《My next life in fairy tail and in the multiverse》Chapter 2 the dragon sister because 2 is beter than only 1



Margareth vilage

It has been 2 month since albedo came to life and become a part of me i was introducing her to my vilage after of course hinding her demon feature for my adoption

It actualy goes like that a noble woman coming from far away city was passing through our village and when she have seen me she was sharmed by my cutness and wanted to raise me as her son because she never could conceive children at that part albedo alway make a funny face

She coould lie with a smile to a crying kid but if it's a lie to her ability to have children she is troubled well it still work i will not talk about my village because i literaly have no one to care for me her the matron is lazy as hell she only give me food and come to see me from time to time she also some time introduce me to new couple or people who want children

At first they are charmed by my hair and look i look like gilgamesh shota form but whe they see my eye they say demon hey it not my fault that the eyes of gilgamesh is pupille are snake like

Well first impretion good 2nd one not too much in fact some even tried to give me to the church of zentopia yes dont give a sh#t about them and the kids of the orphanage take there distance with me so yeah go to hell all of you

On another note i was finaly taken away from this boring vilage where everyone think im a demon even if i create demon it dosen't mean im a demon well wasn't

It was when i was trying to see what i obtained from my connexion with albedo soul well i didn't see it coming i obtained a take over magic or if you want to know the name is take over soul creation

This take over literaly mean i can take over the power of my own creation when i tried it with albedo i was wrapped with her black armor from her 2nd form instead of her white gown that she usually wear my hair become black my eye still snake like eyes but were yellow gold instead of ruby red and i started to emit pheromone yeah it seem like it's the perc of being a succubu or inccubus in my case

Well more power for me with doing literaly nothing hahaha i know it im the ultimate cheat i even obtained the knowledge of how to use the power of albedo i can even feel her inside of me and that was crazy i can even feel her love toward me and i will not lie i may have shed a bit of tear to know somone loved me so much

I say i dont care about how the village see me or how the other kids look at me but there is so much before somone cant take it anymore i was in need of somone a friend or somone to talk *sigh* but hey now i have a demon waifu who is so deep in love with me haha i love my demon waifu


Let's get back to more serious thingh i was going with albedo away from the village on a carriage the coachman was of course a puppet manipulated by dark magic through it's shadow with dark magic string

Albedo control of dark magic is really terrifiying to the point in just 2 month she can already more or less batlle with a wizard saint and it was just 2month of adaptating to her power i dont want to be her foe in the battlefield when she have seriously trained

I already get a goesbump just by thinking about it truly a terrifying sight *sigh* well let talk about my power i now know a lot of magic literaly with archive magic i can make my brain goes like a computer and directly upload the information about said magic from my library directly to my brain

Now i have 0,0000005% of all the book who have subject about magic be it magic, alchemy, thaumaturgy or any type of magic who goes from mystic art to any other terminology of said thing in the multiverse

But on the bad side i will have to wait 1 to 2 year to restart i have very litle space left for knowledge assimilation but the knowledge that i have are good enought i can now creat my own army/group/guild/kingdom

I can now do dragon creation, magic beast creation, monster creation, humanoid creation and divine beast creation the last one is the most dificulte to performe so i will postpone it's creation

But for the other it basicaly all you can do servant creation so i will start with the one that i of course find the most cool and also powerfull (*cough*waifu*cough*) yes let start so for the dragon creation still the same as demon creation but the difference is with the power and the body

But first i ask albedo to cast her barier magic and creat a bondarie who will stop the sound and the magic energy from going out within 600 m around juste in case we atracte the gaze of a human dragon slayer turned crazy Dragon still slaying other Dragon and human yeah im not dealing with this

So after that i create 2 book and start the procese and after 1 or 2 hours the 2 book are finisht and yes 2 because i will make 2 dragon milf sister and for ther power it would be storm dragon magic with one having the light dragon magic and holy dragon magic and the other having darknesse dragon magic and shadow dragon magic i dont give them curse power because that would confuse the creation of the soul consciounesse to become either demon or a hybride of Dragon and demon

It would probably be a good and cool dragon but because i have write true origin dragon in the specie of what type of dragon and i dont want to make a mistake in my first dragon waifu and yes waifu im not ashemed any more i already accepted this as a mater of fact


So let's get back to how is a dragon creation diferent from demon creation first it should at least have one or more dragon magic but just in case i gave them only dragon magic

Now on the body part of the two would be dragon i create with arc of embodiment two lacrima with storm dragon magic but one i infuse light dragon magic and the other darknesse dragon magic it give them for the light one a gold and white aura and the other black, purple abd red aura

I create two magic heart who will creat and pump magic blood or if you want magic particle who have taken the property of blood after that i insert the lacrima inside the heart and they start beating and grow to 5-6 m after that start to creat the bodie of a white and black dragon the white one have teal blue eyes and the black one have pale golden eyes the two dragon have a height of 20 m and a lenght from head to tail 350 m

After that i did the same thing i did with albedo i give the name of alter for the black one and i give the name of artoria for the white one before separating the true soul and the consciounesse implanting the true soul in me like with albedo and the consciounesse in the dragon body

The moment i have inseted the consciounesse in the dragon body they started to breath i can feel a connexion to them like with albedo i can even feel ther feeling they are happy and in love in fact there love would note loose to albedo

Alex " her they are albedo your new sister and my futur wives alongside you" i said to albedo

Albedo " yes alex-sama im trully happy to see them i can also feel ther love for you through our connexion " albedo said

Trough the month with albedo i fixed something first and formost her misunderstanding that im all mighty i have already said that i might have short coming and it was with her help if she can to help with those short coming to fix it i also dont have big goal like taking over the world or anything else

In the overlord it might have been funy to watch ainz dealing with those misunderstanding but here i want her to understand that i dont have any grand plan or plot in the making that i might be laking and it was with her help and the one coming to help me fix it what i was lacking i can do it with ther help

After a long month she finaly understand that im not all mighty or anything else and it was because of that ,that i created her and the other who will come because i want some one to alway be her and help me make the good choice or never be alone as much as i am her life line and anchor or if you want only reason to live she is also my life line and my anchor to never be alone forever and ever

As i am still thinking about my fear i fail again to notice the dragon waking up they both shoot a the same time a load roar if not because of reflex i woul have lost my ability to hear any sound



It was when i said that they both turn quiet they both lowered ther headand give me puppy eyes will saying

Artoria&alter" wher sorry master" they both said id at the same time truly good sisterhood in the developement

Alex" im not angry at you i just wanted you to stop your loud roar befor i become deaf" i say with a smile ther magic power like albedo came directly from me im the origine of ther magic

I can feel ther own reseve like with albedo it if we compare with a common mage that you can find everywhere then it would be like comparing a botle of water 10cl of water with all the water in the world it would be this long they are already powerfull with only the magic power well mibe is infinit or more like it will alway be full never goes down

Artoria" master is there anything i can do for you " asked me artoria who is still on the verge of crying still thinking i scold her for her loud shoot even if i was prepared that shoot was still lood meanwhile alter is still brooding in the corner

Alex"okay that enought i am not mad realy and we have something more important to do can you two show me your human forme" when i said that a light came from ther body after that they shrank to 1,78 m yup they look like how i was thinking about them they look like artoria and artoria alter lancer form from fate grand order

Artoria&alter " let me ask of you are you my master" yup even the instruction i left is there

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