《The War of Two Kinds》Logbook #018 - The Commence of Yonder'
---Tape Starts (Somehow)---
Sleeping soundly, William was in a rather fever dream of sorts. A spiral of colours and garbled figures and strange unknown beings. Sometimes a face he never once seen before. Reaching towards it, he asks the being some questions as it replied to him with static noise.
"Thank you..." he replied to the being as if he understood it. Following its gibberish directions, the arms and legs he saw that mixed up his field of view were his own as he ran towards a cliffside.
Taking a short break, he breathes heavily as he watches the blue sky that was bleeding red in the sunset.
Satisfied with his rest, he then jumps down the cliffside with no second thoughts. A feeling of excitement and adrenaline kicks in. With a thud from hitting the ground with his own two feet, it was surprising it was still intact.
With the impact so strong, it managed to rock the physical body of William as he woke up in a sudden rush.
"What the-" He shakes himself as he had a short feeling of shock and hyperventilation. Gaining his breath back, a sudden heavy touch rubbed on his shoulder, making his neck tingle in surprise.
Turning his head towards the direction, he notices Damonica looking at him with a worried look. "You okay, Rampe?" She asks with a nickname that she started calling him recently.
For some odd reason when translated to English, it's the closest thing to the definition of an "access route". Not minding about it, William nods slowly at her.
"You look like you have seen a ghost. Was it a nightmare?" She asks as she reaches her hand to the back of William's head and rubs it like patting a domestic animal. A little confused, he felt a rush of warm blood through his veins as he swallows the excess saliva in his dried throat.
"Yeah, I am fine. Just a dumb dream that's all. Thanks for making sure I didn't fall off this helicopter." He jokes a little to smile at the worried lass.
Giggling a little like a little child, Demonia nods at him pleased with his remark as she hugs onto her rifle again, custom-fitted with a grenade launcher. "We will be there in half an hour, so you may continue taking a rest or if you are really good, then you can watch over us all instead." Closing her eyelids, Demonia relaxes before continuing her nap.
Looking at his small surrounding, he notices that Blaze and Shanina were also napping other than just Demonia. I guess oxygen deficiency at high altitudes do make people exhausted fast, as he thought. Smiling at the lasses and rested as innocent as they look, he watches through a mirror, the ever greenery that surrounds the ground like grass patches.
"I guess we're already in Germany. We just need to head to the hangar now." He talks to himself as he watches by the many small miniatures cabins that we're placed on some parts of the plainland.
Most of these houses might be already abandoned as these were used by the men that once took care of the forest for lumberjacking or perhaps even higher levels of farming.
Whatever the case, it's nice to see these buildings still standing in its upright and freshly painted conditions.
After some time of scoping around, they ended up in a tarmac field of sorts. A plane pad, he guessed as he felt some bumps of mechanized squeaks starting to run.
"Preparing to descend, this is Echo 1 of Code Anton Üpsilon 45, Bertha, do you copy." The pilot spoke through her headset as slowly pushed her steering down.
"Yeah, we copy. We don't have any incoming traffic for now. So you do not have to worry about any accidental contact. This is Hangar reporting." A lass replied in a very rough and accented German-English.
"Alright, received. We shall land by the ring that's across 300 metres. Landing now." Turning off her head side, The pilot, Crimson faces the back passengers and knocks up Blaze to awaken.
"We're landing now, prepare for turbulence. When exiting keep your head low and head quickly to the lobby." As the plane made a sudden shake, Shanina and Demonica got up with a rush of life.
"Landing?" Shanina faces William and asks.
"Yeah, just standard procedure." He replied as he pulls open the safety guard of the helicopter as it fully descended a perfect landing. The rotors slowly turning off, a few maintenance men dragged themselves along the fuel line and attached it to the back of the helicopter.
Heading out, William gives a hand to Demonica to get down as her hair covered most of her sight, running towards the entranceway. William helped out Shanina too before they two followed up with her.
"Danke," Shanina replied as they headed two figures who were waiting for them. An aged lass dressed in a full military uniform and a pretty young and ever-smiling brunette in a business suit. She called out to the three in a very gleeful way as her partner held a box of sorts.
"Willkommen to Deutschland. My name is Maria and this is Miss. Captain Andria from the German Branch of ze' Continuum. I will be your guide for today on your journey around Koln." She seems to be a tourist guide of sorts, not typical for a usual military meetup. This could be perhaps a fake-out in case there were any German axis spies around.
"Nice to meet you," William replied as he shook her hand.
"You must be Herr William. We heard wondrous stories about you back in HQ." The guide whispered into his ears before giving greetings of kisses on his cheeks. 'Welcome to Germany. I greet you a warm welcome.'
Letting go, Shanina joins up and greets herself to the Captain of Continuum DE. "Schön, Sie kennenzulernen, Captain, ich bin der Captain von Continuum UK von Echelon null."
Roughly translated to "Nice to meet you, Captain, I am the captain for Continuum UK of Echelon zero". With a firm shake of hands, the other captain nods back at her.
"Ah! Du sprichst Deutsch. Sind Sie Vielleicht mich Deutscher, Captain Shanina?" The captain asked her as she slowly guided them towards an old BMW of a very 21st Century Model, of a B-Type. Shanina nods and replies as she nudges William who was so busily interacting with the friendly guide that it felt more of flirting at this point.
Alerted, he apologises to the two as he decided to ask Demonica where they were going now, to help translate the elder's unknowing language. What he could have done was just activate his Guardian. But due to safety procedures, he had no choice but to follow around with it unactivated.
"We're going to visit a few places of interest to avoid suspicion before heading to a secret hotel we were booked into." She whispered into William's war before checking up her phone for a signal. Confirming it, she puts it back.
"I see. Thanks!" As the two catches up with the others, he guides Demonica into the vehicle before they proceeded to drive to a short narrowly towards a long highway.
"I am pretty sure you guys are hungry, so we will be stopping by a cafe once we reach Koln's Plaza Street unless you have another opinion. Do you drink alcohol perhaps, a Bierhaus could be an option." The guide asked as she drove the vehicle, currently holding the steering with one hand as the other shaped along with her dialogue.
"I think a Cafe would be alright, getting drunk on the first thing of being assigned a job is the least important thing for now." Captain Shanina replies in a very roughened and monotonic way. She was back in serious mode, mayhaps.
"Ahh, I see. It was only a suggestion." A little surprised by her odd way of reply, she stayed quiet for the rest of the trip. "A cafe it is." Driving through a few cars, the vehicle started to rev up over 100km/h. Due to the lack of traffic and regulations, it gave more leeway to do more things that one usually won't be able to in other countries.
'So, since we are now safe. Let us reintroduce ourselves. Meine name is Capt. Andria of the Deutschland Branch of Continuum and this girl here is my Lieutenant, Maria Clarinso. We will be giving you the details of your assignment and if you care to accept it, well good job! You got it. The pay will be high as we are not hundred percent regulated by the government, but don't fret, we will make sure you will get back safe and sound.' With a sigh and a lick of her finger, she flips a few pages of a document before handing it over to Captain Shanina.
'You captain, will take care of the assignment as the other two will follow your orders and do the assignment. You will be their eagle eyes and one of the two will be the pursuer as the other the look-out. Your target will be the ex-global corp specialist named 'Katherine', as you read her documents before I assume that you understand what has she been up to and what she does currently. She is one of the strongest in the assault team and she is basically the backbones of the team. Yes, team. Your job is simple, get her, ask her questions and find out the locations of the other secrets she hold. If she gets aggresive, well the use of force is in your own choice of approach. Understood?'
The three nodding towards her, they read down the document they were giving as they shared sight of the informations needed to locate their target.
'If you succeed in this mission, a promotion would be highly on your list of consideration, considering the dangers you might be stumbling to. Who knows, she might be working secretly for a secret mercenary gang or perhaps even a spy on Axis itself. I heard of your stumble upon the headquarters ambush you did last year.'
'Congratulations but that was only one of the headquarters of Axis. There are still many and we do not know who the true general of Axis is. Ferdunov's Sister was only used as a stepping stool for the Bio-mother. What they didn't tell you is that Ferdunov was actually possesed by the Bio-Mother and her guardian too went corrupt, causing the two to lose their sanity even harder. Causing those around them to be in those... pathetic situation.'
Clearing her throat, the Captain sipped her flask of alcohol before continuing her explanation. It smelled strongly of Gin for some reason.
'Like a global pandemic, this Axis thing is spreading throughout the world. As if "Das Geschehen" wasn't the only problem that lose half of our minds, yes?'
The captain was slowly losing her own marbles. Slowly getting out of topic and started mumbling about The Happening and Axis overall for hours on end. Keeping silent and letting the stressed out officer to calm herself down, they soon reached towards the plaza of Koln.
With a drag and a crank, the car was parked beside a cafe that was decorated with potted plants, flags of a few old ship flags and an overall modern wall of cement and paint. A sign hung over a thin wire of metal as neon lights jabbed towards the eyes with 'Fassbender'.
'Welcome to Nordseite Rhine Westphalia. A cozy place for elderly and also youths of tourists to relax themselves with desserts, coffee, tea and best of all genuine and strong beer.' Grunting whilst looking at her Captain who was muttering to herself, she widens her eyes as she was about to shout.
'I said genuine and strong beer!' Patting her captain, she clears her throat and gives a smile. 'Captain, you could stop now. We're already here.'
William picking his ear from a short sound of tinitus, he makes a blank stare as he opens the door to the let the other two out. 'I think we can handle our way from there, yeah? Thanks for the ride.'
Opening the door, William bows and gestures the two lasses to get out of the car. The back of the car opening by itself from a push of the button from the friendly 'guide', William reluctantly helped himself onto the bags.
'Ugh, Will. You don't actually have to.' Damonica said in a slight guilty and surprised manner. 'But well, if you want to. It's fine then. Dankeschon.' With a nod of her head, she looks towards Shanina who didn't give a budge except keeping an eye on Damonica.
'Beeil dich bitte. Das Hotel ist nicht so weit, schnelle Will!' Shanina suddenly started speaking German, Will guessed perhaps she had some sort of on/off switch and when she's here she just permanently switched to German.
William lost in thought trying to translate her sentences, he slowly started losing track as he held on the heavy baggages.
'Können Sie mich hören? Ich sagte, beeil dich!' With a short angry sigh, she looks towards Damonica, the other German to translate for the pitiful British.
'She says, to hurry up. The hotel is nearby.' Damonica replies to William as she holds his left shoulder and drags him with her strong arms.
'How about the cafe?' William asks as he made a slightly confused eye raise. His stomach was rumbling and he really wanted to eat something before heading for their assignment.
'The cafe is after the hotel check-in, now just listen to Captain before we cause a public nuisance.' As Damonica makes it lighter for William by carrying her bag of guns and other goodies along, they went through many narroways and a few flights of stairs before reaching onto an old door that smelt like it was wiped with faeces and chemicals.
'What the crap?' he mutters to himself as he held his breathe from the musky and horrendous smell.
'Dies ist unsere Platz, wie auf dem Dokument geschrieben. Wir können doch nicht einfach Waffen in Fünf-Sterne-Hotels tragen.' Shanina explains before pushing open the door, ringing the door bell that hung next to it. With a smile, an older woman and a younger lass, probably her assistance or daugther was hanging by the reception.
'Ah, willkommen im Alexandria Hotel, wie kann ich Ihnen neue Gesichter servieren?' The lady asks as she looks at the other two that entered alonside Shanina.
William with a friendly smile towards the other lass, they both shared a smile as she heads slowly to take their bags. 'I assume, you guys must be together. Come with me, let your Captain speak with her, we will explain later.'
'Oh, alright thanks.' Handing the lass the bags, she places it onto a trolely and pushes it towards a lift. 'Come on~' She called out with a whimsical tone.
As Damonica and William shared a shrug and a nod, they followed the lass who guided them into the lift.
As the doors close, they were greeted with elevator music and the sound of mechanical shafts cracking about. 'Nice to meet you two, My name is Sarah, but you can just call me 'Begleiterin'. Me and the receptionist who is also my mother are caretakers of this Inn and we specifically contract ourselves with the more underground units of reservation. We know who you guys are and we even know every single weak spot you lack in skill, so if you get into trouble, we will do as much as possible to protect those blindspots. Any questions?'
'I see. So basically this hotel is more of a place to make contracts and form hiding rooms for dangerous individuals?' William asks as he prepares a note of tip from his wallet.
'Yes, that is correct. Not only millitary people are here but also a few criminals, serial killers and also some other crazy people. The pay here is really low to rent a room so it makes sense that these people flock themselves here. Also its easier to hide from officials if any illegal activities happened here.' Sarah explained as the lift dinged a bell. 'This is our place, now stay quiet and just follow me.'
Reaching a level of twelve, the two were guided by the bellgirl as they passed by a corridor with random people smoking outside or stood there, secretly whispering to their companions. Some rooms were nailed shut with cheap wooden boards and nails as others were left open.
Going in furthur, some rooms were greeted with screams or odd sounds that reminded them of moans. Sarah who exchanged a greeting with one of their clients, the client exchanged a look to Damonica and smiles. 'Hey, hübsches Mädchen, willst du auf einen Drink in mein Zimmer kommen?'
Damonica surprised by the greeting she smiles a little before shaking her head. 'Es tut mir leid, ich bin schon vergeben und ich bin ziemlich müde.'
The lady gesturing the two in a friendly manner, she lights a cigar before she snickers towards the two with a smile. 'Genießen Sie Ihren Aufenthalt, wenn Sie jemals Ihre Meinung ändern, werden Sie begrüßt. Bringen Sie auch Ihren Partner mit, wenn Sie möchten.'
('Enjoy stay...Bring partner too? Me?') William thinks in his head as he translates the sentence the lady said.
Damonica nudges Will and gives a smile. 'Don't worry, she was just being cheeky or probably a prostitute.' She lowers her tone before she was stopped with a creak of the floorboard.
'This is your room.' Sarah tells the two as she drops the bag and keys in the doorknob, Opening it, she bends down and carries the bag once more, before placing it onto a cabinet for putting in luggages.
Passing through the two she stands by the door, before pulling the key and closing the door behind them. With a wink, she gives a thumbs up to them. 'Any wishes before I leave? Service here is rather unlimited.'
'Unlimited?' William asks as he raises his eyebrow. Crossing his arms he cheekily asks. 'So if I ask you to strip yourself, you would?' He knoww the germans are rather open, but considering the place and situation their in it makes sense these place would be a little too 'open'.
'Sure, I would Herr Endicrite. But anything furthur than that, would cost a price. After all, I wouldn't mind. It's been a while since I had experienced with a man. Thanks for asking.' She gives an innocent looking smile to William as he started scratching his head in odd surprise.
'Heh. Didn't expect a reply like that. I feel like my brain just melted. Anyway, it was a joke, I think I am fine for now.' He chuckles softly as he walks towards her ans asks for her hand. 'Here, a tip.'
Accepting the tip, she smiles and nods. 'Thanks! Also, wise note. Don't drink the alcohol inside the bar fridge. They are contaminated with drugs which could either act as an aphrodisiac or perhaps give you worser consequences.'
'Why don't you just remove it then?' Damonica asks.
'Oh, we can't in our hotel's made up policy. It's all up to the clients choice. Because there are people who abuse these drinks just for the sake of a high or perhaps to torture their clients, heh.' With a wink, she then waves at them and slowly leaves, before Shanina passes by her and enter the room. 'Enjoy your stay!'
Shanina entering the room, she closes the door after her and looks at the bed. 'Ich denke, einer von euch muss sich das Bett teilen.' [I think, one of you may need to share a bed]. Placing her key in her breast pocket, she drops the two extra keys onto their palms.
'Do you really have to speak only German?' William asks, as he was slightly annoyed.
Shanina stares at William as she makes a stern look towards him. 'Sie können mir nicht sagen, dass ich in meinem eigenen Land kein Deutsch sprechen soll.' [You can't tell me not to speak German in my own country.]
'Woah woah, alright then. Didn't mean it that way, Captain. Fine, I guess I will just have to brush up my German then.' William sighs as he grins and apologetically walks away towards the bathroom for a quick face wash.
'Wunderbar, Sie könnten ein oder zwei Dinge in meinem Land lernen.' [Wonderful, you could learn a thing or two in this country of mine.] Shanina replies with a glad nod. 'Danach können wir ins Cafe gehen. Die Rezeptionistin gab mir bereits alle Informationen, die wir über das Zimmer und die Sehenswürdigkeiten des Ziels benötigen.' [We can go to the cafe after this. The receptionist already gave me all the information we need on the target's room and places of interest.]
'Das klingt gut. Ich denke, die anderen beiden sind gegangen oder warten dort entweder auf uns.' [That sounds good. I guess the other two have left or are either waiting for us there.] Damonica replies back to Shanina as she opens the curtains and lets the sun in before sitting on her bed, relaxing her aching bum.
'Also, Du musst nicht so hart gegen William sein, er ist es vielleicht nicht gewohnt, nach Übersee zu reisen.' [You don't have to be that harsh on William, He isn't used to travelling to overseas, perhaps.]
'What about me?' William asks as he wipes his face with a towel. 'I heard my name being called.'
'Sie sagte, sie will heute Abend mit dir schlafen.' [She said she wants to make love with you tonight.] Shanina smiles before exchanging spots with William towards the bathroom stall. 'Inschuldigung.' [Excuse me]
'WHAT!' William shouted as he stares at Shanina. He understood what she said clearly and made a surprised face.
'She's joking, relax. I only told her not to be so harsh on you as you may be a little tired from the trip. Don't get excited suddenly.' Damonica exhales loudly as she stutters her sentence with a chuckle.
'I..I see..Haha. Just a joke ey'?' WIlliam scratches his head before taking his needed belongings to take along as he got ready. 'I am already ready, are you guys done?'
'I will go to the toilet after this, you two can go ahead. I will just lag behind, I can take care of myself after all.' Damonica replies as she lays on her bed and relaxes her back onto it. 'How soft and cozy.'
After some time, the three headed to the cafe with their guardian trinkets taken along and as well as their hidden blades and guns. Greeted by a waitress, they gave their reservation given by the guide/liutenant from earlier and was headed to them. With a wave and smile, the waitress excused herself as the three sat on the chairs that were given to them. On the table, there was already some dishes prepared for them to them.
'Heres a treat from us. You better do the assignment well.' The Captain of the German Continuum said as she drunk a mug of beer and drunkedly relaxes herself. 'Ahh, good stuff!'
With no head holding, the three wolfed down on the food as they enjoyed themselves with the many desserts and drinks they were treated with.
The liutenant giggling, she too started to get tipsy from her mug of beer. 'Sorry, we usually always do this everytime we come here after work. Your work starts tomorrow, so you can loosen up if you want.'
'Ich bleibe lieber morgen nüchtern..' [I prefer staying sober for tomorrow.] Shanina replies as she wipes her lips with her handkerchief.
'Well, your...choice then.' With a small hiccup, she continues drinking her mug of beer.
'Same here.' William replied as he sips his milkshake that he recently ordered.
Damonica who was laready getting sleepy, gives hints to the two that they should just leave them be and head back.
Nodding in agreement, they waves towards the two before slowly leaving the place.
WIlliam signals a waitress and points to the two drunk people in the corner seats. In his slight german, he roughly said. 'Diese beiden werden die Rechnung bezahlen.' [Those two will be paying the bill.]
With a nod from the waitress, she tells on her receptionist as she nods at them. 'Wie gehört, genießen Sie Ihren Abend.' [As heard, enjoy your evening]
William waves at them before keeping up with the other two. '...Gleichfalls!' [...You too!]
As they head through the same directions again, they ended up back at the hotel's entrance, pushing themselves through, they were excused with a lady coming out of their way. '
entschuldigen Sie mich.'
Letting the woman through, she left passing them as they entered back into the hotel. William with a smile, he nods at the two receptionist caretakers and his two partners.
---Tape Runs out---
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