《ReProject- Sealed Memories》Volume one- The Return Of the Ancient God C15


Chapter 15- Thanks for the treat!

"Bam." A silver-haired woman stared at the thin barrier, she cast her magic to break it. When the attack hit the target, it scattered and got absorbed. A blonde woman look at her as she shook her head feeling hopeless.

"Your Majesty, it's futile the barrier is powerful, we can't break it with our current strength." Claudia shook her as she turned her head to face Claire. "We can't lose them, they are our hope, so I will do everything to save them." "Your Majesty, calm down. We have to think of a way to enter this barrier, acting reckless will only tire us out." When she heard those words, Claudia stops her magic, she looks at Claire and said. "Thank you, that's right, we have to take an alternate measure." When Claudia and Claire arrive at the lake entrance, they were surprised to see a barrier blocking their way. "Sigh, I can't think of any solution to enter the lake. This is my first time seeing a magic like this." "Yeah, this barrier can even absorb the mana that came from the spell I cast." Claudia and Claire were in dismay as they thought that the first two heroes will fall to their protector. The two stared at the barrier, a worried expression appeared on their faces. They want to know what is happening in the lake, but the barrier prevented them from helping the two. "Sigh, I am sorry for being weak, your Majesty." Claire looked at her with pity, but Claudia ignored her as she stared at the barrier. "It disappeared, let's go." Claire made a wry smile, as she remembers what she said earlier. 'Isn't this damn barrier embarrassing me on purpose?' She thought. Claire followed her Majesty inside the lake, the two entered the lake and saw Gabriel sat at the nearby lake. They also saw Hinata practicing with her weapon, they look at each other as they approached the two. "Gabriel-sama and Hinata-sama." Hearing Claudia voice, they turned their head and saw Claudia, and her knight, Claire. Hinata stopped practicing and approached her, she looks at Claudia with a puzzled look. "Your Majesty, what are you doing here?" Seeing her puzzled look, Claudia let out a sigh of relief. "Did you know that this place is dangerous?" "No your majesty, we thought that this place is peaceful, so we decided to train in this place.' Gabriel said as he stands and approaches them. Claudia looks at Gabriel and saw him looking at her with calmness, she didn't know that he was the one who cast the barrier preventing them from entering. 'Don't you dare to come out or else you die.' Gabriel said to himself. "This place was peaceful because no monsters dared to come to this place as this is the resting place of a dragon." Surprised, Hinata sucked a mouthful of cold breath, she didn't think a dragon existed in this world. They didn't know that the dragon they feared was shivering deep inside the lake as he acts like a docile dog in front of Gabriel.


"Sigh, why did the two of you ended here anyway?"

"Well, I am training a kind of martial arts, so I needed a pure energy. I felt that this place has it."

"I came across Hinata when I was about to go here, so I invited her to join me. As she also wants a calm place to train." "Oh, is that so." Claudia looks at him with doubt. Claire also looks at him with disdain, as she already knew what he was thinking. 'Tsk, this pervert has many excuses.' Looking at their expression, Gabriel made a wry smile. "Yes, your Majesty, I don't have any motive for inviting her in this place." "Okay." Claudia didn't probe further. "Let's go back, I have something to tell you tomorrow. So have a good rest for today." Claudia and Claire return to the castle. Hinata also returns to the manor as she was already exhausted from the fight between her and Gabriel. As for Gabriel, he didn't return instead searched the library. When he found the library, he saw a huge room with bookshelves containing books, maps, and antique. He cast 'Scan' to see the books in the library, as this skill has a property to receive the detail on the cast range. Gabriel felt a sudden pain on his mind when he receives a lot of information. After experiencing so much pain in the past, this kind of pain was nothing at all. "Damn, what are those old fogies up to!?" After receiving all the information, he organizes them and searches for important details. The thing attracted his interest, is the war that occurred one hundred thousand years ago. This war almost destroyed the Midas world as this war involves the Gods. They didn't know why those God's appeared on the battlefield. Due to their powerful strength, the land change, and many people died. The war almost took 20 years before it ended. The human suffered the most casualties, the Gods also reduce to a certain number. Because of that war, the demon Lord took it as an advantage to take the human continent. The war continued between the two parties until today. "Tsk, those old God's triggered the war again. I am not surprised if this world doesn't have a God anymore." "I have to refrain using divinity, those old fogies will find out that I return on Midas. I know those old fogies have a powerful being backing them. Sigh, I have to train and make immortal bodies to confront those Gods." "Hmm, it seems like new races appeared in this world. Let's see, a dwarf, vampire, and Valkyrie, so they also made a system to measure the strength of the monsters." Dwarf an earth fairy who liked metal, wine, and precious materials. They are also known for their talent in creating a weapon. The adventurer pursuit this race for weapons, due to this cause the dwarf remain hidden for a long time. Vampire a human that turned into undead, they sacrificed humanity for greater strength. They created a country to protect their race, the human treated them as monsters. So they side themselves with the demon lords. Valkyrie a war maiden, a God created them using a large amount of spirit. They exist for war, so the humans regarded them as war maiden. In his era, this monster didn't exist, so this new found race was a bit surprising to him. Gabriel returns to his room, he made a water ball through magic. Inside that water ball, an image began to form, a naked silver haired woman appeared in the water ball. "This is not on purpose I swear!" He shouted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hmm, Claire is that you?" In a place filled with mist, Claudia felt someone looking at her. When she returned to the castle, her clothes were wet because of sweat from using magic. She felt uncomfortable, so she rushes to the bathroom to take a bath.


"What is it, your Majesty?"

"Nothing, I only felt someone looking at me, so I called you out." Claire entered the bath when she undresses her armor and clothes, she felt a shiver running through her spine. She felt someone staring at her chest, she walks beside Claudia and looks at her. "Your Majesty, I don't know why, but I felt something was staring at my chest." "Well, aren't you used to it? Those nobles always stared at your chest with lust, this is your fault for growing them that much." Claudia stared at own her breast and sigh. Is not like her chest is small but Claire's chest was so big, so Claudia teased her as she fondles her huge breast. "Your Majesty, this thing was only a hindrance in the battle." Claire protested. They didn't know that this scene was being seen by a young man who currently has a nosebleed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dammit, what with that heaven-like scene! I swear, I didn't do this on purpose, but dammit, I can't prevent myself from stopping my magic. Heaven, is this your way of repaying me? If so, thanks for the treat!" Gabriel shouted.

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