《Assassin Type: The Rifle Girl- Rica Reyes》Assassin Type- Chapter 12- Princess' Bodyguard



Caleb and Rica made it to school by fourth period. They decided to enter separately at different times to not look like they cut class to do bad things. By fifth period lunch Princess Rica presided over her cool table with special attention to Tiara who appeared to still be in shock.

Hmm...Rica frowned with concern, but Caleb, ever vigilant, kept Tiara company making her laugh and keeping her spirits up. Normally jealous Rica would have interjected, but she sincerely felt for Tiara. However, Rica had not seen Alexa today.


By the middle of sixth period biology, Rica wanted to sleep. But determined to be a good student, she listened to the class lecture while yawning. But her eyes popped wide open when Alexa’s pretty friend Kim knocked on the classroom door.

The Bio teacher greeted her, "Hi Kim, are you here to interrupt the class?"

"Ah?” said Kim, “I'm sorry Ms. Benson, I came to get Rica Reyes, she's wanted in the main office." Everyone in class gaped at Rica, who sat still until the teacher called her out.

"Rica, go with Kim, you have the homework right?" asked Ms. Benson.

"Yes, Ms. Benson, I have it!" Rica said as she stood up and hustled to the front. Kim smiled as the two then stepped out into the hallway and Rica asked, “So Kim...Um, what does the office want?

Kim smirked at the question, “The main office? Heh, heh nothing! I just said that to get you out of class, we're going to lunch!”

“We are?” When Kim opened the door to the cafeteria Rica a vibe struck Rica. The sixth period lunch atmosphere was electric like a teen movie, except with real kids, “Oh cool!”

While Rica observed the energized cafeteria, she quickly figured out Why. For it turned out that sixth period lunch was the hour of the school Elite! When she looked around there were nothing but cool kids at the tables.

Cute boys from the basketball team, cheerleaders everywhere, student government reps, girls' softball team. Everyone in sixth period beamed with good looks and cocky confidence.

“Impressive!” said Rica to Kim. “Is it always like this?”

“Of course! It wouldn't be sixth period lunch if it wasn't!”

“Oh nya? So why'd you bring me?” Rica asked with a smirk, until a voice called out.


“Rica!” shouted Alexa sitting at a cool table.


Rica glanced at the beautiful Alexa, who modeled her womanly features that Rica lacked. At Alexa’s table only beautiful or important students sat. Most of them conversing about love, sports, or fashion. Rica was a mere handmaiden compared to Princess Alexa, and Alexa held court, while pulling Rica into her world.

“Hi, you don't have to pull me!” Rica cried.

“Yes, I do, and I'm not letting you go you adorable little killer!”

“Alexa! Don’t say such things!”

“Heh heh!”

Rica didn't want to make a scene as Alexa was embarrassing enough. But Alexa grabbed Rica from behind and held the little assassin like a boyfriend. She then buried her face in Rica's hair, and took a good sniff!

“Eeep!” Rica cried. But no one cared.

“Everyone!” Alexa shouted to the table, “Rica is my love and my bodyguard, so I don't have to take shit from any of you!”

“Oh…” Rica turned red as the table erupted in laughter. Afterward the students began to interrogate the baby faced freshman Rica. Mainly boys only wanting to know if she had boyfriend. But one guy, a total drop dead cutey named Will Sanchez, second year, tall baseball player, was the only one to catch Rica's eye.

“What's your name, Shorty?” Will asked Rica.

“Rica~” she meekly responded.

But Alexa had none of it, “Hi Will! You cute and all that but you gotta go back to left field or whatever, cause Rica’s not interested in you!”

Will squinted at Alexa, “Yo Lex, I don't see nobody talking to you!” He faced Rica. “So your name is Rica, right?”

“Yes~” said Rica, looking at him.

“Just so you know. I don't play left field, I play second base,” said Will.

“Oh, ok cool!” Rica responded.

"Oh, I don't play left field, I play ya ya.” Alexa mocked Will. “But guess what? Nobody cares! And you ain't making it to second base with Rica because she belongs to somebody already! Hmph!”

“Oh yeah? Who?” Will barked.

“Me right now! Go away, boy!”

Will frowned at her, “Shut up, Alexa!” He turned to Rica? “ So you are going to Alexa's party Saturday?”

“I don’t know, I'd like to go,” Rica answered.


“Of course she's going!” Alexa said grabbing on to Rica.

“Cool!” said Will making eye contact with Rica. “Then we'll skate on Saturday, nice meeting you!”

“Ok, nice meeting you too!” said Rica with a smile.

“Rica! Don't say that to him! You have a boyfriend, and he's too old for you anyway. How old are you, by the way?” Alexa asked.

This question put Rica on the spot. “Umm..If I tell you my age will you let me go?”

“No! I'll never you let go, I only feel safe now because I'm holding you!”

“Eh? What do you mean?” Rica asked.

Alexa smiled. “You cute thing! That's why I asked Kim to get you out of your Bio class. Because I need you Rica! You saved my life!” she whispered.

Rica shook her know, “No Alexa, I don't know what you're talking about!”

Alexa frowned, “Oh Rica, stop worrying! I'm not gonna tell anybody, but it did happen and you did save me, and I know what you are!”

“Eeeep! You really don't…”

“Oh yes I do! I know you're Caleb's bodyguard and I know who Caleb is!”

“Eh? You do?” Rica asked with a confused expression.

“Yup! And I'm jealous..I mean...you protect him ..but who's gonna protect me like you can, Rica? Oh Boo Hoo!” Alexa cried. But Rica shook free of her hug.

“Listen, I understand you might-a-had-a-rough morning, but-”

“But nothing Rica! And if you didn’t know Caleb is still going after that gang boss!”

“Gang boss?” Rica glared at Alexa. “What did you just say?”

“Rica! Caleb made me access the NYC criminal data base for a man named Tseka before fifth period lunch. He wanted his address. That's what I need to tell you. Please don’t be mad at me.”

Rica was not sure what Alexa was talking about, but the words Tseka and going after gang boss, should not come out of Alexa's mouth.

Rica snapped out of Pre-teen Virgin Girl and leveled back up to Rifle Girl, “I’m not mad at you!” she said grabbing Alexa's hand and walking her out of the Cafeteria.

The other Girls at the table gaped at the two. “Alexa, where you going?” Kim asked.

“I'll be back! We making plans for my party!” Alexa lied.


Rica pulled Alexa into an empty girl's bathroom to interrogate her. Alexa appeared to love it.

“Now talk, Alexa! What criminal database? What are you going on about?” Rica demanded.

Alexa blushed, “Oh..well, this morning I mentioned to Caleb that my father is an ADA (Assistant District Attorney). I guess Caleb remembered that and before fifth period he asked me if I could access the city's criminal database.”

“Really? You can do that?” Rica asked sincerely surprised.

“Of course I can! I know all my father's passwords, since they're all some variation of my name! He accesses the city network from home every day, it's called VPN.”

“Wow! And Caleb asked you for an address? For a man named Tseka?”

“Yes, I accessed it from the school library. Rica are you sure you’re not mad at me?

Rica squinted her eyes at Alexa. “Honey, I'm not mad at you. But from here on out do not help Caleb anymore, and you need to shut up about all of this. I can't protect you if-”

“You'll protect me? Yaaaaaa! Rica I love you!” Alexa grabbed Rica’s face and pressed it in her bosom. Rica couldn't breathe.

“Alexa, *cough*..I-”

“Rica! kiss, kiss, kiss!” She kissed the little assassin on her head.

“Nyaaa! Cut it out!” Rica cried.

“But Rica, you don't understand, just hearing you'll protect me means..it means..oh kiss, kiss, thank you Rica! I knew it was right to tell you about Caleb. I told you, he's really a bad boy! I mean smart and cute but he's baaad! kiss, kiss, but you'll protect him right? And me right?”

“Yeah, sure! But could you please stop kissing me?”

Alexa backed off, “I'm sorry, I promise I'll be good...that is..if you tell me your age!”

“Eh?” That question again. “Oh um...I'm eleven years old. I uh, skipped a grade, I guess.”

“What?” Alexa yelped, Oh-My-God! You're the most precious little bodyguard I've ever seen yaaaaa! kiss, kiss, kiss!”

“Aaaah! You Promised!”

The Rifle Girl eventually escaped Alexa’s love grip. "Damn Alexa, you're so troublesome!" Rica blurted. But she understood what Alexa was going through. Many a night Reyna hugged Rica to fall asleep, and many a night Rica did the same to Reyna. The human condition, she supposed.


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