《Different》Chapter 14 - Nightmare



A rush of air surrounded the area blowing small objects such as leaves sky high. The students started grabbing on to a wall so they wouldn't fall. Daichi became even more angered.

"So you were hiding an ability huh ? Am I so pathetic that you wouldn't even use it on me"

He threw a punch at Soro but he managed to block it with his palm.


Daichi threw another punch, this time it landed on Soro's temple. Daichi smiled aggresively.

"What now huh !?"

The eye pad on Soro's face fell off from the impact and his right glowing eye could be seen clear as day. Daichi grabbed Soro by the jaw and raised his head up.

"So that's where your ability is coming from huh ?"

He began smiling.

"A weak little shit like you doesn't deserve an ability, how about I take it from you ?"

He grabbed a stick and raised it in the air, pointing it towards Soro's right eye. Akame attempted to get up from the ground.


Daichi swung the stick directly at Soro's right eye. A second before the stick could come into contact with Soro's eye a massive shock wave burst out of it. Daichi was launched in the air, his back was slammed onto the school wall with great force. He fell down completely unconscious. The rest of the students who were grabbing onto him had also been blown away from the force. Mako who had been smoking on the other side ran to the area.

"Eh, what was that noise"

He lowered his head and spotted Daichi completely unconcious on the floor with a large cut on his back. He then looked straight ahead and saw Soro limping towards Akame who had not been effected by the shockwave.


"Hey kid, did you do this ?"

Soro glanced at Mako dead in the eye.

"Piss off...."


Mako rushed over to Soro attempting to tackle him. However before he could reach Soro another shock wave burst out of his right eye sending Mako flying across the school. Soro fell down on his knees. Akame got up from the ground and ran over to Soro with the little energy she had left.


Soro smiled lightly.

"Akame....are you alright...?"

Tears began rapidly falling from her face.


Soro began intensely coughing for a moment.





Soro slightly smirked. He was so glad that he could protect Akame this time that he didn't care about his own well being.

"I won...Akame....I...."

Soro's right eye began glowing twice as brighter than before. His right eye began burning and the pain only grew worse. He tried to ignore it at first, but seconds later his eye shone even brighter and the pain intensified tenfold. He began screaming in pain with both his hands placed on his right eye.


"Soro what's wrong !?"

The pain was not lessening. Soro could feel something was about to happen.


"What are you talking about !?"


A light blue aura started appearing on Soro's body. It was as if something was possessing him. Akame backed away from him with a look of terror on her face. Moments later Yugo showed up with a female nurse. Yugo froze after seeing Soro screaming on the ground.



The female nurse ran up to Soro and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Listen to me, i'm gonna need you to calm down for a moment, I don't understand the pain your in right now but I do know that panicking won't help"

Soro paid no attention to what she was saying. The pain he felt was too great for him to pay attention to anything else. The aura surrounding him began to grow larger as it slightly burnt the nurse is hand.


Soro's vision started becoming blury. He could no longer see straight or hear properly. At the very same time Akame could no longer sit and watch him struggle. She ran up to him and held him by her arms.


Soro's eyes began slowly closing. He had completely passed out from the overwhelming pain, and with this began a nightmare he would never forget. He was in a pitch black room with nothing but darkness. Soon after a familiar voice called out to him from behind.


Soro turned around and saw Akame standing in the dark room a couple of feet away from him, she had a disappointed look on her face. He began approaching her, he was so relieved that she was safe.


As he reached her she slowly began to disappear as if she were a ghost the entire time. Moments later Soro heard another voice call out to him from behind. It was Yugo.

"You couldn't even protect her...."

Soro turned around and started walking towards him.

"Yugo...what are you talking about ?"

Yugo then completely vanished, and so it continued. This time Takimi called out to him.

"Why did you let them do that, you're supposed to protect me big brother...."

Soro turned around and ran to Takimi to try quickly grab onto her, but it was no use, his arms went right through her as she began disappearing.

["What the hell is going on....?"]

Soro stood in the dark room for a couple of seconds, he was expecting someone else he knew to show up behind him, but instead he began to hear voices in his head overlapping each other.



{{"Can you even protect your self ?"}}


{{"You don't deserve to live"}}

{{"Help me..."}}

{{"Why are you here Soro ?"}}

"Stop...you're not real..."

{{"All you do is cause misfortune for others ?"}}

{{"You don't deserve friends"}]

{{"Mom and dad left because of you"}}


The voices stopped, and a loud deafening sound of a bell started ringing in his head repeatedly. This was no ordinary nightmare, nightmares usually have something or someone coming after you, but this was nothing like that, this was pure torture. Tears began rolling down Soro's face as the ringing intensified.


Everything went blank. He could no longer see, smell, hear or feel a thing. He had become completely numb, and with that his eyes opened.

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