《Manablood Mellie》Chapter 15: Betrayal


King Magemind even enjoyed the brothel, introducing Jackson when he turned a man at 16. Jackson had brought Lucas with him. The elven maidens in the brothel were mostly resigned to find happiness with the lavish lives they lived. That night the King got him very drunk on Reglar wine. He left him with his friend at the table to go have his favorite maiden.

Thats when Lucas said conversationally "Whats it like to be a champion? Do you have any secret skills?" Hoping to pry some information out of little princeling. "Actually" he stage whispered, a little slurred, "I'm not just a champion, I'm cursed." A wicked smile slid across Lucas' face as his trap slammed shut. "Really? That's so cool! What's it called. Does it do anything interesting?" And Jackson sealed his fate " Curse of the Fallen race. And no idea. I've had it all my life. Dont tell anyone though. Spit swear!". He spit in his hand and slapped it to the Princes', openly laughing at the soon to be downfall of the stupid prince.

Lucas left to celebrate roughly dragging out a dark brown hair elf with huge tits spilling out of her pale blue nightie. Jackson didnt remember much about that night, only that he kept waking up with different woman bouncing on top of him as his screen flashed. Skill gained! Sex lvl 1! .... Sex lvl 25! His father brought him twice more, making sure to ply him with alcohol and enough beautiful women to level his sex skill to 50. Soon he didn't need the Kings' guidance and frequented as often as the next demonkin. A year later he met Annie Spellheart Procurer lvl 8.

Her silver hair shone under the manalamps golden eyes reflecting your soul back into you and pale soft pink skin. The charisma and persuasion of the Spellhearts was hard to protect your heart against if it was directed at you. Their family had carried the Procurer title for the past few hundred years, and she helped acquire whatver the kingdom wanted. Or whatever she wanted. And that day she decided to try her hand at procuring herself a Prince. He stood no chance. He stopped going to the brothel and she seemed happy and satisfied.


Annie Spellheart was the top choice of breeder in the bunker. When Lucas saw the attachment being formed he began the seduction. It started with brushes against her arm in the hall and breathy whispers on her neck. He would openly mock the prince in a way that would make her giggle. This affectionate behavior grew, Annie excited at the risk of being caught until the dam burst and Annie let him give her the sex skill on Jacksons living room carpet, while they both knew he was attending a meeting. They met in secret like that for years, claiming she leveled her sex skill by herself. He chose to believe it he guessed. The flags were all there.

A month before Jackson wound up on a flying pirate ship Lucas had called a meeting with the King claiming to have dire news. This was about five years after Jackson had given him the information to launch his plan into action. Lucas was sitting at the head of the table surrounded by heads of the five great families. The Magemind family had ruled over the descendants of the five noble families since the Saviors helped establish their underground community, and some were willing to go to great lengths to change that. Lucas was just the first to put his plan in action.

Lucas broke the silence "We have a curse in the Royal bloodline." Jackson blanched looking at his best friend, incredulously, then at his father. The room broke into offended shouts. The King stonefaced looked at the boy who he had practically raised next to his son. "Explain yourself. I may have a fondness for you boy but accusations like that may cost you your nubs."

Lucas was giddy on the inside. The King is letting him say this in front of the council! He was so frazzled that he didn't think to keep this revelation private! Lucas continued, "I have been living with this secret for years hoping my friend would come clean with the community about his condition but he never did. He has the Curse of a Fallen Race, and he doesn't know the effects of it or what cataclysm it will bring our home. Im worried him being the next king will bring the destruction and extinction of our home. I thought it was time the King and Council weighed in on this issue. I'm sorry if I overstepped but this seems serious." He said like we were facing utter annihilation by sitting in Jacksons' presence.


The King was staring at Jackson, sadly as he saw his emotions play out on his face. His father sat there quietly as the council shouted.

"But he's our only prince! We have been training him since birth! He cant be replaced! The keep will only bond with a magemind."

That was when Annie came clacking into the room. "Annie?" Jackson stood up questioning as she passed him like she was frightened and slid under Lucas' arm.

Lucas explained, "Annie is pregnant with the next Magemind child. She too is scared of a life under a Cursed King." He touched Annie's womb. The Kings' eyes widened at the comfortable intimacy between the two. "Are you sure it isnt a Manalink child? Without Magemind blood the keeps' magic will power off." Annie really didn't know, or care. The threat of the Magemind only king was just a farce. Besides, he would have the Prince class long before they would need to do the blood ritual to change the leader of the bunker. The King wasn't that old. Right?

"Annie is it really my child? I'm going to be a father?" Jackson reeled. Annie retorted like she was hurt, "How can anyone be a cursed father?! My family will not stand for it. Lucas will marry me and help me raise this child away from curses." She pleaded to her audience. "I'm so very scared for the future of the new Prince. Please protect us council."

The King dismissed Lucas and Annie while the council debated. Jackson sat in his chair reeling as he watched his pregnant girlfriend brush up against his best friend, her now FIANCE as he put his hand against her back leading her from the room, hand moving to her ass. Jackson threw back the chair and rushed across the room decking Lucas across the cheek, flinging him into Annie knocking her down.

Annie made a huge show of being hurt. Lucas spat out blood onto the marble floor, "See! You see what he is! Ive been friends with him my whole life! Trouble follows him everywhere!"

The guards rushed to pull the raging Jackson away from Lucas after he threw his punch and escorted him back to his room. He stayed in there for three days before he was called into the reception hall to speak with his father.

As they opened the doors crowds of people filled the hall, all staring at him warily. People backed away as he passed, not out of deference, but out of fear of being touched by him. He walked up to the throne and knelt at his fathers feet. His fathers eyes glistened with sadness, knowing the trials his son would have to face.

"My son, as a Prince of the Demonkin you have lied to your King, your Queen and your people. Your betrayal may have already or may soon condemn our people to dire fate. For this, you must be removed in the line of succession, to be replaced by the new Magemind being delivered by Annie Manalink." The King stated coldly.

He had to say it. He had no choice. Every word was like ripping a piece out of his heart. His little boy. As he was saying this he remembered the first time he gave his boy a sword, and he smiled delighted up at his father, hugging him telling him he loved him. And when he was a little 4 year old princeling and he wandered into and passed out in the mushroom breeding rooms, his belly full, mushroom crumbs all over him and he carried him, so small in his arms back to his bed. His first monster he slew spilled its guts all over his clothes and he threw up. The king had been rolling in laughter at his boy then. Now, he was told for the survival of his people, this boy he loved so dearly had to brave the terrors of the world above. And he was powerless to stop it. If only his son had told him. He would have had a chance to protect him.

Title Gained! Exile of a Fallen Community

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