《Path of the Lilies》3. Eon Energy


After the test, Ye Xiao returned back to his residence. The capital city was big, but his residence didn’t take up that much area. It was located on the edge of the city, outside the wall with nothing but nature surrounding them. If he wanted to obtain resources, he would have to walk to the market.

Ye Jiao opened her eyes slightly as she scanned the scenery. The familiar abundant nature brought a smile to her lips. No matter what, she loved nature the most.

“Daddy, I can walk,” Ye Jiao pulled her father’s clothes to remind him.

“Ah, ok,” Ye Xiao put his daughter down. His movement was done with extreme care as he was afraid to hurt his little daughter. “Be careful when walking. There might be rocks.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

The coquettish sound from his daughter let Ye Xiao be at ease. He watched as his daughter ran here and there. He didn’t understand why but his daughter loved nature the most. It was good that their house was surrounded by plants as it meant Ye Jiao could spend her time playing around a lot.

Looking at his daughter, Ye Xiao sighed to himself. Once a child reached the age of 6, they would be sent to the academy and taught the method to absorb Eon Energy from their surroundings. He could teach his daughter as there were no rules that restricted him, but he knew that he was not a good teacher. Being a genius doesn’t mean that he was a great teacher as well.

‘There should be no problem to teach her the basic.’

If it was only teaching the basic technique, he didn’t have any problem. Besides, children were not allowed to learn any other techniques until they formed their core because it would harm their body. Until Ye Jiao formed her core, he should be able to be her teacher.


Formed her core.

People without any talent should never be able to form the core, but Ye Xiao wanted to hope. He hoped that his daughter would be able to protect herself.

“Daddy, the air is fresher today,” Ye Jiao said as she watched her surroundings.

Ye Xiao arched his eyebrows. His senses are sharp, so he knew that the air was fresh because there was rain not far from this location. However, someone like Ye Jiao shouldn’t be able to know it. Could it be that she still has some ability to absorb Eon Energy?

‘Perhaps, I should try.’

“Jiao’er, do you want to train too?”

Ye Jiao stopped running around. Her arm, which was stretched to the side just now, moved down slowly. Her large green eyes stared back at her father with a hopeful expression. It was as if asking ‘is it possible?’

“Jiao’er?” Ye Xiao asked once again with a gentle tone.

Ye Jiao stared back at her father. “Can I train, Daddy?”

Can I train?

It was a simple question, the most basic question. Ye Xiao could feel his back drenched in sweat as he stared at his daughter. It was common knowledge that people without talent couldn’t train. His daughter is smart, so he knew that this little girl had realized that too.

But he didn’t want to let this girl lose all hope.

“Why not?” Ye Xiao smiled. “We can at least try, right? If you want, I’ll train you. But if you don’t want, I’ll protect you for my entire life.”

Ye Jiao gazed at her father, smiling brightly at her. There was no trace of hatred in her father’s eyes. Even though the girl knew that her father should have be able to live a better life, he abandoned everything to raise her. He didn’t tell her, but she knew that much.


She didn’t want to disappoint her father. Even if there was only 1% chance, she would try.

“I want to train, Dad,” Ye Jiao replied excitedly.

“That’s good,” Ye Xiao smiled happily. He patted his daughter’s head tenderly. “Let’s talk as we walk home. What do you know about Eon Energy?”

Ye Jiao knitted her brow. “Eon Energy is the most basic energy in the world. It’s the one that form everything and can be produced by transforming other energy back to its source. Eon Energy was first discovered a few centuries ago and known to be the most efficient energy to use, so people started to develop them bit by bit. And now, can also use them to strengthen themselves.”

“You’re correct,” Ye Xiao pondered. “Did you sneak in to read my book again?”

“Well, you won’t let me read if I don’t,” Ye Jiao admitted. She scratched her head in embarrassment.

Ye Xiao smiled. “I don’t mind if you read them, but you should know that some knowledge is not suitable for children to learn.”

Even though he said this, he knew better that some children already learned them since young. Some children were forced to mature early on because of their circumstances, especially those who came from renowned families or those who were born at the very bottom of the ladder. They were faced with real life difficult circumstances that they should have never faced before.

“I’m just curious,” Ye Jiao replied.

“It’s fine, and your knowledge is not complete. Eon Energy is not only used to strengthen our body, but also to help us do something that we never could have imagine before. Watch this.”

Ye Xiao gathered Eon Energy into his palm, forming a small ball filled with energy. Using the slightest bit of movement, he spun them around. He glanced to the side and pressed his palm on the tree, the small ball immediately crushed the outer layer of the tree, allowing them to see a small crater.

“Wow!” Ye Jiao’s eyes shone brightly as she looked at the mark on the tree. Her small index finger pointed at the mark. “Dad, that’s because of Eon Energy?”

Ye Xiao smiled proudly. “Yes, that’s the basic use of Eon Energy once you reach second rank.”

“Second rank?”

When it landed on Ye Jiao’s ear, it sounded to be extremely far away. Unless if they were genius, they would already grow up before they could reach second rank. After all, it was not easy to reach that rank.

“You can only use Eon Energy outside your body if you reach second rank,” Ye Xiao laughed as he tousled Ye Jiao’s hair.

“Oh,” Ye Jiao’s eyes were fixated on the mark on the tree.


Someday, she will surely be able to do the same as her father. No, not only the same, she will aim to become even better.

“Now, I’ll teach you how to absorb Eon Energy.”

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