《My next life in fairy tail and in the multiverse》Chapter 1 how to creat your demon/gardien 101 by Dr Alex zero



Margareth vilage

In an orphanage, we can see a young boy with blond hair and ruby red eye meditating.

Yes this boy is Alex and he is slowly digesting every information about the magic of arc of embodiment, soul and demon creation it have been 1 month since his memory came back he is meditating because it help him understanding faster.

Alex" finaly i can creat a demon all those information everyday was slowly killing me *sigh* but it was totaly worth it with that i can start the demon creation and become it's life anchor so let's start recapitulating the processe.

First i will have to have a book but not a simple book no it have to be one made from magic beast and demon tree to be able to gather the magic and store it inside after that add each page that you have with magic along with the writing in the first page you have to imperativly draw the look of your demon is first form along with is height, weight,etc... every information about said demon is important like is race even is personality and alignementis important, then you have if the demon as more than 1 form you have to draw again and you also have to describe how it look like and any other form added to the demon.

2nd task you have to describe the magic or curse that he can do by imbue every writing about the magic will chaneling said magic energie in the book and writing be it the effecte of said magic, the composition of said magic ,the magic circle and the procese of said magic in the environment.

3rd and last step give the book a name will imbue him the writing with life magic and add soul magic inside the book it is advisable to give a blank soul for better conditions, adaptation and performance

But if you are somone with the magic of arc of embodiment the first task can literaly go to hell for the 2nd task if your somone with a library of heaven path with every magic and curse that task can also go f#ck it self and finaly if you are somone who have the arc of embodiment and library of heaven path and have literaly infinite mana all the 3 task above can also go f#ck it self to the star and beyound and if that the case well done you are a cheat who can creat an army of demon who have a loyauty that goes through the roof for you , you can congratulate yourself

How to creat your demon by Alex Zero thank you" realy it such a long and bothersome procese that should for a normal mage take 3 to 4 year only for the capacity of magic much less for all the thing needed to creat the book heck even the ink should either come frome a dark magic rock named black rock of death and life magic in the dark forest of death that you have to destroy in fin powder mixed with water magic or literaly take it from a magic beast who came from the octopus Family


Yeah to much trouble just for that, that why arc of embodiment is a cheat and that is still not the end

Now i have to make a bodie for the demon ther is several way to make it the first one let it in a spot were it can drow magicul, eternano or magic particle if you want the true terminology with that you have to wait for the demon to creat is own consciounesse with that it will try to creat is own magic bodie created through magic particle or you can do the way i like through flesh magic

You speed time in the soul who is inside the book with time magic for it to create is own consciounesse after that you take the soul and make a soul corridor with that the true soul who is still the book and the fake soul who will go inside the new fake body i created through flesh magic only the consciounesse should go with the fake soul the soul core is still the book who is recorded all the information of said consciounesse

So even if the bodie die the consciounesse will go right back to the book awaiting it's new body and here the part that i like but also the most dangerous implatation of the soul core

I will implante the book and the soul core or if other may like the true soul in my own soul core but in this situation my soul core and consciounesse should clash with the one in the book but because it was a part of me and i was it's creator it let itself be implanted inside of my own soul core with-out so much of a issue and with that i have obtained a soul gardien

Who is a integral part of my being it will never be taken away by the System of soul and reincation it a lhoope hole left because the soul way of evolution if the soul are being washed to ther soul core they will never evolve that what i fond in the book about the soul in the library the soul who have obtained a power and is literaly part of ther soul core is a form of evolution so they let it go.

But let go right back to my demon/soul gardien because yes i was creating it will giving explaination i give her and yes the demon is female i give her the apearance of albedo from overlord because why not for her power i give her enhancement magic, dark magic, summon magic type: dark monster, shield magic and teleportation magic as for curse she have curse of enhancement, curse of poison, curse of power and weakness and curse of darknesse

Truly i have created one hell of a demon but hey in her personality i have write she was deeply in love for her master and creator alex zero and she will do anything for him truly i may have created a yandere but hey i was a virgin in my 19 year of my first life before i die and now i can creat any waifu that i have only seen in manga or anime the demon still retain it's own consciounesse but hey who said you cant have a love life with you creation.... now said like that it realy does sound deasperate but hey i still want to make my self a harem and who said i can't fall in love with my own creation.... still sound deasperate but i will never give up


Will i was having a conversation with me in my mind ( i should realy find a friend because the more i talk the more deasperate it sound) i didn't notice the body of albedo starting to open her eyes slowly she look at me who was still having a debat with well... me a look of understanding finaly mared her face as she stood up and goes on her knee and say

Albedo" it a pleasure to meet you my master, creator and husband Alex-sama" she look at me with a look of love and crazyness

Alex" wut..." yep i have created a yandere demon i may have messed up with the part of how much she love me but hey that wasn't my fault

Okay i was deasperate i never even have any girlfriend in my 19 year of life not even 1 and it was not because i was ugly or anything in fact i was prety average nothing to note but not ugly i was the friend you say helo and you forgot about him the next second that me this guy

*Sigh* but for my Defense i have write that her gaol of life is to mary me and have a lot of children and to have a lot of adventure in this life and the other that may come.... now said like this i should probably have see it coming well it not like i complain it still great to be loved by a girl who is not your mother (and no i was not talking about that type of love you creep) but hey who care i have a demon waifu just in case i have also write that she is okay with me having a harem but she will never love any other guy than me haha im the greatest

P.O.V Albedo

My name is albedo im a demon book or was a demon book created by my master and husband the most beautiful great and powerfull alex zero-sama

I started to have my consciounesse around 5 minute ago when sudenly my master separeted my consciounesse and my true soul who is still in the book and implanted me in a blank female flesh body the bodie was white no body hair or eyes colore nothing to note

It started to change when my consciounesse was implanted and started to grow body hair and the skin finaly take a rosy ton long black hair who goes past the hips and yellow golden eyes with black slit for pupille and my curve can make any male even a enuch became crazy in luste and any woman may become jealouse trully a 1 in a hundred billions beauty and everything is for my husband and master

Sudenly i fell my true soul being implanted inside of my master soul core at first i was thinking i will be devoured by my master soul and i was happy with it my life was maybe short but i was still realy happy to be of use to my husband

But it was when i was thinking it was the end that i found my true soul being implanted inside of master own true soul

If i was not still adaptating my self to this body i will be crying flood of tear for how happy i was

I naturaly know about the subject of soul because my husband implanted that information with the rest of my knowledge i know what he have done is basicaly bounding use together forever and ever if i was not still adaptating to this damn body i would have gone crazy in love with how much i want to pounce on my husband body and have so much love with him haah♡♡ but a bad albedo you should make a good first impretion on our husband

That when i was finaly able to move my eyes and the first thing that came to my view was one of most cutest thing i have ever seen to note that it was the first thing that i have ever seen

Blond hair ruby red eyes that seem to be in a debat thinking about somthing that i may never understand in all my life but that when it finaly come to me my master and husband is so young maybe between 4 or 5 year old but i will not give up i can wait for him to grow and in the end im still a demon i dont really grow up so i have all the time of the world for our wending and having our baby haaah♡♡♡♡ just thinking about it make me go crazy but i still have somthing to do that when i take control of my body and start to move before going on one knee and saying

Albedo" it's a pleasure to meet you my master creator and husband alex-sama "

Alex"wut...." ahh even is confused expression is so cute i think i falling more and more in love

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