《Space Explorers (Dropped)》Chapter 3 Awakening Part 2
Chapter 3 Awakening Part 2
Blaze spent roughly three hours practicing with his new vision and had managed in that time to make the switch between three separate vision types. Blaze was extremely happy when he finally was able to see like he used to. Blaze also categorized his vision types so that he could train and understand them better.
Blaze named what he recognized as his old vision as Standard. He was going to name it light vision because a human’s vision is dependent on light and the mental image he has to have to use that nerve cluster is thinking about the sun, but he decided to go with Standard because it simply was the only vision a human has. Blaze didn’t harbor any doubts that he was still one hundred percent human but he wanted something to remind him of his old self so he went with naming his light vision Standard.
One of the two new vision types he categorized as Infravision which is just a compound word he made up for Infrared vision. Blaze was also able to shorten his Infravision trigger to just thinking about seeing heat. He got the idea from his switch to his Standard vision.
The last and most vexing vision type for Blaze to categorize and use was what he called Mana vision. Blaze was able to use this vision when he thought about the supernatural acts of Void Entities. Blaze knew that the supernatural and Mana was discovered by scientist observing Void Entities and he also knew that he should have gained this vision from the formula description, but that was all he knew about Mana so he could not shorten his switch for this vision type.
Mana vision was weird to Blaze all he could see was colored blobs everywhere except for when he looked at Kate and himself. When looking at Kate he could see her outline and pulsing veins of color from a single central ball of light in her chest. Even though Blaze tried to use the mirror left by Melinda to see what he looked like in his new Mana vision nothing was reflected. All he saw was a blob of color where the mirror was. Blaze filed that information away in his mind and then examined as much of his body as he could. He had the same color veins in his body but his were larger and more numerous than Kate’s he also had five shiny balls of light in his body not just one like Kate.
With his practice finished Blaze felt the need to go to the bathroom. He was a little over full from all the fluids that were being pumped into him by the IV attached to his arm. Blaze carefully got up grabbed the rolling IV stand and began to take his first steps in his mutated body. Blaze was very concerned that he might have some weakness or muscle motor issues but he did not. If anything he felt even more in tune with his body. Blaze sighed in relief and walked to the bathroom.
A high pitched scream from Kate saying “What the $%#@” was heard throughout the west wing of the institute a short while later. A blushing Kate was left with a new image and perspective on the world when she mentally ejected herself from Blaze’s thoughts.
When Blaze was on his way back from the bathroom Melinda, a male orderly, and a monster like reptilian creature walked into the observation wing pushing a food cart. Blaze seeing the monster like creature began to go into a defensive crouch. However, before Blaze moved very far he caught sight of Melinda shaking her head ever so slightly. So he stopped dead and tried to assess the situation.
Blaze thought ‘Have we been invaded by scaled monsters in the two days I was asleep? Kate didn’t mention anything about it! So I doubt that is the assumption to make. Kate did say that five people had survived the injection and that two of them had become animals. Is this one of the injection recipients? Are they trying to train it or something? Why is he pushing a food cart?’
While Blaze was thinking the scaled offered its claw like hand then began to speak in a very hesitant snake like scratchy voice “Hello, my name isssh Trashsk. I am a sssurvivor asss well. You are Blazse. Nice to finally meet you”
Blaze almost had another mental breakdown but he stopped that from happening by relying on his upbringing of always being polite and robotically shook hands while saying “Hello, Trashsk it is nice to meet you as well.”
The creature Blaze called Trashsk shook its head and pointed at a sticker name tag on his button up shirt. The tag said in small red letters My Name Is then written in black marker was the name Trask. Blaze caught on quickly but hesitated for a second in replying so that he could take in the appearance of Trask without it being obvious. Blaze was a firm believer in “It is not polite to stare.”
Trask appeared to be around seven foot tall with patchy green scales, slatted yellow eyes, razor sharp teeth, a snake like tongue, and nubby horns growing out of his fore head. Also Trask has double jointed legs like a quadrupedal animal would have and a crocodile like tail coming out of his customized stretchy blue pants. Blaze noticed that Trask had soft hands while they shook so assumed that he did not have scales everywhere.
Blaze finished with his quick inspection said “Oh, I am sorry about saying your name wrong. I must have heard you wrong. Your name is Trask right?”
Trask nodded and said “You right. That my name. Apologizze about ssspeach but wordsss are hard to sssay now. I try to avoid wordsss that make me hissss.”
Blaze now understood and sympathized with Trask. I mean it took him three hours just to see right and Trask had obviously changed more than him. Blaze wanting to be nice and to cover up for his initial reaction said “I think you are having problems because of your tongue. Try and fold your tongue on top of itself inside your mouth. But you will want to make it fold out in a way to make your tongue thicker.”
Trask thought about it for a second then opened his mouth and started to move around his snake like tongue around. He succeeded in folding his tongue over by using the roof of his mouth to curl his tongue over top of itself.
Trask said “This feels weird.” It came out right and it only sounded a little like he was talking with food in his mouth but it was a whole lot less creepy than his previous way of speaking. Trask smiled hearing the improvement and said “Better, I don’t know why I didn’t think of that”
Trask, a smiling Melinda, an exasperated orderly and Blaze all began to walk as a group back to Kate’s and Blaze’s sleeping area. While walking back Blaze asked Trask “Where are you staying I woke up across from Kate and none of the other beds seem to be in use.”
Trask flinched and said “I have to sleep in Sal’s room. I have to use a heating blanket to stay warm at night and his room is the only place with a plug in for it. I almost went into a coma the first night because my body temperature dropped too much. The scanners caught my body temperature dropping but didn’t alarm until my life was in danger.”
Blaze was shocked and mad about the blatant act of neglect. Blaze’s emotions must have shown on his face because Trask calmed him down by saying “Don’t be upset. The computer knew about my snake like conversion so it didn’t know if it should sound the alarm. A snake is cold blooded so a drop in body temperature would just result normally in me being sleepy. However, I am still warm blooded. My body temperature can drop more than normal before I am in danger but my brain functions became erratic at eighty five degrees. This blue jumper I am wearing is almost like a space suite and it helps keep me warm during the day while I am up and about.”
Blaze said “So you are still warm blooded but have a problem with body heat regulation now because of your mutation. Have you tried out seeing how hot you can get before your body starts to react negatively?”
Blaze and group arrived at Kate’s and Blaze’s sleeping area. The orderly, Sal started to open up compartments on the cart and pull out food. Melinda went to Blaze’s area and opened a cupboard that had a rolling tray inside and set it up so that Blaze could eat while sitting in his bed. This setup was very turn of the century. Blaze thought that if he didn’t see the new tech like the monitoring scanners or Halo units that he had traveled back in time. Blaze went to his bed and sat down.
Remembering the IV in his arm Blaze asked Melinda “When can I have this taken out of my arm?”
Melinda smiled at Blaze and said “After we all eat. The scanners say your body was extremely dehydrated for a normal human. So we did a simple saline drip to rehydrate you. Some concerns were raised because of your new physiology. The scanners recommended that we not use anything more advanced. Also the food is going to be bland and tasteless for a while we have already taken some blood and are running tests to see if anything seems poisonous to your new metabolism.”
Blaze was happy that as injection recipients they were not being neglected. After hearing Trask’s experience he was concerned that he would have to figure things out the hard way. Like Trask had.
Curious Blaze asked Melinda “What do the scanners say about my new body?”
Melinda replied “Doctor Sebast has locked all your data in the scanners so I cannot access them. He does plan on sitting down with each injection recipient individually to discuss their mutations before the end of the week. He does however give recommendations based on the scans for your overall health and wellbeing.”
Blaze asked “Why did he lock our data?”
Melinda shook her head and said “I didn’t say everyone’s data was locked. I said YOUR data was locked.”
Blaze a little annoyed now said “Why did he lock MY data?”
Melinda shrugged and said “He was mumbling something about unstable Mitochondrial DNA and I also heard him say you had fifty diploid chromosomes with forty eight being autosomal and the last two were you normal human sex chromosomes of XY for a male. So my guess is he wants more data because he thinks your mutation is still unstable.”
Blaze tried processing what Melinda said but the highest class of medical science he had taken was the basic Biology class he needed to graduate and he only got a “73%” in that class. The only part he understood was that his mutation looked unstable.
Blaze let Melinda and Sal finish setting up the dinner trays and looked over to Kate’s bed, where Trask was now sitting next to Kate and asked the both of them “Do you guys know your DNA information and whatever Melinda said?”
Trask didn’t mind giving out his information to Blaze. Blaze had already helped him after all so why not return the favor “Doctor Sebast has already talked with me. He didn’t say anything about my DNA, I assume it has changed and must be stable. What he did tell me was that I have mutated forty two percent. My mutation will have made me stronger than all regular humans, my scales are made out of Titanite, and my speed should be above average. All of the injection recipients with my formula number turned into reptiles like me and that I have over five hundred siblings now.”
Kate was less willing to give out personal information but said “My DNA is stable. I and my sister are the only two to have taken that formula. My sister came out just like me and you already know about my power.”
Blaze didn’t find any of that information useful but said “Thanks” when they finished sharing. Blaze withdrew inside his mind to try and puzzle out his situation with the little information that he had.
After finishing dinner Trask approached Blaze who had barely eaten his bland food and said “I saw your reaction earlier and was wondering if you have received any type of martial arts training?”
Blaze came back to reality and replied “Yeah some. I was at a dojo for three months before I came to get the injection and I am sorry for my initial reaction.”
Trask said “No worries man. I was just hoping that we could work out together tomorrow. I got the ok from Doc Sebast for us to use the outside courtyard area to work out in.”
Blaze “Sure. Sounds like fun. What time do you want to go work out?”
Trask “How about; before breakfast, say around six? That way we can get in about a two hour work out and still be able to shower before breakfast.”
Blaze “That’s fine with me. I will set the Halo alarm in my little cubical like sleeping area here and meet you outside.”
Trask “Alright, I am going to turn in. See you in the morning.”
Blaze said good night to everyone and asked Melinda to close the certain to his room. Then he worked for a little while with his vision trying to refine it some more and to also figure out what the other nerve clusters were for but didn’t make any more headway with it. Frustrated and tired Blaze finally called it a night.
In the morning Blaze and Trask did an hour of muscle strengthening and stretching. During that time Blaze and Trask talked about their lives before the injection. Blaze talked about his dream and Trask told Blaze about his own likes. Trask’s hobbies are to play video games and read fiction novels. His dream is to become a super hero. Basically Trask is your typical fantasy fanatic. Blaze and Trask had fun talking and decided to start out together when Space Explorers was released.
Then they spared for the last hour. Thankfully Trask never has had any training nor has he ever been in a fight. If he had received any training before sparing with Blaze, Blaze would have been a wet smear on the grass in the court yard. Trask is supper fast and supper strong. To top it all off today was the first time Trask had ever worked out in his life and he managed to crack a wall with a punch. Blaze shuddered to think if someone with some real training and previous strength would be like after receiving his mutation.
Blaze and Trask stopped sparing at eight o’clock like planned and went and took a shower. Blaze, Kate, Trask, Melinda, and Sal all had breakfast together. Then Melinda and Sal left to gather reports for Doc Sebast. When breakfast was over Blaze started to train with his vision again and Kate and Trask played some Halo games till lunch. Then everyone ate together again and shared some light conversation.
After lunch Melinda and Sal took some blood and did more in depth scans on Blaze, Kate, and Trask which didn’t take too long. Then Sal started cleaning inside the observation room while Melinda took her samples and went back to work with Doc Sebast. The rest of the time till dinner Blaze spent either playing games with Kate and Trask or researching technical information on ships or theories about magic and Mana manipulation. Blaze wanted to try out some of the theories but he was told by Melinda that he was not to use magic or Mana till he gets to Molokai.
Everyone ate dinner together and talked about their day. After an epic game of Halo ball everyone went to bed. Blaze was not tired though so he stayed up late researching possible vision types in the hopes that he would find something useful. He tried x-ray vision, heat vision, and freeze vision. He did have some luck with Telescopic vision. He could use his Telescopic sight in all three vision types so he never gave this vision a name he just classified it as ability not a vision type.
Nothing changed until Kate’s sister Eve showed up with Doctor Sebast two days later. Kate and Eve had a big reunion with big hugs and way too much crying. It was cute watching two cat eared girls hug and cry together. Blaze rained in more immoral thoughts about the siblings and observed Eve.
Eve is close to five foot tall, with yellow eyes, blond hair, and her cat ears and tail are grey compared to her sister’s calico look. Blaze is guarded around Eve. Eve received the same injection as Kate so she might have the same mind reading ability. Blaze never said anything to Kate but he knew when she was trying to get into his mind and he seemed to be able to block her some but he was not sure that it worked. Kate was very secretive about her Telepathic abilities it didn’t seem like anyone else but Blaze knew what she could do.
Doctor Sebast was the one who brought Eve into the observation wing but Doctor Sebast being the cold hearted man he is ignored the reunion and walked straight up to Blaze and said “I need to explain a few things about your mutation before you leave in the morning. Please follow me to my office.”
Blaze not surprised with the Doctor’s rough behavior but not going to be pushed around and be rude himself simply replied “I am sorry you will have to wait. A friend of mine is reuniting with her sister right now and I would like to great her myself.”
Doctor Sebast narrowed his eyes and said “I only have twenty minutes set aside to explain your mutation. Come to my office now or don’t it does not matter to me. You will not be able to access my office again after the twenty minute time elapses.”
Once Doc Sebast finished talking he walked off like a king to his office. Blaze had tried to get into Doctor Sebast’s office to speak with him a couple of times since he woke up only to be shut out by security. Blaze knew he could steal his scanner results because the office was only protected by a simple biometric scanner plate but without a professional interpreting the data for him it would be useless. So Blaze just waited patiently for his promised appointment.
Blaze just sighed and looked up to watch and wait for his turn to introduce himself. Blaze wanted his results but not enough to be rude. Plus the way the Doc was acting needed to be corrected as well. He was not a king or better than anyone else here so needed to be put in his place. However, before he could start making any plans for the doctor’s re-education Eve and Kate walked up to him.
Kate introduced Eve to Blaze. Blaze introduced himself as well. The three talked for a few very uncomfortable minutes about nothing interesting. Then Blaze excused himself by explaining he had an appointment with the doctor. Blaze was originally not going to go at all to see the doctor because of his attitude but Eve’s actions changed his mind. Blaze changed his mind because Eve hid behind her sister and said only a few words since her introduction. The atmosphere was very uncomfortable to say the least. Thus Blaze excused himself to lighten the atmosphere.
When Blaze entered the doctor’s office Doctor Sebast smiled maliciously like he had won and said “You wasted ten minutes of my time so you have no time to ask questions. I will talk you will listen.”
Doctor Sebast waited to see if he would receive any more back talk from Blaze. Blaze just waited patiently like Doctor Sebast had said nothing at all. When the doctor didn’t receive any response he smiled and said “Good boy, now that that is out of the way. You my unlucky lab rat have what we call an unstable mutation.” Blaze thought ‘That is how the doctor see’s us as lab rats. I guessed he doesn’t just have bad bed side manners. This guy is an elitist or purist. Well I have a surprise for him.’
Doctor Sebast oblivious to Blaze’s thoughts went into very complex detail about Blaze’s medical scan results. This is not how things were supposed to happen a doctor is supposed to interpret the data to the patient. Doctor Sebast was not interpreting he was just reading the complex scans verbatim and he was throwing in rude and hateful statements where ever he could. Blaze stopped paying attention to the hateful doctor and scanned the room for things he would need to pull of his plans for later tonight. Happy with what he saw available in the office. Blaze turned around and walked out the door before the doctor even finished speaking. No need to worry about being rude to people like him.
Later that night Blaze bypassed the security to the doctor’s office with ease and collected everything he needed. Blaze got all the scanner data concerning himself, Kate, Trask, and Eve and placed that information on one data crystal. Then Blaze accessed the scanner recordings of the doctor’s interactions and actions while at work and placed them all on another data crystal.
Blaze was both ecstatic and upset with what he found. Blaze had enough evidence with just the recordings to have the doctor placed in jail for a long time. Trask really didn’t almost die from a computer error! The doctor had tried to kill him. Blaze had the recording of him altering the system warnings along with the access logs to prove his guilt. Sal was the one who saved Trask. No warning alarm ever went off! Blaze also got audio feeds of the doctor giving out classified and personal information to a group calling themselves the Tempio di Puro. Blaze wanted to look deeper into the recordings but time was running short for the rest of his plan.
Blaze uploaded the second crystal to the net via a few randomizers and proxies so he could not be tracked. Then he used a voice scrambler freeware he knew about with an audio line only connection to call every major broad casting company and explained his find to them along with a link to his evidence. Then he called the authorities and provided them with a link to the data as well. Once he finished with releasing the evidence he cleaned up only the logs of his activities and deleted the scanner records of him being in the office. He then altered the scanner records to show he was sleeping in his bed out in the observation wing and that the office scanners had no one entering or exiting the office since Doctor Sebast left earlier that evening.
With a happy smile and two data crystals hidden in his shoe Blaze skipped back to bed and feel asleep. Of course no normal person would have been able to hack the institute’s security or scanner database because the institute’s security is considered one of the best ever developed. This caused the doctor to relax his own safe guards thinking he was safe. Luckily Blaze was not normal and he had developed his hacking skills from a young age. Just to be able to see the classified specifications on ships that he just had to know about.
AN: This is the real end I had for chapter 3. I hope you liked it. I did listen to your requests and will not be cutting the training on Molokai. Next release will be in a few days.
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Yeet idk lmao this my first time writing a fanfic. I'm sorry if updates are slow, I'm a suffering college student and I work part-time so yeah I'll probs be really busy. Pls give lots of love to these stronk bois tho!👌
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