《The Second Try at the Cataclysm (Apocolyptic Gamelit)》Chapter 6


The ladder fucking sucked. Kal's hands got grime and other sewage matter on his feet and hands. It made him wonder if having the corrosive water peel his skin off was going to be more effective than a shower to clean himself off once he get out of here. Kal's foot hit solid stone, and he hopped off the ladder. Looking behind him to the room, he saw a narrow suspension bridge danging over at least 50 feet of the acid water, and a door at the end. With nowhere else to go, he started to cross the janky looking bridge. Wood was almost rotting, and the swaying didn't help his balance. His higher endurance had made him start to sober up from his drunkenness, but the shaking of the bridge was starting to make the world spin again.

Almost a quarter of the way through the bridge, a small piranha jumped out of the water to attack Kal, who almost didn't see it coming. Almost, but a smack sent the fish back down to the water, dead. At the halfway point, two fish jumped out of the water towards Kal, and two smacks later he was back to walking. The third quadrant of the bridge brought four fish, and it wasn't an issue, the piranhas were weaker than the rats, and that was saying a lot.

The first real difficulty was when he got to the last quadrant of he bridge when eight of the bastards jumped at him. He was only able to swat three out of the air comfortably, a fourth hit him in the forearm and stuck in. Kal dropped to the bridge, causing some shaking but the bridge was ultimately still standing as the rest of the four soared above him. He brought his forearm down on the bridge, slamming the carnivorous fish into the bridge causing a crack as it went limp, the sharp teeth still holding it in place. With no time to react, four fish flew out of the water once again and Kal had to counterattack once again. This time he just focused on the two coming from his right side, dodging them then grabbing them out of the air then crushing them with his bare hands. He held them tighter in his hand until he heard a crack come from them, and start feeling the life drain out of them before dropping and reaching for the two survivors who had come out for another run. Grabbing them, crushing them, and dropping them was already as easy as walking for Kal, once he figured out he could.


After getting to the end of the bridge before the door, Kal ripped a small clean piece of his towel and wrapped it around his teeth induced laceration. He pressed onward, opening the door ahead of him to reveal another long room. Instead of a bridge, there were a bunch of cylindrical platforms, each about three feet from eachother and two feet wide. He slowly jumped to the first pillar, and nothing much happened. Jumping to the second, a single fish jumped out of the water.

"Not this shit again", Kal thought to himself. If only he had a sword, a polearm, a stick, a bow, anything that wasn't his fists he could use. He really regretted not taking a kitchen knife from his house, as he once again had to throw a punch, a right hook hitting the dirty fish back into the water, limp and lifeless. Jumping onto the next pillar, two fish jumped at him both easily dispatched by a simple one-two combo. The next pillar brought four fish making him really focus on his footwork and dodging, giving the fish time to go for a second and third round before he was able to dispatch them all. On the next and final pillar, eight fish flew out of the water like an arrow from a bow. Kal's eyes caught the archway to the next room and it was open and had no door. Kal decided to drop the fighting, if he could just run and not have to deal with this he would take that chance. The fish were weak, didn't give much experience, and Kal felt his time could be better spent elsewhere.

After the second volley of fish, Kal got the timing in his mind when he made the last leap, and ran to the door. Getting through it, a portcullis dropped behind him stopping him from going back. In front of him was a slightly more bright room, and no bridge or pillars existed as only a single rope connecting the two ends of the room. He thought that the dungeon owner must have been out of his damned mind if he thought he was going to fight fish while trying to tight walk across a rope so Kal took a single step on the rope. Every step he became more familiar with how much slack the rope had, and how much he could push it. The first fish came, and before it jumped out of the water, two more spawned in, and when the first one finished it's first jump the next four fish were already spawning in.


Past halfway through the rope Kal was moving as fast as possible, the notion of attacking completely thrown away as he focused on getting out of there. The fish did not give enough experience to justify fighting, and with his current stats and skills he could not balance fighting and staying on a rope. Eight more fish came out of the pond earlier than Kal was expecting, no doubt the challenge realized what he was doing and decided to send them early. Flying in from the front was eight fish with six more attacking from behind, Kal was in quite a precarious situation with the piranhas. He grinned, he never liked being close to death but he always liked pushing himself, the one thing he liked about the cataclysms were that there was no plateau to reach and he could always improve.

Mana charged and using the slack of the rope Kal jumped high in the air, almost scraping the ceiling before firing a soul arrow charged with most of his mana in it behind him, the force of it sending him further forward, above the swarm of jagged tooth piranhas. The roof was about six feet above him, and Kal grabbed at the stone ceiling he was passing by, trying to get his hands in the crevice to give himself even more forward momentum. It didn't go extremely well with him not having the stats to get away with something that inhuman. Every bit helped him, as he fell and his arms met a stone platform landing inches away from where the rope was connected into the ground. Weirdly implanted in the ground, no hook system but it looked as if the rope melded into the very stone the dungeon was made of.

Not trying to waste any moments with blood thirsty, flesh hungry, feisty fish around, Kal brought himself up by the arms and staggered limped to the open archway. Behind him a gate fell, stopping any passage through while Kal held his chest and sat down. He got the speed to clear the gap, but it ended up hitting his chest and ribs as he impacted his destination and it felt like something was broken, and he felt a little exhausted and out of mana. While laying down leaning against the wall he got a notification from the system.

[Dungeon Progress Update - 20%]

[Dexterity - Passed]

[Mind - In Progress]




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