《The Realm》Chapter 3 | First step in a new world


Zed had 10 options to chose from, but he knew why humans grew powerful enough to dominate this world it wasn't their strong bodies it was their Intellect and ability to work in large groups.

To be honest he was also most curious what changes would raise in his Intellect would bring the most.

Do you wish to rise your Intellect Cost 1 Point Yes No

Bringing his Intellect up to 11 didn't make it inimitably noticeable, but he did notice his toughs connect and proceed faster than again it could just be him imaging it.

Now that Zed finished spending his points he looked at his next mission.

World setting You will be sent to a growing rank 1 world Your mission will be to create or destroy a base of 1 thousand or more in a time limit of a month.

The world has just been hit by a meteorite that carried an unknown type of radiation that is starting to change all things on this planet.

Warning: Your Vitality needs to be at least 40 to resist the effects of the radiation that has covered the world. Do you wish to start the mission Yes


'Wait does this mean that I am screwed and will die of radiation poisoning? No that couldn't be true. Most likely the radiation is not the radiation I'm thinking about.' After coming up with a possible hypothesis Zed relaxed a bit as he selected yes.

The whiteness of the realm distorted into darkness as seemingly black particles covered him to create a world of endless darkness that almost instantly distorted back into a blinding light that soon cleared showing his new surroundings.

Before he could take in his new surroundings he noticed something a bit off like the air in this new world was different there was something more to it and he wasn't sure if that might be due to being in a new world or this was the radiation the mission spoke off.

As he looked at his room the best way to describe it would be simple it was a one bedroom apartment.

it was very simple and small there wasn't even a tv in the apartment.

Looking out the window he saw a modern city that was weirdly empty like everything was abandoned there were parked cars everywhere.


There was also this chilling silence in the air as this city would be a ghost town.

'huh, what is that?'

Zed could see something moving in the distance in an alleyway it was quite the distance away so he could just barely make out a human shape, but there was something off-putting about this figure as it moved it seemed unnatural, every movement seemed rigid as it moved further in the alleyway disappearing out of sight.

He needed to decide what he will be doing before he moves will he destroy or create.

'Destruction is obviously the easy way to do the mission, but not everyone could do it, could I do it? Could I destroy lives of 1000 people just to finish a mission?' Zed wasn't sure he could he hadn't even taken a humans life before only seen his mentor do it so effortlessly.

He wasn't completely sure on what he should do as he looks through the window that reflected his appearance. Green eyes, black hair that is long and untidy with a stubble that almost could be called a beard.

'sigh I recently shaved it too why does my hair need to grow this fast?' Since he was young he always had this problem his hair, nails, body grew faster for a while it scared him that he might die much faster than others too, but he got over it a couple of years ago.

'What is this?' a panel similar to the one in the Realm popped up as he looked at the knife that was on the table in front of him.

Bread knife Type Weapon Rarity Common Damage 3-15 A simple bread knife there is absolutely nothing special about it.

'Interesting so the Realm gives benefits like these'

with a bread knife like this, you can't really do a stabbing attack but it can leave some nasty laceration with a slash.

this one seemed especially nasty with its ragged edge.

Come to think of he hadn't even checked what he is wearing.

A lose gray tracksuit clothed him. Surprisingly it was pure grey with no logos or nothing and in this day and age, it's really hard to find something like this so Zed was quite pleased, even his shoes fitted him perfectly and were nice and confutable.


But strangely the Realm didn't show anything when he looked at them.

'Is it because the Realm gave me these clothes?' either way, Zed didn't care much about it as he had lived all his whole life without this system so he knew how to tell the difference quality stuff that is well made and the cheap stuff and these definitely were made well.

Zed give a quick look around the room finding nothing of interest there wasn't even any food in the fridge.

'Now then let us see what my neighbors are doing!'

*Knock knock

"Is anybody home!?" after knocking a couple of times on the door opposite of the apartment he was in, he got no answer. So he did the next rational thing lifted his foot and with a simple kick broke the lock hey that 8 strength is not for noting.

'it has been some time since I had to duck to get in a door.' with some casual thoughts zed entered the room that looked almost identical to his room just a bit different furniture.

'it seems like whoever lived here left in a rush' clothes were thrown on the ground and the room looked quite messy. Zed did find some food but as he had no backpack he just left it there it's not like it would disappear.

'Okay this is the last apartment' zed checked four other apartments but all he found of noteworthy was a backpack where he put some food in and he pocketed a lighter he found next to some smokes he took as well, not because he smokes, but he knew how addictive things like these were to people and how much they could do for one in tough times.

Zed felt something was off about this apartment he wasn't sure what it was yet, but there definitely was something off about it.

He held the knife as he kicked open the door.

A person was sitting on the couch he had a blad head and that was all he could see.

'Hey, can you hear me?' zed called out to the man, but there was no response.

Zed slowly walked closer to the man, but there was still no reaction.

2 meters

1 meters

Close enough to reach out and touch the man.

He caught wind of a movement of the man's body if you could call it that his skin was moving no, something under his skin was moving in high motion.

"Fuck!" Zeds body moved fast as he bolted out of the apartment

as soon as he saw that come out of the man's body shutting the door behind him to buy him a bit more time.

'I should have picked it up after all.' he thought as he ran upstairs bursting into an apartment going straight to the bathroom.

'There it is.' Zed picked up a simple looking hairspray can. If one looked closer you could see the flammable warning on it.

'I Hope there is enough in here' Zed thought as he took out a lighter from his pocket hastily lighting it up.

He didn't have to wait long as the buzzing sound was soon heard and a possi of beetles greeted him.

A bit over 1 cm in length with a purplish exoskeleton covered it. They had pincers that were at least 30% of its body length if not much more.

A stream of fire burst out from the hair can spray churning the beetles to a crisp as a disgusting smell spread to the room.

Now still on fire burned black beetles covered the floor.

'Fuck that was close.'

Zed picked up some toilet paper and some nail polish that was lying around.

Throwing it on the dead man's corpses and set it aflame burning the infested corps.

'Damn that was frightening!' With his strength, he could do nothing to so many small enemies even if it was 20 or 30 it wouldn't change anything come to think of it there was no stat that could help him in this situation kinda. Maybe with high enough strength he could runaway or with strong enough vitality it couldn't harm him but that doesn't mean you are dealing with them, you would just be running away from the problem.

Due to this, he came to appreciate his intellect stat even more as it could make him come up with a solution much faster.

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