《The Second Try at the Cataclysm (Apocolyptic Gamelit)》Chapter 7


Kal sat in the room feeling his eyelids get heavier and heavier as he looked around the room. It was a room that looked to be carved out of marble, in the shape of a dome. In the center there was a marble chandelier and no other notable features. No other doors, even the one behind Kal seemed to become part of the wall at some point. Kal's vision started blurring, and after stumbling and falling onto his stomach in the center of the room, he fainted.

A voice rang out in Kal's mind, "What is it you seek?". incorporeal matter appeared in a vaguely humanoid shape occupied the void of space Kal found himself in.

"I need power." An ominous pressure acted upon Kal, he couldn't even think and spoke the thoughts that came to his mind.

"Why?" the voice came back, and with it so did the pressure.

"To save the world, I enough strength to protect and save everyone because I couldn't before." Kal said with conviction in his voice.

Kal stood up, opening his eyes he saw the ethereal mist of a being, and the void he was currently standing on. There was mist surrounding him, and he saw dozens of eyes peering at him through the mist. Eyes ranged from human sized to being comparable to a small bus, and they all looked at him, almost seeming to gaze into his very soul.

"If you were guaranteed safety and power to abandon your planet, would you?". Pressure built upon Kal making him feel as though he was being weighed down by hundreds of pounds almost bringing him to one knee.

"What use is power if I can not save those who need it. Why would I need strength if it were not going to be used to protect the weak " Kal's eyes furrowed as he stood against the pressure, yelling his response as it flowed as naturally as a river from his lips.


"Good, very good." The ethereal being said physically instead of projecting his voice into Kal's head. The pressure started to dissipate around Kal, as did the mist and the void he was in. The mist dissipated into the walls of the marble room, where now there was a circular table with two chairs at each end below the chandelier.

"Take a seat." The figure instructed Kal, to which Kal followed. It was a surprisingly comfortable chair for being made out of marble, and he looked at the figure that sat in front of him. Scales of some sort of creature were fashioned into a tuxedo looking suit that sat upon a man with purely white eyes and long white hair flowing to his waist.

"This was just a test to make sure you are who we think you are." the figure said, "We are the ones who brought you back, Kal."

Before he could get one full word out of his mouth, Kal was interrupted by the man, "I'm sure you have a lot of questions, but our time here is limited. You have been brought back after dying because we thought you were worthy to. You will have three questions to which I will answer to the best of my abilities."

Seconds passed as Kal thought of a response, "What happened for me to be brought back?" Kal used as his first question. He couldn't think of much better without any more information, and the drinks still in his system still made it a little hard to think too critically.

"Earth was destroyed, indirectly by gods. First though, god's are not what you expect them to be. In the greater scheme of the universe any being that achieved immortality is a god. Earth had envoys that were chosen by the gods and while they were supposed to save Earth at first, once things started getting difficult their gods had chosen to give them the decision to stay on earth or to vacate to another planet which would be safer for them."


The being continued, "Once this happened, Earth had lost it's greatest ability to fight back causing it to truly become forsaken and get destroyed. That's where we come in, we saved you since we disagree with the other god's choices. Even though the seven billion people who perished aren't that much in the great scheme of things, the fact they took away their envoys to train somewhere easier and forsaking a world to die provoked ire in other gods, those gods being us. We are mainly minor gods, I am the strongest god who was a part of this plan, but even I am not that strong in the standings and turning back time for this planet had costed me a great amount."

Kal digested this information with a bit of resentment and anger. He couldn't imagine how people could just decide to leave when things got hard instead of staying to the end. He started to breathe heavy while thinking about Matt, his old friend. He went missing about five years before the end of the world, and he was one of the "envoys" of a god that was on Earth. It should have made Kal suspicious, the Envoys existed on earth but they slowly started to mysteriously disappear about ten years into the cataclysm, and now that Kal knew why he was pissed. His own friend he personally fought with to protect the world decided to turn his back on the world, Kal thought he died to some ambush from the monsters and ever since that day worked hard to become strong to avenge his old friend but after learning he did it all in vain for someone who left him to die he was left feeling betrayed and angry.

"What do you want me to do?" Kal said, questioning the existence in front of him.

"You will save the Earth. Become the leader of the planet and save Earth's humans from demise. We will give you a blessing and make you an envoy, and in return you will bring us more believers and fight against the gods once you get powerful enough. That may not be for hundreds of years, but you will be the one we will bring up to upset the status quo."

Kal could sympathize with him. The stronger gods basically just took a couple of humans to train and then left the others to rot and perish while the weaker gods didn't have enough influence to stop them. Kal knew there that he needed to become an envoy, he needed to save the world and make people regret ever turning their backs on him and all of Earth.

"Can you truly give me enough power to do all that?" Kal asked before his eyes went wide as he realized this was his third and final question he could ask.

The figure smiled and responded "Grab destiny with your own hands and find out.". A system screen appeared in Kal's vision. He focused on it and when he looked back at the figure, he had dissipated entirely leaving just the system screen behind.

[Become an Envoy of G’althric?]


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