《Left Behind In Another World》Chapter 11: Reunion
[Hey, Yuki. I’ve been meaning to ask you something.] (Axilia)
[What is it?] (Yuki)
[You know when we fought Aster’s harassers?] (Axilia)
Here it comes.
[Why did you act like that? You said something like ‘Die fool’ didn’t you?] (Axilia)
[W-well, I don’t really know myself...I kind of lost control of what I was saying and doing at the time…] (Yuki)
[Lost control?! I-it was probably just your true personality showing. I always knew you w-were rotten!] (Axilia)
[Me?! Speak for yourself, miss I-like-to-step-on-people!] (Yuki)
[Haaah?! W-well at least I wasn’t kicking a guy that was already down!] (Axilia)
[You know, even if there’s no one around, you shouldn’t yell. This is a dungeon afterall. We can’t attract any monsters. I don’t want to die you know.] (Aster)
[Shut up. Even if a monster attacks, you can just send it away with your good looks. Damn pretty boy.] (Yuki)
[Does he have a split personality?] (Aster)
[Unfortunately so. And the worst kind.] (Axilia)
Ever since that day with the harassers, which was three days ago, the personality switch thing has been happening often.
[So, when is a monster gonna appear? We’ve been walking around for a while and we haven’t come across anything.] (Yuki)
[I’ve been wondering that myself. Honestly, it’s quite unusual for there to be no monsters after all the noise you two have made.] (Aster)
[I agree. Something feels odd.] (Axilia)
[Should we just keep going? Maybe we’ll find some later on.] (Aster)
[I guess so…] (Axilia)
[...] (Yuki)
Axilia is right something feels off, but we might have to just keep going. Though, I have a really bad feeling that something undesirable might happen.
We keep walking around for a bit until we get to an area that looks darker and more empty than before.
[Do you see that?] (Aster)
I turn to where Aster is looking.
[It looks like there’s some people over there.] (Axilia)
[Hey! You guys!] (Aster)
[Why the hell are you yelling? What if they were monsters?] (Yuki)
[Oh. You’re right.] (Aster)
The people Aster was yelling at walk towards us until they finally get to where we are. It takes them a few minutes, as they were pretty far away.
[Heeey~ Did you guys need something?] (???)
[We just wanted to ask if you know anything about there being no monsters in here.] (Aster)
[Nope. Not a thing. You guys thought it was weird too huh?] (???)
[Aster, I think you’re being a little too careless. Like Yuki said, they could’ve been monsters you know?] (Axilia)
[Huh? Wait a second. Is that you Axi?] (???)
[W-wait. Haku? What are you doing here?] (Axilia)
[Long time no see, Axi. Or sorry, would you prefer that I call you princess? Pfft. That’s hilarious. Who would have thought that you’d be here?] (Haku)
Why’d this guy’s attitude suddenly change? Wait. PRINCESS?
[Hey! Maria, Luka! Guess what? It’s Axi!] (Haku)
[What? She’s here? Tch. Why the heck did she have to be here?] (Luka)
[O-oh. Princess, i-it’s good to see you again…] (Maria)
It seems like these people don’t like Axilia very much. The one named Luka is being rude and the other one, Maria seems unhappy to see her.
[I-It’s good to see you too. H-how have you been?] (Axilia)
[Oh please. Could you drop the act?] (Luka)
[W-what?] (Axilia)
[We all know that’s not the real you.] (Luka)
[S-stop.] (Axilia)
[Oh, it seems you’ve found yourself some more servants, haven’t you? Is it that you don’t want them to know?] (Haku)
[Did you know that she and her family used to force people in their country to become slaves and servants?] (Luka)
[I’m not like that anymore! You don’t need to do this!] (Axilia)
[Oh, it that so? I really don’t believe you~] (Haku)
[Princess, even I have to say that people don’t change that easily.] (Maria)
[I-I was friends with you! You were the only one that was different.] (Axilia)
[Ha. Y-You say that, but you have no idea all the things your mother did to me, do you?] (Maria)
This conversation is getting a little too heated for me to say anything.
[You’re really the worst, you know that right?] (Haku)
[You guys are her new servants right? At first she might be nice to you, but later she’ll do the worst things you could ever imagine to you. I’d suggest you leave now, while you still can.] (Luka)
[I’m not anyone’s servant. Who do you think I am, that someone would be able to make me a servant?] (Yuki)
[W-what?] (Luka)
Luka inches his hand towards me.
[You’d better not be trying to touch me. And I’m not so weak that someone could make me their servant.] (Yuki)
[Tch. You say that now, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.] (Luka)
[U-um, I know this is a pretty important conversation, but it seems there’s someone else heading over here.] (Aster)
[Maybe they know why there aren’t any monsters here…] (Maria)
The woman who was walking towards us suddenly starts sprinting, startling all of us. It doesn’t seem like she’s gonna tell us anything.
[M-Maybe she’s just lost and happy she found someone who can help her find her way out?] (Aster)
[...I honestly doubt it. It just feels wrong.] (Axilia)
[Hey you! Who ar-] (Haku)
Just as soon as Haku was about to say anymore, Axilia immediately stops him.
[That person has the aura of a demon...] (Axilia)
[What are you talking about Axi? There shouldn’t be any demons here. Demons shouldn’t exist in Trinant.] (Haku)
The bad feeling I was having earlier… This is probably it. I mean, I’m an angel right?
[I-If she’s a demon, shouldn’t we maybe be running away?] (Maria)
[Isn’t that obvious?] (Yuki)
We all start running towards where we came from, and Haku, Luka and Maria follow behind us. Just as we think we’ve lost the demon, we see her fly over her heads and land in front of us.
[Where do you think you’re going?] (demon)
Everyone, but me pulls out a weapon, ready to fight.
[Hey you! You seem like you’re gonna be useless, so you can just hang out in the back.] (Luka)
[...] (Yuki)
I step back, as Luka instructed and decided to just watch from the back.
Maria uses her staff and casts some kind of spell on the demon, but it doesn’t work and the demon just lunges at her. Luka, wielding a spear moves in front of Maria to protect her, but his spear is immediately broken in half.
[What the hell...Why is she so strong?] (Luka)
[D-Demons are supposed to be that strong...] (Maria)
Luka clicks his tongue and pulls out daggers, which he throws at the demon.
[Arghh!] (demon)
[That worked!] (Aster)
[Just kidding! Did you think those toothpicks would work on me? Me? The eighth demon commander, Zyre Ylvis? Me? That’s hilarious~] (Zyre)
[E-eighth demon commander?] (Aster)
Aster shivers as he says this. Judging by everyone’s reactions, it seems like demons, let alone demon commanders, are a really big deal.
[Oh~ Did that instill some fear into you?] (Zyre)
[Shit. There’s no way we can win now!] (Luka)
[Calm down… Oh! Remember Axi’s a swordsmanship prodigy. Maybe she’ll have better luc-] (Haku)
Right before Haku could finish his sentence, Axilia leaps into the air, holding a sword in each hand, and thrusts them at the demon, Zyre.
[Die.] (Axilia)
Both of the swords graze Zyre, leaving behind blood on the blades, showing that she, in fact, can be hurt by weapons.
[Khh!] (Zyre)
[I thought our weapons were toothpicks to you?] (Axilia)
[I have to commend you on being able to pierce my skin, but in case you forgot, all demons have the ability to heal themselves~] (Zyre)
As Zyre says that, she lifts her hand and points it at Axilia, who’s stood in front of us, trying to shield us, and then mutters something. A red light gathers at her fingertips until it becomes as big as a baseball, before she finally says something loud enough for all of us to hear.
[What was it that you said before? Oh yeah. Die~] (Zyre)
She fires her magic, and as soon as it leaves her hand, it grows in size, and then hits all of us. Maria lets out her small voice as soon as she’s hit and I feel a faint throbbing in my left arm.
[Should I just kill all of you now, or should I torture you slowly? How about I kill you first, little blonde girl?] (Zyre)
Zyre grabs Axilia by her hair and tugs on it, making Axilia clearly uncomfortable.
[Hey, you idiotic woman, can you please stop that?] (Yuki)
[What did you just say?] (Zyre)
Zyre, the woman (demon?) with the happy-go-lucky personality, suddenly looks extremely angry because of my comment. If only I could control my mouth…
[You lowly human, who do you think you’re talking to?] (Zyre)
[I think I made that pretty clear. You’re an idiotic woman.] (Yuki)
[Ha. It seems like I’ll have to kill you first instead. I’m going to make you regret ever talking to me like that~] (Zyre)
[Whaat. You? I’d like to see you try.] (Yuki)
Zyre runs towards me, with her once normal-looking fingernails as claws. She swipes her hand at me, trying to rob me of my eye, but I dodge it swiftly, without knowing how I did it myself. Again and again, she lunges herself towards me, but in turn, I dodge every strike.
[Y-you’re pretty good for a human, but don’t think that’s all that it’s gonna take to defeat me.] (Zyre)
Zyre smiles at me and then mutters something, which I assume is another spell.
[Get ready to die~] (Zyre)
[Let’s see, what was it again?] (Yuki)
I rack my brain for the thing I did earlier in the forest that killed the monster. Though that magic seems a bit too large scale as we’re in a dungeon and the rocks overhead might fall and kill us, I don’t know any other magic and it doesn’t seem like we’d get out alive if I don’t use it.
[Why isn’t my magic hitting you? Don’t dodge dammit!] (Zyre)
[You don’t seem to be as calm as before, is it because of a human like me? I thought demons were supposed to be a big deal.] (Yuki)
[Y-you bastard…] (Zyre)
[W-what’s with him? I thought he was weak!] (Luka)
[It’s your *pant* fault for assuming such things before even seeing him fight.] (Axilia)
[Are you okay? You seem out of breath…] (Aster)
[Speak for yourself. That magic the demon used was pretty high level.] (Axilia)
[How is he even standing then? We can’t even get up.] (Haku)
[W-well, he’s a special case…] (Axilia)
[Could you guys be quiet? I’m trying to remember something. Especially you, you stupid woman.] (Yuki)
[W-what did you say?! I’ve been taking it easy on you, but I’ll just have to use my strongest magic now!] (Zyre)
[I think it was called Destruction or something. I don’t know how to activate it though… Last time I was asked whether or not I want to activate it.] (Yuki)
I call out Destruction: Calamity in my head and to my surprise, it works. Another prompt from the mysterious voice comes and I say YES.
[It’s time to DIE!] (Zyre)
At the same time Zyre’s magic is activated, I put my hand in front of me, open my palm and immediately hear the loud noise that was given off the last time I used the spell.
[Me? Die? That’s hilarious.] (Yuki)
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
[I-I’m sorry for calling you weak.] (Luka)
[Tch. Whatever.] (Yuki)
[So what was that? You’re crazy strong~] (Haku)
I just shrug, scared that I’ll either say something rude or say too much.
[I think you guys should see this.] (Aster)
Aster, crouching beside Zyre’s body takes out various items from her pocket.
[What are those?] (Axilia)
[Item drops. It seems she was the reason that there were no monsters.] (Aster)
[Why’d she do that though? There shouldn’t be a reason why demons would need item drops from monsters. There should be an abundance of that stuff in Ashura.] (Axilia)
Ashura is the country where demons reside. No humans have ever ventured there and even if there were some who have, they would’ve been killed upon entry.
[That’s weird, but I think it’s about time we head back. I don’t think there’s any monsters left with the amount of item drops Zyre had.](Haku)
[O-Ok. Bye and again, I’m sorry for the past.] (Axilia)
[Don’t worry about it and I think we should apologize too. It seems like you’ve actually changed.] (Haku)
[Yeah, you protected us as well back there. When the demon fired her magic at us, you stood in front of the attack to guard us, didn’t you?] (Maria)
[Guys…] (Axilia)
[I-I guess I’m sorry as well, but this doesn’t mean we’re friends.] (Luka)
[Sorry about him. Sometimes he can be a little stubborn. Well, bye~] (Haku)
After they leave, I decide to ask Axilia about something that has been bothering me since earlier.
[...] (Yuki)
[What?] (Axilia)
[A princess, huh?] (Yuki)
[Ah, I see. I was hoping you’d have forgotten about it…] (Axilia)
[You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to, you know?] (Aster)
[N-No, it’s fine. It’s not like anything will happen if I tell you anyway.] (Axilia)
[Well, go ahead then.] (Yuki)
[I used to be the princess of this really, really small country called Ikha. It’s now part of the Xadian Empire in the north. My family, the royalty of that country, weren’t exactly the most... kind or… understanding….] (Axilia)
[...] (Aster and Yuki)
[Actually, what am I saying? We were just straight corrupt.] (Axilia)
Axilia takes a deep breath before spilling out the whole story in one breath.
[Our people hated every single one of us, and I wasn’t that great either. Even as a child of just seven years old. Well, we got what was coming to us and my parents were killed in the war between Ikha and the Xadian Empire. My aunt snuck me and my sister out of the country, and here I am now.] (Axilia)
[I’m not really sure what to say…] (Aster)
[Neither of you need to say anything regarding the matter.] (Axilia)
We walk quite a bit of the way to the exit in silence, before Aster finally says something.
[I should probably part ways with you guys. Sorry for intruding.] (Aster)
[Who says you have to leave? It’s not like you have anything else to do anyways. We can keep travelling together.] (Axilia)
[But to where?] (Aster)
[We’re going to the palace in Lalett.] (Axilia)
[We are?] (Yuki)
Axilia pulls me aside and whispers the reason why we’re going to Lalett.
[Well, you said your friends were summoned right? If so, the only place that summoning is possible is in Lalett. The only one capable of other world summoning lives in the Lalett palace. Her name is Anbeth I believe.] (Axilia)
[You’re really knowledgeable about a lot of stuff…] (Yuki)
[...] (Axilia)
[If I’m going to be travelling with you, don’t you think you should tell me about all these things you keep hiding. It’s kind of unsettling not knowing.] (Aster)
[Y-You’re right. Is that okay with you?] (Axilia)
[I don’t really care.] (Yuki)
Axilia explains everything to Aster, who just listens with the obvious expression of shock on his face.
[So, you’re from another world?] (Aster)
[Yup.] (Yuki)
[And...not human?] (Aster)
[Yes again.] (Yuki)
[I’m sorry, it’s not as if other races are rare, it’s just…] (Aster)
[Yeah, I know.] (Yuki)
[Well, alright.] (Aster)
[That was pretty quick.] (Yuki)
[Accepting things quickly is one of my only talents.] (Aster)
[And also looking handsome.] (Axilia)
[Ahahaha…] (Aster)
[Well, it looks like that’s the exit.] (Axilia)
[I guess it’s time to head to Lalett.] (Yuki)
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