《The Big Bang System》Blueprints


Finally it was time to look at the blueprints tab. While Angela hadn't had any professional training in blueprints and engineering she had taken the school course for it and thus had some idea of what to expect.

She opens the tab and a window divided into three sections appears, on the left side was a list of all the materials she had unlocked so far as well as their costs per m³.


dirt: 1 anima

sand: 2 anima

clay: 3 anima

wood: 5 anima

On the right hand side was many of the tools Angela recognised from her course like the pencil, rule and eraser as well as the more complicated tools that are usually seen in professional software like her school used. In short as long as Angela could think of something she could probably make it using these tools.

Angela pondered what to design, as a young lady naturally she cared a lot about her appearance and hygiene so the first things she thought of were the usual bathroom implements she was so used to, things like her mirror, hairbrush and toothbrush all came to mind but sadly had to be shelved due to a lack of suitable materials, Angela didn't care for the wooden hairbrushes sometimes found in stores as they hurt her hair and she preferred the plastic ones.

Next she thought of a sink and toilet which, despite her lack of knowledge about plumbing she could make a primitive version without plumbing or water. First she decided to make the sink. For this, as well as the toilet, the void surrounding her would actually be of use as It made for a great way to dispose of waste, Angela didn't quite feel comfortable with the thought but decided on it anyways for lack of a better alternative.


Starting with the base Angela drew a wooden circle about the size of a bowling ball and used the extrude function to turn it into a cylinder. Next she hollowed it so that there was a hole all the way down to the bottom about the width of a tennis ball. After the base was complete all that was left was the basin. For this Angela made a sphere and then cut it in half vertically and horizontally leaving a quarter segment which she then hollowed, attached to the base and cut a hole to match the base. When she was done Angela stared proudly at her new creation for a moment and then clicked confirm to store the blueprint for later use, causing a new tab to open up on the blueprint window.

Saved blueprints

sink: wood, 4 anima

As she only had 5.3 anima at this point and the toilet was more important to her she decided to hold off on the sink for now and instead went to design the toilet. The design for the toilet was similar to the design for the sink but with slightly different sizes. The main difference was in the seat, as well as the lid. both the seat and the lid were easy to make, however the hinge system that is usually used in modern toilets confused Angela and as such she decided that she would just attach the seat to the base and move the lid herself when she needed to, after all the reason for the seat moving was mostly for boys anyway.

Saved blueprints

sink: wood, 4 anima

toilet: wood, 5.5 anima

Angela let out a wistful sigh at the cost and waited for the last 0.2 anima she needed. It didn't take long as it had been about 50 minutes since the last time she gained anima and so when she got it she selected the toilet and placed it in the corner of her room.

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