《Change My Heart, Change My World, Change Me》Chapter 24
"I thought I asked you to take rest and rest only" The Mage or Uncle Raselle as he wants us to call him, said as a greeting when he notices Kii's tired expression.
"We are okay, Uncle," Kii said, smiling charmingly at him as I tried to avoid his piercing eyes.
Well, you know, there is no way one time is enough for us, okay for me, so we always end up doing it many times each night. Don't ask me where I get the stamina, or how I am able to do it. I have no idea, it just happens. Let's just say that my love for Kii is just that huge and it is bursting out of me every night. Besides, Kii tiredness is not because of last night. It was this morning's fault.
Morning sex is something that we have a hard time to avoid. I love Kii's 'waking up in the morning face' too much that sometimes I just unconsciously pushing her back on the bed as soon as I saw her morning smile.
This morning is different though, it was Kii that starting it all. I'm telling the truth! It's all Kii fault we end up doing it many times this morning. If the maids were not knocking on our door to let us know that Uncle Raselle will come to fetch us, we might still in bed doing those things that better not described if I don't want to get a boner here.
I will let you know that I wasn't this kind of guy before. I swear I wasn't! I mean I don't always think of sex or woman body. But now? Well, I still don't think about it every single time but whenever I remember Kii's body movement when I was inside her or the faces that she made when we did that, the blood just rushing to my brain and blanked me for anything else.
The softness of her lips when she kisses me. Her delicate hands that always tentative, very tentative every time they caress my body. Her small kisses on my chest, tummy, and...
"Are you still there, Prince Arzen?" Uncle Raselle said, flicking his fingers in front of my face.
Oh shit! I was zoned and nearly give myself a hard-on again.
"Yeah, I'm completely here, Uncle. Oh, it's Ace by the way, without Prince in it. I told you before, didn't I?" I answer trying to shake myself from my own dirty thought.
"You're serious about that?" Uncle Raselle asked.
"Uh-uh, it's the name I choose myself. Of course, I'm serious." I tell him solemnly.
As her uncle smile understandingly at me, Kii's expression which was in thinking mode before, brightened as if she has successfully solved a puzzle, then to my horror, it looks far too innocent. The way she looks at me is far far too innocent. I gulp. I've been corrupting her too much, haven't I?
"Ace-kun?" She said, turning at me.
"Yeah..." I said nervously.
"Are you sure you're okay?" She asks, then she wrapped her hands around my torso, eyes peered innocently at me.
Uh oh, she knew I weak on her touch. She knew I would want to kiss her if she does that, she did it anyway. She knew I can't do that now because not only that her uncle is here but also if I kiss her now it wouldn't just a short kiss but there will be a continuation for it. And I can't do that. Not here. She knew and she still does that anyway. It's a payback. I knew its a payback for biting her butt last night. I never knew Kii can hold a grudge.
"Kii... You're cruel" I groan.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Ace-kun. I'm just worried about you." She said smartly.
"Yeah, sure," I said bumping my head on her.
Her uncle is looking at us with a raised eyebrow.
"She is cruel. She knew I can't, but she did it anyway." I told him.
"Oh?" he prompts.
"I want to kiss her" I unconsciously whine at him.
He blinks at me before his full-blown laughter joining Kii's soft giggles.
"You have it hard huh, Ace?" he said patting my back.
His laughter is still present even after we reach the dining room.
All the people presents are looking at him in fascination.
"I never see our dear brother in such a good mood for a long time, have you dear?" the woman who must be the queen said.
"Indeed, my queen. It is rare. Will you share with us what makes you this joyful, Raselle?" the king adds.
"Nothing in particular, brother. I am just having a talk with Ace here" uncle Raselle said in an amused tone.
"Hoo, you get along well, I see" The King commented as he gestured us to take a sit.
"Indeed. We do, we do" Uncle Raselle said still in an amused voice.
We are introduced to the queen and the other Princes and Princesses. Besides the crown prince, the king has 3 other children. The crown prince himself is just a few months older than Kii, then after that, they have the first Princess who is 12 years old and the second Princess who is 11 years old then lastly the second prince who is only 5 years old.
Both Princes are born from the queen while the Princesses are born from the first and second concubines respectively. The wives seem to get along well. Woah!! I respect him. Not that I want to be like him, I just respect him to be able to share his loves like that and able to make them feel loved equally.
I don't think I will able to do that if it is me. Besides, I can't see anyone else other than Kii. My eyes or maybe it is my heart? Already shutting off to acknowledge any other individual. In the first place, if Kii is not here, I'm sure I still wouldn't know how the feeling of love is like. But because she is here, I fall in love. Because of her, I know how it is. Loving Kii is the only experience I need to know about love. Nothing else. It's enough for me.
Breakfast passes quickly and comfortably. Uncle Raselle appointed himself to be our guide. We are grateful. He is fun and has much knowledge about many exciting places. Oh, and he has many adventures' stories to tell us about too. We are happy to listen to him and following him around all day.
We went to visit Kii's aunt in the morning. This time she was able to make different between Kii and her mother. We chatted with her and her family until lunch time. We had a great time. We promise to come back the next morning too. They were worried that we were just forcing ourselves when we said we were coming back again. We reassured them that we were truly happy to spend time with them. I don't lie. We are really happy to do that.
The family is great. They love each other very much. Roseanne-sama or Aunt Rose as she wants to be called by us has many stories to tell about Kii's mother. Kii looks both sad and happy to hear them. She was sad because she hopes Aoi also knows about them and happy to finally know about her own origin.
All of them are really pleasant people and they love Kii. I'm really happy to find that. Witnessing Kii being happy like this make wants to stay here forever to keep that smile on her.
They have seas, they love Kii, and they make her happy. What else is more important to me? It's perfect here, too bad we can't go yet before Arren Nii-sama gets crowned.
Time sure fly fast when we are having fun, without noticed we have been here for a week already. We're now in the middle of the seas, just the two of us. We borrowed the ship from a kind old retired fishman in the village. We offered to rent it but he refused us, said that he was more than happy to lend us his boat to sail again as long as we treat it kindly. I am beyond happy to finally able to take Kii to the sea and let her know the taste of my previous life. This is me. The real me. As I thought, wherever I am, The sea is always my salvation.
There is me and Kii, the ship and the sea. Live is perfect. I want to take Kii to sail around the world, to show her how happy it is to be free in the sea. I want to share all my joy with her. My beloved Kii. I feel content, I close my eyes to savour the feeling of the familiar air of the sea and the wind that blowing on my face. Suddenly I feel arms sneaking around my body.
"Ace-kun, everything is nice and calm here. I like it. It's wonderful. Thank you for taking me here." Kii's voice said behind me.
"My pleasure, Kii." I said, reaching out to her.
I place her in front of me, so I can hold her body behind her. I put my chin on top of her head and tell her again the story of my adventure in the sea. Kii leans her body on my chest and listens, sometimes she will ask questions when she find something that intrigued her.
Kii is right. It's wonderful here.
We're planning to spend night here out the sea and come back tomorrow so we don't make the royal family too worry about us. we got permission to sail because Kii was curious about it and didn't want any escorts or using the huge ship that belong to The Royal Family. That's why we are alone here now.
This old man ship is also quite big. He said he used to have a few people come along with him to fish, they were also need spent time in seas for nights, that's why the ship is as big as this. There is even a room to rest and a small kitchen enough to make coffee and a simple dish. Oh, and a bathroom. It has a bathroom. When I asked him about it, he told me that "of course we need bathroom. Where should we pee if we don't have one? we can't just pee on the sea, can we?"
Well, when he explained it like that... You know, I don't want to think much about it anymore. Besides, we are also happy to have that, especially Kii.
We don't sleep at all that night. We spent our night singing and dancing under the moon. We tell stories and planning our plan in the future. What kind of ship should we build? What kind of places we will visit? It was exciting and amazing to have someone include you in her dreams. I am happy to know that it is not only me that think to spend the rest of my life with Kii, but Kii also thinks about it too. There is nothing else I want in this world, loving Kii and have her loving me back is already enough..
We lay on the deck and were looking at the stars. I was telling her about milky way and the story about Princess Orihime when Kii suddenly went on top of me and hugged me tight.
"I hope I will never be separated from Ace-kun. I wouldn't able to bear it." She said.
I caressed her hair and smiled. I was so happy hearing that.
"I wouldn't able to bear it either, Kii. I am already not able to be away from you even for a minute let alone a year. I would die, Kii." I told her.
"Don't be exaggerated, I don't want you to die." Kii said again.
"I would die" I told her again.
"You'll not" Kii said flatly.
"I would" I said confidently.
"Wouldn't" Kii insisted.
"Would" I insisted too.
"Ace-kun" Kii said with a warning tone.
"Kii" I answered her.
"Please be quiet" She said finally.
I smiled.
"Make me" I whispered.
She roused her head from my chest for a moment to stare at me, contemplated, before she processed to kiss me on the lips.
"Is that enough to make you quiet?" she asked.
"Not really" I said before pulling her again for more kiss.
Our kisses were not innocent anymore, it was hotter, more passionate. It woke our desire everytime we did that. Kii was on top of me, She was basically stranding me. It excited me. I wanted her to ride me again.
"Kii..." I called her while rubbing myself to her.
"Not here, Ace-kun" Kii said in a breathless voice.
"Bed?" I asked.
"Bed" She confirmed.
I kissed her once more before Princess carried her to the room. I opened the door with my body and kicked it to makes it closed. I placed Kii on the bed and followed her in an instant. My mouth was on her lips and my hands busied themselves with Kii's clothes and breasts. Kii moaned as she also tried to get rid of my offending clothes. I stirred and grunted before I rubbed myself on her. It was already fantastic even with clothes between us.
"Ace-kun, we can do slower in the next one. I need you know. Faster... harder... now" Kii whispered to my ears.
next one? there will be a next one tonight? faster? and did she said harder? Kii, are you aware you're kiiling me now, i thought.
"Ace-kun..." she said indulgently.
I groaned, my mind snapped. I kissed her aggressively. My hands already got rid of her clothes, I pull out for a moment to help her got rid of my clothes as well. I came back to her breasts, kissed and massaged it hungrily. My fingers were on her entrance to prepared her. Kii moaned my name sweetly. Her voice makes me harder and harder. I positioned myself in her entrance and pushed hard. She cried out. I Kissed her to lessen her pain. She kissed me back eagerly, made me pushed harder into her.
I wasted no time and started to move in and out inside her while she moaned in a sweet and pleasured voice. I kissed her neck, her breasts, suck her nipples as her moans and my movement started to get frantic as well. I flipped her, made her topped me. She kissed me deeply, move herself up and down on me. I hold her hips to help her move. Her mouth trailed kisses on my body. My jaw, my neck, my chest while her hands on my stomach, caressed it. I moaned and moved her hips faster, my hips moved on her rhythm as well.
We panted and grunted and moaned in a same breath. She pressed her hands on my stomach as she moved herself faster on top of me. I stared at her face, her pleasured face. I feel proud that it was me who makes her like that. I knew I was close so I flipped ourselves back and thrusted into her faster, I grunted as I heard her whisper to go faster and harder inside her, as she asked for more and more, as her lips kissed my neck and bit on it when she came.
"Kii..." I grunted as I came hard inside her.
i dropped my head on her breasts. I can hear her heart beats, it thumped as hard as mine.
"Are you okay?" I asked her, leaving a small peck on her breast.
"Uh-uh, I am great." She answered with a hint of smile in her voice.
I looked at her. She was gorgeous. She wasn't the innocent Kii from back then anymore, nor she was the pure Kii like when the first time I met her. I've corrupted and painted her with my color but she still Kii. The owner of my heart. The girl that I love. I caressed her cheeks and kissed her temple.
"I love you, Kii." I told her.
"I love Ace-kun too." She giggled then kissed me again.
I groaned and kissed her deeper.
"You are already hard again" She commented.
"Well, it's time for the next one then" I answered her.
Her joyful laugh followed by my trailed kiss on her was only the beginning of our long night in this sea.
When we reach a harbour the next day, people were already busy preparing for the festival that will take place this following week. We thank the kind old mas for lending us his ship. He was happy to hear that we have good time in the sea and told us to come to him anytime we want to sail again. We are really thankful to him. He is a nice man.
We went to The Palace to let them know that we are already back. We then joined Uncle Raselle to visit Kii's aunt. They listen to our story about our first time sailing eagerly and made us promised to sail with them next time when Aunt Rose got better.
Uncle Raselle was accompanying us to look around the town when it happened.
"You bastard!" A voice suddenly heard and moments later I feel a fist on my head.
"Ace-kun!" Kii exclaimed worriedly.
Uncle Raselle was on his attack mode. His eyes were fierce and his body was tense. We looked at my attacker in unison.
"What the hell?" I shout.
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