《My next life in fairy tail and in the multiverse》Chapter 4 demon general, strategist and racial trait



HQ of ???

Well it's already been 4 month since Da Vinci have come in to our life and started a lot of project of her like the one time i showed her my memory of my life more precisely manga, game and other thing.

So she chose to creat a lot of thing like noble phantasme she wanted to creat the noble phantasme for every one but i tell her it was me who will do it

So i created [Rongominghiad], [Excalibur], [Avalon] and [caliburne] for artoria i also created her a horse and a lion, through monster creation and fused there information with the one of artoria the horse is of course a holy elemental pegas a type of monster who can transforme in said element and do the same thing as the dragon slayer i mean eating element and it can also transform in a armor to protecte it master and the lion is a golden nemea lion who can take a human form and an armor form, the human form look like saber artoria

I also did the same with albedo and alter but diferent for albedo i gave her a dark high bicorne and a dark phoenix and for alter a emperor dark dragon and a dark elemental pegase

The diference betwen the two pegase is just ther attack and elemental magic take the propriety for one holy energy and the other darknesse energy

As for the dark dragon it take the form of saber artoria alter and transform in her armor from lancer alter and her noble phantasme are [dark rongominghiad], [excalibur morgan] and [vortigen] i also give her [caliburne] because why not

And finaly for albedo i gave her original noble phantasme for one her axe i give it the name of [negate] it's an axe that have the power to destroy any type of magic basicaly you could say this axe is like the sword of asta from black clover but no it power was imagined from kamijou touma power imagine breaker

It negate not only magic related stuf but also any supernatural thing upon it's contacte and only when it's name is said because i dont want to find albedo kill herself because she touch the blade of the axe of [negate] while saying it's name but just for me to feel safe that i give albedo with basicaly one of the thing being able to kill her

So i left a safety device in the off chance that it could happend i gave her a ring with the power izanagi from naruto, it's name is [reality dreamer] everything that happend to it's wearer is directed to the dream like nothing happend it also have a pasif ability to negate concept it can make the power of [negate] become null if the wearer of the ring is in contact of the blade part of the axe [negate], all of that is just in case of safety for albedo i also given the same ring to my other creation

And for her last noble phantasme it's pair of earring with the name [truth seaking eyes] the power in thes earing are a litle missleading it negate all eyes power coming from the foe of it bearer, it dosen't only negate it also steal the eyes power by making copy of the power and discard away any defect of said eyes before downloading every information about in it memory and it can also give the power of the eyes to it's bearer and here come the nasty but also my favorite part of the [truth seaking eyes] it can after downloading eyes power information erase from the foe genetic about said eyes power be it from the soul or the body, the noble phantasme also give a clairvoyance ability to be able to see from a long distance, dimension and reality to it's bearer, it also have the power to see the truth like it's name sake.


I realy outdone my self for those noble phantasme, well arc of embodiment is cheating magic but hey it's not my fault give arc of embodiment to a knight from medieval ages and you created the perfect magic knight, give it to a child from 21 Century and you created a weapond of mass destruction able to create our most feared nightmare and most dangerous thingh imaginable

So yeah and taking in count that fairy tail is still in the medieval time and only magic have advanced so yeah rusty rose isn't a bad user of arc of embodiment it's just this age who didn't experience the full burnt of humanity crazyness in it most dangerous form the crazy peacfulness because i dont fear the crazy war veterant who become crazy because of war, no, i fear the one who become crazy for the sake of becoming crazy those who want to see the world burn just for the sake of burning they dont have a reason or a goal just they want it they do it, i fear those type of peoples

Well anyway i didn't want to talk about my fear but the power of arc of embodiment is realy fearfull well anyway let's talk about the rest, saber and salter(saber alter) use the excalibur and excalibur morgan when they are in human forme and when they take ther armor from the excalibur fusion with rongominghiad of either artoria or alter giving them a boost in ther power giving the noble phantasme either the holy element being able to destroy all the enemy in range without doing any damage to ally and even healing ally in case of injury as for dark rongominghiad it obtained the destruction element making everything it touch go to dust

Well that was for the part of my updates of my oldest creation for my news one i created C.C and lelouch like i wanted they are {high spirit witch} and {high spirit king} but they are not normal spirit king/witch they are in facte a {high spirit demon king} and a {high spirit demon witch} i gave them the demon bloodline or souline in this case for ther 2nd and 3rd form

The magic of lelouch he use dimension magic model disboard is a type of magic who creat a world who have the same rules as chess game, i also give him command magic he can comand the mind of is enemy through is voice or sound or eyes contact so the only way to ecape his comand is to have to be blind and deaf if not your in deep sh#t, i also gave him voice magic and telepathie because is task is to be my strategist in case of war, the 2nd form of lelouch is a giant knightmare frame named gawain he use barier magic, plasma magic and claw magic.

For C.C magic i gave her mind manipulation magic, time magic and illusion magic for her 2nd form she can transforme in a white knitmare named lancelot it also have barier magic, plasma magic and space magic

For the 3rd form of C.C and lelouch it the merged 2nd form of both named shinkiro, it have the same magic as both it can use in this form namely barier magic, plasma magic and for the 3rd magic it was a new magic named space claw magic the 4th and last magic is lelouch magic who couldn't use is magic from is 1st form in is 2nd forme namely dimension magic model disboard he can do both crown control and being in the batelfield at the same time.


Ther 3rd form also give a boost to all ther magic that they had in ther 2nd form while also giving a cheat to lelouch magic dimension magic giving it the time propriety making him able to reverse what happend like for exemple if in the enemy turn the enemy made a dangerous move he can turn back time directly to the starting point and is enemy wouldn't know it it basicaly a cheat

But ther is several way to destroy this cheat the most simple way is having ten time the magic energy of lelouch 3rd form but because is magic energy is directly related to me like all my creation this way is unusable

The other way is using something like albedo axe [negate] who can destroy everything supernatural in nature like the dimension of lelouch magic, the other way is to use [avalon] or [vortigen] it a shield noble phantasme who for short gave regeneration and the same ability as kamui it protect it's bearer by throwing the bearer body in another dimension wher he/she/it can still interacte with the world or dimension he/she/it is in effectively making the bearer immune to the rules of disboard dimension and it's time ability

Ther also the way i did with arc of embodiment creat something that can help you against disboard dimension like my noble phantasme or magic ther is also another way like having a beter understanding than lelouch in dimension magic

The disboard dimension of lelouch and C.C is a cheat on it self but ther is still several way of contering it my other creation is an example of said situation they have a cheat over the cheat that is too much cheating

Well anyway that was what i created befor lelouch say to me 3 thing we need 1 a new HQ or new home because one montain isn't enought 2 more work agents or memmber or if you want homonculuse and 3 we need warrior, general or if you still dont understand an army of fighters because we may have guards but no fighter my creation dosent count and the homonculuse may know how to fight but it not ther speciality

So first thing first we relocated our base in the border of the kingdom of fiore in the chain of montain named BERGEN our base is divide in two the fake one in the montain and the true one in the dimension created by the 3 iris truly a good strategie we also moved the pod chamber her we also change our number of members from 300.000.000 to 500.000.000 wich mean 200.000.000 more and the 2 new grand homonculuse are different because they look like mash and mordred from fate same power as the other grand homonculuse but they were given weaponds because the new homonculuse are our warior also i have given mash the giant shield lord camelot and morder the sword clarent

After the replacing in our new base and the creation of our warior was made lelouch said we need general or somone who will be the captain of all the troup because Lelouch is for beter or for worse just a strategist not a comander who lead the troup in the battlefield so i created again new peoples throug book creation.

The first is the genaral comander for this one i have somone who is going to give one hell of a nightmare to all our future enemy i created a {ice demon spirit emperor} i gave this demon all the ice magic power and ability i also give the knowledge of how to use all the sword magic and dager magic i also give the demon telepathie and crown control magic

I give also a mount/armor and 2 noble phantasme, the mount is a ice devil dragon who can in is presence make the environnement heat start to drop to -25 and it breath ability is a ray of ice who everything it touche become either embedded in ice or become a statue of ice it can also become a armor protecting it bearer from every type heat based attack

It noble phantasme are a rapier named [eternal ice] giving the ability to freez everything it come in contact to a temperature of absolut zero being not a one hit kill attack but a one touche kill attack it 2nd ability is to freez anything the wielder want upon the touch of the blade be it magic, the blood, the mind of a foe, the wind or time and space truly a terifying ability if the user of said weapond have enought imagination

The 2nd noble phantasme is a pendant of two angel holding a tear blue drop named [divine protection of the ice goddesse] is a noble phantasme that protect the wearer of said phantasme from every heat or cold based attack while raising the power of the wearer if said attack are used, everything is raised like a game character be it strenght, magic attack, magic deffence, agility, deffence, etc... this pendant give elemental protection and give the wearer the ability to raise it's state like a game character another master piece from me

The demon magic are of course all ice based because the general demon i named her and yes it's a girl named Esdeath same look as the one from akame ga kill, she is the general comander of all our force be it air force, ground force or water force even under water

After esdeath wake up she didn't talk to any one other than me after that she directly go to see our own force well she was pleased and displeased, pleased because we have 200.000.000 warrior divised for each 4 force and lelouch is a good strategist even beter than her, displeased because ther was no captain or general in command as good as esdeath is she can't be her for each force comanding every time she need a general for each force who relay everything to her

That why im again creating the general now i have somone in my mind who could do as a general for the air force but for the other im still stugling to think of who should be a good general after all everyone of my creation is good at ther thing because of 2 thing my imagination and faith that how i did till now if i dont think deeply my self that my creation can do it then it's impossible, but if i think it can then nothing in the world can stop it, that is my greatest strenght but also my greatest weakness

But let's get back on the topic of the air force general i created my first fairy, a fairy queen tanya von degurchaff, tanya for short i seal in her heart a fairy core giving her magic a gold hue and fairy aspect to her magic her magic are explosion and gun magic also as a fairy race she naturaly have the nature magic without me giving her like all my creation have a racial magic that they obtained upon birth or Upon ther creation in my case

For exemple esdeath is from the ice demon and ice spirit race the power given by the demon race give her the same ability as the dragon meaning she shrug of all ice based spell like nothing and frome the ice spirite race she become intangible, if you want a beter comparison think of it as a logia devil fruit from One piece only heat based or soul based attack can touch her, but i already removed the heat based attack with her pendant so only soul based attack are left but this one is also rended null because her true soul is in my soul core so yeah prety neat but she can still feel pain through soul based attack

Well now i still have training to do because of what da Vinci did say, she have a beter understanding of soul magic than me even if im beter in soul magic well i have an understanding of all the magic of my creation but im not a master of said magic like them, understanding dosen't mean mastering *sigh* truly i still have a long way to go but that what is interesting not knowing what ahead of us well i have still training to do so let's get to it after that maybe see the new room that lelouch, C.C, da Vinci, artoria, alter and albedo have created with the help of the 3 iris.

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