suits are undetectable by a smart grenade."

As the girl's bodyguard said those new combat suits are in can be detected by smart grenade so those smart grenades will just explode like normal ones when they hit the ground.

Just like I imagined, without finding any target smart grenades just exploded leaving behind a medium-sized dust cloud.

So this is the limit of augmented humans.

"Wait, maybe that is her plan."

Following miss Bernice's word, I saw while holding her smg and handgun on each hand she ran into a dust cloud and appeared right in front of confused TAA. Using confused TAA as a steeping board she jumped over TAA and in mid-air, she took out two support weapon operators.

"She eliminated two hidden soldiers in split seconds!"

Then on her way down using her whole body weight, she crushed another soldiers' neck.

"Fire, fire!"

"Fak I can't hit her!"

Following the command other eight began to open fire. But running in a zigzag pattern she dodged incoming bullets like chost and fired a few shots against TAA by her smg.

"HV bullets are quite ineffective against TAA what is she thinking ?"

Followed by a question from the third group something immediately exploded around TAA throwing into the ground.

"HPEP bullet?"

Oh, I didn't think about the High pressure explosive plastic bullet.

With their only chance inactive for a moment all those 7 soldiers are no better than dead.

In the next few seconds, we observed a massacre, she in just moment she took out two people in two-shot then she rushed towards the nest soldier using her weird footwork dodging incoming bullets and kicked one to another soldier and killed both of them with one shot from her high caliber handgun.

Then with a well-placed shot, she took out the next three soldiers and finally running out of ammo.


"She finally out of ammo!"

I don't know how long but all people around me were cheering for the last two remaining soldiers. But their cheer immediately disappeared as we observed that TAA they waited to wake up had already knife lodged deep into his eye and Wera walking toward the last soldiers.

"Wait, this just a match right. You won!"

Then we saw Wera wrapping her fingers around the last soldier who can't move from fear and slowly choking the life from him.

"Please stop!"



With bone-breaking sound, Wera crushed the throat of the last soldier making her a winner.

Despite it is happed in just a vitual world all people in this room felt fear.

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