《Sylph Resurgence》Book 1 Chapter 18: Intense Battle! Ray vs Moon!


Even though he wasn't as good a sensor as Keith, Ray always had a knack for running into dangerous individuals. He couldn't explain specifically how he was able to do so, but it could be best described as his ability to sense hostility in the air, which was strongly exuded by high-level opponents.

True enough, Ray found himself facing a well-built cloaked individual. The individual appeared surprised to see Ray and he checked the emblem on his cloak to see if it was damaged. It seemed like the individual recognised Ray as someone lethal.

The individual muttered to himself, "Impossible…the emblem's not damaged, how did he manage to find me here? Ah well, seems like it can't be helped. I would use this opportunity to gauge his abilities then." The individual removed his cloak, revealing himself to be Moon. Ray recognised him immediately with the scars on his face.

Ray quipped, "It's been a long time, right, senior Melvin? I know that you disappeared 7 years ago, leaving the Nirvanian Army. What do they call you now, Melvin?" Moon chuckled, "Ah, those memories. You were still a teenager when I left, though I must say you were pretty talented despite your age. I'm not surprised you became a Saint at such a young age. They call me Moon now, though Melvin is fine."

Ray replied coolly, "When I saw those people caught in a stasis, I suspected that you were involved. After all, you were famous for your [Stasis] ability then which made you a valuable member of the Nirvanian Black Ops. Too bad we face each other on opposite sides now." Moon said stoically, "A pity indeed. Back then, I was still a little stronger than you when it came to combat. I wonder who would emerge as the victor today. Shall we begin?"

Ray smiled and warned, "I warn you, over these 7 years, I've become a lot stronger. Let's dance."Without warning, Moon initiated his attack, creating an earth pillar under Ray. Ray quickly stepped to the side as he focused his electricity on his two fists. Ray charged towards Moon, dodging earth pillars along the way in a zigzag fashion.

Within seconds, Ray appeared before Moon, who instinctively cast the Expert tier [Stone Wall] in front of him. Ray, who was unperturbed, simply shattered the wall in front of him with his [Lightning Fist] spell, his momentum carrying him forward to land a clean hit on Moon's chest. Moon skidded a few metres back, with a trickle of blood flowing out of his mouth.

Moon chuckled, "That was too close for comfort. If he'd used his [Lightning Blade] instead, I would have been killed. Looks like both of us are still testing the waters." Moon quickly covered his entire body in his [Earth Armament] spell, before stamping on the ground, conjuring a [Stone Wall] which he sent flying towards Ray with a punch.


Ray casually jumped over the wall, only to find Moon charging towards him. Moon shouted, "Let's see how good you're at close combat, kid!" as they exchanged countless blows with each other.

Moon was surprised. Ray has indeed improved since he last saw him, as his [Earth Armament] was beginning to crack under the duress of their duel. On the other hand, Ray seemed completely fine as he continued to throw punches and kicks at Moon. Moon soon realised that head-on direct combat wasn't going to work, he would need guile to win against his obviously superior opponent.

As Ray threw a sweeping kick at Moon's left temple, Moon quickly squatted down and placed his hands on the ground, conjuring an [Earth Spear] under Ray. To his surprise, Ray simply disappeared in a flash, appearing a few metres away. Moon resumed his assault, conjuring a huge slab of sharp rock with his [Cliff Crusher] spell which jutted out in a diagonal fashion which aimed at Ray's unprotected right flank. Once again, despite being in an awkward position, Ray dodged Moon's attack again in the same fashion as earlier, which got him confused.

Moon thought, "What's going on? Even with mana-enhanced speed, in such a position he shouldn't be able to dodge my attack. An Enigma Ability?" Before he had time to think, he realised that Ray was already aiming a ranged spell at him as he gathered a concentrated ball of electricity the same size as his palm.

Ray cried, "[40mm Lightning Particle Cannon]!" as he released a strong blast of concentrated electricity. Moon instinctively readied himself with the strongest defence he could muster within that short period of time, shouting, "[Triple Mountain Wall]!!" as three enormous and thick walls appeared before him.

Despite its diminutive size, the power of Ray's refined spell was clearly evident as it ripped through the first 2 walls, before colliding with the 3rd wall and exploding thereafter, bringing down the entire wall as it crumbled. Moon heaved a sigh of relief but soon realised that his ordeal wasn't over, as Ray appeared on his left. After all, Ray had intended for his earlier spell to be a distraction while he rushed to attack Moon via the right flank.

Moon twisted his body instinctively, barely dodging Ray's [Lightning Blade] which cut through his [Earth Armament] easily, nicking the left side of his chest. Moon quickly jumped back to widen the distance, before summoning a [Mountain Wall] before him and shattering it to numerous rubble, exclaiming, "How about this? [Stone Shower]!"

Ray effortlessly dodged the incoming rocks, slicing those he couldn't avoid with his [Lightning Blade] as he took Moon's spell head-on. After the attack ended, Ray realised that Moon was missing. Suddenly, a hand emerged from underground and grabbed Ray's ankle, pulling him into the ground as Moon emerged from underground, taunting, "How do you like that! My [Earth Burial] spell can really be useful! Now, since you're immobilised, eat this!"


Moon clasped his hands together and swung them down like a hammer, aiming at Ray's head. Moon smirked. Since Ray's entire body less his head was trapped underground, there was no way he could escape his attack. Only those with strong affinities for the Earth element or had practised extremely hard in Earth magic could travel underground and bury their opponents within earth with the [Earth Burial] spell. Ray was neither of the above mentioned, so there was no way he was going to flee from his attack.

Or that was what Moon had thought until Ray suddenly exploded free from the ground with a [Lightning Blade] aimed at Moon's head. Moon hastily jumped backwards, avoiding Ray's first attack. Ray quickly performed a somersault over Moon's head, twisting his body when he got behind Moon to deliver a vertical slash across Moon's left shoulder with his [Lightning Blade].

Blood gushed from the wound as Moon stumbled forward in pain. Clutching his shoulder while grimacing in pain, Moon turned to face Ray. Moon said as he panted, "Looks like you have some new tricks up your sleeve, brat. There's no need to hide our true powers now, right? Show me all you've got!" Ray replied calmly, "You're right to be anxious. I too don't have much time to waste on you. Let's end this now."

Ray charged forward towards Moon, his right hand emitting more electricity than earlier. Moon muttered, "How naïve, charging towards me with just a stronger [Lightning Blade]. Time to die, [Titan Clamp]!" as he smashed his fists together. To his surprise, his Grandmaster tier Earth spell didn't activate, as he felt something restrain his manipulation of the ground below him.

Before Moon could dodge, Ray increased his pace suddenly to appear in front of him, plunging his [Lightning Blade] through Moon's heart as Moon spat out a huge amount of blood. Moon appeared stunned as he stammered in pain, "H-How? There's no way you can prevent me from using my Earth magic apart from an Enigma Ability."

Ray withdrew his hand from Moon's bleeding chest and said calmly, "Since you're going to die, there's no harm letting an old comrade know the truth behind my ability. Over these past 7 years, I've discovered and mastered my Enigma Ability, [Magnetism] on top of my Lightning magic. As a far more experienced Enigma Ability user than I am, you should be more aware that the power of an Enigma Ability is only constrained by the imagination of its user, no matter how useless it may seem at first."

Moon smiled and laughed heartily, "The incredible speed you displayed despite being in an awkward position and the fact that you restrained the formation of my Earth Magic, I get it now, they were all linked to your magnetic abilities and the laws of attraction and repulsion. Thanks for such valuable information!"

Moon punched Ray straight in the face, sending him flying several metres before crashing against the wall. Ray rubbed his nose as he slowly stood up. He sighed, "That was close. If I hadn't streamed mana through my face, I would have gotten a broken nose instead of just a slightly bloody one."

To Ray's horror, the fatal wound he had inflicted on Moon had disappeared. Ray stuttered in shock, "Impossible, I-I'm sure I plunged my hand deep into your chest through your heart. No amount of healing magic would save you from that!" Moon laughed, "Hahaha! Who said I used healing magic? You're not the only one with dirty tricks, Saint! Though that's one precious spare down."

In the midst of a fierce fight between the teachers and their frenzied opponents, suddenly, one of the intruders clutched his chest as he collapsed onto the ground, dead. It was clear that there was a huge hole in his chest which appeared suddenly without proper explanation.

Moon cackled, "Hahaha! Now that I'm aware of your abilities, I may not be able to defeat you alone, but I'll get my revenge one day!" Just as he finished his statement, a mark on his right hand started glowing. Moon commented, "Just nice, I've got to go now, see you, Ray! Hahaha!" as he teleported away before Ray could hit him with a [Lightning Blade].

Ray cursed, "Darn! Where did he disappear off to? I swear I'll kill him!" Suddenly, Ray heard a distant yet huge explosion. He muttered, "I guess I'll go there and investigate first, taking care of Moon can come later." as he rushed off towards the location of the sound.

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