《Assassin Type: The Rifle Girl- Rica Reyes》Assassin Type- Chapter 13- Slow Down


Not Without Help

Rica knew Caleb had seventh period Language Arts since she memorized his schedule. Caleb, in the hallway nearing the class, spotted his raven haired girlfriend walking toward him. But she had something on her face.

“Hi, you have lipstick all over your face,” Caleb said with a grin.

Rica frowned, “I do? Still?” She wiped her face, “That dang Alexa!”

“What's that now, heh heh!” Caleb laughed, but Rica squinted at him.

“Nothing's funny you boy! And Alexa told me about the address you made her look up for you!”

“Tch! Big mouth, I figured she would. But it doesn't matter cause I can't do anything without your help anyway.”

“My help? ..Well..Good! Because I'm not helping you do anything, you silly boy!” she yelped.

“Oh?” He turned away. “Then I guess that’s settled.”

“Eh?” she glanced at him. “But why do you sound like I don’t believe you?”

“So the girl with lipstick on her face doesn’t believe me. That’s rich!” he mocked.

Rica defended herself, “No, I was molested! You see I found out Alexa's crazy, and-”

“Ha Ha Ha!” He burst out laughing. “Ah, Rica you're so cool, but I gotta go to class,” he said walking away from her.

“Oh? Well, ok. But Caleb you're not going to-”

Caleb softly cupped Rica's face and kissed her on her lips, silencing her. “Like I said, I can't do anything without your help, Rica.”


Rica blushed but stood still for a moment. In truth she was pissed that Caleb pulled that sexy anime guy goodbye without confirming her answer. But she couldn't say anything more to him or she would look un-cool talking to his back. The only answer she could give was a Tsundere's, “Hmph!” as she let him walk away. She’d deal with Caleb later, but first she had to call Reyna and let her know...


What We're Gonna Do

Rica decided to cut the first quarter of seventh period in an empty classroom, and call Reyna. She answered on the second ring, “Hello, blub, blub!”

“Mom? Are you in the tub?”

“Yes child. Soapy water frees the soul! Now what do you want?”

Rica shook her head. “It’s about this boy Caleb! He got access to a criminal data base!”

“Is that right?” Rica explained the story to Reyna about Tseka's address. “What? Rica, control that boy, beat him up or something, but don't let him do anything stupid!”

“I’m trying, but the kid's stubborn!”

“Damn it child, because of that little stunt Caleb pulled burning down the club and then that incident in the woods this morning, which is all over the fucking news by the way, my hands are now tied!

Rica squinted at the phone, “What do you mean?”

“Baby, we wiped out like ten guys! Do you think Tseka or Gashi haven't figured out that a third party isn't playing one against the other? And there are only so many killers of our caliber floating around, yeah? Even the cops will start figuring shit out if we don't slow down!” Reyna yelped.

“So you saying we aren't hunting Tseka anymore..or at this moment?” Rica asked.

“Hmm..Karma may settle Tseka's fate~ who knows~ Either way, I have to leave town for a day, nothing to do with this job, but something you and me may have to deal with another time, you got me?”

“Yeah, I got you. Oh, Alexa invited me to her party Saturday.”

“Yeah, I know! Apparently since y'all are just kids the invite email goes to the parents as well, and, the email asked if I, cough * was your Your Mom.”


“Yes yes, I am sure that thrilled you didn't it?” Rica asked with a frown.

“Yes! And don't interrupt! so me, your mom, will chaperone you guys at Skate Key!”

“What? No, no, no! That's not cool! You don't have to do that!” Rica cried.

“Why the hell not?” Reyna shot back. “Rica, you just want to keep me cooped up in the house, but I want to mingle with other parents!”

“And do what? Have an affair?”

“You child!” Reyna squeaked, “I'm an adult with needs!”

“The need to home wreck?”

“Why do you treat me so bad? Oh yeah, speaking of home wreck, I'm dumping this apartment, Julio and the boys are coming to clean it out today. Take your stuff and crash at Caleb's place toni-”

“Mom! What are you talking about?”

“Blub Blub Blub, you heard me, you and I are hot right now, and so is this apartment. Plus I'm leaving in an hour or so don't mess around! But don't worry, I'll be back in time for the party Saturday.”

“Seriously? You want me to sleep at Caleb's house?”

“Yes, for a night or two, at his house, on his couch, not with Caleb! And young lady I'll know ....As a matter of fact I'm getting upset thinking about, tell that boy to keep his claws off of you or I'll chop his little-”


“Rica, don't let that boy do anything stupid, that includes going after gangsters or getting fresh with you, damn it, cause I'll know!”

Rica frowned at the phone. “Mom...you’re parenting skills…”

“What’s wrong with my parenting? Can’t a mom trust her daughter, or are you saying you can't handle the job?”

“I can handle it!”

“Alright then!”




“Oh little baby, if I make it back early Saturday we'll go shopping, ok? That party is not till six, right?”

“Yes, but you don't have to go.”

“Too late! I already RSVPD! Alright then, Mommy misses you, and make sure that boy doesn't do anything stupid, and Rica slow him down , or I'll cut off his little-”

Click! Rica hung up and realized she was homeless. Meanwhile her boyfriend was obsessed with revenge against a crime boss while her absentee mother, who could not wait to pretend to be a regular mom, ran off to kill someone new.

Wow, what a fascinating life! Rica laughed to herself as she made her way to her seventh period class.


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