《My next life in fairy tail and in the multiverse》Chapter 3 a girl tear is a treasur in itself



P.O.V Alex

Well right now me and the girl are in our home and HQ in front of my last creation through humanoid creation we have a high spirit queen/king Leonarda da Vinci and yes Leonarda not Leonardo because she of cours a girl

Now you might be wondering how it happend well everything happend yesterday

*Flashback yesterday*

Me and the girl were walking when artoria asked a good question

Artoria" master excuse me for this question but were are we going to sleep"

Now that she talk about it i actualy forgot i was so happy to get away from this damn village and creating the dragon sister that i actualy forgot that albedo isn't realy a member of the nobility

Alex"well actualy you see hahaha it realy funy ha....." i dont dare to make eyes contact with them

Albedo " you forgot that we have nowher to sleep alex-sama" said albedo with a flate stare

Alex " hahaha you see funy isn't it"

Albedo " *sigh* alex-sama i wonder sometime how you will do without us *sigh*"

Alex " comon it's not that bad hahah" i said while scratching my cheek

Alex "anyway we need a new home what do you think it should be " i asked them

Artoria " how about this montain " artoria said while pointing at the montain in the distance betweene 5 or 6 km it should not take to long if we go with the girl in ther dragon form

So i suggested it and now we are in alter back just above the montain of course before departing i asked to albedo do another barier around alter to stop her dragon energy from leaking the only thing that happend is that we fly over some human vilage yeah maybe we should have made our self invisible

Well it's already to late and no one is so dumb to come here thinking that a dragon fly over some vilage juste for fune nope no one

Anyway after that albedo created a illusions and sound barier so no one would know about it so i start by diging the montain with ground and earth magic i also enhance the montain so it dosen't collapse on us because i will take a really huge part of the montain

Anyway after having taken everything inside the montain and making sure that it dosen't collapse on us i started making everything that we will make us feel at home i of course updates the information of the girl through my soul core and gave them for Albedo ground and earth magic and alter and artoria ground dragon magic

Artoria and alter made ther chamber look like a royal chamber the only diference is the color blue, gold and white for artoria and for alter it's black, red and grey truly a royal chamber with royal bed and picture of me

Albedo also is a royal chamber same with bed her color are purple, black and gold in the case of albedo she have picture of me but also of what i will look like with also some figurine of me of course

After that well my chamber is mostly created through arc of embodiment i have made a computer who have information of magic and can run a simulation if we fusion them what would happend nothing much also i created a bed and other necesarie furniture

After all that i have a talk with the girl for what we will do now i didn't hide anything about my self to the girl i told them about my life my first life and what i do a normal high schooler normal life from where i got the idea for there creation my meeting with god my wish and now herwe are


Well they didn't give a sh#t for them who i was dosen't mater for them im ther master, husband and creator that all i smile and said i think for the first time i love you well i should have done that more often ther face was so cute oh i realy want to kiss them now but i have to restrain my self

But first thing first i no we have to think what we will do creat a guild or go to fairy tail and if i create a guild should i make it a normal or dark guild when i asked them this question it was albedo who respond with

Albedo " why not both then" i look at her to explain because i dont understand and explain she did

Albedo" alex-sama you want friend,adventure and a Family and i can see that, no need to lie, you clearly want to go to this guild i can see it but you also want to stay with us, to creat a guild yourself so why not make it like this"

She started to explain how we will make the gulid first thing creat another sister or brother(i just want to say im stray, i just feel weird with only girl arond me) who will help us because it will be to much for only albedo, Artoria and alter to manage a guild they also need a inventor and last but most important mignons we cant take peoples that we dont trust and who are weak

So i propose to creat homonculuse they said yes and i know exactly who can help use

*End of flashback*

I stare at da Vinci for her body who is not made of flesh but spiriton a type of magic particle who is in way what connect the spirit of the soul to the magic energy

For those who dosen't understand the spirit of the soul is you the spiriton is a remote control and magic energy is the TV you can control the spiriton like a remote control and make the magic energy(TV) change form power or anything that you like be it turn magic energy into fire, water, wind, iron, destruction, mind wave or any type like you can change the sound the color or chanel of your TV

But if the spiriton is the connexion of the soul to the magic energy so why isn't all the peoples who have a soul should have the ability to use magic energy well whatever da Vinci body is made of spiriton making her a spirit who can have a child with another specie in other word me

What you expected me to give long and boring speech about spiriton and it's reason why only spirit and other magical creature who are made of it are able to use magic like human learned how to breath well sorry for you but no

Instead im more interested about how da Vinci will be i gave her the magic of arc of embodiment, archive magic, humanoid creation model homonculuse, clone magic and transmutation magic truly nothing less for the genius of genius

I also plan to creat another spirite a spirite witch and a spirite king L.L and C.C or if some dont understand lelouch lamperouge and Ctwo i need a comander and i realy like them in code geass alway one here for the other i want to creat a big Family with my creation

After that the only task that is left other than some saving and becoming a Fairy tail member is to creat pokemon through magic beast creation and maybe finding more task to do


*Sigh* so much to do and very litle time i have betweene 3 to 6 year befor rose marie village assault by the dark cultiste but befor that taking ultear away from brain and other mad searcher of magic a i should also not forget kagura after that find the Strauss sibling be fore going to fairy tail

Yeah to little time but with da Vinci it shouldn't be a problem i just have to be really fast in my work and creat those thing to help me if im not wrong the pod can fasten the creation of the body through hyper regeneration or generation in this case

Oh it seem like da Vinci is waking up her eyes start to open slowly bright sky blue eyes with long wavy chestnut hair she slowly sit up from the bed making sheet thet was covering her fall making me able to see her top naked and when she see me she was not in the lest ashamed she was in fact making sure i have a perfect view of her chest before using arc of embodiment to create the same cloth she have in fate grand order

Da Vinci" nice to meet you M.A.S.T.E.R i hope you can take care of me" da Vinci said with a smile

Alex" me too da Vinci, me too" after i said that da Vinci started to see the grand hall where i have created the pod for the mass production of homonculuse

Da Vinci" i see hum hum okay i know what i will do" after that da Vinci started all the pod with her clone updating all the 100 000 000 pod who are all conected to the central pod who is made for creating the leader of all the homonculuse who i have made to look like irisviel von einzbern iris for short

Will i was on my own thinking about iris, da Vinci start updating all the homonculuse pod giving them the enhancement magic, archive magic, telepathie, teleport and transfer memory

Every magic is self-explanatory only memory magic is infact if the homonculuse happend to die they will transfert ther memory to one pod not in fonction and in a way come back to life

After that she made division for all the homonculuse making vice Captain every 100 homonculuse and every 1 000 a Captain who directly respond to the grand homonculuse order after that she made the division like guard division, management, maintenance, infirmerie, etc..... and every division have a magic that can help them in ther endeavor like cooking magic for the cook division, barier and alarme magic for the guard division etc......

After having finisht with the homonculuse she started to upgrade the grand homonculuse the only magic i have given to iris is wish magic who help her to make her wish come true the magic work like this if the wish is mundane like i want to move this thing to her it take 1 hours to restart using said magic but magic like i want world piece will take betweene 1 month to 1 year

So yeah a prety op magic we have her

Da vinci update goes like this she gave the same power as all the homonculuse have she also give her bee hive magic making her the central consciounesse of all the homonculuse in case somthing happend to the pod chamber and homonculuse come to die now that i think about it that can happend

Good Da Vinci is a beter strategiste than i she have think about a lot like what could possibly happend in the future i can truly the best geniuse that i could have asked for

After that she gave also an op power to the grand homonculuse dimension magic she can teleporte, transfert or lock up everything in another dimension like if the whole montain and it's denizen wher in any form of danger she could save them or in case we are infiltrated by a foe or whatever she can lock him/it/she up in another dimension she can even do it through the share sens she have with all the homonculuse in the HQ thank to bee hive magic

After that da Vinci started the auto pilot mode to creat 300 000 000 homonculuse so 299 999 997 homonculuse and 3 grand homonculuse she gave them the name true grail, neutral grail and dark grail well i call them saint iris, normal iris and dark iris

Da Vinci also left them with a anti-mind magic and because of that all the homonculuse they are conected are safe of mind magic truly da vinci have realy think a lot and it only take her 2 or 3 min to find what we need she also aked me the name of our guild well i never think about it but we need a name so after 3 or 4 hours of asking my future wife ther choice and alway the same answer of i will do the best choice only da Vinci said one thing that i chose to say no directly never will i name my guild alex harem and also some homonculuse are boy so no never

When i said that da Vinci proposed to make the homonculuse become all female in the guild with only me being the male one, as tempting as it is i said no, i will fell ackward being in a guild of 300 000 005 member where 300.000.004 are female even i need male interaction so no

Anyway i will tried to find a name later on another note the 300.000.000 homonculuse will take a total of 3 month befor being able to move it take in facte 1 week for 1 homonculuse to be able to move and 1 month for the grand homonculuse and because all the homonculuse consciounesse is conected to the grand one it will take 1 month for 100.000.000 homonculuse to be created so all is left is to either train or wait

So i tried to go for my training but davinci stoped me to ask me a question so i wait for her question

Da Vinci" master it would be in your best interest to creat a back up plan in case me or another one of your creation is manipulated through mind magic or any other type of control magic" said da Vinci with my healt in her beast interest

But if her best interest is my safety ther live is also my priority so

Alex" so you say in the probability of you and the other become a liability i should dispose of you and the other for my safety " i asked with a dark expression

Da Vinci" yes" she said with a sweet smile

Alex" I REFUSE " i said while slaping da Vinci cheek she held her cheek she seemed to not understand what happend or why did i slape her

Alex" Leonarda Da Vinci, tell me what is the thing that i held the most preciouse more than my own life" after i said that she seemed to think for a moment before a look of realisation came over her

The look on her face tell me that she is ashemed of her self, *sigh* i cant realy still be angry with her she was thinking about my safety *sigh* what a mess she dosent even look at me in the eyes

Alex" da Vinci look at me in the eyes" i said she esitated a moment before looking at me

Alex" look Da Vinci im not mad im just a litle disapointed that you think so lowly of your self and your sister life you do know that you are my only Family " i said while holding her cheek with my two hands she was crying her tear was slowly going down her face i was taken aback by her beauty in a way you could say i did fall in love with this face

Nononononono alex come back i just use archive magic and save this picture of her in one of my most important memory good let's talk to her

Da Vinci" im s*sob*sooryyy *sob* baster i*sob* just want you to be s*sob*safe bwuhaha whaaa" she held my clothe while saying sory again and again while crying her eyes out *sigh*:what a mess well what is said is said let try to make up i take Da Vinci in a hug and say

Alex"*sigh* here, here im not mad anymore" she continued to sob for a hours or 2 before leting me go and i see her face and i wipe her tear and snot away

Alex" good" i ask

Da vinci" hum*snif*" she nod

Alex" okay im not mad at you and you even have a point we dont have enought protection against mind and control magic and that mean even i can become somone manipulated by the enemy so i have to thank you for that" i said that but the look on her face is teling otherwise it like she don't understand what i have said

Da Vinci" hum master is it posible that you dont know" she look at me like somone who lack common sense hey that hurt you know

Alex" what do you mean" i ask confused

Da Vinci" oh so you dont know " she said befor slaming her right fist in her left palm like having find the mistery behind the probleme

Alex" i dont understand da Vinci explain yourself " and explain she did

Da Vinci" master when you fused your true soul with mine and the other you created gardien spirit you do know that" she asked and i node i do know about that

Da Vinci" good so you can say that as your gardien we not only protect your soul but also your mind, if you dont understand it like a computer, you are the computer and we are the fire wall we protect your soul and mind from danger" oh that realy interesting i probably should have made more research in the subject well that for another day it was when it was quiet that i noticed 3 shadow observing us da Vinci and i, so i look and ther you go albedo, artoria and alter observing us

Alex" uh you guy from how long wher you looking at us" i ask

Albedo" alex-sama it's no fair i also want a hug" she say while biting her handkerchief

Artoria" me too master" she ask still shy about it

Alter" of course me too " she ask like she pround of herself

*sigh* it realy is a long day im tired i just want to find a bed and sleep *sigh* i think i sighed a lot today *sigh* but still i like my new life ther is still so much to do and to find and i have them with me this is going to be a realy interesting journey that is waiting ahaed of me

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