《Dragon Ball X》Chapter 7: Universe Survival Saga Part 3
Some time after Universe 2 and 6’s erasure, #17 defeats and eliminates Universe 4’s insect warrior Damom, but not before Damom was able to eliminate Piccolo. Everyone is now wondering where Universe 4’s 11 fighter is.
“I know for a fact that he’s here somewhere.” Shadow informs the rest of his team. “I can sense faint traces of his energy and malice all over the arena.”
“In that case, let's take a few pot shots. We might get lucky.” suggests #18.
#17 responds with “Cool.”
As the three Universe 7 fighters prepare to fire randomly aimed ki blast attacks, the arena begins to shake followed by a bright, shining light. The three remaining Universe 3 warriors fused, combining into the gigantic humanoid monster, Agnilasa. Agnilasa lets out a loud roar and begins to fire ki blasts from its mouth at all the other warriors left in the arena. As Goku, Vegeta, and Cooler are about to charge at Agnilasa, they are suddenly stopped by Shadow.
“Focus on the warriors of Universe 11 and 4, I’ll deal with the monster.” Shadow says determinedly.
“I AM THE KING OF ALL SAIYANS!” Vegeta responds defiantly. “I do not--?!”
“THIS IS NO TIME FOR YOUR ARROGANT PRIDE!!!” says Shadow interrupting Vegeta. “We can’t have our strongest fighters distracted by a glorified, overgrown beast. We need you to deal with the real threat of Universe 11.”
“Hmph, well if you insist.” says an annoyed Vegeta.
Shadow stares at the rest of his team as they engage the Universe 11 Pride Troopers in battle; Shadow turns to face Agnilasa, transforms into SS4, and charges at Agnilasa. Agnilasa counters with a Hyperspace Punch, but Shadow dodges. Agnilasa throws another Hyperspace Punch, but Shadow Dodges again. The beast throws yet another Hyperspace Punch, it hits, but Shadow is able to block it. Again, Agnilasa throws a Hyperspace Punch, but this time Shadow counters with a Big Bang Crash which deals considerable damage to Agnilasa’s hand and knocks him to the ground. Taking advantage of the situation, Shadow fires a Final Flash, but is countered by an energy wave from Agnilasa’s mouth. The beams of energy cancel each other out, leaving a dust cloud.
“Oh, my, you certainly are a tough one.” Shadow says with minor annoyance.
Suddenly out of nowhere, #17 appears and delivers a Energy Barrier Punch to Agnilasa’s head, damaging the crystal on its forehead. Angered, Agnilasa grabs #17 and throws him. #18 manages to grab and throw #17 back into the arena, but unfortunately, the force of Agnilasa’s throw created a shockwave that sends #18 out of the ring.
“Believe in yourself, you fool.” Shadow tells himself. “Remember your training…!” Shadow proceeds to transform into a Full Power SS4.
Agnilasa powers up and unleashes an Explosive Wave, Shadow counters with his own Explosive Wave. The waves cancel each other out causing an explosion. Having enough power to defy the Grand Priest’s ‘no flying’ rule, Shadow flies out of the dust cloud and looks back to see where Agnilasa is. The monster is not there, but Shadow can hear its footsteps so he looks to his right and sees Agnilasa running beside him. Both begin to fire Energy Blast Volleys at each other, Shadow’s ki blasts overtake Agnilasa’s and begin to damage the fusion monster. Growing desperate, Agnilasa prepares to fire a large energy ball, it throws the ball of energy at the young warrior. Shadow in turn counters with a Final Shine Attack, both the attacks appear to be at an impasse, but Shadow’s Final Shine Attack slowly begins to gain ground and pushes the ball back at Agnilasa, knocking it out of the arena, causing Universe 3’s loss and erasure.
As Shadow takes a brief rest after his victory against Agnilasa, he senses the ominous energy again.
“I FOUND YOU!!” Shadow yells as he turns and fires a Barrage Death Beam at some nearby boulders. “It’s no use hiding, come out or I’ll destroy this entire section of the arena!”
“So you found me? I guess it’s time to finally start fighting” says the mysterious warrior.
The dust clears to reveal that the warrior has green skin and bat-like wings on his back, his facial expression is contorted with a wicked smile.
“Wait, I know of you.” says a genuinely surprised Shadow. “You’re Tambourine, the offspring of the Demon King Piccolo and his personal enforcer!”
“So, my reputation precedes me.” Tambourine says with a smirk as he points his finger at Shadow. “I will be the architect of Universe 7’s undoing, that will be MY vengeance for Goku and my traitorous brother!”
Tambourine lunges at Shadow with a glowing yellow sword comprised of his own energy with the intention of cutting Shadow down, but evades the initial slash and Tambourine’s subsequent slashes with a series of backflips. As Tambourine does one final swing downwards, Shadow blocks the attacks by conjuring an Energy Blade using his left hand.
Mind if I take your move, Goku Black? Shadow thinks to himself as enters a sword clash with Tambourine.
“Do you like my Spirit Sword?!” Tambourine growls, trying to push the blade of his Spirit Sword into Shadow’s neck.
“Meh, I’ve seen better.” Shadow retorts as he slowly begins to win the clash.
The two warriors end their clash by jumping away from each other as an SS4 Rage Trunks fires a Super Galick Gun. Tambourine dodges the attack by flying and begins to charge energy into one of his hands.
“Try this on for size!” Tambourine roars with fury. “CHIDORI!!!”
Tambourine lunges at Trunks to jab him with his lightning infused hand, but is interrupted by Shadow using a Time Skip to land a series of rapid fire punches. Tambourine is knocked off the edge, but manages to save himself from being eliminated with his wings. Angered, Tambourine begins to shoot out blue flames enhanced by his ki in all directions. The flames manage to injure both Shadow and Trunks leaving visible burn marks. Shadow retaliates by launching a Dragon Fist, but Tambourine dodges by the skin of his teeth. As the Dragon Fist travels across the arena, Gohan jumps in front of it while holding Dyspo, the Universe 11 warrior in a headlock, both are knocked out of the ring and eliminated from the tournament.
“HEY! Are Gohan and that other guy okay?!” Shadow yells at the stands, worried for the safety of his teammate and his potential elimination.
“Krillin’s feeding Gohan a senzu bean now, he’ll be fine.” Piccolo reassures the hybrid saiyan. “As for Dyspo, he’s alive, but barely.”
Shadow turns his attention back to Tambourine just in time to see him eliminate SSBE Vegeta as he himself has just eliminated Toppo with a powerful energy beam from his mouth. Shadow and Trunks then perform team attacks on Tambourine. The Demonic Namekian gradually takes damage from each punch, kick, and ki blast. Tambourine breaks out of their combos by firing a weak ki blast that temporarily blinds the two SS4s.
“Let’s try this again, SPIRIT GUN!!!” Tambourine roars while firing another blast from his finger.
Trunks quickly recovers first and counters with a Galick Gun. The two warriors are caught in a beam struggle, but Tambourine’s Spirit Gun overpowers Trunks’ Galick Gun and knocks Trunks to the other side of the remaining arena.
That’s not possible. HOW! Shadow thinks to himself as he flies at Tambourine and tries to push him out of the ring. “HOW THE HELL DO YOU POSSESS GOD KI??!!!” Shadow roars.
“Oh right, you just reminded me.” Tambourine sneers with a disgusting smirk. “Dr. Wheelo says hi.”
Tambourine then grapples Shadow and throws him off the arena, but Shadow is able to save himself from elimination by firing an energy blast, propelling himself back onto the ring. Just as Shadow lands on the arena, Tambourine knees him into a nearby boulder and then proceeds to pummel Shadow into the ground. Tambourine then ends the assault by picking Shadow up by the neck, emits blue flames from his other hand, raises his fire's temperature to its highest level and concentrates his flames into a white-hot point on his fist and punches Shadow. On contact, a violent explosion of flames burst out of Tambourine's arm. The entire section of the arena is now covered in smoke and flames.
“Hmph, Flashfire Fist.” says a very satisfied Tambourine. As Tambourine turns his attention to the other warriors, the flames begin to dissipate.
“WOW, I almost felt that last attack. ALMOST.” Shadow says as he grabs and tears off Tambourine’s left wing.
“HOW??!!! HOW ARE YOU STILL IN THE RING??!!! HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE??!!! HOW???!!!!!” Tambourine roars out in rage, pain, and confusion while clutching his left shoulder.
“Do you know one of the perks about being a Super Saiyan 4?” Shadow tells Tambourine in a matter-of-fact tone with a hint of mockery. “You can’t hurt me the same way twice.”
After a brief pause to allow Tambourine to regenerate his wing, the two warriors resume their battle. They both fly into the air, Tambourine launches a barrage of ki blasts, but Shadow dodges them all. Tambourine throws even more ki blasts, but Shadow dodge most of them and swats away the last two. Tambourine then charges at Shadow, throwing a powerful punch, Shadow blocks it, but is sent back a bit. Shadow returns the favor by throwing one of his own punches, both begin to engage each other in rapid fire punches and kicks, each landing a few blows on each other. Shadow kicks Tambourine into the ground and fires in own volley of ki blasts to the point that it looks like raining energy; a number of Shadow’s ki blast make direct hits, but Tambourine creates his own energy barrier to block the rest and flies at Shadow, re-engaging each other in rapid fire punches and kicks. Both separate from each other and begin to charge up energy. Shadow fires a Final Shine Attack while Tambourine counters with his own mouth beam, the two attacks collide, shattering reality itself and sending the two into an entirely different dimension. While in this new Dimension, Shadow charges at Tambourine, delivering a multitude of rapid fire punches and ends the combo by kicking Tambourine away.
“NO! I WON’T LOSE, NOT TO YOU!! NEVER TO YOU!!!” Tambourine roars in fury, powering up and stacking a new Dark ki on top of his already intense god ki. “I WILL NOT BE DENIED MY REVENGE!!!.”
“Sorry, but you’re gravely mistaken.” Shadow declares calmly. “In the end, I am gonna win.”
Shadow lands a punch on Tambourine’s face, but it has no effect, Tambourine proceeds to punch Shadow in the gut, sending him flying.
I’m still not used to that form, but I guess I have no choice. Shadow thinks to himself. He begins to dig deep and charge up, dragging out every last ounce of ki he has to the surface and transforms. There is a bright crimson red light, the light fades away to reveal Shadow transformed into a Super Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker.
SS4LB Shadow teleports right in front of Tambourine, sending Tambourine flying and bleeding.
“Amazing, you took three of my punches and all you got was a bloody nose.” Shadow says in a deep yet clam voice.
“Three punches…? WHAT?!” Tambourine says in shock and disbelief.
“I’ll do them again nice and slow so that you can see them this time, okay?” Shadow sneers.
Shadow charges at Tambourine delivering three more punches to Tambourine's face, keeping his promise and sending Tambourine flying. Shadow then Time Skips to where Tambourine is going to be and double axe handles him, recovering almost immediately Tambourine fires a Spirit Gun barrage. Shadow dodges them all and fires a Split Finger Shot, but Tambourine is able to power through the attack and lunges at Shadow who in turn charges at Tambourine. The two titanic warriors clash, shattering the strange dimension and the two combatants end up back on the arena in the World of Void. Shadow lands back-to-back against a Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku who is facing a full powered Jiren.
After a brief pause to the battle both Jiren and Tambourine came charging at the two saiyans. Shadow and Goku respond by grabbing each other's hands and swinging each other at the opposing universes’ warriors. Goku lands a solid kick to Tambourine’s abdomen while Shadow delivers a powerful punch to Jirens face, sending him flying. Shadow then uses Time Skip to appear right where Jiren is going to land and lands a roundhouse kick to Jiren’s ribs, but Jiren miraculously recovers and fires a ki blast point blank at Shadow. At the last possible minute, Shadow is able to counter with his own ki blast. The two warriors then clash with a series of rapid fire punches and kicks.
Ngh! I can’t sustain this form much longer and Goku’s body is unable to endure the power of Ultra Instinct much longer either. Shadow thinks to himself. It also doesn’t help that my timeline’s version of Jiren is just as powerful as the one from the time rift that Fu created. I need to end this quickly. AH, there’s an idea.
Shadow proceeds to use the Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack, creating seven ghosts. The spectators in the stands, Goku, Tambourine, and even Jiren are shocked by the strange technique. Shadow orders one of the ghosts to attack Jiren; Jiren back hands the ghost sent to attack him, but it explodes on impact, leaving clear signs of damage on Jiren’s left hand.
“Hey, Jiren?!” Shadow calls out mockingly. “I heard that your wish is for absolute justice, isn’t that no different than a tyrannical dictatorship?”
“What do you know about my greatest wish?!” Jiren growls as he charges at Shadow, engulfed with rage.
Shadow has three more ghosts charge at Jiren, the first one Jiren blocks. The second one breaks Jiren’s guard and the last one successfully explodes, damaging Jiren. Shadow then launches two Galactic Donuts at Jiren, one binding his legs together while the other binds hands and torso.
“I know enough.” Shadow says mockingly as the last three ghosts fly towards a bounded Jiren. They hover right in front of him as they each fire a Super Kamehameha. The attack causes a huge explosion that shakes the whole arena.
As Shadow takes a moment, he is caught off guard and trapped in a ball of Energy of Destruction. The pain Shadow feels is unbearable, it’s like each and every cell in his body is being electrocuted, on fire, and in acid all at the same time.
“AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! How does it feel?! Tambourine calls out. “I was able to catch some of Top’s destruction energy during our fight. HOW DOES IT FEEL??!!!”
“AAAAAAARRRRGGHHH!”A suffering Shadow howls. The PAIN…! It’s pure agony, but I have to power through!
Even though he’s steadily growing weaker, Shadow is able to power up and dispel the Energy Ball of Destruction. Shadow counters by throwing a Destructive Fission, but Tambourine dodges and the attack instead destroys a boulder. Shadow and Tambourine hover over the arena, both sensing the end begin to charge up their final attacks. Tambourine fires a Spirit Gun Mega and Shadow counters with a Full Power Big Bang Kamehameha the two attacks are caught in a beam struggle until the Big Bang Kamehameha over takes the Spirit Gun Mega and the reddish-orange beam forces Tambourine out of the ring and eliminating the 4th Universe from the tournament.
Before the 4th Universe is erased by the two Zenos, Tambourine coughs up a mysterious device and activates it. The device opens a portal and Tambourine jumps through, saving himself from erasure.
“This isn’t over…!“ Tambourine growls just before the portal closes.
Shadow immediately collapses on the ground and reverts to his base form, his sight grows blurred, and his body's so weak that he can barely even move. Shadow summons the last of his energy and gives it to Goku who has re-engaged Jiren in battle with the help of Cooler and #17. Shadow then closes his eyes and is overtaken by darkness.
Shadow opens his eyes to see a large, bearded man with red skin and horns. He sits on a desk stamping papers.
“King Yemma? AH, so I died...?” Shadow calmly asks.
“Well, yes.” King Yemma answers.”But I’m not going to pass you on to the other side just yet.”
“Why?” Shadow questions.
“You’ll see in just a moment.” King Yemma says as he waves his hand. “Goodbye, live a long life.”
Everything goes black again.
Shadow opens his yet again while gasping for air, taking in a deep breath. His eyes dart around to see that #18 is holding him with tears in her eyes while Whis is standing over them while waving his wand.
“What’s going on? What happened?” Shadow asks.
“Our universe won the tournament and the one you call #17 has just wished the other universe back into existence.” Whis exclaims. “Not to mention that Lord Beerus ordered me to bring you back to life as a reward for fighting so well.”
Shadow gets up to see Goku tackled by the gods of Universe 7.
“We’re sorry Grand Zenos, but Goku is too exhausted to think...!” Both Shin and Beerus say in a panic. “For now, we have to leave…!”
“Can we go home now?” Shadow asks as Goku fist bumps the Zenos.
As everyone is seen celebrating, except for Cooler who went back to space, #18 and Zangya pull Shadow away from the party.
“Where are we going?” Shadow asks.
#18 replies, “Don’t ask too many questions.”
Krillin who overheard their brief conversation simply says, “Eww.”
TAMBOURINE X: OVERVIEW Same as his main timeline counterpart Son of King Piccolo Brother of Piccolo Killed by Kid Goku Resurrected by Dr.Wheelo Genetically modified to possess god ki Given the same android modifications as #17 and #18 Genetically modified to have powers and abilities from warriors of other timelines and dimensions Trained to become stronger and mastered his newfound powers and abilities Fights for Universe 4 in the Tournament of Power
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