《The Big Bang System》Mudball


Although concerned about the description of the taste Angela still selected confirm as it was the most suitable source of food. a round, brown fruit appeared in Angela's hand, it looked a little like a rotten peach and was slightly sticky.

Angela shuddered at the thought of eating it but it had to be done, she scrunched her face up and tentatively took a bite almost spitting it out immediately after - the taste was horrible. It wasn't just the taste that was bad but the texture too, the cultivators certainly named it aptly, it was akin to eating mud. Angela somehow managed to swallow the whole fruit down, despite the coughing fit she had after, leaving behind 2 small seeds that looked somewhat similar to sunflower seeds with a broad rounded end that tapered off to a pointed tip, Angela thought about planting the seeds now but as she currently had no way of getting water she decided to put them to the side instead.

Hunger satiated, Angela now had two options, the first was to look at the third category of the creation tab while the other was to look at the third tab that appeared when she got the achievement, it was labeled "blueprints". Blueprints sounded like it would be complicated and time consuming so Angela first decided to check out the structures menu, hoping for furniture such as a table and a mirror, after opening the tab however, she was somewhat disappointed as the tab was much more simplified.


dirt brick: 0.1 anima

clay brick (unfired): 0.3 anima

wooden plank: 0.5 anima

???: (build a clay brick wall 3m long and 2m high to unlock)

???: (unlock requirements unknown)

Sadly, no furniture was available from this tab causing Angela to be somewhat downcast as she thought about the three things unlocked in the menu, regarding the dirt brick Angela immediately discarded the thought of building anything with it right now as she was, due to her upbringing, very cleanly and hated getting dirt inside where she lived, never mind having where she lived be built out of dirt.


As for the clay brick, the add-on of (unfired) suggested that in order to use it Angela would have to find a way to fire them first, she had read about this in books but had no practical experience of it. The last option was promising but, looking around her, Angela noticed that the number of planks required to build the shed she was in was quite high and thus at 0.5 anima per plank it would be very pricy to build with so she kept that thought for later.

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