《The Realm》Chapter 5 | The wonders of accessorys


We moved from the top floor all the way down to the basement as we passed through every floor we could see the living conditions of most people it wasn't that good but wasn't absolutely terrible and the patrolling guards seemed to keep things in order.

At the end of a long corridor was an average sized door guarded by 2 people.

Gorge as always was super talkative and introduced me to the storage area. "We mostly store our food here, but also a lot of other stuff that had high value, like guns and jewels." He kept talking all the way to the basement most likely he doesn't get many people that don't get annoyed by him talking so much.

One of the guards yelled as soon as he saw us. "Hey, what are you doing here? this is a restricted area!" He was big guy around the same size as Gorge only his skin color was much darker he was most likely half black.

Daniel yelled back from down the corridor. "We got permission from the general!." we kept moving and soon reached him.

"Let me see it." He looked super serious as he inspected the piece of paper that General gave us.

"Uhm, everything seems in order, let me show you in." As he proceeded to open the door that led to the storage area.

'So this was a storage area even before the crisis.' They could see boxes full of all kinds of stuff where everywhere as they moved through the storage until they reached another room.

The layout of the supermarket was built in Zeds mind as he had been to every floor of the building.

"Alright, each of you can pick one item then you must leave." The guard said as he kept standing next to the door looking at our every movement.


Just as Gorge said they had put the valuable stuff here that would be dangerous or would cost a lot of money.

'The setup here seems kinda loose and easy to get in to, but I guess the general doesn't care with his ability.'

As the other three looked at the guns in the room Zed looked at the other things with his new Realm system helping him greatly there.

He recognized the lethality of a gun and how much it changes human lives, but to him, it felt weak. Maybe it was because he spent years training with cold weapons and looks down on how you could just hold a tool with no skill and just end a person's life or maybe he was just a bit upset how it lacked the finesse of a cold weapon.

Either way, he rather pick up and use a bow then start using guns he was old fashioned like that.

Mass produced Jade neckless Type Accessory Rarity Common Has a very tiny calming effect on you. Mass produced Fluorite Ring Type Accessory Rarity Common Increases the effect of your meditation by 5% Mass produced Agate bracelet Type Accessory Rarity Common Increases the effects of the intellect stat by 3%

'Are these effects for everyone or just the realm users?' Zed though how much his training would have been easier with these effects.

'hm, what is this?' A much more simple neckless then the others it only had a brown string that was tied to an almost perfectly round amethyst with a hole in the middle looking almost like a flawless circle, But most of all it had a very deep purple color not usually seen on amethysts.

Natural flow Amethyst neckless Type Accessory Rarity Rare An amethyst that naturally formed into a round shape increasing its healing powers.


Increases all regeneration by 20%

Zed kept looking for bit more, but finding nothing else of interest he decided to take this one from the storage.

"Never saw you as much of a jewelry guy Zed" Gorge commented as he was now holding a handgun his item of choice.

"I'm not this one had a nice energy to it." Zed was sure what he should say as others wouldn't see its effects like him.

"Oh, so you're a spiritual guy!" Gorge always seemed to find things to talk about as we left the storage area.

"Okay so this is room 317 that the General assigned you to, we have to go, so see you later Zed!" The three left him at his assigned room.

This building had 4 floors and only the first one was a supermarket the rest of it had been an office. People of high value were given one of these offices for living the rest lived on the first and second floor mostly.

Zed put down his backpack as he laid down in the office chair that was way too small for him. 'If I set a fire in the storage I could probably burn down the building with all that gasoline there, the generator should help too.'

Zed still wasn't sure on what he should do as he had no idea how he could create a base of 1 thousand people in an unfamiliar city.

'Tomorrow I will explore the city and see more of it before I make my final decision.'


"Damn that hurt a bit!" Just as Zed leaned a bit more in the chair it broke.

In the corner of his eye he could see the.

-3 Damage

This was the first physical damage he had taken since he got the system. So only just now he came to appreciate how much his body had actually changed from when he joined it.

The bit of pain he felt eased much faster then it would normally and in less than a minute he was back to being completely fine.

with some idle thoughts of where he could take a shower he fell asleep as the weather wasn't too hot or too cold he fell asleep peacefully in the office and the lack of a bed didn't bother him much as this wasn't the first or the last time he would be sleeping without one.

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