《The Defier of Everything》⊹⊱Cһ-3 Tһє Rєṭȗяṅ⊰⊹


“In the radiance of the pure white all around

The desire is fulfilled and the necessities unrequired

There is nothing to be felt and nothing to be thought

And one could feel the completion of oneself 'round

But still there is a tint of desire within the fulfillment

There is still a dissatisfaction within this satisfaction

This feels still imperfect to be a completion

All that can be felt is something

That separates me with everything

Without letting me achieve my desire

And making me feel incomplete to admire.”

Can guess what this feeling might be that makes me awake and makes me going for what I desire?


All round, there is nothing to be sighted, it’s not like that everything around has gone dark or blackened out, it’s just that everything was all white and somehow I could feel that all my desires and satisfactions have been fulfilled. I was not able to understand anything but it was a fact too that I had no desire to understand it too.

Then out of a sudden my head started to ache tremendously and some memories pop into my head. There were 7 familiar dark humanoid figures having a fight against a giant black dragon type monster in front of me and I was getting dragged by a beautiful lady with white hair and unsightable face.

“Crap! Why did the final level had to be an indestructible immortal?” one of the dark figures shouted while fighting with his bare hands and released a type of energy wave at the creature but it did not seem to give any damage to the creature.

All the figures were somewhat familiar to me yet I was not able to decipher who they were.

“If it weren’t for the restrictions on the leader, even if this god damn lizard was an eternal existence, he would have been perished in a few moments worth of while.” the voice was that of a female and she turned into a fierce wolf like creature the next moment and started to attack with its sharp canine and sword sized huge nails but was tossed away by the dragon in a single hit of its tail.


“Stop complaining and keep fighting! we have to keep the Chaos dragon as much as busy as possible, so that leader could escape along with Yuni. If the leader is safe then there still is hope for our world, Gaza... leader is the only one who could change the outcomes and protect our world. Keep going Yuni if leader reaches the exit, then it will be our victory.” this was another female’s voice but the voice was childish in nature.

The moment after that, the dragon became more furious and it killed 5 of them in an instance with a single breath of dark coloured particles.

“Its going to be fine, all will be fine just don’t watch back dear.” said the woman by my side who was dragging me towards a portal and also crying bitterly with tears all over.

All of a sudden I had began to scream at that time and cried with blood red tears as if I had lost something very precious and important to my heart. “They... were my comrades”, the words appeared in my head out of the blue.

Then, that dragon started to fly at a tremendous speed and was just about to catch up with me, but soon enough that white haired girl named Yuni gripped me hard and threw me towards the portal and then the dragon attacked at me with his weird breath but before the dark particles could reach me I had already reached the portal and everything around stopped.

My heart was shattered and I was feeling uneasy and it was aching all around, not my body, but my soul. The experience of this feeling was too awful yet I was not able to understand anything and could not get what was to it at all. But all I could think is that, I will take revenge of this humiliation and suffering soon enough. Then all of a sudden came the knowledge out of a blue in my brain that this feeling is called pain and I found myself back in that pure white place again.


However, the moment I returned back to the white world I had already by that time almost forgotten most of the parts of this memory except for one single thing, “I am the only hope for our world of Gaza.”

Then I began to ponder into my thoughts and had various questions inside my head to which I needed answers: Who I am? Where I am? Why I am here? What was that memory? Who were they? Why am I here? WHAT AM I???

When I was in between my thoughts, out of thin air, came out a dark ball right in front of me. It was the only thing that I could sight in this pure white world and the only thing which I could differentiate from white. It seemed to be absorbing the white all around me.

All of a sudden my hands started to move involuntarily and overtime touched the black ball like thing. Then there it came, all the forgotten memories that I had until the day I was betrayed by my very bestfriend come into my mind. The memories were blur and were in fragments but still I could recall, all the pain and suffering that I had back then just because of that so called friend.

Then the next moment the entire world become dark and I could see no more the white around, even though the feeling of dissatisfaction came out, even though the requirement for necessity came and the feeling of incomplete blundered me, it felt somewhat comfortable than the area where white was all round everywhere.

Then the feeling around changed again and it felt as if my eyes closed and I need to open my eyes, and so I did it. The moment I opened the eyes, it was the night time and there was the sound of the crickets from the back, where there was the forest, the left to me was a strange yet familiar meadow and to the front was a deep pit and even though I knew it’s name a few moments ago, I seemed to have forgotten the name. All that I could remember was that it was the place where I was betrayed. Towards the right was... the direction of the village as I could recall. “M-my... h-h-home” I murmured in tired voice as my throat was dried out.

Then I got up, my clothes were ragged and tight, there were dust and scratches on my skin and it ached all over for just doing a little movement, as if I had been lying there for a long time.

The smell of the air around and the noise of the cricket, was refreshing and it felt like home. The I shouted with my heart’s content, “I FINALLY RETURNED!!!!”

Tears rolled over my cheeks and I felt happy. I cherished this happiness as if I had not been happy for a long time. Then I continued on the path to the village slowly and through the help of the support of a wooden stick lying next to me as my body was aching all around, making me unable to move properly.

Now I had the desire to reach my home and to be with my family as I felt that they might be worried about me and also I feel like it might have been some time by now, since the last time I had united with them.


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