《Lord of the Red Castle》Chapter 20


Negotiations for the deal had been going on for the past few days. The Vartica side got everything they wanted. But the amount of money to be paid was the subject of the greatest debate. Finally, 4.5 million was agreed upon, and the representatives of the two countries gathered to put the final signatures on the Agreement.

Albert signed with his pen and stamped the seal of the Vartica kingdom on the agreement scroll. When Ethan repeated the same process, big applause broke out in the main hall.

Surely those in the kingdom of Leon were more pleased with this situation than those on the Vartica side. The danger of the Oswolt Kingdom before them ended with this agreement. With the help of Vartica, they could easily win a war.

The respected bards of Ivarta started to play their instruments, while the waiters began to serve the drinks to the people in the hall. There was a festive atmosphere in the hall.

Ashley was happy watching her surroundings with a smile on her face. Their marriage with Doran was finalized, causing indescribable feelings in this situation. She had enjoyed her time with Doran, and she realized that she wasn't like the rumors about the nobility. Doran was kind, funny, and most importantly, cared for her opinions.

While she was experiencing this happy moment, her face fell suddenly when Roland appeared next to her.

“I see you are very happy. Is it because you finally seduced a noble like your Mother? I knew prostitution was in your blood." said Roland and grinned, venom dripping from his words.

Ashley was going to let those words fly as she always did. She was finally getting rid of this family and she didn't have to see them anymore.

As Ashley planned to leave without saying a word, Roland grabbed Ashley by the arm, feeling that he hadn't enough.



Searching for Ashley in the Main Hall, Doran saw her standing alone. Just as he was about to walk over to say hello, he saw Roland approaching Ashley. he decided to wait when they started talking.

He turned red with anger after hearing Roland's words.

Seeing Roland sternly grasp Ashley's arm, the accumulated anger exploded and he leaped forward, punching Roland in the face.

He was so enraged that he involuntarily used the 3rd tier peak level cultivation as well. Because of this Roland was thrown 3 meters back with this blow.

The attention of the entire hall was suddenly turned to Doran and Roland . The bards stopped the music they were playing and began to watch what was happening in front of them. The main hall was suddenly turned silent.

Doran turned to Roland, who was on the floor trying to make sense of what had happened to him.

“The person you are talking to is the wife of the Crown Prince of the Vartica Kingdom. No one here or anywhere else in the world can talk to my wife like that.”

Doran walked slowly towards Roland. He bent over as he approached.

"Did you understand?" said

Roland finally understood what had happened. And he looked at Doran, who was looking down on him. It drove him crazy that the son of a former duke in his country could talk to himself like that. No one had dared to speak to him that way.

Roland also was a tier 3 cultivator. He was so incompetent at this that the kingdom of Leon had spent a fortune to bring him to this level.

Just when Roland was about to channel his inner mana and throw a punch to Doran, Ethan suddenly appeared beside him and gave a sidekick. After this blow, Roland thrown back 10 meters into the Main Hall.


When Roland lifted his head, his mouth was filled with blood.

"Arthen, Ves, escort Roland to the inn!"

“What do you think you are, Ethan, without the kingdom of Leon you would starve to death as an orphan in the back streets of Terras!” he began to shout.

Ethan looked at the Guards, who had not moved despite his orders.

“What are you waiting for?” he said.

This made them both rush straight towards Roland. The two of them grabbed Roland by the arms as he shouted and dragged him out of the main hall.

Ethan would have killed Roland at least 20 times throughout the journey if Roland had been a normal person. But he did not attempt such a thing, knowing how much King Edmund loved his brother. But his demeanor in the negotiations made him enough of his behavior. It felt good to give this arrogant noble a solid kick.

He shook off these feelings and turned to Doran.

“I apologize once again on behalf of Roland.”

Doran didn't know what to say, he wasn't expecting something like this from Ethan.

Albert also came to Doran's side.

"Let's not let this little incident spoil our mood. Bards keep up the music," he shouted.

The air in the main hall had returned to normal, but small groups discussed what had happened in whispers. This situation seemed likely to spread rapidly among the nobles, even in Kingdom Leon.

After winking at Doran, Albert started walking toward Ethan. He seemed quite pleased with his son's behavior.

Doran turned to Ashley, who was bewildered by what had happened.

"Are you okay?"

"I... -I'm fine," she said.

For the first time in her life, Ashley looked at her defender. She didn't know how to feel because of the fast-paced events. But now that what happened was a little clearer, her eyes filled with tears.

“Thank You,” she said.

"No need to thank me, you're going to be my wife in a few weeks, and I meant what I said, no one can talk to my wife like that."


Roland was sitting in his room at the Inn. He was trying to digest the disrespect and humiliation that was being done to him.

“Just wait, you will pay dearly for what you did,” he muttered. His hands were bleeding from squeezing, blood dripping onto the floor of the room.

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