《A Comprehensive Guide for Alchemy》11th recipe (Part 2) - Extreme heating urns


Extreme heating urns

Mortal tier recipe. Natural gathering stage required

Exists in duality with cooling urns. These came into existence far later than their colder brother, due to an issue with Extreme yang blossoms simply not working. This led inventors and alchemists at the time to shelve the idea, with the occasional young spark taking a crack at it. In the end a solution was found, but the simplicity of the cooling urn is what led to such a long wait for this recipe’s completion. No one expected a simple reversal to require so much extra effort.

Ingredients and recipe Brine, enough to fill a quarter barrel – non magical fluid Distilled alcohol (80% ABV), another quarter barrel – non magical fluid saltpeter, 150 grams – non magical mineral Pure hellfire root, 1 whole – Spirit forming stage plant

The recipe isn’t actually that complex, as you just need to dump the hellfire root in last. The issues are the extra procedures required during the entire thing that has to be carefully watched.

Brine is another term for salt water and is made by mixing any salt with water. For reference, at 5 grams of salt for every 100 ml of water. Water weighs roughly 1 gram per ml if scales are your only option.

Distilled alcohol can be tricky, especially without specialised equipment. This trouble can easily be solved with cultivation by boiling your alcohol and condensing any fumes given off. The ethanol fumes will not be visible like water, so using Qi to sense and guide the trails is necessary. A real alchemist can also do the same with proper equipment, but it may be a waste of time for them to simply refine alcohol.

Boil the less pure spirit in a flask attached to a condenser. This device contains two hollow chambers, an inner one for the ethanol vapours to travel through and an outer for cold water to pass through. The cold water will cool the vapours into condensing, giving a relatively pure solution of ethanol.


Saltpeter simply requires luck to find. It can really form anywhere where the chemical requirements are met. Alternatively it can be bought as higher tier alchemists make the product as they wish.

Pure hellfire root must be found, and under no circumstance should it be damaged in the extraction phase. Even the slightest nick on its fragile skin will spew out intense hellfire that most spirit forming stage cultivators will fail to put out.

Upon starting, dump the brine, distilled alcohol, and saltpeter into the barrel. Stir slowly until the powder is completely dissolved in the mixture. This is where problems appear, as adding salt to a mixture of alcohol and water will force them to separate. This is entirely unideal.

Adding such saltpeter will quickly cool the solution, slowing down the rate at which the mixture splits. This is stirred amply as necessary before the hellfire root is added directly. Once again do not make direct contact with it, your hands will obtain horrific 3rd degree burns.

Leave the pure hellfire root in the mixture and stir with your Qi. A wooden spoon will catch on fire, while a metal one will easily melt. A stone one is plausible, but considering the trouble it becomes easier to use QI.

The intense heats of the root will maintain a current throughout the water, practically the only thing stopping it from splitting and ruining the product. Once a week, a natural gathering stage cultivator must scrape off the saltpeter that settles on the inner walls of the barrel. Simply grind it back down and drop it back into the barrel.


Like it’s colder pair this one instead heats up a room. The intense heat keeps any room nice and toasty during the chilly winter months. It also helps great for mortal soldiers stationed on mountains and such, while some richer farmers fill their fields of delicate crops with these to farm all year round. This is unviable for mortal farms, but magical crops have a far higher proceed.


Unfortunately, the requirement to have a cultivator babysit the urns is what forces them to fall short. For a small family, a simple fireplace would serve a better purpose than an expensive pot. Anything involving hellfire is rarely cheap after all.

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