《Jezoi》Chapter 03 - A poisoned slave.
Of what he understood, Marc was going to be a sex toy for the crazy orc woman that led the other orcs. But before that, he would have to be a useful slave in the kitchen.
He was actually chained to a big cauldron, wearing nothing else than a dirty apron and a strange leather and metal collar.
A tall and very fat orc had given him a long wooden spoon after he had been brought to the cauldron, and he showed him what to do. It was very simple, he had to turn the mixture, again, and again, and again, simple and very boring.
When this orc gave him the order, Marc understood the meaning of it despite not knowing the words. A strange sensation coming from his neck started to make him strangely aware of the collar. The sensation started to itch, then became painful. It stopped only when Marc started to stir the stew, and it came back each time he tried to take a break. Marc understood that this collar was made to force him to obey orders and help him to understand them.
But Marc had a card to play, he had a Skill that he could use in this situation for getting rid of the orcs. But before poisoning the potage, he had to be certain to not be seen. Another easy task, the fat cook often looked away to prepare some other food.
At the beginning he found the meat quite appetizing, he had eat nothing since his arrival on Jezoi. But, a moment after, he saw the cook go on another room, and coming back quickly with a human leg. The cook then started to prepare the human meat. Marc began frantically pouring poison in the stew, all he could put actualy, thanks to his Poison creation Skill. He also hoped that if he would not have to eat some of this, poisonous meal cleanse or not, it was still a human stew.
During the afternoon, he poured so much poison in the mixture that his Poison creation Skill went up by two levels, supposedly making it more potent. He received notifications when those level up happened, surprising him a little for the first one.
Skill Poison creation had level up!
The poison you can create out of nowhere is now stronger and will do more damage. Keep poisoning your fellows and become a nasty Poison master!
The last sentence of the notifications was a bit strange, but Marc was not in a mood to care about some weird things, he had to concentrate on pouring as much poison as he could in the orcs’ food.
There was a moment Marc had the opportunity to steal a knife in the kitchen and store it away thanks to his Extradimensional inventory Skill. Even if his first plan didn’t work out, he would have a weapon he could use in case of emergencies. He wondered if he could put the slavery collar in it to and free himself of it, if he couldn’t he would have to find a way to remove it later. Marc couldn’t test it now, he didn’t want to risk being seen by the orc cook without it. He could probably kill Marc in one blow with his cleaver.
Marc was also tired, but he didn’t knew if that was solely due to turning the big spoon in the thick stew, or if using his Poison creation Skill so much had tired him quicker.
Ugdumph was glad to have a new slave helping him in the kitchen.
He could use him to stir the stew while himself would prepare more tasteful dishes, such as roasted meat. The last one has been executed when Lagakh had had enough of him, and the previous ones had already been eaten.
Of course the good meat was for the chieftain and the shaman, but he would keep a little bit for himself. Every cook was doing this. It was normal and if someone complained, they would have lesser quality food for all the warrior. That would teach the fucker to treat the cooks with more respect. It was tradition.
Anyway, having a slave taking care of the most boring stuff was good, Ugdumph even decided to put a little aromates and more meat in it to thank the warriors for the gift. He new that the slave would be used as a toy by Lagakh. But he would use it as much as he could before the chieftain decided she was bored with him, and made him help in a different kind of way in the kitchen.
Well, it was time, Ugdumph tasted the stew before bringing it to the hall for the dinner. It had a strange taste, but it was a good one, thanks to the herbs and the supplementary meat in it. He was pleased with his preparation.
Once in the hall he served everyone the stew, and the roasted meat only to Lagakh and Magra. The warriors argued more than usual for the leftovers. They had found the meal pleasantly spicy.
Marc was alone in the kitchen, with a plate of stew in his hand. He used Purge on it before throwing it away, he was not hungry enough to forget about the content of the stew. He instead reach for the raw potatoes that were still by the cauldron. They weren’t good, but they were food, and not human meat.
He ate in silence, waiting for something telling him that his plan was successful, but nothing came.
After a while the orc cook came back with an empty cauldron and a big smile on his face. Allowing Marc to understand his plan had been an echec. He would have to do it again, but this time his poison would be more potent.
Gron was still unhappy.
Again he had to lead the human. And even worse. This time, Gron had to lead him to the chief bedroom.
Gron would love to be allowed in her room, in place of the human. Gron would make her scream with pleasure. Gron would not be a toy.
All those humans were good at was to scream in pain while she tried to enjoy them. Gron didn’t understand why the chef didn’t take a true warrior in her room.
But Gron had a job to do.
Gron looked at the human who was pitifully walking behind him.
“You are weak. The chef will make you scream in pain. In three day, you die. After, maybe Gron have the chance to make her scream in joy.”
The human looked briefly at Gron. And then his eyes went back to his feet.
Gron was in front of the chef room. Gron knock on it. The chef call and Gron let the human go in. Gron waited in the corridor. Even if Gron couldn’t enjoy Lagakh for himself, Gron would enjoy the screaming of the human.
Lagakh wasn’t really pleased by her new toy. She had used him only an hour before going to sleep and he was not cooperative in her games. He didn’t even struggle giving her a feeling of contentment in forcing him to cum.
No the human juste stayed there. Active only if she was giving him the order to do so, thanks to the collar.
She would have to teach the human to enjoy the night with her, or else he would become food for the warrior. It would be difficult to do it, as he didn’t understand her when she spoke lavarian.
But for now, she would have to face her nightmares, and the memories of her childhood.
When Marc woke up it was due to a punch in his stomach. He was then send back by the same orc who had guided him before to the kitchen. The guide orc looked like he was having the worst hangover of his life.
At the first occasion, Marc used his healing Skill to treat the wounds of the last evening. He didn’t want to keep the marks Lagakh left on him. It was also very painful to walk.
Arriving at the Kitchen Marc saw that the cook also looked like he had had a really bad night. Concluding that his poison was the cause of that, Marc quickly start to prepare a new dish in the cauldron with whatever he could fine. Of course he spiced it with his poison, leveling it once more in the process.
When the cook took the stew from him, Marc ate a little of it. After using his Purge Skill on it, of course. Feeling better he resumed his plan of the previous night. Soon after come a notification allowing Marc to know that his plan was taking effect this time.
You have leveled up!
You have gained two free stat points, two intellectual stat points and one Skill point.
Killing foes is the surest way of gaining experience, go on and kill as much as you want.
Anyway, he had to move on with the plan.
He succeeded in putting the slavery collar in his inventory, he would keep it, having a mean idea. But he failed to do so with the shackle and the chain locking him to the cauldron. He used a big fork to try lockpicking the shackle, but didn’t know how to do it, he then tried to hammer it with everything he could get his hand on in the kitchen.
After a bit of time and a lot of stressful noises he managed to break the chain and stored away the part still locked on him.
He had went up to level five during the process. Looking quickly at his status he saw he was at 89% of the next level, it will be quick to get to level six and obtain more stat point to upgrade his surviving chance. He also saw that his Poison resistance Skill had gain a little bit of experience, he must not have completely cleansed his stew before eating it.
He got up, put all of the knives he could in his storage, discovering that his Extradimensional inventory had a volume limit and that every time he put something in it or take it out, he would get a bit of experience. He was still glad with his cutlery collection, keeping only it and the slavery collar in his storage, he took in his hands the biggest knives he could find and went to the room where all the orcs were dying. He had to make sure all of them were dead if he wanted to run away without them pursuing him.
He also summoned Paulet, hoping it could serve as a decoy or a scout.
And it worked, Paulet, who was walking in front in the corridor stopped and squealed to warn him that someone was coming. Marc readied himself to take a life directly with his hands.
He saw the fat cook stumbling in the direction of the kitchen and Marc leaped at him to slash open his neck. He managed to do it but not without taking a strong punch in the stomach.
You have leveled up!
You have gained two free stat points, two physical stat points and one Skill point.
Killing foes is the surest way of gaining experience, go on and kill as much as you want.
The death of the cook allow him to level up again and he used his Heal Skill to make sure he wasn’t truly hurt. This time, the level gave him physical stat points instead of intellectual ones, he would have to find a way to understand the systeme later, particularly how to allocate the stat points. It didn’t work to simply think of it when looking at his status, like he was using his Skills.
Looking at the dead orc, he noticed a little bruise on the legs, and that Paulet was just at the same high. Did the little mushroom head-butted the orc? Good, he could try to fight. Even if it was a bit to weak to be a powerful ally there. Well, Marc wasn’t really powerfull himself anyway, so any help would be appreciated.
Getting back on track Marc walked through the corridor to the room were the cook come from.
There he saw a lot of orcs laying on the ground and only two of them still moving. The female orc and a weak looking one with light leather clothes and a lot of necklaces. The second one was taking care of the female and neither of them were looking in his direction.
Marc took advantage of the situation and sneaked closer to them, taking Paulet in one of his hand. But they heard him before he could go through half the room.
He launched Paulet at them and charged after it to stab them, rearming himself out of his Extradimensional inventory Skill.
The Paulet flight take them by surprise and it manage to send the female on the ground. While she was trying to get up, Paulet hitted her as much as he could, with his caped head.
Marc threw himself at the other orc and succeeded at stabbing him in the arm with his left knife. The both of them fell on the ground, luckily Marc was on top.
He stabbed the orc again, and again, with both his knives until a new notification popped in front of him, telling him he had leveled up again, confirming the kill, as far as Marc knew.
He then stood up and looked at the female orc. She was also standing up, with the lifeless corpse of Paulet on her blade. The mushroom had given enough time to Marc to kill one of the orc. Impressive coming from a small and soft thing like that.
They looked at each other with hatred. When the familiar disappeared with a little purple glow they jumped at each others throat.
Marc was inexperienced in fighting. But his opponent was greatly weakened by his poison and was still a bit shocked to have had a big mushroom thrown at her face.
Lagakh was a really good fighter.
She managed to land a few good hits on the puny human in front of her, but every time he was managing to partly heal himself with some kind of magic. Preventing him to quickly bleed to death.
The humans’ blades were gleaming with purple reflections of light, showing poison flowing on them. Each time she managed to knock them off his hands he summoned another ones from thin air. He even throw a few at her at a point.
She had to be extra careful with this fight. Every good, but almost useless, hit she had managed to land was rewarded with a small poisonous cut on her arms. It was sapping away her already depleted strength quicker than the usage of his magic seemed to tire the human.
The fight was really taxing for Marc. He never had a real fight on Earth, just some light bar fights with some rude guys molesting his girlfriend. Well, his ex-girlfriend. And he lost almost all of them.
He was barely able to dodge blows and return some. His apron wasn’t a good armor, he had to thank his poison for weakening the female orc warrior. But he would not keep the advantage long.
He had a plan. A plan he had to quickly executed.
During the fight, he summoned Paulet back, receiving a big hit in the process. But the little buddy was here, ready to take action.
And it was now.
Just as the orc extended herself to strike at Marc, Paulet jumped in her legs, making her stumble and fall on the ground. Marc quickly jumped on her back, took the slavery collar out of his inventory and passed it on her neck.
“Don’t move!” Marc screamed at the female orc while jumping away from her.
She took a few steps then started showing the effect of the collar. She was visibly fighting the pain it was inflecting to her. She wanted to go forward and kill Marc.
“Stand still!” Marc yelled at her.
Refusing to obey, she fell on her knees with a painful roar and looked at him with pure hatred in her eyes. Trying to throw her blade at him she fell unconscious on the ground, the pain making her pass out.
Smirking at his painful victory Marc quickly healed himself.
Not wanting his new bodyguard to die before starting her job, Marc healed her and purged her of his poison. He then proceeded to tie her up on the wooden device he was presented to her earlier.
He also make sure that every other orcs were dead by slicing their throat. He gaining a bit of experience doing so, proving that they had not all succumbed to his poison. In his eyes they were bloody murderers and monsters so he didn’t feel a lot of guilt murdering them like that. After all he was fighting for his life, if they survived they would come for him.
After that he decided to strip the female orc completely, as a mean and small form of revenge. He saw in the daylight that she had a truly beautiful body, he didn’t really had the opportunity to look at her during the night, he had a blindfold.
She was tall, taller than him, he was 1m87 tall, meaning she would be a really tall woman if she was human, but for an orc he had no idea, she was the only female in the group. Her skin was soft, except on the numerous scars. It had a dark green color that was strange for him, but it was emphasizing the curves of her body. Curves from her ripped muscles but also from her nice small breasts and well shaped and toned butt. She had a lot of scars, especially on her back, like if she had been flogged a lot of time.
Her face looked peaceful while she was out, they were no trace of hatred or bloodlust, it was almost charming and would certainly be has beautiful as her body with a nice smile on it. But Marc doubted he could ever see one of those. The tusks she had, even if small, gave her a ferocious smile, even in this condition. She also had short and completely black hair, and her eyes were as black as ink.
Strangely, she didn’t had hairs outside of the pubic zone. No hairs on the legs or on the arms. ‘Does she shave?’
Marc could have grown fond of her if he didn’t remember the hatred and bloodlust in her eyes earlier, and the killing intent there was during there fight. Oh, and also what she had done to his rear.
After making sure there was no one else alive in the building, he replenished his arsenal with better weapons and found some orcs approximately of his stature to take their clothes and armors. He now had a full body leather armor and a chainmail shirt on top of it. Marc sat on the room where he had installed the tied up female orc. He had moved her out of the room with all the dead bodies, to her own bedroom.
“Paulet, keep watch while I sleep, and wake me if something happens. You did a great job during the fight, thanks.” Recognizing the utility of his familiar Marc fell asleep on the bed letting all the build in stress out.
"Squeak." Said Paulet, locking his eyes on its master's prisoner.
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