《The Cosmic Series: The First Apprentice. (On hold(life problems.))》The mysteries that hide in plain sight.(Chap 24)*Not edited*


Two greys walking down a barren wasteland raised their hands and pointed three knuckles up. “Uehdbf jk us. Debdb en jsizdbe” The back of a planet sized grey slug monster opened up, to reveal technological insides and the enormous city of the Greys: -Belthe- a city made to satisfy traveling Greys and a refuge for what they cherished most.

As the interspacial wars happening outside of earth were more than just powerful to consume them whole and shit them a thousand times.


What had actually made the Greys powerful enough to survive until this point? What was their secret? Their well kept secret of the Greys was their trusted pets: Robo-slimes- or atleast what they loved to call it: “gurglers” These yellowy creatures had eaten them in ancient times but like the dog and man they had tamed this wild beast into friends.

With time this beast's had grown with them, and even gained full sentience...that is until the Greys discovered technology and with a declining population of Grey's, the slimes sacrificed themselves and became their all omnipresent weapons. Their weapons…..they still weep and mourn for their fallen comrades, as the slimes where the only ones who throughout history made them overcome the sadness of seeing their loved ones dying. They were heroes. They even had Greish slime children who were specially now on top of their civilization. They had loved them. They had given their all.

Now with hardship after hardship, they had to become powerful enough to protect what they loved: The last slime...the queen of all of them which that witch linch brought with. Her!

“Heinfbe hsbev sjjwj r ebjjs evebsu” The Grey population inside the empty carcass of the Robo-slime roared and grabbed their lifeless exo-slime skeletons. It was time for orgy…or for war in the human dialect. They opened a portal towards planet earth. “Ehbbehisn shb-” Everything on the other side of the portal was pure paperwhite until a breath of exploding arctic wind touched all of them. They started to see many other colors that slowly turned black and empty. Their brain slowly turned into rock. Their eyes froze in place, and in less than a second they were dead...frozen. Not the slime tho, so there is that.


“Who is a cute slime? Who is a cute slimy? Lvl1?” Cher said, as she hugged a blob of Green with two big round eyes. These eyes appeared almost human, it was scary, perturbing even but extremely cute. Heyla sat on ground looking with a improved sight the thin and almost invisible overlapping runic lines running through her arms and legs. “So we still connected to the system?”

Heyla and Cher in the span of a few hours had reached level 832 in -Mana sculpture- and -ketnic heat- which was level 503. Heyla swiped her index finger and millions of blue screens appeared, she deleted every single one with a frown except two which stood out.


Ketnic heat-

The last fires of the dimension. “8234CSJ” These fires make the core of legged planets and are used and forged into true fire by desperate circulations. This fire has a close relative called the -Fehroh- a natural material that is the evolution of this Demonic skill.

Mana sculpture-

A skill born from the creative winds of creation in a universe structured by mana. It has been refined into this but it can turn into -Mana physique- a more insidious based technique. This Skill as brought many worlds to the verge of corruption. It was born in universe L29H829949184”

“Dam! These things are sure weird. Who even names universes when there is an infinite amount?” Cher looks up at Heyla with the slime covering her whole head. Heyla looks at Cher and Cher just winks. The corner of Heylas mouth raises a little, as she tries not to laugh. “How old are you?” Cher looks at Heyla in the eye. “You don't ask a girl he age.” Cher smiles wider and takes off the blob of green off her head. “I really want-” Cher walks away and does not pay attention to the talking Heyla.

She looks outside to the window and spreads her Ketnic heat towards the window. The frosted surface of the window crackles and slowly forms into sliding drops of water. “I hope Lem is alright…”

Heyla takes out a thin meddle from her head and walks to the door of the bedroom. “Don't worry he is an endless walker, a giant of worlds.” Said Heyla as she stabbed the meddle in the tile in front of the door and went to the bed again. She licked her lips and took out the royal candy she found in the saucer.

She actually destroyed the ship and everyone in it because she called the slime Cher is holding ‘puffy’. They were in actuality the best race when it came to universal detectors and even Cher knew it. “Such a fucking waste…” She bit the candy and her face instantly brightened up. Looks like the Greys were also good at making candy. Heyla looked at the candy she was biting and saw a small dead fetus in the center of the yellow candy encasing. Heyla blinked several times in succession before she popped the candy into her mouth. “Looks like they don't make candy.” Cher looked back towards Heyla wich was wrapped as a burrito. “Wha-”

“Nothing!” Heyla screamed interrupting Cher and then turning around and closing her eyes tightly. “I tried...are you awake?” Heyla opened one of her eyes with a exaggerated slowness. She just closed her eyes! They stayed silent for a moment or two before they heard something crash just a block away from them.


“I will check.” Cher slowly opened her hands wide and moved them in a cutting motion a small distance away from her body. A bright light engulfed the room and a small window appeared in front of Cher. A person in a space suit had fallen from the sky and he was currently unconscious. “Another unbound one...huh?” Cher face turned serious and she walked up to Heyla as she hugged tightly the green blob. “Heyla can you just bring Lem here?” Heyla turned towards Cher. “Is it that important?” Cher slapped Heyla in the back as her eyes glinted with the monstrous presence of a Tridimensional. “There is an unbound in need…” Heyla trembled a little in instinctive fear. “Fuck me!” Heyla unwrapped her body and voted herself with a grey energy. “You know our movements are expected by the tyrant right? If we show that-”

“He won't care, he never cares.” Cher placed the green blob in the bed. “Why don't you do it!? The eyes of Cher opened wide and she smashed Heyla into the fortified wall of the bedroom. “Do as I say or suffer the punishment.”

Cher grinded her teeth and stitched a smile onto her face. “Ok, but remember your promise.” She disappeared into thin air and returned half frozen. Cher's face turned from serious to her usual self. “Come here you bubby.” Cher went to the bed and picked off the green slime. She spun and walked with a slight stiffness in her steps to the center of the bedroom and left Heyla standing.

“Ooooook. Then I'm just going to drop him.” Heyla let go of the unconscious astronaut and moved the bed away from him. She sat on the edge of the bed and just let herself drop. “Fuuuux.”


Who knew how he got into situations like these but Lem did not mind it, as It actually made him really happy to know that able to stop the process from expanding...or so he thought. “I wonder, what I will do to get out of here?” Lem tried to move his frozen eyes an instead he popped a vein inside of his eye. That started to seep outside the ice. Lem had been here for a few hours or so, and he was amazed by how much energy the particles in this world had.

The pieces of floating ice around his hulking crystal figure turned into spikes and where silently absorbed into his core…his sharp core. Lem had been with this core this whole time and no it was about to show why it was useful.

The electrifying energies inside of him bounced and ripped themselves apart furiously as the new energy was entering his sharp core and making sharp energy. The ripped up forms of energy inside of him entered his core and reforged it.

The rocky walls turned white as divine powers enriched it and gave it form. The Demonic energy in his palms traveled to his back and entered his core in the form of runic lines that covered the core completely. The mana pool inside his feet raised towards his core like if it carried a great weight and covered the core in sharp blue spikes.

Arcanic energy flowed from his gut into his back and entered his sharp core in waves. A purple dot appeared inside his sharp core. Then something else happened...a grey energy rised from his lower back and entered something else that connected with his core and made a bridge to somewhere.

Lem had no idea his was happening thanks to his constitution that he personally keep the same, but one day when he felt like it he would see how far it could go…

Well what do I do now? Thought Lem, as he felt his ice skeleton fade like drinking water into his insides. I just hope that I did not do too much destruction. Lem looked towards the distance over the icy mountains surrounding him. And Heyla and Cher too.

Lem made a disk-shaped rock platform and inscribed two lines into it. The huge gashes flared with a mix of bright and dark colors. The world around him turned sluggish and rusty until Lem disappeared. He was more than lucky because he went away before his body finally eat the last piece of the skeleton that made him momentarily immune to the immortal cold.

“AHAHHAH!” Lem heard before he felt something touch his head and make a sock wave. He opened his eyes and saw a scared Cher. “You acted the slime out of me.” Cher picked up a green blob from the ground and gulped it down. Heyla raised from the bed and ran towards Lem. “Leeeeemmm!” The bed almost broke in half because of her speed. She was so close until she stepped on something soft and she face palmed the ground in front of Lem.

“What was that?” A electronic voice came out of the man in a astronaut suit. The man stood up and looked at the biggest presence present.

Lem looked at the astronaut and smiled triumphantly.

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